Roanoke High School Sf-Fantasy

By A L

Published on Jul 16, 2022


Roanoke High School Chapter 1

Joseph opened his locker and let out a loud sigh. Part of it was exhaustion, most of it was nervousness. It had been a long week full of tests, a debate competition, and fitness exams in P.E. And most of all, he was dreading the social event that he was being forced to attend this evening. Usually he loved going to dances or sporting events, or most of all just hanging out with his friends at a party.

But tonight's event was different.

Today was Friday, April 30, the last day of April. And everyone knew that meant it was time for the annual Roanoke Institute Social Mixer. This was the event that many boys looked forward to since they were in Middle School, but for guys like Joseph who were shy and awkward, it was a date that was filled with dread.

Everyone knew about the Social Mixer because it was a world famous event. In the year 2320, human society in the United States had long since split into two major subcultures. There were the Commons, the people with average IQ and average social skills who were employed in working class jobs and lived in cities around the country.

And then there were the Elites, a small, distinct class of genetically superior humans, whose intelligence, strength, and social skills made them the leaders of all scientific, economic, and political fields in the country.

Commons had long ago recognized their place in society, as well as their contributions to the social order. But they also recognized the special place that the Elites had in society, the role their intelligence and skills played in keeping the country strong, healthy, and economically successful.

There were millions of Commons, and only a few thousand Elites. The Commons lived in cities around the country, while the small group of Elites were raised from a young age in an academy near Washington, D.C. Because being an Elite was caused by a genetic mutation, any child of a Commoner could be an Elite, and parents usually knew by the age of 3 or 4 if their child should be shipped off to Roanoke Academy for life as an Elite.

And Joseph was blessed to be one of the Elites. When he was very young his parents said goodbye and he transitioned into life in Roanoke with his new Elite parents, Ronald and Eric.

This was the other unique thing about being and Elite. All Elites were male, and all Elites were attracted to other males. Joseph, and all the other Elites were raised in an all male society, with little exposure to Commons.

Life for Joseph meant difficult study, physical fitness, and social skills training so that he could lead as an Elite when he graduated from the Academy.

It also meant finding a mate to spend the rest of his life with and to raise Elite children with. Which was the purpose of the annual Social Mixer this evening.

Joseph slammed his locker and made his way down the hall. The clock chimed four times as he opened the door to the outside, meaning there was only four hours before the Social Mixer began. He was nervous because, even though he had taken years of social skills training, he was still very awkward and shy around other boys. And he was most definitely shy and awkward around Tops. Though he never saw any Tops in school, he would sometimes run into them outside of school, at the store with his father or when he would go on walks in the park.

Joseph was a Bottom, like the rest of his classmates, and still to this day got a huge pain in his stomach when he was forced to speak to a Top. Tops had their own campus, a few miles away from where Joseph studied, and they were even more elite than most Elites. There was only one Top for about every seven Bottoms, which meant that each Top was able to claim an average of seven Bottoms for himself. Once a Top claimed a Bottom, the Top owned them and raised children with them, and the Bottom joined the household of the Top with his other Bottom husbands.

"Tops are very rare in our world today," explained Professor Douglass a few weeks prior, in an effort to prepare Joseph's class of Bottoms for the Social Mixer. "You will notice at the mixer that they will be very interested in claiming as many of you as possible. They have a need to find mates, seed them, provide for them, and raise children with them. But please remember boys, since this is your first time socializing with a group of Tops, you have the power in all of this. You get to say which Top claims you, which Top you spend the rest of your life with. They cannot claim you by themselves."

"Does a Top have to seed a Bottom in order to claim him," Jeffery asked shyly from the back of the room.

"Yes," Professor Douglass replied. "The ultimate mark of a claimed Bottom is when a Top mounts him and seeds him. If a Top is not able to seed a Bottom, or refuses to seed a Bottom, then the Bottom is not claimed."

There was a nervous silence in the room.

"Don't worry boys, this event will be a fun night. My only warning is for you all to be patient. Take your time in talking with the Tops. There aren't as many of them as there are of you, but you'll still have many Tops to chat and flirt with. And of course, you do not have to let a Top claim you the night of the Mixer. You can wait as long as you want to be claimed. I know some Bottoms who waited until they were in their 20s before being claimed."

That provided some relief to the boys, even Joseph.

"How will I know if I want a Top to claim me?" asked Donny, one of Josephs best friends.

"Well you are all 18 by now, so I would hope that you have some knowledge about what you are looking for in a Top. But I am also aware that you aren't able to socialize with Tops very often, other than your Top Fathers, so I understand," Professor Douglass said.

"My guess is that many of you will be attracted to most all of the Tops in the room. All of them will be muscular, well-spoken, and confident, so you will most definitely be attracted to that. Also, by now all the Tops will most assuredly be producing enough pheromones to make all of you weak in the knees," Professor Douglass chuckled.

"Pheromones?" a couple of the boys asked.

"Hey I remember those from health class," Donny said. "That's the sexual odor that our bodies produce in order to attract a mate."

