Rival Hearts

By N D

Published on Nov 19, 2002


DISCLAIMER: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. I am not affiliated with them, their record labels or any other businesses mentioned hereafter. This is all just fantasy and I am just a slash fiction writer. I would love to live this life but I don't but one can dream right? If homosexual content offends you or is illegal where you are please leave.

The only thing I have remotely in common with this lifestyle is that Ashley Parker Angel of O-town and I were born on the same exact day---August 1, 1981.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Chapter 3 coming up...I'm forcing myself to actually work on my stories while I'm at school since my roommates are shady and I have nothing better to do besides work...I say screw that! BIG NEWS...since my very good Canadian buddy Kdawg (author of "Encountering Nick") is back with a vengeance we're gonna be hooking up (I wish)...on a story that is. I will be writing a side story that will go along side of "Encountering Nick" and will eventually meet up and crossover into the two together. The story will be featured and kept in the Encountering Nick directory. It's gonna be hott! It will have nothing to do with this story or any of my other ones.

For those of you that keep waiting for a new addition to the Nick and Ashley saga, I'm sorry but I wanted to get this story rolling before I begin paying attention to that again. If you guys really miss it a lot please email me and tell me since sometimes I feel like I keep that story around for just myself (and Ryan).

Check out my other stories at Nifty: -"Nick and Ashley" Saga (boy-bands archive) -"Josh's Heart" (boy-bands archive) -"Finding Support In Each Other" (young friends archive)

Email me for comments, suggestions or just to talk at pytn18@hotmail.com

Rival Hearts-Chapter Three

The TD Waterhouse Centre was packed, even more than it usually is when the Orlando Magic were there. It was a special occasion tonight...all the floorboards for basketball were picked up and you would never know that a team played there because it was filled with seats now. Each of those seats were taken however, some girls and some guys and even some parents. No matter who sat in them each seat was taken...all 18,039.

It was built for sports teams in 1989 but eventually converted when they realized that concerts brought in just as much money as a basketball or hockey game. It was a 100 million dollar facility but tonight they might have made that in ticket sales and t-shirt prices alone because not only was O-town here, a band that shared the name of the city, not only was Nick Carter here, a Tampa, Florida native who first made it big before any other boy band with Backstreet, but Justin Timberlake was also in the house. This kid had really made a name for himself. He was a face of our generation and promises to be around for a very long time. This was the huge tour that management had set up for them and they knew it would be a great success.

The green room that held the five boys who had just released their brand new album entitled "O2", that was taking off extremely quickly, was quiet as it was before every show. The boys always liked to focus in and not fool around before a show. They knew that they had competition in this business and knew when it was time to have fun and when it was time to work.

"You guys ready?" Trevor asked the room

Everyone started to get up and head towards the door but they were met with a knock before they could even leave.

"You guys mind if we come in a second?" Nick asked as he and Justin walked in

"Yeah come on in guys." Ashley said

The groups had not seen each other yet, only meeting each other quickly at performances and premieres. You could almost sense a bit of tension that was built up by the media. This whole tour went against everything that the media wanted and loved...competition. The fans screaming outside didn't seem to think so however.

Dan and Ashley both looked at each other knowing that they had to talk to these guys and Nick and Justin seemed to have the same look between them...too bad no one else noticed it.

"Me and Just were wondering if you guys wanted to go somewhere and talk about the tour and get to know each other after the show." Nick said to the group.

"Hey that sounds great, why don't we go back to our house...it's definitely big enough. We can just chill and maybe have a few drinks." Erik said.

"That sounds great." Justin said.

"Yeah definitely I saw that house on MTV cribs...you guys are doing ok for yourselves huh?" Nick asked

"Yeah I guess...a lot of it was from Making the Band but now it's ours to keep since we're doing ok." Jacob said

"I'd say you're doing a little better than ok." Justin said.

"Nowhere near where you two are at but hopefully someday." Dan said.

It was a sign that these three acts really respected each other. O-town may have been somewhat new in this business but they weren't just cookie cutter anymore. They were here to stay.

The show was going extremely well. O-town came out and gave a great performance, mixing in a lot of their new stuff with some great old stuff and even a few cover performances. The crowd especially went crazy when Ashley came out in just a tank top and jeans and performed Third Eye Blind's "Semi-Charmed Kinda Life".

Nick Carter followed them up and even though people were used to his very boy-bandish songs with Backstreet Boys he came out and gave a performance that rocked. His voice now purposely trained to add a little edge to it to give it a young-sounding yet emotional sound to it. As he performed his new single "Help Me" he began to jump around and really get into this solo stuff. He missed the guys around him but Backstreet had its time. Nick was 13 when they started touring in Europe and he never got a chance to enjoy the time because it went so fast. Brian, AJ and Kevin were all married now and Howie was serious with a girl so they really didn't want to get back into the screaming girls act again. Nick loved it though. Granted he had an amazing boyfriend in Justin he loved the attention of the crowd. This was his time now.

