Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Jul 8, 1999


Ok, so I lied! Nah, actually I thought I was leaving earlier, but I got a chance to stay longer and work more. So, since I did have time to write, this promises to be a long one too. I'm also going to start speeding things up pretty soon, now that they are in Orlando. So, that hopefully means, that by the end of summer, things should be up to date with current time and not in January. So, on with the show!


The next morning waking up was hard on all of us. It was 3 in the morning and we had all went to bed around 11, that only gave us about 4 hours of sleep. Slowly but surely we all got up and out of bed. That was after Lance had made sure everybody was up and getting ready. I went and took a shower while Lance made his rounds. By the time he got back, I was out of the shower he was tired and wanted to back to bed.

"Uh uh! If we can't go back to sleep, neither can you!" I said standing him up.

"But, but..." he protested like a child that didn't want to go to school.

"No buts! Now get in that shower and get yourself ready!"

"Fine!" He pouted.

"Don't you pout at me! Now git!"

I was getting back at him for the day before in the kitchen. He slowly dragged himself into the shower. I quickly got dressed. I was now awake and excited, but also worried, and sad at the same time. I decided to take Lance's role for a second. I went around to everybody's room and made that they were up and getting ready. JC of course was already up and ready. He was just making a last minute checking on all of his stuff, making sure he didn't leave anything behind.

"Damn, for someone who really loves to sleep, you're sure able to get up bright and early!" I said while standing in the doorway.

"Eh, I'm used to it. Besides, I'll get plenty of sleep on the plane so." He said while closing up a suitcase.

"Ok, well, I'm gonna go check on the others."

"Ok! Oh and make sure Justin is really up!"

"Well, we all know what happened last time, so . but you got it!"

We both laughed as I left his room. I went to Chris' room next. He was in the shower so that was a good sign. I went into Joey's room next. He was just getting out of bed.

"Hey Joe! Come on, let's get a move on!" I said while standing in his doorway.

"Oh, hi Rob!" he said with a smile on his face.

"Are you ever grumpy?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"Never mind. Well, get ready, we gotta get going soon."

"Ok, I'll see you in a little while!"


I went into Justin's room last cause I knew he would be the hardest to wake up. I knocked on the door and there was no answer.

"Whoa, dej sha vous!" I said to myself.

I opened the door and said,

"Time to get up!"

I had my eyes closed, expecting what had happened last time. I opened one eye and saw a body in the bed. I also heard the shower running. I walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers slightly, just to see whose face it was. It was Jay. I sat on the bed and shook him. He moaned like he didn't want to get out of bed.

"Jay, come on man, get up!" I yelled.

"That's not how you do it." Justin said coming out in a towel.

"Then by all means, show me!"

"My pleasure!"

He walked over to the bed and kissed Jay. He stayed there for a couple of minutes before Jay started to wake up. Well, more like get up.

"Ok, ok. I think he's up!" I said looking away, "Come on, we don't have all day! You guys have to get ready!"

"Always gotta ruin the fun huh Rob?" Jay said once they broke away.

"Hey, if it were up to me, I'd let you two stay here all fucking day, BUT we have a plane to catch and we have to be there by 5:30!"

"You know, everyday, you're starting to sound like Lance, more and more!" Justin said laughing.

"I know, but that's how I've always been, so it's not his fault. NOW GET A MOVE ON!!"

They started laughing as I exited stage left. I went back into our room to find Lance just getting out of the shower.

"Oohh, now there's a sight to wake up to! My hunk of a man in a towel all dripping we.. TAKE ME NOW!!" I said jokingly.

"Shut up! Don't start, we gotta be getting ready!" he said with that killer smile.

"I know, I know, I was just kidding! Hey, that reminds me! Wanna join the mile high club?"

He started cracking up and fell on the bed.

"Dumb ass!" I said as he fell.

"Shut up! Come on, seriously, we gotta get ready."

"Correction, YOU gotta get ready, I'm done! Now get a move on there boy!" I said as I grabbed his towel and ran out the room.