"That's right!" said Professor Douglass. "You'll notice that Tops produce a very strong, manly scent from their armpits, feet, and crotches. Don't be surprised if walking around the mixer puts you in a sort of sexual haze. You'll notice all the different scents of the Tops mixing together and it might just drive you wild. I've even heard a rumor that...well nevermind," Professor Douglass said.

"No, tell us!" the Bottoms all squealed, eager and horny to hear what secret about Tops Professor Douglass knew. It was clear that this was turning on Professor Douglass as well, since he was a Bottom himself.

"Well, in years past, the class of Tops has refused to shower for 3-4 days before the mixer, so that their pheromones are extra potent for the mixer. This causes the Bottoms to be much less discerning in which Top they choose, since all of the Tops smell so strong. In fact, a few years ago there was a class of Bottoms that were all claimed the night of the Mixer, not a single one graduated in May without a Top claiming them."

"What if I want a Top to claim me, how can I let him know?" Robbie asked from the corner, doing his best to hide his boner in his slacks.

"Well of course you can just come out and say to a Top who is flirting with you that you want to be seeded and claimed. Or you could be more subtle and flirtatious and wait for him to ask to seed you. And of course, don't forget that you boys have pheromones as well. Not so much from your armpits or crotches, since you are all Bottoms, but you do produce a nice, sweet odor from your anuses that, believe me, the Tops will notice. You probably don't notice the scent that Bottoms give off, since you are all Bottoms yourselves and you are used to it. But believe me, if a Top were in the room with us right now, he would be going crazy with the smell of boy butt in this room!"

The whole room gave out a nervous laugh. They were ready for this Mixer to happen, now more than ever.

A final hand shot up in the back of the room as the boys were collecting their things to leave. "Do I have to let a Top seed me in order to claim me? I...I guess I'm sort of nervous about it," Joseph said as every other boy in the room stared at him.

"Yes, you do, if you want a Top to claim you. He will most likely prepare your anus with his mouth, so make sure that you are nice and clean back there. And then he will open you up with his penis. As you know from health class, it doesn't take too many strokes of a young Tops penis for him to ejaculate into a warm, wet ass," Professor Douglass said.

"But don't worry Joseph, it is a wonderful experience. I can still remember when my husband first seeded me years ago. It was a beautiful moment for both of us and...oh wow, my asshole still twitches just thinking about it!" Professor Douglass exclaimed.

"Ooooo!" the class screamed, making flirtatious howls at Professor Douglass as he blushed.

"Alright, enough of this, get on to your next class! And if any of you have any questions please come see me after school!"

That class did an OK job of calming Joseph's fears, but not enough to get rid of all his nervousness for tonight. All he could wonder was if any of the Tops would actually like him, and if they did, would he like them back? Or would he just make a complete fool of himself and be the only unclaimed Bottom at the Mixer?

"Hey, Joey, my boy!" Donny yelled as he slung his arm around him. "Ready for tonight buddy?"

"Ugh..." Joseph groaned. "I would rather just stay at home."

"Oh come on man, this is the social event of our lives! The one we've been waiting for. We finally get to meet all the Tops from across the campus, and maybe even find the right guy for the rest of our lives! You should see my outfit for tonight, I've got some super tight pants that really show off my ass. Guys are gonna be all over me!"

"I'm just not feeling well, I think," Joseph mumbled as they crossed the street toward Joseph's house.

"Is this still about the whole seeding thing? I thought you were over that," Donny exclaimed. "Remember Professor Douglass says it's really great, and haven't you been preparing yourself for it? My dad got me a bunch of dildos just for tonight, he says he wants me to be ready if I find a Top to seed me."

"I'm not nervous about the seeding, I'm just..." Joseph trailed off.

"You're what? Nervous no guy is gonna like you? Come on man, you've been complaining about that for years, and we all know it's not true," Donny said as they walked through the front door of Joseph's house and made their way up the stairs.

Donny stopped Joseph in front of the hallway mirror. "Look at yourself man, everyone at Roanoke knows that you are the hottest guy in our class. Fuck, even some of the Bottoms in our school want you to seed them!"

Joseph blushed. He was a good looking Bottom. Very handsome features with shaggy blonde hair, and a slim body with a nice bubble butt. Maybe he was getting nervous for nothing.

"Would it help if we had some lick-y time before the Mixer?" Donny asked with a smile on his face.

Lick-y time was the game that Donny and Joseph had been playing for a few years now. Since they were both Bottoms, they had no desire to seed one another, but that didn't mean their asses weren't in need of some attention! So they'd get naked together and lick each other's assholes while jerking off. It was a good preparation for the rimming that their Tops would one day give them, and it also was a special time for them together as friends.

Donny gave Joseph a quick peck on the cheek and then scurried down to Joseph's room, quickly removing his clothes as he went, with Joseph following behind.

Joseph rolled over in his bed and looked at the clock. 7:30, it read.

Donny left about an hour ago to get ready for the Social Mixer at home. They were going to meet up together at a Greg and Kenny's house, mutual friends of theirs. Greg and Kenny were brothers, both with the same Top dad but different Bottom dads. This was pretty common to have two boys of the same age in the same house, though Top boys were almost always raised with other Tops as their brothers, and Bottom boys with Bottoms as their brothers.

