River Camping...

Published on Jan 25, 2005



River Camping...

This story contains adult sexual situations and issues. All of the persons portrayed in the story are adults above the age of 18 -- hell, they're actually in their mid 20s to mid/late 30s! Furthermore, all the sexual scenes are of gay male sex. If you have a problem with this - first fuck off, second stop reading now. The stories are NOT real.

The copyright to this work remains exclusively with the author. Any reposting or any other use is prohibited unless prior approval is given by the author. The author may be reached at therunningman1974@yahoo.com. Feedback is appreciated as long as the feedback is constructive. The author appreciates donations at PayPal using the email account above. These donations are used to support the author's writing activities. I hope you enjoy the story.

Other stories can be found at: http://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/runningman/

River Camping...

A few years back I went camping with about 10 friends. One of my friends, Jeff brought a friend along Kurt. Kurt was about 6'2, 180 or so...brown hair, blue eyes fit and trim but not overly built. Jeff was a bit shorter and not as fit but still a hot guy in my book and also just a great friend. Both of them where in their mid-thirties. I was 26 at the time. Well everyone we were camping with was gay so I just assumed Kurt was too. We were having a good time, drinking lightly, setting up our tents and teasing each other good naturedly. Later that night we all went out boozing and really tied it on. I and everyone else just got ripped.

            The next day I woke up totally hung over. Everyone was planning on going to the coasts to chill out. I decided to stay at the camp site and sleep and recover in preparation for the night. Since my tent was already in the sun and it was warming up, I asked Jeff if I could sleep in his and Kurt's tent since it was under a tree and shady. He said sure since they were going to be gone all day at the coast. So I crawled in their tent and passed out. Later that morning I woke up hot so I stripped off my clothes and went back to sleep. There was slight breeze coming through the tent windows and we were in a part of the camp site that I didn't think anyone would come around and see me in the tent nude.

            I guess Kurt and Jeff didn't go to the coast because about 11 am I heard them talking outside the tent. I woke up just as Jeff was unzipping the door and coming into the tent. He saw me laying there naked on my stomach, grinned and slapped my ass lightly. We made some small talk while he dug around for his pot and lighter and he asked me if I was still hung over. I was still a little bit hung over but was doing much better. About this time I noticed some movement outside the back of the tent. I looked out the back window and saw Kurt pissing in the weeds near the edge of the campground. He had a huge uncut cock that even soft was a good 6 inches and thick. I was enthralled and was still trying to follow Jeff's questions and answer. Because I was distracted, I didn't notice Kurt had seen me looking out the window. Once he'd finished pissing, he came over to the back window and crouched down on his haunches. He was wearing a light t-shirt, thin running shorts, and running shoes. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me and then moved the liner of his pants so his cock fell out of his shorts -- up close it was just a monster and he had the largest nuts I've ever seen on a guy. My mouth was watering. While he was doing this, I was trying to continue on with my conversation with Jeff, who didn't know that Kurt was outside the back window. Once Jeff was done talking, he went out in front the tent and sat down in a chair out by the front door and lit up his bowl.

            Kurt quietly whispered to me: "You like my cock?" I swallowed and quietly said yes with my heart beating furiously in my chest. Kurt reached down and moved his cock around and his huge nuts were swinging as he did it. "Do you want to suck it?" he asked. I was so nervous...I didn't know Jeff and Kurt's relationship and Kurt wasn't joining in our banter over the last day so I didn't know what he'd do if we had sex...would he tell everyone? I said yes. Putting his cock back in his pants, Kurt walked around the front of the tent. I heard him and Jeff talking...Jeff was asking where he was at and where he'd gone off too...Kurt didn't answer. He just said, "Keep a look out if anyone comes back, let us know." He then unzipped the door and came in.

I rolled over on my back and watched him take his clothes off. He had an amazing fit body for his age -- it was buff but he was built and had really nice pecks and his chest hair really complimented his dark hair. More importantly, his cock was already hardening. Grabbing my head he said, suck this cock now. Pushing me up to his hard cock, I didn't have much choice, but I didn't mind! I started to suck. He slowly fucked my face and held my head so I could suck his cock easily. He moaned silently and I could hear Jeff outside the tent saying "Oh Jesus you two" But I didn't care. I was in heaven sucking on Kurt's meat! It had to be right around 9 inches and thick as a doorknob. I was literally polishing his nob and swallowing his precum. After a while, Kurt started to rub my ass and digging around for the lube while I continued to suck his cock. Once he found it, he poured a huge amount onto my ass and told me to lay face down. "I'm going to fuck you" was all he said. I could feel him on top of me, working his fingers into my ass to loosen me up and rubbing his thick cock head on my ass hole...slowly pushing it in and out trying to loosen me up. After working his cock slowly into my ass, Kurt began to pump faster. It felt amazing...he was so thick and my prostate was taking a beating but I was dripping precum. I had never been fucked so hard by a cock so big since my first lover. It hurt but also felt so good. Kurt was big enough I couldn't push back to try to get on all fours with his weight on top of me. And the tent was getting fucking hot. I'm not sure how loud we were, I'm sure we were moaning to wake the dead. It was just pure man sex. Out of no where Kurt blew a load up my ass with a grunt! I could feel it filling my ass -- I came -- hard...panting Kurt fell on top of me and we laid there in a sweaty mass saying nothing...just enjoying the bliss. We didn't talk. We just tried to catch our breath. After a few minutes, I felt Kurt being to pump me again. "What are you doing?," I asked. "I'm going to fuck you again," was all he said in reply...and with that, we went at it again...this time, I didn't cum but within 10 minutes Kurt had cum again. I could feel his cum start to leak out my ass and onto my balls and legs. He still didn't take his cock out of my ass. We laid there breathing hard and sweaty from the heat in the tent.

After whispering to each other quietly for a while, I felt Kurt start to pump my ass slowly again. By now, I was sore from his thick cock inside me for so long. But I also was so turned on I didn't want him to stop. So he continued to slowly thrust in and out of my ass...almost pulling his cock all the way out before pushing back in. Slowly in and out...I started to moan to the rhythm of his thrusts, I don't think I could have stopped moaning if I'd wanted to. It felt so damned good. This time though, Kurt didn't cum until I was ready also...we took about twenty minutes of very slow thrusting...by now we were just covered in sweat from the heat in the tent. It was running down Kurt's face and chest and pooling in the small of my back. We were both just enjoying the sex. Once I got close, Kurt pulled me back doggy style and began to thrust really hard. I came within a minute or so all over Jeff and Kurt's sleeping bags and Kurt blew another load up my ass. My cum wasn't the only cum there though, Kurt's had also run out my ass on the sleeping bags. At once we just collapsed exhausted onto our sides facing each other. Kurt leaned over and kissed me softly and whispered, "That was great."

About that time, we remembered Jeff was outside the tent. He was still sitting there. We got up, grabbed some clothes and ran outside to the showers down the path. Showered, and came back just before everyone else arrived from the coast. We'd fucked for about an hour but didn't even know it. It'd seemed like ten minutes a fuck but it wasn't.

Later that night, Jeff took his revenge on my ass, but that's another story....

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