Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Aug 13, 1999


Well, since I haven't sent in a chapter for awhile, I made up for it by making this a long one. I just want to thank everybody who voted for me in the boybands awards! For those of you who don't know, I won best use of Lance Bass, 2nd in best plot series only, and an honorable mention in best couple. Thanks again! Even though I don't write the story to get awards, it still lets me know that people are still interested in my story after 24 chapters. Please, if you have suggestions, comments, or criticisms, please feel free to email them to me at And now, on with the show!!


We got to Justin's pretty quickly cause there wasn't that much traffic. We got inside and Justin and Chris were in the living room watching TV.

"Hey guy!" Justin said.

"What up Curly!" I said.

"Oh, Rob! Jay's mad at you cause you still haven't called him."

"Him mad at me? Whoa! There's a change!"


"It's usually me mad at him cause he didn't call me!"

"Ok, whatever, he said to call him as soon as you got home."


"So, how was dinner?" Chris asked.

"Don't ask!" JC said.

"Why? It was great! Lance's mom really knows how to cook!" I said.

"Lance's mom is here?" Justin asked.


"But I thought."

"So did I, but she's here." I said cutting him off.

"Ok, whatever."

"I'm gonna go get some clothes to wear tomorrow." JC said heading towards the stairs.

"Why? Where' you goin?"

"He's staying at my house tonight since we're gonna work on the song tomorrow." I said sitting down next to Justin, "What are you watching?"

"Fanatic. It's the one with us!" Chris said.

"Oh, with that chick in the bowling ally?"

"Yeah." They both said.

"We did another one a few weeks ago. I dunno when it's gonna air though." Justin said.

"Oh cool! I didn't know they could do a person twice." I said.

"Neither did we."

"So, how is the little bitch-ass?"


"Jay, how is he?"

"Oh, he's ok. I miss him though!"

"Did you tell him?"

"No!" He said beginning to whisper, "I'm gonna go get something to drink, you want something Rob?""

"Uh, yeah, let me go see what you have!"

"You don't have to make excuses, just go and talk in private about Jay!" Chris said still watching TV.

We both laughed as we headed into the kitchen.

"So you want anything?" Justin asked as I sat at the table.

"Nah." I said, "So?"

"So what?"

"Why didn't you tell him?"


"Because, why?"

"Well, for one thing, I don't want to scare him off! I mean, we've only been going out for what, a week or so?"


"Two, I don't know if he feels the same way about me, and if he doesn't then, I'm gonna look like an ass!"

"So what else is new?"

"I'm serious! And 3, when I DO tell him, I want it to be in person, not over the phone!"

"That's understandable."

"You have to promise me that you won't say anything to him about this!!"

"Ok, ok!"


"I swear!"

"Ok, good!"

"Aw, my little Justin is growing up!" JC said, coming into the kitchen.

"How much have you heard?" Justin said a little shocked.

"From reason number 3."

"Josh, you shouldn't have been listening!"

"It's not like I did it on purpose! And besides, it's not like you weren't gonna tell me! Right?"

Justin stood there for a second.


"You know I was!"

"Then, what's the big deal?"

"Nothing. Well, I'll fill you in on everything later then!"

"Ok, when I get back tomorrow, we're gonna have a talk!"


"You ready to go? Or you wanna stay a little longer?"

"Whatever you want, I don't care." I said.

"I think we should get goin."

"Ok, cool. Let's go."

We all walked out into the living room and Chris was asleep on the couch with the TV still on.

"Don't worry about him, I'll get him." Justin said as he turned off the TV.

"Aight, well, we'll see you tomorrow then." JC said grabbing his bag from in front of the door.

"Laters!" I said.

"Peace!" Justin said.

We got in my car and drove off to my place. We were more than half way there when JC asked me,

"So, you gonna tell me the real reason you were being such an ass this morning?"

"Huh? What?" I said caught off guard.

"That long story of yours, I'm waiting to hear it."

"You don't wanna hear it!"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't!"

