Rob and Lance

By moc.loa@5641otipaP

Published on Apr 1, 2000


Hey everybody! I got this out sooner than I thought! This chap again features my friend the mystery author. So if it sucks, it's his fault! J/K! Well, I got some bad news for all of you. This is going to be the last installment of Rob and Lance. It's just been too hard to keep up with writing this and focusing on my work. Thank all of you for being such great fans and I've really enjoyed sharing my story with you! So, for the last time . . . On with the show!

Last time . . .

"I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom." Linda said getting up from the table.

As soon as she was out of sight, I said,

"Ok, remember, she doesn't know about me, Jay, Justin OR Lance! So we have to keep it like that just for tonight until Jay decides to tell her!"

"Which he should just do already!" Lisa said.

"Shut up!" Jay said.

"I'm serious!" I said.

"Yeah, we know!"

"Ok, here she comes!"

And now, the continuation . . .

The dinner went pretty well considering Justin and Jay and Lance and I had to pretend like we weren't dating. To help us do that, Lance sat next to Justin, and I sat next to Jay, but we sat across from each other so we could play footsies with our respected men. The whole dinner was spent talking about the tour, and Jay graduating, and a whole bunch of stuff. After dinner, the younger ones, (meaning everyone but the parents) decided to go chill back at the hotel, Lisa wanted to come too, but she had to get to work early the next day, so she had to go home. It worked out cause my parents dropped them off. Justin and Jay went in Jay's car, and the rest of us were divided in the other 2.

In Jay's car, the ride back to the hotel was filled with updates on what each had been doing since the last time they'd seen one another and a few plans about what they might do when Jay came on the road with us.

"So what's this gift you got me?" Jay said suspiciously, "I don't see a box."

"Told yah," Justin said with a grin, "when we get back to your place."

Jay gave him another pouting expression, but Justin just smiled and said,

"Wait till we get home!"

"Why? You gonna come and get my love?" Jay smiled.

"Well . . . we'll see."

After we got back to the hotel, we chilled in Josh's room, cause it was the biggest. We spent hours just talking about stuff. Jay told us about prom and Justin was getting jealous, Melissa told us about school and how she was happy that she transferred, Ricky was telling us about his new job and how it kicked ass and we shared more stories about the tour. (The ones we couldn't share at the dinner table [i.e. the me and Chris sleeping together incident]) It was me who looked at the clock and noticed the time.

"Whoa! It's 1:30!" I said.

"Damn it's late!" Ricky said, "And I gotta work tomorrow!"

"Then why'd you stay up this late?"

"I didn't know!"

"Whatever, you want me to give you a ride home? You can stay here if you want."

"Nah, I gotta get goin, my stuff is there, and it'll be easier that way!"

"Ok, then I'll give you a lift!"

"That's ok, we'll do it. We're goin back to my place anyway." Jay said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's no problem. He's like right down the block from me!"

"Ok, then we'll see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe. Depends." He said looking at Justin seductively, getting a collective `ill' from the rest of us.

"Well, you two better make the best of tomorrow, cause we gotta leave the next day." JC said.

"Oh yeah . . ." Justin said.

"Then no, you won't be seeing us tomorrow!" Jay said.

"You're not comin to the barbecue?" Melissa asked.

"I don't think so."

"What about you Ricky?" I asked.

"Nah, I can't make it. I'm workin late." He replied.

"Oh well, then it's just us!" JC said.

"Ok, then we're leavin now!" Jay said.

"Ooooook!" I said. "OH!!!!!!!! Wait one minute!"

"What?" They said both looking at me.

"I have something for you!"

"Who, me?" Jay asked.

"Yeah! DUH!"


"Here!" I said handing him some papers.

"What's this?"

"The apartment is officially yours now. So is the car! They've been all signed over to you, all you have to do is sign them and give them back to me so I can give them to the proper authorities."

"Thank you!" He said giving me a hug.

"So where's MY gift, huh?"

"It's at home. Um . . . when I see you, I'll bring it over."

"Ok, you are dismissed now!"

As they left, I gave them a `have fun, but be careful' look and they both smiled and left.

"Ok, I think it's time everybody followed their cue and got the hell outta here too!" Josh said after about 5 minutes.

"Yeah, let's give these two some privacy', I'm sure they wanna catch up' on things." I said.

"Meaning, they wanna make out, so let's leave!" Chris said.


We all cleared out of their room and they just stayed behind still wrapped in each other's arms.

After dropping off Ricky, Jay parked outside the building and they headed for the apartment. As the door closed behind them Jay turned to Justin, pulled him close and kissed him full on the lips. As their lips parted Jay said,

"Been wantin' to do that for months!"

Justin smiled and said,

"Me too."

"You wanna drink or somethin'?" Jay asked showing Justin to the living room.

"Nah, I'm fine," Justin replied, "Let's just chill together for awhile, huh?"