"Hey!" He yelled after me.

I went laughing into JC's room. He looked at me like I was going crazy or something.

"What the hell is up with you?"


"And whose towel is that?"

"Uh... nobodies!"


"How long do these guys usually take?"

"Hmm.. Either Lance or I are the first ones, then usually, Joey's next, then it's a toss up between Chris and Justin."

"Well, Lance is getting dressed now, Joey was just getting up when I checked on him, Chris was already in the shower, Justin was just getting out of the shower and Jay was just awoken by Justin."

"Well, hopefully, with some pushing we'll be out of here by 4 a quarter after the latest."

"Yup. Well, this is it! We're on our way!"

"Yup! You nervous?"

"Nah, just a little sad, but I'm really excited!"

"Who's gonna be there?"

"At the airport?"


"Um... let's see.. There's Mom, Dad, Ricky, Jay, Mel.. OH SHIT! I FORGOT TO TELL MELISSA!!"

"She'll be there. I called her last night and told her all the details."

"Oh thank you soooo much! She would've kicked my ass if she'd missed saying goodbye!"

"She is my girlfriend, so I wouldn't have forgotten."

"It's funny to hear you say that."


"That she's you girlfriend."


"I don't know.. it just is."


"Hey! I'm gonna get you for that!" Lance said storming in the room.

I started laughing again and got the same look from JC.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" JC asked with a weird look.

"He stole my towel!" Lance said as he went over to me and was about to start tickling me.

"Oh, so that's who that was!"


"Aaaaaahh!! STOP!!!" I yelled while being attacked on the bed.

"Damn, in front of JC? Isn't that why you people have you own room?" Joey said staring at us on the bed while walking into the room.

"I don't know what they're on!" JC said.

"Shut up!" We both said as Lance stopped tickling me.

They started laughing and we just sat up on the bed and fixed our clothes.

"It does look like you two just did it!" JC said laughing harder now.

"That was yesterday!" I said with a huge grin.

"Eeeewwww!" Joey said.

We were all laughing now, when Chris entered the room not knowing what was going on.

"Okay... guess I missed something."

"Yeah." We all said.

"Ok, who are we missing?" I asked.

"Justin and Jay." JC said.

"Surprise surprise!"

"Surprise what?" Justin said as he and Jay walked in.

"Nothing!" I said a little startled.

"Yeah, whatever!"

"So, you guys wanna get something to eat before we head off?"

"Nah, we'll eat on the plane." JC said.

"Groovy baby yeah!"

"Ok, somebody's been watching too much Austin Powers!" Chris said.

"Hey, that movie rules!" Jay said.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"Anyways, let's get goin. We gotta check out and all that shit!" Lance said heading towards the door.

"Alright! You heard the man! MOVE OUT!" I said in a mock general's voice.

"SIR YES SIR!" Chris yelled as he saluted and started marching.


"It's almost 4 in the morning! Where the hell do they get the energy?!?" Jay asked laughing.

We made our way to the elevators. Three of us went in one and the other three went in the other. That was the only way we would be able to fit with all of our luggage. We got to the lobby and there were some of the people from the security team. They took our luggage and loaded it into a van. Once the loaded it, it went on it's way to the airport.

After we checked out, I went over to see if they had taken my stuff from the night before. They did, so then we were off. There was another van for us. We piled in and were on our way to the airport. By the time we got there it was 5:30. We were right on time. We got out of the van and made our way into the terminal. We went and got our tickets and were waiting for the okay from security to make our way over to the gate. On our way over there, we ran into my farewell crew (my mom, my dad, Ricky, and Melissa). We all exchanged greetings and made our way over to the gate. They had this waiting lounge for VIP, so we took full advantage of it and waited there for our flight to be called. I went down the line and said my good bye's before our flight was called so this way I didn't have to rush.

"I'm gonna miss you soooo much!" My mom said while starting to tear.

"I know, I'm gonna miss you guys too! But, think of it this way! We all know it's for the best."

"I know mijo, pero.. I'm just gonna miss you!"