"Wait till we get back to my place."

"Ok, but don't think that I'm gonna forget about it!"

"Fine!" I said as he started laughing.

We got back to my place around 11:30. I had a message from my mother, from Melissa, and one from Lance.

"I'm gonna call Jay. Then I'll tell you the story." I said as the phone rang.

"Ok." He said as I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey." Melissa said.


"What's up?"

"Nothin, you?"


"Hold on, he' right here."

"What are you talking about?"


"Oh, he's there?"

"Don't act like you don't know!"

"I didn't."

"Ok, whatever. I was just about to call Jay, so here, talk to him anyway. I'll use the other line."

"You sure? I mean, I've kinda been doin that a lot lately."

"It's ok, really!"

"Ok, love you!"

"Love you too, hold on." I said, "Here, it's Melissa."

"I thought you were gonna call Jay?"

"I am, I'll use the other line."

"How'd she know I was here?"

"She didn't"

"Then let her talk to you, it's ok!"

"Nah, I gotta call Jay. It's ok really! It'll keep you occupied while I'm on the phone. "Ok, whatever. I was just about to call Jay, so here, talk to him anyway. I'll use the other line."

"You sure? I mean, I've kinda been doin that a lot lately."

"It's ok, really!"

"Ok, love you!"

"Love you too, hold on." I said, "Here, it's Melissa."

"I thought you were gonna call Jay?"

"I am, I'll use the other line."

"How'd she know I was here?"

"She didn't"

"Then let her talk to you, it's ok!"

"Nah, I gotta call Jay. It's ok really! It'll keep you occupied while I'm on the phone."

"Ok, if you're sure about this!"

"Positive! Now take the damn phone! You're woman, my best friend, is waiting to talk to you!"

"Ok, ok!"

He took the phone and I went upstairs to the den. I picked up the other line and called Jay. Of course, as I suspected, he wasn't asleep.

"Hello?" He said.

"What up playa!" I said.

"Well it's about time!"

"Were you waiting by the phone?"

"Shut up!"

"So what up?"

"Nothin man, chillen!"


"How is it down there?"

"Yo, this place is PHAT!!!"


"Yup yup!"

"OH my god! I have to talk to you!"

"I know, I know! Melissa told me!"

"Told you what?"

"That you HAVE to talk to me!"

"Oh, ok."

"Why? What?"

"No, I thought she told you what I have to talk to you about."


"Well, here goes then."

"Go ahead!"

"Well, you may not believe me, but I KNOW I'm gonna stay faithful to Justin!"

"Well, if you're serious about it, then I'm happy for you!"

"You don't believe me do you?"

"I do, really! I mean, I've seen how you two act around each other. I've never seen you like that!"

"I've never felt like this before."

"I'm happy for you!"

"That's not all though."


"I.. I... I think I'm falling in l.. love with Justin."



"Oh my god!"

"I know! It's only been like a couple weeks, but I dunno, it wasn't till he left that I figured it out, well, with the help of Melissa."

"What happened?"

"We talked after y'all left. And she knew exactly what I was thinking."

"Why, is she falling for Josh?"

"No, she said it's too soon, they barely got enough time to spend together."

"Same thing he said."

"But anyway, I'm seriously thinking that I'm in love with him."


"Well, I guess I know I am."

"Then why didn't you tell him?"

"I.. I dunno. I guess I'm scared!"

"Of what?"

"I mean, what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if I scare him off?"

"I don't think that will happen!"

"Besides, confessing your love for someone for the first time shouldn't be done over the phone! I mean, I wanna be able to see the reaction of his face when I tell him. I wanna see his eyes light up with joy, and see that he loves me too!"

"Oh my god!"


"You're really serious about this!"

"I know!"

"I've never heard you talk like this before! Not even with what's her face!"

"I told you, I've never felt like this before!"

"Well, I'm happy for you!"


"I just have one question for you."


"I don't mean to burst your bubble or bring you down in any way, but, what's gonna happen when you tell your parents?"