Joseph loved going over to Greg and Kenny's, not just because they were nice guys, but because their Top Dad Jeremy was the kindest, sweetest, hunkiest man he had ever met. Everyone joked with Greg and Kenny about their Top dad, how the Bottom seniors at Roanoke Academy were all lining up to get seeded by Jeremy and how Greg and Kyle would have to start calling them all step-dad because of it.

Joseph would love to be claimed by someone like Jeremy. He was mature, which Joseph loved, and he was very kind and considerate, always asking Joseph how school was going and what his plans were for the summer.

Not to mention, Jeremy had an amazingly muscular body with a handsome smile and salt-and-pepper hair. He was the epitome of a Top daddy, and every time Joseph went over to Greg and Kenny's for a pool party, Joseph would drool over Jeremy's muscular build and bulging crotch in his Speedo.

And just like Professor Douglass said, Jeremy had a distinct Top smell to him. He exuded masculinity and Joseph could smell it from his pits and his crotch every time they spoke.

There was one occasion that Joseph kept a secret from everyone, but he still fantasizes about it almost daily when he is alone in his room.

Joseph had gone over to Kenny and Greg's for a BBQ one summer afternoon. The day started very calm, just a few Bottom boys running around, mostly Kenny and Greg's brothers and a few of the Bottom dads, and Donny was there as well.

After a bit of hanging out playing some games in the backyard, Jeremy came out of the house with some burgers for the grill. He looked so amazing in his tight t-shirt and bulging shorts. Joseph got that sick feeling in his stomach when he saw Joseph emerge from the house.

As the boys were eating, Jeremy cornered Joseph and began asking him about school and life. His masculine odor was strong that day and Joseph was having a hard time stringing a sentence together. The heat of the afternoon was making Jeremy produce a lot of sweat and Joseph could smell his armpits every time he lifted them up as well as the smell of his sweaty feet in his boat shoes.

Eventually, the boys made their way into the pool, though Joseph was embarrassed by the huge boner that Jeremy's smell had given him. He got into the pool anyway, and before he knew it, Jeremy had joined him in the pool and cornered him again. Standing waist deep in the water, Jeremy's pits were still fragrant in the summer heat and it was causing Joseph's cock to throb and his hole to twitch.

And Joseph was convinced that while Jeremy was talking to him, he was rubbing his cock through the fabric of Speedo. Was this actually happening or was it a dream? Joseph knew that Tops were almost always horny, and needing to seed their Bottoms pretty much at all times. Joseph was worried that if he didn't get out of the pool quick, he was going to bend over and let Jeremy claim him right then and there!

As the day wore on, Joseph separated from Jeremy and he noticed that Jeremy had actually left the pool altogether. After a while, Joseph dried off and went inside to use the bathroom by the back door. He needed to relieve his balls quickly as the smell of Jeremy was still lingering in his nose. He knocked and heard a voice say "Occupied!" so he moved deeper into the house, to use the bathroom next to Kenny and Greg's room.

As he reached the top of the stairs, Joseph heard a loud grunting sound coming from down the hall. And he could smell something very familiar as well: sex. He had smelled it a hundred times when he was at home and his dad's were fucking in their bedroom. It was the smell of pits, balls, and ass, and as a young Bottom, Joseph couldn't get enough of the smell.

He crept down the hallway, where the sound got louder and the smell got more intense. And just beyond the bathroom, there they were: Jeremy and one of his Bottom husbands fucking like animals. The door was slightly cracked open and Joseph could see the Bottom husband on all fours, moaning like a pig in heat, while Jeremy's muscular back covered most of the sight of the Bottom's body. Jeremy was covered in sweat and was thrusting almost angrily into the Bottom's ass.

After a few moments of pumping, Joseph heard Jeremy yell and the Bottom husband moan as Jeremy lurched forward, and seeded the Bottom's hole. Jeremy collapsed on the Bottom's back for a few seconds, and then he removed his cock from the Bottom's stretched hole and stood above him. As Jeremy turned slightly, Joseph was able to see him fully erect, cock covered in alpha cum and ass juice, sweat glistening all over his body, and the smell of pure sex wafting out the crack of the door.

Joseph immediately jumped into the bathroom, locked the door, turned on the faucet loudly, and dropped his pants. He spit on his hand and started to jerk his cock furiously and wet the fingers on his other hand and started fingering his hole. Two fingers, three fingers, four fingers. His horniness knew no bounds, and his ass opened up wide as his need to be filled increased.

It was only a few seconds before Joseph's cock exploded with boy cum, and his prostate sent him into shocks of anal orgasm.

From that day on, Joseph knew he wanted a Top like Jeremy, a man who could fuck him like and animal, breed him with a huge cock, fill his Bottom ass with ropes of cum, and smother him in the stink of Top Alpha scent.

Maybe that is why Joseph was so worried about tonight. He didn't think he'd every meet a man who could do for him like Jeremy could do for his Bottoms.

Next: Chapter 2

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