NOTE: "Mijo" is a Spanish term for "my son". It comes from the words, "Mi hijo" which literally means "my son". And "Pero" means but.

"Look, I'll call you as soon as I get there! I promise!"

"Now, you take care of yourself! If you need any money, don't hesitate to call! I'll send it right down to you overnight!" My dad said.

"I will! I'm gonna miss you dad!"

"I'll miss you too!"

"Well `lil bro! Looks like this is it!" Ricky said.


"I know you're gonna make it! I always knew you were gonna be a star!"

"Thanks! Don't worry, I'll hook you up! I'll introduce you to some famous people!"

"You better! Or else I'll have to lay the smack down on you candy ass! If you smell what the Rock is cookin'!"

"There you go with that stupid wrestling shit! I'm even gonna miss that!"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you always know your role!"


"Now you take care of him!" My mom said to Lance pulling him into a hug.

"I will!" He said smiling.

"You better or I'll come after you!"

"Ok! I promise!" He said laughing.

"She's serious!" I said.

"I know!"

"I'm glad you came into our lives! Without you this might not have happened for our son! I'm glad that he's found a good young man like yourself!" My dad said.

"Thank you!"

"Remember, after she's done hunting you down, I'll come after you! So don't hurt my bro! Nah, I'm playin! Just watch out for him!"

"I will!"

"Is this it? Are we gonna be able to stay together?" Jay asked Justin while they were sitting in a secluded corner.

"Of course we're gonna stay together! You're one of the best things that's ever came into my life!" he said hugging him.

"You are too! Don't worry, I'll see you in March, right?"

"Yeah! We're gonna be in town for three days I think. I'll spend as much time as I can with you!"

"And you'll call me everyday right?!"

"OF course!"

"I'm gonna miss you soo much!"

"I'm gonna miss you too!" Justin said as he pulled Jay in for a kiss.

"I wish we had more time!" Melissa said.

"So do I! I mean, we just met! Everyone else had at least a few days to be together! But don't worry! That'll all change when you move to Florida!" JC said.

"I know. I'll be down in another few weeks or so... By February."

"Even though I won't be in town much, we can still make this work! I want it to!"

"So do I! You're not like any other guy I've ever dated."

"Why because I'm famous?"

"No, because you treat me like a queen!"

"That's what you are!"

"I'm gonna miss you!"

"I'll miss you too! I'll call you as soon as we get there!"

"Ok." She said as she pulled him in for a kiss.

"Flight 182 to Orlando, Florida is now boarding. Will all First Class passengers please make their way to the gate. Thank you!"

"That's us guys!" Joey said.

We all hesitantly got up and made our way over to the exit of the lounge. They couldn't go with us any further of the way so we had to say our final good byes right there.

"This is it!" I said while tears came to my eyes, "Well, I'll see you in a few months!"

I went down the line once again to all of my family. My mom started crying and my dad had to console her. I went to Melissa and said,

"Well, I'll see you in a couple of weeks! I'll call you once I'm settled!"

"We're gonna have soo much fun in Orlando!" she said getting teary eyed.

"I know! Well, bye! I love you girl!"

"Love you too beb!"

I went down to Jay and said,

"Well bro! I'll see you in a few months! You better take care of my apartment! Don't make me have to come up here and kick your ass!"

"If it'll get you up here again, I'll make sure I do it!" he said laughing.

"I love you bro!"

"I love you too!"

As I moved back to the head of the line, the rest of the guys said good bye to everybody, thanking them for everything. Justin and Jay were hugging and both crying. JC and Melissa were holding each other's hands staring at each other.

"Once again, flight 182 to Orlando, Florida is now boarding. Will all First Class passengers please make their way to the gate. Thank you!"

"We gotta go." Lance said.

We walked slowly out the exit, turned around and waved goodbye. At that point everybody was misty eyed. Out of the six of us guys, three of us were tearing. Lance tried to console me as we walked, Joey with Justin, and Chris with JC. We walked down the hallway and got to our gate. We boarded the flight and were on our way. Once we were all seated Chris said,

"It'll be good to get back home!"