"I dunno."

"I mean, I know your mom will understand, but your dad?"

"I know. It's gonna be hard, but I have to do it!"


"I don't know. But, it has to be soon. I don't want to have to keep him a secret! From them anyway."

"If I can, you want me to be there?"

"If you can, but if not, then I have Melissa."

"Wow, you tow have gotten close then huh?"


"And to think, you two used to hate each other!"

"Well, not anymore! She really helped me out!"

"Well I'm really happy for you!"

"Thanks! Hey, listen, it's getting late, and I do have school tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, I forgot!"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow maybe?"

"I dunno, I might be out all day. I'll see."

"Ok, later man!"

"Peace bro!"

I hung up the phone and went downstairs to find Josh lying on the couch with the phone in his hand.

"Oh, here Rob comes." He said, "I gotta go. We gotta talk."

"Oh, ok. I'll talk to you tomorrow!" she said.

"Ok, bye!"

"Wait! Let me get the phone!" I said.

"Oh, ok. Hold on, he wants to speak to you!"

"Ok." She said.

I took the phone and went in the kitchen.

"Oh my god! He's really serious about this!" I said.

"I know!" she said.

"I can't believe it!"

"Me either!"

"You know what else?"


"Wait, I can't tell you!"

"Why not? Come on!"

"Nah, I can't! I'm sorry!"

"Alright fine! Be like that!'

"Come on, you know if I could I would!"

"I know, I know."

"Well, I gotta go."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later!"

"Aight, peace!"

I hung up the phone and went back into the living room.

"What was that all about?" Josh asked.

"Nothin, anyways, you wanted to hear the story?"


"Well, get comfortable! It's a long one!"

"Ok, cool. I'm ready!"

"Well, yah see, about two years ago, Jay threw this party in the summer. I don't remember what for, but he just threw a party. Well, the party was off the hook. The thing was, there was alcohol being passed around by the adults. The kids, meaning the guys, managed to sneak quite a few drinks. Since Jay's parents were drunk themselves, they didn't notice. I however, being that I don't drink much, only took a couple of shots of stuff. Like last night, I was only a little tipsy. Jay on the other hand, got pissy drunk! He did a really stupid thing. He went from hard liquor to a 40, and then he drank some milk!"

"Ew, what a combo!"

"I know! So, obviously, since he drank that other stuff, he got really sick! It wasn't till when the party had wound down a little though. I noticed by his face that he looked sick. I took him into the bathroom and he threw up. Thinking that it was over, I cleaned up his face and brought him into his room. I laid him down and got up for second. When I got up, he started throwing up some more. The only thing was, that since he was practically passed out and didn't know what was going on, I was afraid the he was gonna choke. He was laying there in the bed surrounded in his own vomit. I then brought him back to the bathroom, cleaned him up again, and he threw up even more! I left him hanging in the toilet and went back to his room, which is right next to the bathroom so it wasn't far. I took off the sheets and put the somewhere, I forgot. Anyway, I went back to the bathroom to find him passed out on the floor. His eyes were rolled back into his head and that really scared the shit out of me! I was afraid he might've had alcohol poisoning. I was gonna go call an ambulance, but luckily one of the people attending the party was EMT, and even luckier, she wasn't drunk! She brought him into his room and checked him out. He didn't have alcohol poisoning, but he was really sick. She took care of him while I watched. He was lying on the bed motionless it was scary! I really thought for a couple of seconds that I was gonna lose him. It was then that I decided two things. One that I had to tell him that I was bi. And two, that I wouldn't ever let him or any of my other friends get that drunk ever again. So, naturally, when that occasion comes up where my friends want to get drunk, I either talk them out of it, or just make sure that they don't drink too much. Last night, when Lance was looking sick, it reminded me of that night. The only reason why I wasn't so worried, was because I knew that he didn't have that much to drink. And having to carry all of y'all upstairs and place you in bed was a killer on my back, and was no fun. That is why I was being such a prick. But even though that was annoying, the video tape I got cheered me up."