They sat next to one another on the couch and flipped on the TV. It ended up on a music video channel though neither was really paying it much attention. They kissed again, this time more deeply, more passionately. Justin grasped the back of Jay's neck and pulled him closer. Their tongues each explored the other's mouths as Jay ran his hand through Justin's curls.

"I missed you so much," Justin said.

"Oh god me too!"

They stared deeply into each other's eyes before Jay finally said,

"Okay, so what's this great gift you got me?"

Justin threw his head back and laughed.

"Oh, man! You really want this gift don't ya?"

Jay nodded with a wide grin. Justin smiled and kissed him once more. He moved over onto Jay's lap, straddling his legs and started kissing his neck. Jay pushed him back and said with a chuckle,

"Okay Curly . . . so where's my gift?"

Justin laughed and said,

"In your lap stupid!"

"I was kinda hopin' you'd say that."

Justin smiled and moved his mouth back to Jay's neck and stared nibbling as he began to unbutton his shirt. Jay moved his hand around to Justin's back and then up to the back of his head, running his fingers through his curly locks. Jay reached around and unbuttoned Justin's shirt and ran his hands across his toned chest before laying his head back and moaning as Justin kissed and licked down his smooth chest. Justin stopped at his right nipple and began to suck lightly as he rolled the left between his fingers. Justin could feel Jay's cock begin to rise to its full 7" within his pants and began grinding against it. Jay groaned in pleasure as he began to grind as well. They kissed again as their pace quickened.

"Ummm, uh . . . wait," Jay said as he pushed Justin back.

"You okay?" Justin asked with concern, "What's wrong? I kinda thought you wanted this too."

"Oh, hell yeah . . . you know I do!" Jay said a bit breathless.

"Then what's wrong?" Justin asked as Jay began to laugh, "What??"

Jay continued to laugh and finally managed to say,

"These are my good pants!"


Jay buried his face in his hands.

"Aw, man! I know it sounds stupid . . ." Jay said finally looking Justin in the eye, "but these aren't my pants . . . They're Rob's even though he got most of his stuff, there's still some stuff of his here and it would just feel weird to . . ."

Justin blinked then collapsed onto Jay laughing,

"I . . . I guess I can see your point!"

They laughed for a couple of minutes before Justin rolled off Jay, then took him by the hand and helped him up.

"Where we goin'?" Jay asked eyeing Justin questioningly.

"To take care of this little . . . uh . . . problem."

Justin led him to the bedroom and started kissing down his chest to his stomach. Kneeling, he slowly unfastened Jay's pants and lowered them to the floor, then began to suck lightly on Jay's cock through the fabric of his boxers. Jay moaned softly as he took hold of Justin's head. Justin moved his hands up through the legs of Jay's boxers and massaged his hips before taking hold of the elastic and slowly pulling them off. Justin stood and kissed Jay once more, then removed his shirt as Jay unfastened his pants and pushed them off. Justin pushed the now naked Jay to the bed then slowly kissed his way up his thigh. He stopped to suck on Jay's balls and playfully nibble on his sac.

"Hey watch it!" Jay yelped.

Justin just looked up at him and smiled impishly before licking his cock head. Jay shuddered in delight as Justin engulfed his manhood. Jay's fists clenched at the bed sheets and his eyes rolled back as a low moan escaped him. A wave a shear pleasure was quickly overtaking him as Justin bobbed up and down. He took a hold of Justin's head and started to fuck his face. Justin just surrendered to Jay's rhythm and began to massage his balls with one hand and tease his nipples with the other. Soon Jay's breathing became rapid and sharp; he arched his back and lifted himself off the bed as his balls contracted. Justin felt Jay's cock stiffen and twitch within his mouth just before he began to empty his load down his throat. Justin clamped his lips tightly around Jay's shaft and swallowed as fast as possible to keep from missing a drop of his lover's juices. Jay let out a ragged sigh, as he relaxed back onto the bed. Justin gently crawled further onto the bed and found Jay laying with his eyes closed and a blissful smile fixed on his lips. His eyes opened and he looked deeply into the blue pools of Justin's eyes, straight into his soul. Justin leaned forward and kissed him. Jay could taste his own cum on Justin's tongue as it explored his mouth. He started to move around to return what Justin had just done, when Justin stopped him.

"You don't have to," he said as he pulled him back to lay beside him, "This is your night," Justin said wrapping his arms around him.

Jay smiled and kissed him as he reached down into Justin's boxers and began to massage his cock.

"I said you didn't . . ."

Jay silenced him with a kiss, then grinned as he said,

"I want it that way."

"Hey! That's like the ul . . . ti . . . mate . . . sin, we're . . . not . . . th . . . uuuh!" Justin moaned as Jay began to suck wildly on his dick.