Lance gave him a look like "Idiot!"

"Oh! Shit! I'm... I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to..." Chris said realizing that he might've offended me.

"It's ok, I understand! You guys wanna go back home! No offense taken here!" I said wiping my face of the tears that remained.

"You sure?"

"Yeah! I'm positive!"

"Oh, ok.. Well, I'm sorry just the same!"

"There's nothing to apologize for!"

"You sure?"

"YEAH! Now drop it before I really get mad."

"Ok, ok!"

The guys were laughing a bit. As the laughter subsided, the flight attendant came on the loud speaker and showed us how to buckle our seat belts and use our air masks in case of a crash. We waited for about another 20 minutes before the plane started to move. As we rolled down the runway I bowed my head and said a short prayer. The other guys I noticed did the same when I was done. We lifted off and the flight attendant came over the loudspeaker again and told us what they would be serving for breakfast and what in flight movie they were showing. I didn't really care to watch the movie, nor did any of the others. We all tried to fall asleep and by the time we were in the air, had all succeeded. Although the first class seats that reclined, were comfortable, I still was having trouble sleeping. I woke up and looked over to my right to see Lance leaned up against the window, sleeping like a baby. I smiled then looked to my left to see Justin, who was in the isle seat, crying.

"Miss him already huh?" I asked.

"Huh!? Oh, Rob! Yeah..." He said a little startled.

"It's ok. It won't be long till you see him again."

"I know, it's just that... I don't know. I.. I..."


"I think I'm falling in love with him!"


"Yeah. I mean, it just dawned on me. It's only been like an hour and I miss him soo much! Even if I try to get my mind off of it and think about something else, it always somehow winds up going back to him."

"That's cause you know you're gonna be apart for awhile. Just as you were getting used to him being around, you have to leave each other for a little while."

"I know, and that's what made me start to think that I was falling for him!"

"Does he know this?"

"No. I just discovered it myself. I went to sleep and had a dream about him and I woke up and started to cry cause I missed him so much. Then I started to think why this was affecting me so badly, and that's what I came up with."

"Do you think he feels the same way for you?"

"I... I don't know! I mean, I... I just don't know!"

"I can see it in his eyes, he feels exactly the same way as you do! I bet you he's at my. I mean, his apartment now crying or thinking how badly he misses you! And I bet you Melissa's there with him, stressing over how bad she misses Josh!"

"You think so?"

"Knowing them? Yeah!"

Back in New York.

"I can't believe he's gone!" Jay said.

"I know, it still doesn't feel as if he's gone!" Melissa said.

"It's like he's gonna walk through that door any minute and surprise us!"

"Yeah, then say that he's not leaving."

"Why did he have to leave?"

"Well, he is a singer!"

"I know, but I wanted him to stay!"

"Me too!"

"Justin!" he said as she said,


"Josh? I thought you were talking about Rob!"

"Justin? I thought you were talking about Rob!" they both said at the same time.

"I'm sure Rob would love the fact that we are missing him so much that we forgot about our boyfriends!" Melissa said sarcastically.

"I know right!" Jay said laughing, "I miss him! It's just that, I miss Justin more! I don't know why! Rob's like my brother, I should be missing him more! It's just that every time I think about them gone, I focus more on Justin."

"Sounds like you got it bad!"

"What do you mean?"

"Sounds like you're in love with him!"

"Love?!? I... I... I never thought about that!"


"Ok, so I have... but I didn't think that was why I missed him so much!"


"Shut up!"

"I've seen you two together! I can tell just by the way you look at each other!"

"Yeah, when he looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes! Then smiles at me with that sexy ass smile! And those lips! When we kiss... oh sorry!"

"It's ok! Does he know that you feel this strongly?"

"No! It's only hit me since he left!"

"Sounds like you two need to talk!"

"Yup! And I know that I'm gonna remain faithful! This time I mean it! I don't care what Rob says that I can't keep a long distance relationship!"

"But you can't! Look at all those other chicks!"