"What video tape?"

"I'll show yah! While all of y'all were passed out I got out my video camera and did a little commentary."


I got the tape and put it on. He was crackin up at the jokes I was making, but more because of the way everybody looked passed out on the floor like that.

"I'm gonna tell Jay that you were feelin up on his man!" I said.

"Oh please! I was drunk and was just playin around! We do that when we're sober!" he said in his defense.

"Oh really? I would like to see that!"

"You will, eventually. You better not let anybody get a hold of that tape!"

"I know!"

"I swear, you're turning into another Joey!"


"He's always walkin around when we're on tour with his video camera taping everything!"

"Oh yeah, I heard about that!"

"It's funny sometimes but it can get a little annoying."

"I bet."

"Watch, you'll see! Just wait till you and Lance are making out somewhere and in comes Joey with his camera video taping it and making fun. At first it'll be funny, but after awhile you'll wanna kick his ass."

"Oh god!"

"Watch, you just wait!"

"I will."

"So, does Lance know about this?"

"What? The tape?"

"No, what you just told me. About what happened to Jay."

"Nah, I haven't told him. I probably will though."

"Oh, I see."

"So what time are we gonna leave here tomorrow?"

"About 12?"

"Sounds good to me."


"What time is it now?"

"Whoa! It's 1:30!"

"I'm getting tired. I think I'm gonna get to bed." I said getting up off the couch.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea to me!"

We both got up and walked up the stairs.

"Aight, so I'll see you in the mornin!" I said once we were at the top.

"Cool." He said heading towards the guestroom.

We both went to sleep and woke up around the same time the next morning, around 10. Since we were going out, I took a shower, got dressed and then went downstairs to find JC eating some cereal, still in his pajamas.

"Morning." I said.

"Whoa, why you dressed so early?" He asked with a mouth full of Frosted Flakes.

"If I'm going out, I always take a shower and get dressed as soon as I get up, first before I eat."


"I dunno, I'm used to it I guess. It's all those years of getting up at 5:30 and having to take a shower so I would wake up. Then having to get dressed to get ready for school, to be out the door by 6:40."

"Um... ok."

"Don't ask."

"Too late!"

"Pass me the cereal."

I ate my breakfast. He finished, went upstairs and got ready. We were both finished with our routine by 11.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked walking into his room.

"Um, well, I figure we leave here by 12. There's no rush, we have the studio for as long as we want it."

"Ok, so how's this gonna work?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, do you want me to just come up with some lyrics for whatever song you have already, or do you want me to help you write the music?"

"We'll see, wherever we get is what we'll do. I mean, I have some songs that need lyrics, and I have some lyrics that need songs."

"Same here."

"Well then, we'll help each other."

"Aight, I'm gonna call up Lance before we leave and see what's the plan for tonight."


I left his room and called Lance. Me and him talked for a little while. The plans for that night were that we were all gonna meet at Justin's and have a barbecue. All of us meaning, us guys, Joey's family, Lance's mom, and of course Justin's family. So tonight would mean another meet the family night. I would be meeting Joey's family, as well as Justin's step-dad. I had to get off the phone cause Josh was ready. We left my house and got to the studio in 10 minutes, and that was with us just taking our time. We went into one of the studios and JC pulled out a couple of notebooks. One was a regular notebook that was filled with lyrics. The other was a staff book (music paper) which had some of the chord progressions, melodies, and songs that he wanted to work on. I pretty much had the same thing, except my music, was mostly done on computer so I had printed out what I wanted to work on, but I still had some handwritten stuff too. We sat down at the piano and began working. Once we sat down, we both got into work mode and were determined to finish what we had started. There were the occasional jokes and goofing around, but we mostly stayed focused. We only stopped one, and that was to go eat lunch, which we just brought back into the studio and ate there. We were so busy that we didn't know how late it was getting. We would've kept going if it hadn't been for Lance. He called me on my cell phone at around 6 and asked me when were we gonna head over to Justin's cause everybody was there and wondering. I then looked at my watch and realized how late it was. I told him that we would just finish up one last measure, then head on over. That one measure took us about 15 minutes to get down, but once we did, as I promised, we packed up and were on our way over to Justin's. With those five and a half-hours of working, we got 2 songs done for their album and two for mine. There was one more that we didn't finish, and we weren't sure whose album it was for cause it was a fresh idea that we had started it at the studio.