Justin smiled and just relaxed and let Jay work him to climax as they made out. After they spent their "quality time" together, Jay lay his head on top of Justin's chest and they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

After we left, JC and Melissa moved to the couch and started kissing. She began nibbling on his ear while feeling the muscles in his chest through his shirt. When she moved down to his neck he backed off, and with a chuckle said,

"Hey now! Remember, no marks . . . the tabloids would just love that!"

"It's okay, I won't leave any . . ." she giggled, "at least where anybody should be looking!"

He smiled and she leaned over to kiss him. She began to unbutton his shirt as he ran his hand up her thigh. Slowly he moved his hand up her side toward her breast, but stopped short. She broke their kiss and looked deeply into his blue eyes. She smiled and said,

"It's okay Josh . . . you DO have my permission." She took his hand and moved it onto her breast.

He smiled rather shyly then leaned in to kiss her. She ran her hands across his now bare chest, as he tenderly massaged her breasts through her blouse. She moved her hand down and finding his manhood, she squeezed it gently through the fabric of his pants. He gasped at her touch. She now moved her mouth down to his chest and began to lick at his brown nipples. He ran his fingers through her shoulder length brown hair, now with reddish/brown streaks, with one hand as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse with the other. She could feel his cock growing under her continued massage, and soon moved over to sit in his lap.

"Oh god Josh, I want you so much!"

She unbuckled his belt and began to unbutton his pants.

"Ugh, uh . . . wait . . . no," he said pulling away from their kiss.

"Josh? What's wrong hon'?"

"I . . . I . . .c . . . can't," he said shaking his head.

"Why not? Don't you want this too?"

"Oh, my god, of course I do! More than you could imagine."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I . . . I, um . . ." he hung his head, "I just can't. I . . . I don't have . . . . . . well I didn't get any . . . but I couldn't . . ."

She placed her finger over his mouth and smiled at his loss of words.

The media often painted Lance as the shy one, but she knew better; JC had Lance beat hands down in the shyness department, at least when it came to dates at any rate.

"Josh don't worry about it," she said lifting his face up to look him in the eyes, she then kissed him and said, "Don't worry, it's taken care of . . . I know you guys can't exactly pop into the airport gift shop and pick up a box or two of Trojans."

They both began to laugh.

"Beauty . . . brains . . . How in the world did I get so lucky?"

"You just know the right people!" she said with a wink, then kissed him, "Make love to me Josh."

"Are you sure?"

In reply she gave him that said, "Shut up stupid!" He smiled and then picked her up.

"Oh my!" she giggled, "He sings like and angel and he's Hercules to boot!"

"Um, no that would be Ryan."

She gave him a questioning glance as she quickly reached and grabbed her purse.

"Never mind," he said and carried her to the bed.

She lay back on the bed as he sat down beside her and began once more to open her blouse. He leaned down and kissed her breasts as he cupped them in his hands.

"Now where were we?" She smiled and said, as she reached down to finish unzipping his pants.

He helped her remove his shirt as she kissed his chest. She then helped him to remove the rest of her clothes. She pulled him closer as she slid his pants off. He leaned back to take in the sight of her beautiful, tanned, naked body.

"You're so beautiful Melissa."

"You are too Josh," she giggled softly, "well you know what I mean." She smiled as she looked down toward his boxers, "Hey, looks like somebody's getting a little impatient."

He looked down to find the tip of his cock beginning to peak out of the waistband of his boxers.

"Ummm . . . s . . . sorry," he said rather sheepishly as he blushed a shade of crimson.

"For what? I want the little fella the rest of the way outta there!" He laughed as she reached down and pulled his boxers down to release his manhood. "I stand corrected . . . the big fella!" She grinned as his blush deepened toward beet. He ran his fingers through he hair again as she leaned over and kissed him. He moaned as she reached down and took hold of his manhood, slowly stroking it. "Josh I wanna feel you inside me." He smiled blissfully, then his eyes grew wide and a look of momentary panic came over him. "On the night table," she smiled.

He looked over and found her purse and handed it to her. She reached in and pulled out several foil packets.

"All of em?" he said his blue eyes growing large.

"Well, we'll just use `em one at a time. We can see how many we get through, after all we have all night." They both smiled.

He took one of the condoms and she placed the rest on the table. He tore open the packet and began to put it on. He was fumbling with it a bit and she helped him roll it down his shaft. She ran her hands up his stomach to his chest as she brought her leg over to sit on his stomach. She leaned down and kissed him as she slid back toward his waiting manhood. Then she tenderly took a hold of his shaft and guided him into her warmth. He let out a low gasp of pleasure, which she swallowed with a kiss.

He could feel her walls gently massaging his length as she slowly began to slide up and down his shaft. She felt his cock twitch in anticipation inside her and she began small round movements as she slid up and down on him. He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer driving deeper into her as he sat up to kiss her breast and gently lick and suck at her nipples. He let out a low moan as she clawed at his back and shoulders. He began to unconsciously thrust his hips and they settled into a mutual rhythm.