The night was going very well and Orlando was loving it, which gave management the hint that they did something right here. The crowd was going crazy and the headliner hadn't even come out yet. Justin Timberlake stepped on stage and everyone went crazy. Suddenly, the lights went out. Within seconds a spotlight came on and focused on a very Michael-Jackson looking Justin facing away from the crowd.

He was wearing a brim hat that came low over his face and tight leather pants that showed off his very well defined legs. His gray t-shirt was accentuated by his tight chest and worked out pecs. He wore a open, loose black jacket to complete the outfit with a chain coming across the pockets of the pants.

The guitar intro to "Like I Love You" came out and the crowd went wild. Justin began to perform the very complicated and complex dance that only highlighted his gorgeous body. As the girls screamed Nick watched on from backstage admiring his beautiful boyfriend that knew exactly how to work the crowd.

"I kinda noticed something one nite You're the one with the frump face It's kinda weird to me Since you're so fine If it's up to me your face'll change

If you smile then that should set the tone (just be limber) And if you let go the music should move your bones (just remember) Sing that song with me

Ain't nobody love you like I love you You're a good girl and that's what makes me trust you (hey!) Late at nite I talk to you You will know the difference when I touch you"

Justin was working this crowd with incredible ease and even had people in the audience dancing with him. This tour was going to be huge. Nick was expecting Justin to take over to the second verse but Nick heard a different voice, one with a little more of an edge to it. Nick was very surprised to see Ashley of O-town step up onto stage with a microphone and begin to sing the second verse while playing to the crowd.

"Some people are so phony Nosy cause they're lonely Aren't you sick of the same thing? They say so and so was datin' Loved you or they hatin' And it doesn't matter anyway Cause we're here tonite

If you smile then that should set the tone (just be limber, baby) And if you let go the music should move your bones (baby, just remember) Sing that song with me

Ain't nobody love you like I love you You're a good girl and that's what makes me trust you (hey!) Late at nite I talk to you You will know the difference when I touch you"

The two heartthrobs stepped on stage next to each other and the crowd went absolutely ballistic. Nick was shocked to say the least and wondered if he should learn the verses and the dance too so the three of them can go out there together and give people what they paid for.

"Yea, you know what would make you happy? I could change your life If you give me that chance.. to be your man I won't let you down, baby If you give me that chance.. to be your man Here baby, hold my jacket And then...

Maybe we'll fly the nite away (I just wanna love you baby, yea yea yea) Girl, maybe we'll fly the nite away (I just wanna love you baby, girl, oooooo)"

Ashley and Justin continued the dance steps in perfect harmony, Ashley showing that he was not just a pretty face and he could dance with the best of them. The crowd loved it as the pyro went off and the song ended with the crowd cheering as loud as they could.

"That show was so hott tonight." Trevor said as he opened the door and flopped down on the famous O-town couch that pictured the original five members of the band holding hands being picked to start this wild adventure.

"Definitely" Erik said as he went to the refrigerator and pulled out some drinks for his guests.

Once everyone was inside and began to talk about the show Dan and Ashley gave each other a look. They knew they had to do it before people started heading to bed.

"Hey guys, me and Danny have something to say, basically just to Justin and Nick." Ashley said.

Nick and Justin looked at each other as if they knew what was coming. It was ironic but they wanted to give the couple the space they needed. It was a step in their relationship and Nick and Justin were about to make the same one actually.

"Nick, Justin...we're gonna be touring with you guys for a while now and I hope that it leads to a great friendship but we have to tell you something." Ashley said.

"Me and Ash are dating...I hope that's cool with both you guys." Dan said.

Nick and Justin looked at each other with a smile. The courage this couple in front of them showed them that they can do it and they may make some great friends alone the way.

"I think I speak for Justin when I saw we've got no problem with it." Nick said.

Dan and Ashley breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just one thing." Nick said.

The sigh of relief may have come to early.

"Me and Nicky are dating too." Justin said putting his arm around Nick's waist.

"AND ME AND JACOB ARE DATING TOO" Erik joked as he jumped into Jacob's lap as he sat on the couch.

"Would you get off of me...I'm engaged." Jacob said with a laugh.

All of the boys in the room had a laugh with the joke, which helped to ease the tension a bit. The cat was out of the bag and no one had a problem with either relationships. The tour could truly be enjoyed now.


<<<< Sorry no sex this time...I was gonna but then I realized there was some in the first two chapters so I opted out of it. I guess you'll just have to wait until next time :-p...Like I said at the top expect big things coming in the "Encountering Nick" directory. Kdawg is back and we're putting something together...look for it.

Pytn18@hotmail.com for comments and suggestions>>>>


Next: Chapter 4

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