We got to Justin's around 7 cause there was some traffic. Everybody had been waiting for us and I thought,

"Great first impression!"

"What's wrong?" JC asked just before we got out of the car.

"Well, I was just thinking that they might have an ill first impression of me cause we're so late."


"And how do you know that?"

"Cause, they know how long it takes me to get my mind off of working on music. Once I get going they have to force me to stop sometimes. You're the same way it seems."

"It's just cause I'm focussed. When I'm in work mode I stick to it until it's done, unless I'm really tired!"

"Same here!"

"And I thought me and Lance had a lot in common!"

"He's the same way, only it's more towards business."

"Well, I have yet to see that."

"Give it time."

"Let's get in there, they're probably waiting!"

"I doubt it."

We got inside and no one was in the living room. They were all in the back yard and we could hear some talking and music. We got back there and they noticed our presence immediately. Lance came up to me and gave me a hug and JC just went off to say hi to everyone. After JC made his rounds, everything went pretty quiet, except for the music that was playing. They were all looking at me waiting for me to be introduced. Lance finally got the hint and said,

"Everybody who doesn't know, this is Rob, my boyfriend, and one of our tour mates this summer."

He pulled me over towards Joey's family and Joey introduced me. Justin then pulled me over to Paul, and introduced me. They all seemed happy to meet me, except for Joey's brother, I just got this weird vibe that he didn't like me. Why? I don't know, but I planned on asking Joey later. After being introduced to everyone, I went over and got some food. Lance joined me and asked,

"So, what did you get done?"

"Lots! We got through five songs and finished four."

"Whoa! That's a lot! All for your album?"

"Nah, two were for yours and two were for mine."

"What about the fifth one?"

"Well, we still haven't decided who's it's gonna go on yet."

"Oh, I see!"

"Yeah. I had fun though!"

"Well, I hope you enjoyed it, cause tomorrow's your first day."

"I know! I'm a little nervous."

"You want me to go with you?"

"Nah, I think it's better I go on my own. But you can come and pick me up if yah like!"

"You betcha!"

"How long is your mom stayin till?"

"She's leaving on Saturday."

"Oh, in the morning or at night?"


"I'll go with you to the airport."

"It's ok, you don't have to, I know you'll be tired!"

"Nope, I'm going and you can't stop me!"

"Can't argue with that!"

"That's right!"

I sat down at a table with Lance and Chris came over and joined us.

"What's that matter? Tired out?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you were just playing football weren't you?"

"Oh, nah. We were just playin catch."

"Who's we?"

"Me and Justin."

"I haven't played football in a long time!"

"We should play sometime then."

"Ok, not now though."

"No. There's too many people around."

"Wouldn't want what happened last forth of July to happen again!" Lance said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Chris threw the ball and it hit Joey and he fell in the pool!"

"Oh shit!"

"Shh! Not so loud, Johnathen's right over there!"

"Oh, sorry!"

"You swear too much man!"

"I know, it's a bad habit!"

We finished eating and I went and talked with Joey's parents. They seemed really nice. I avoided Joey's brother, Steve, cause he was still giving me dirty looks. I then went over and talked to Diane for a little, when I was told that the guys were having a group meeting and that I had to be there too.

"What up? I ain't in the group!" I said going over to where they were sitting.

"Maybe not on stage!" Justin said.

"Whatever, what's up?"

"Well, I gotta tell you guys what the schedule changes were and what's goin down."

"Go ahead then."

"Well, we're leaving to Europe on Sunday."