"Yeah, but this is different! I want this to work out more than anything!"

"Oh yeah, you got it bad boy!"

"Yeah, well what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you miss JC?"

"Of course I do!"

"Do you love him?"

"I just met him!"


"So? Come on, people don't just fall in love over night!"

"Sometimes they do!"

"What? I've only known him for like 3 or 4 days!"

"So, Rob and Lance fell in love after 3 or 4 days!"

"Yeah, but that's different!"


"Well, Rob was at a vulnerable state! He could've fell for anyone who he was interested in enough! I mean, he was recovering from psycho bitch! And Lance, he had a harsh break up not too long before too! So, they were perfect for each other in the sense that they had just both gotten out of bad relationships and were looking for someone to fill that gap in their hearts! They found that in each other and it worked out! They were lucky! They have a lot in common, that's what fueled it!"

"True.. I didn't know about Lance though!"


"Who told you?"

"Rob and Josh."

"What else do you know?"

"If it's something that you don't, then you won't find out from me!"

"Aw, come on!"


Back on the plane.

"See, I told you! It's just cause you miss him! That's what made you realize it! If you would've spent a few more days together, then you would've known then it too!" I said.

"This is weird! I mean, it happened so fast!" He replied.

"You're telling me? Look at how long it was for me and this guy!"

"I know!"

"It's cause we had so much in common! Same with you and him! You two are so much alike, it was bound to happen!"

"How are we alike?"

"In so many ways, it's not even funny! I can't explain it!"


"Ok... uumm.. Your cereal obsession! You two are equally obsessed with eating cereal!"

"Oh come on! Is that the best you can do?"

"It's just one thing! There's a whole lot more!"


"I don't know! Look, when I realize something, I'll let you know!"


"I gotta pee! I'll be right back!"


I went to the bathroom and came back. When I got back, Justin had fallen back asleep. I sat back down and tried to fall asleep again, but it was useless. I was already up for the day. I got my CD player out of my book bag that I took on the plane. I put in what else? `N Sync. I closed my eyes and listened to the CD. I was up to "I just wanna be with you" when I felt a head on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Lance leaning on me. I smiled and he opened his eyes.

"Hey there sleepy!"

"Hi!" He said groggily, "What are you listening to?"


"I mean on the CD player!"


"Oh... What track?"

"I just wanna be... wi- ith you." I sang as the chorus repeated.

"I love your voice you know that?!" he said laughing slightly.

"Why thank you! Yours is not bad either!"

"Not bad? That's it?"

"Well I wouldn't know, since I NEVER HEAR YOU SING!! You gotta fix that this album man!!"

"You've heard me sing!"

"I know, I'm just playing! I love your voice! But I am serious! You gotta represent for all of us Basses! I mean, Kevin doesn't sing much, except for on `All I have to give' and they cut that out of the radio version! Mike from Boyz to Men sings mostly back up, at least on all the singles that were released. But he does make up for it by writing most of their songs. But still! I'm gonna be like one of the only Bass solo artists! We gotta stick together!"

"All true! Kevin said that he gets to sing more on their new album that's coming out in May."

"Well good!"

"As for me! We told you, I'm gonna have more solo's on this album!"

"Good! And if they cut it out, I'm gonna have to kick some ass!"

"Aww, sticking up for me?!?"


"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be beginning our decent into Orlando very shortly. In a few minutes, the fasten seatbelt sign will come on, so would you please put your seats and trays in their upright and locked positions. The time is now, 10:55, the current temperature in Orlando is 68 degrees and it is a clear sunny day. Thank you for flying our airline!"

"Well, we're here!" Lance said.

"Wow, it didn't seem that long!"

"I know, but hey... That's how it is sometimes. Other times it seems like it takes forever!"

"Well lucky it wasn't one of those times."


"Is everybody up!?" I asked looking around at the other guys.

"Yes!" they all said.

"God! Bite my head off why don't you!!"

"They're tired!" Lance said.

"I know, I was just kidding. Geez man! Lighten up!"

"Ok . . . Whatever!"