"Where and what time?" Joey asked.

"We're goin to London and our flight leaves at 2."

"Damn! We're gonna have some serious jet lag!" JC said.

"Yeah, that's why they gave us Monday off."

"Oh cool!"

"Then we're in Europe for a couple of weeks, then we come back here at the beginning of February."

"Where? To Orlando, or the states?" I asked.

"The states."

"Then where to?" We gotta go to LA to film an episode of Love Line."

"That show is stupid!" Justin said.

"There was another show like that back in NY that was MUCH better. But I'll tell you about it later." I said.

"Then we go to shoot the `I drive myself crazy' video then, after that's done it's back on tour." Lance continued.

"Yay." Chris said sarcastically.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 9:30." JC said.

"Ok, I'm gonna get goin soon."

"Why?" Justin asked.

"I gotta work tomorrow!"

"Oh yeah! You're first day, AAWWW!!"

"Shut up!"

"Well, it looks as if my family is ready to leave!" Joey said.

"Guess that means we'll see you tomorrow." Chris said.

"I don't wanna go yet though!"

"So stay over! My mom won't mind." Justin said.


"I'll head out when Rob does." Lance said.

"Why don't you stay over too?" Justin asked.

"I gotta take my mom back! Besides, I gotta spend time with her tomorrow, before goin to pick up Rob."

"Oh, ok."

"Well, I'll go over and tell my parents." Joey said.

"Wait up, we'll go with you to say goodbye." I said.

We all got up and said our good byes. And just like before, there was Steve giving me dirty looks. They all left, and Lynn, Paul, Diane, and the sleeping Johnathen went inside, while we stayed outside and chilled. Once we were alone I asked Joey,

"Hey Joe, what was up with your brother man?"

"What do you mean?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"He was grillin me all night!"


"Sorry, ghettoness coming out of me. I mean, he was giving me dirty looks all night!"

They all started laughing and I was confused.

"I don't get it, what?" I asked.

"That's cause Steve used to have a HUGE crush on Lance!" Justin said.

"OOOHHH!!!!!" I said now laughing.

"Well, he better get over it and accept that Rob is my man if he's gonna go on tour with us!" Lance said.

"Huh? He's goin with us?"

"Yeah, he's gonna work the camera's on the next tour." Joey said.


"Don't worry, I'll talk to him!"

"Cool, thanks."

"Oh, oh, oh! Guess what Rob!" Chris exploded.

"What, what??"

"I'm gettin a dog!!!"

"Oh really?"


"Yeah, he's been buggin us for so long about that we finally gave in!" JC said.

"What kind?"

"I dunno!"

"What are you gonna name it?"

"I dunno, I think, Busta!"


"You know, like Busta Rhymes?"

"Or like, Busta Brown?"




"All I know is, he better not shit in my bunk or there'll be hell to pay!" Justin said!

"And it gotta be a small dog! Cause I ain't havin no Cojak up in the bus!" JC said.

"Alright, alright!" Chris said.

"Well guys, I think it's time for me to get goin!" I said.

"What time is it?" Lance asked.

"Five to ten."

"Oh, ok." Justin said.

Just as I got up, Diane came out and said,

"Lansten honey, I think it's time we get goin!"

"I was just about to come and tell you the same thing." He said getting up and walking over towards the door with the rest of us.

We said our good byes and went our separate ways. I got back to my house around 10:30. There were 3 messages. Two were from my mom, telling me to call her. And the last one was from the studio reminding me I had to be in there at 9. I took a quick shower, put on my boxers, crawled into bed, set my alarm clock and turned on the TV. I fell asleep around 11.

The next morning, I did my routine and got to the studio at a quarter to 9. They liked the fact that I was early, but we still had to wait for Johnny Wright. He was the guys' manager and now mine as well. He got there at 5 after. For the first 2 hours, we were just talking. The people that were there in NY were also there, and so were some new people. After finally meeting EVERYBODY and them explaining who they were and what they did, they started asking me some questions.