The plane landed and soon came to a stop. We were the first ones to be let off. There was a security team waiting for us at the gate. As soon as we walked out, the fans they were a screamin'! There was extra airport security holding them back, but they were still pushing through. We ran out of there and got to the baggage claim. There was more security guards holding everybody back so we could get our stuff. It felt really good getting the star treatment! We got our stuff and were escorted to the awaiting limo. We got in and were off to Justin's house first. Then after that we were gonna stop off at Joey's, then Lance's. We got to Justin's around 12. His mom was home awaiting our arrival.

"Mom! We're here!" Justin yelled as we entered the front door.

"Hey guys!" She said getting up from the couch in the living room and walking over to the door.

"Hey Lynn!" they all said.

She walked up to each of them and gave them a hug and kiss on the cheek. Then when she finally got to me she said,

"You must be Rob! I've heard a lot about you!"

"Hello, it's nice to meet you!" I said, blushing a little.

"I'm happy to have finally met you! I hear you and Lansten over there are quite the couple!"

"Yeah... I guess."

"Don't worry, I won't bite! Hard."

The guys were having a ball watching me sweat. I laughed a little at her comment and she ushered Lance, Joey and I into the living room, while the others went up to their rooms to put their stuff away.

"So, you are going to start recording now right?" Lynn asked as we sat down.

"Yup! I'm going in the studio for 4 months straight!"

"Then he's coming out on tour with us!" Lance said.

"Yeah, I know. Justin told me!" she said.

"What time do we gotta be at that interview Scoop?" Joey asked.

"Around five. Why?" Lance asked.

"I think we should get home and get to the studio so Rob can get his stuff."

"Yeah! Good idea!"

"Well, ok. Then I'll see you guys later!" Lynn said as we all got up.

"Yeah, we'll be back to pick up the guys later." Lance said.

"Ok, see you then!"

We said our good byes and went back to the limo. The next stop was Joey's house. We all went in and I was introduced to his mom and brother. We didn't stay there long either. After we dropped off Joey we went to Lance's.

"This is it I guess! I'm gonna meet your family now!" I said a little nervous.

"Well, not exactly!" Lance said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they're probably not home. It's mid day and they do work. But, after our interview, we're coming back here and gonna have dinner with them."


"Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, easy for you to say!"

"Excuse me?? I had to do the same thing, so don't even say nothin!"

"I know, I know! Anyways!"

"Yeah, yeah! You're lucky I love you!"

"I know!"

We got to his house and like he said, nobody was home. His house was beautiful! His room was big too. Bigger than mine, at least! After a little while of staying there, we were off to the studio, where some of the company execs would be waiting for me. We got there and I was introduced to everybody. They discussed my schedule and when I began recording. They gave me 2 days off to get settled in and all that stuff. Finally they gave me the keys to my Condo, and car. The car was a blue 99 Nissan Maxima. We got in and drove over to my new home. Lance was my navigator as we drove off to my place. It took us about 15 minutes to get there. When we got there I was impressed! I was even more impressed once we got inside. The place was HUGE! Even with all the furniture, there was still plenty of space. The living room was connected with the kitchen and dining room. Then, there was a staircase that led up to the bedroom. To the side of the living room, was a baby grand piano. The bedroom was big too. It had a queen size bed, a private bathroom, a wall unit with a big screen TV, a walk-in closet, and a balcony overlooking the backyard.

"WHOA! This place is.. is.." I attempted to say.

"Perfect?" Lance said.


"Well, the best for the best!"

"Shut up!"

"It's true!"

"Ok, anyway, let's check out the rest of the place."


In the hallway, there was a linen closet. We continued down the hall to the other room. It was an office. It had a computer, keyboards, a fax machine, and a small TV.

"I'm gonna have so much fun here!" I said.


"Come on, let's check out that other room."


We left the office and walked down the hall to the last and final room, besides the bathroom. We walked in and it was a spare bedroom. It didn't have everything mine did, but it was still impressive. This bedroom also had a queen size bed, a big screen TV, and a walk-in closet, but no balcony. It had a rather large window, a desk, and a couple of other pieces of furniture.