(NOTE: Instead of me giving ALL of them names, I'm just going to put what questions were asked. Every question is going to be asked by a different person.)

"So, who are some of your influences?"

"There are so many. Um.. Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Marc Anthony, Hector Lavoe, Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul, Gloria Estefan, R. Kelly, Blackstreet, The Backstreet Boys, and of course N Sync, and so many others."

"If you could, what artists would you like to work with?"

"Artists? Hmm. let's see. I already proposed to work with Mariah Carey and the Backstreet Boys. But other than that? Uh.. I think... Aaliyah, Marc Anthony, R. Kelly, Timberland and Magoo, Missy Elliot, Boyz II Men, 112, Faith Evans, Monifah, Deborah Cox, I dunno."

"What about producers? Are there any with whom you would like to work with?"

"Um.. again, Timberland, Emilio Estefan, and maybe Puff Daddy."

"I hear that you can do some producing yourself. What have you worked on?"

"Well, professionally, I've only worked on those songs I did with the guys back in New York."

"I see. We've heard those tracks, and I must say, from what we've heard and from what we have been told, you really know your way around the studio and are a very talented musician. You have a great voice, and I think I speak for the rest of us here as well when I say that, we all look forward to working with you and I'm sure we're gonna make you a star!"

I started smiling and blushing a little, but that was interrupted by another guy in a suit.

"Well, your schedule for the next few months will be mostly the same thing everyday. You will be in here by 9. You will have practice interviews until 10:30 then it's off to the dance studio where you will learn some basic moves until 1. You will have an hour lunch break and then you meet with the writers. At 3 you will be in the studio until about 6. Then, if we are done for the day, you are free to go. I tell you now, there will be plenty of times where you'll have to stay later than 6. Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna get to write some of my own material, right?"

"You can show your work to the writers and if they like it, then we'll use it."

"Um, I also have some songs composed already."

"Bring them in and we'll listen to them and see how they sound."

"And it's in my contract that I get to co-produce some of the tracks right?"


"Ok, just checking."

"If that is all, you can go get something to eat and then head over to wardrobe where they'll take your measurements and fit you with some clothes. After that, you are free to go and we'll see you back in here Monday."


After eating, I headed over to the wardrobe department where I met the wardrobe staff. The lady who was in charge name was Vicky. She looked Cuban, but didn't have an accent. She started measuring me and all that stuff and we started talking. I was right, she was Cuban and she was born in Miami where her parents still lived. She was 27 divorced with a 4 year-old son named Raul that was in pre-school. The staff was nice, they were all friendly and we joked around quite a lot. By the time she was finished, I had a whole lot of phat clothes, and it was 10 to five. I called Lance after putting on my old clothes and he was already on his way. He said he would be there in 5 minutes. I went outside and waited for him, expecting for him just to show up, but he came with the guys. They all got out and all asked me the same question at the same time,

"So, how was your first day?"

I laughed a little and said that I'd tell them over dinner.

"Good, we'll take you to a little place that we know that's not too far from here and has really good food!" Joey said.

"And that would be?" I asked.

"It's called the Ale House."

"Sounds like a bar."


"Come on, let's go!" Justin said, "Three in my car and three in Rob's car."

"I'm with Rob." Lance said.

"Duh!" Justin said.

"I'll ride with them." Joey said.

We got in our cars and headed for Ale House. We got a table and they ordered some chicken thing, that I forgot the name of, as the appetizer. That came and they made me try it.

"Ok, this is your true initiation!" Justin said.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well, you have to eat five of these, then you're officially part of the group! Off stage that is."


"Nope! You gotta do it!" Joey said.

"Fine, whatever." I said taking a bite of one of them.

Within two seconds, my mouth was on fire and I screamed.

"Damn! That shit is hot!!!" I said after gulping down glass of water.

"He only ate half!" Joey said.

"Four and a half more to go then!" Chris said.

"Hell no! I ain't eatin that shit! I HATE spicy food!" I said.