"Melissa would like this room!" I said.

"Is she moving in with you?"

"No. She's gonna stay on campus, but since it isn't far from here, then she will stay over quite a bit."

"Just ask if it's ok if she moves in."

"Ask who?"

"The execs."

"Hmm, yeah! This way, it's better for all of us."


"Come on! I wanna test out that piano!"

"Ok, ok! Calm down!"

I ran downstairs with him behind me. I ran up to the piano and sat at the bench. Once I opened it up, I played a few scales to see if it was in tune.

"Wow! Perfectly in tune! I like it!"

"It's a new piano!"

"I know."

"Play something!"

"Ok. Hmm... AH! See if you recognize this song by the first few chords."


I started to play the first few chords of "Tearin up my heart" and after I played the third chord he said,

"Tearin up my heart."


"Come on, give me a harder one!"

"Hmm.. AH! Got it!"

I started to play "More than a feeling" and he got it.

"What did you get a book of sheet music for all of our songs?" He asked while sitting down next to me.

"Nope! Figured it out all by ear!"



"Play something, that's not ours!"

"Ok. I'll play you something I wrote."

"Even better!"

As I began playing, he leaned his head on my shoulder. We sat there for about 2 minutes and I stopped playing.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked looking at me.

"It's not finished. That's where I got up to."

"It's beautiful! Do you have lyrics for it?"


"You should write some. You could use it for the album."

"I don't know... when I wrote this, I was.. Never mind!"


"Nothing, forget it!"

"No, come on tell me!"

"I wrote this after the break up."

"That's why it sounds sad."


"I... I'm sorry! I... I.. Didn't mean to."

"It's okay! It's not your fault! You didn't know!"

"Y... you sure?"

"Yes!" I said as I kissed him lightly on his lips.

Just as we began to make out, the doorbell rang.

"What? Who the hell is that?" I said in a pissed off attitude.

I looked through the peephole and it was some guy in a uniform with some stuff behind him. I opened the door and asked,

"Can I help you?"

"I got some packages here for a Roberto Rodriguez."

"That's me! What is it?"

"I don't know, just sign here and I'll wheel them in."


I signed the electronic order form thingy, and he wheeled in some stuff in brown boxes.

"What the hell could this be?" I asked myself.

Once he left I got a knife from the kitchen and opened the boxes.

"OH! It's my stuff!"

"What stuff?"

"From New York. They put it in boxes and shipped it here."

"I can see that part. Come on, I'll help you unpack it!"

"Ok. A lot of it is suitcases so, just bring those upstairs and put them on my bed."

"Ok. Hey, what time is it?"

"Three o'clock, why?"

"Oh, ok. I gotta get goin soon. I have to pick up the guys and we gotta get over to the radio station. You gonna come with us?"

"I don't know, I still gotta do all this unpacking and."

"Please?" he said giving me a puppy dog face and fluttering his eyelashes.

"Ok, ok!! How can I resist!"

"HAHAHA!!! I knew you couldn't!"

"Don't worry, I'll get you!"

"Is that a promise?"

"Oh yeah!"

He lugged a couple of my suitcases upstairs and I got everything out of the delivery boxes. It took us an hour but we managed to get everything in it's place so unpacking would be easier for me.

"Ok, so... you ready to go?" Lance asked.

"Do I have time to shower and change real quick?"

"Not really, we have about 10 minutes to get out of here."

"That's plenty of time!" I said as I ran upstairs.

I stripped out of my clothes as fast as I could, jumped in the shower, rinsed off, got out and ran back into my room. I opened up one of my suitcases, pulled out a pair of slacks, a white t shirt and a black and white golfer vest. I threw that on and ran downstairs.

"Wow!! That was fast!" Lance said amazed at my timing.

"How long was I?"

"Eight minutes."

"Oh yeah! Anyway, let's go!" I said as we started to walk towards the door.

"I'd better drive, since I know the way."

"Ok, here!" I said as I threw him the keys.