"Uh uh! You ain't getting out of this one!" JC said.

"Oh, you're turnin on me too?"

"Sorry, but you gotta do it!"

"Well, at least Lance is on my side!"

Lance didn't say anything.

"Right Lance?" I asked.

"Normally, I would be, but you gotta do it!" He said regretfully.

"So much for standing by your man!"

"Stop being a wuss and do it already!" Justin said.

"OH, ok! I see how it is! But don't worry, I'll get ALL of you back! Especially you!" I said pointing to Lance.

"Shut up!" they all said.

"Come on, eat up!" Joey said.

"Fine, bring it on!" I said.

They asked the waitress to bring a pitcher of water to the table and then I began to eat the chicken from hell. After five of those, and the whole pitcher of water, I wasn't hungry anymore and had to piss like a racehorse! I got up and went to the bathroom where Lance followed me. Once inside the bathroom I said,

"Watch, you see if you're getting any before you leave!"

"That'll hurt you too, so don't even play!" He said.

After we finished in the bathroom, we went back out ate our dinner. After dinner was over, the guys went home and I went back to Lance's. As soon as we got back to his house, I said,

"Lance, we gotta talk."

"About what?" He asked.

"About us."

"Uh oh."

"No, it's nothing bad. We just have to discuss some things."

"Ok, I'll tell my mom that we had to go talk."

He went to his mom and told her, I said my hellos and we went upstairs.

"So what's up?" He asked once we were in his room.

"Well, I've been thinking about when you go out on tour."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, from now until my album drops, we're gonna mostly be apart. I mean, I know we're gonna talk and see each other sometimes, but not all the time."

"I know."

"All I'm saying is that... that I don't want this to drive us apart."

"It won't."

"You say that now, but what happens 2 months from now when we've missed each other like crazy and the phone calls aren't satisfying enough?"

"Well look. Although we have a pretty hectic schedule, there will be places and times where we'll be able to meet up with each other."

"Ok, let's look at all this. You're leaving Sunday, I'm gonna be in the studio for 4 to 5 months straight. There are gonna be a lot of times when you or I am too tired to pick up the phone and call each other, or just won't be in the mood to talk period. And those times are gonna hurt, cause one of us is gonna feel like the other doesn't want to talk to the other. Although we may both be understanding about it all, what happens when you or I have had tons of shit to do and we won't be able to talk to each other for a week or so? You know how that's gonna feel?"

"Yes. Look, all that you're saying I have taken into consideration. I have faith in us though. I know that we love each other and together, we can get through the 4 or 5 months we'll be apart. And like I said, there are going to be times when we're going to get to meet up. Our schedule doesn't get that chaotic until April or May. From now until then, although we are doing tour dates, we are going to be in the studio, doing promotional appearances, and shooting videos. For the recording, although it's in different studios around the country, we're gonna be doing a lot of it here. Since you are also going to be doing recording in LA and New York, there will be times when we're in the same city. Not to mention all the promotional work you're going to be doing. Despite it all, we're going to be seeing each other, not as much as either of us would like, but we'll see each other none the less."

"I.. I just don't want to lose you!" I said starting to cry.

"You won't!"

"I know, it's just that... forget it!"


"Well, it's just that.. Even though I know it's not gonna happen. This is sorta what started the downfall of Nitasha and me."

"But I'm not Nitasha."

"I know, but.. I don't know! I just don't want what happened to me and her to happen to us!"

"It won't! I won't let it! Look, you said it yourself! Nitasha was a complete and total bitch!"

"True." I said laughing a little.

"Look at me. I am too much in love with you to let anything break us apart! There will be times when we'll both think that in the best interest for the other person, that we should break up, but in reality, it's for no one's benefit!"

"You really think we're gonna get though this?"

"I know we will!"

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

For the rest of the night, we laid there in Lance's bed holding each other until we both fell asleep.


Again, all questions, comments, suggestions, and criticisms welcome and encouraged!

Email me at

Next: Chapter 25

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