We got into the car and started to head towards the highway. While driving, Lance pulled out his cell phone and called ahead to Justin's.

"Hello?" JC said answering the phone.

"Josh it's Lance."

"Sup Scoop?"

"Nothin, listen, we're on our way to pick Joey up then we're heading over there."

"No need, Joey's already here."

"Perfect! Ok, so I'll head straight over there."

"Ok. What time we gotta be there?"

"Around 5."

"Ok, we got time."

"Is everybody ready?"


"Ok, then we'll be right there!"

"Ok, later."


"What happened?" I asked as he hung up the phone.

"Well, Joey's already there, so we're heading to Justin's."

"Ok, cool!"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you!"


"The guys are coming along with us to diner."

"Oh thank god!"


"Well, I'll feel a little more comfortable with them there."

"My mom can't wait to meet you!"



"I forgot to call my mom and tell her I got here okay!"

"So call her now!"

"I am, I am!" I said as I pulled out my phone with the quickness.

I dialed the number and she picked up.

"Hey ma!"

"Well, it's about time!"

"Yeah I know, sorry! I forgot!"

"Well, you're lucky that both Jay and Melissa called and said that you had gotten there!"

"How'd they know?"

"How do you think?"

"Oh! Josh and Curly!"

"Yes, them!"

"I'm sorry! I forgot!"

"I know, it's ok! I'm just busting your chops!"

"I know!'

"So how is everything?"

"Great! But, listen, I can't talk now. We're on our way to pick up the guys then we're heading over to their interview. So, I'll call you later on tonight or tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll see you then!"

"Ok, bye!"


I hung up the phone and Lance said,

"Was she mad?"

"Nah, she was just screwin with me."

"Oh, ok. Well, we're almost there. Another five minutes or so."

"Ok, cool!"

"Damn! You lookin good!"

"Thanks, I try!"

"Your clothes ain't even wrinkled!"

"That's cause my dad taught me how to pack!"


"Long story, I'll tell you about it another time!"

"Oh! That reminds me!"


"You have to tell me why Jay's parents and friends don't know about him."

"Oh! Well, his parents, he just has to wait for the right time to tell them. You know, we all did!"

"Yeah, what about his friends?"

"Well, they can never know!"

"Why not?"

"Well, you see.. They are what you call `Mad ghetto' and since they are, they're extremely homophobic."

"But isn't he bi?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything to them. Either way they still see it as being gay. I told you this! It's the same reason why they don't know about me!"

"Refresh my memory."

"Well, if they found out, about either of us, then they would have this necessity to beat the crap out of us!"


"Lord knows, it's just the way they are."

"That sucks!"

"Well, yeah! But, it's the way it is. I mean, don't get me wrong, he could probably tell a selected few who are mature enough to handle it, but they might let it slip to the rest."

"That really sucks!"

"I know! You know how long it took me to finally tell Jay?"

"How long?"

"Hmm.. I told him a little after I had just turned 18. I had known since I was like 15. It took me a little over 3 years to finally tell him."

"How did he take it? At first I mean."

"Well, at first it felt a little awkward, for both of us. But, after awhile, he learned to accept it, and once I stressed that I didn't have a thing for him, never would and wouldn't even consider hitting on him, we were fine. Just like we had been before, only it brought us closer."

"Yeah, and you went and converted him with you bisexual ways!" He said laughing.

"Shut up!"

"You know I'm kidding! Who am I to talk anyway?"

"Exactly! Mr. I messed with Justin and nobody knew about it but we decided to call it off for the sake of our friendship and careers!"

"Shut up!"

"Are we here?"

"Yes, actually we are! But, you're not getting out of the car just yet!"

"And why is that?"

"Because, I have to do this!" He said as he leaned over and kissed me.

We sat there for about 5 minutes making out and when we finally broke apart I said,

"Thank god for tinted windows!"

"Amen to that!" he said as we got out of the car.


Had to end it somewhere. Usual, questions, comments, suggestions, email me at

Next: Chapter 22

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