Soon their pace quickened as their need grew. She pushed him to the bed, clawing into his chest as she did. He could feel a warm sensation growing in his balls. A once familiar sensation, that felt totally new and wonderful. His breathing was becoming rapid, almost a pant and she could tell he was getting closer. She massaged his shaft with the muscles inside her tight walls, as she felt herself nearing climax. His thrusts became almost desperate as he clawed at the bed sheets. Suddenly his fists clenched tightly around the sheets, his back arched and he let out a silent scream as he climaxed. The pulse of his throbbing manhood deep within her sent her over the edge as well and her back arched as her entire body began to shudder with her own orgasm.

Eventually he slowly began to relax and the pained expression of his orgasm was replaced by a satisfied grin of pure ecstasy. As she laid her head gently on his flushed chest, she could hear his heart still pounding with excitement. She moved up to kiss him, first on the forehead then the lips, as she did his cock slid free from her and she felt strangely incomplete. She rolled slightly so that she was more on the bed and only leaning over onto him, then she pulled the sheet over them.

"Josh, that was . . ." she began as she drew back from their kiss. She stopped as she noticed a tear roll from the corner of his eye. "Are you okay?"

He looked at her with a mix of surprise, embarrassment, and, if she didn't know better, fear all rolled into one.

"Yeah," he said with a little shrug, "Was it . . . Are you okay?"

"Baby, why are you crying?" A timid shrug was just about all he could muster as he avoided looking at her directly. She wiped the tear from his face and smiled faintly as realization came. "Josh, were you . . . Oh my god . . . Was this your first time?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing would come out. He slowly nodded.

"Was it . . ." he said then trailed off.

"It was wonderful," she said with a smile. "You were wonderful." He smiled broadly. "And Josh, I'm flattered . . . honored, and . . ." she shrugged, "extremely glad that you loved me and felt you trusted me enough to let me be your first."

He pulled her close to him and kissed her more passionately than he ever had before. She laid her head on his chest once again and they eventually drifted off into a deep restful slumber.

JC was awakened by the sound of knocking. He slowly stirred and noticed the form cuddled peacefully in his arms.

"JC, you in there?" Lance said. "Josh! Hey man are you alive?"

"Uh, yeah Lance! Hold on a sec, I'm on my way!" He gently shook Melissa, "Mel! Mel! Wake up hon'." She slowly roused, "Baby, Lance is at the door . . . do you wanna . . ."

"Shit!" She laughed, "Well so much for keeping this quiet."

"Yeah," he said handing her clothes to her as she headed to the bathroom.

He grabbed his pants and quickly slid them on as he headed for the door.

"JC!! Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah, yeah man," JC said reaching the door. He opened it and with a little laugh said, "Sorry, I couldn't find my pants. What is it Scoop?"

Lance eyed JC curiously as he finished fastening his pants. Something occurred to him which might have gone unnoticed had he not been such a keen observer of men and their habits of dress. JC wasn't wearing his boxers, and JC always wore his boxers to bed. Lance shrugged it off and said,

"Well, we were all gonna order breakfast, before we headed upstate and wanted to know if it was okay to have it served in your room since it's the biggest . . ."

"Oh, yeah sure, no problem. Uh, but how long before you'll be over here?" JC noticed the odd look Lance was giving him, "What?"

Lance shrugged,

"Uh . . . Oh, I already got everybody's orders but yours, so I was gonna check to see if it was okay and get yours and go order them all and have them send it up. Are you okay?" Lance nodded toward some small red marks on JC's bare chest.

"Oh, yeah, it's . . . it's nothin," JC shook his head as he turned and went to get his shirt.

"Josh!!" Lance yelled, noticing the small red welts on JC back. "What the hell happened to your back man?"

JC spun round to face him, as Melissa came running out of the bathroom half dressed.

"What's wrong?" Melissa asked.

Lance stood openmouthed a moment and his eyes grew wide as the scene began to sink in then he began to blush.

"Oh, wow! Umm . . . oh, man! I'm sooo sorry! I didn't mean to . . ."

Melissa laughed and said,

"Rob's right, he is cute when he's embarrassed."

JC let out a little chuckle.

"Oh man, guys," Lance said, "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to barge in on you guys."

"It's no problem Scoop. Really." JC said trying to ease Lance's discomfort.

Lance walked over to Melissa and kissed her on the cheek,

"I'm really happy for you two."

"I'm kinda happy myself," she said with a grin. JC blushed as he put his shirt on.

"We can move breakfast if you guys want some more time together?" Lance said.

"Mmm, breakfast I'm starved," Melissa said.

"What do you want? The guys were just about to order," JC asked her.

"Oh, I don't know, do they have a fruit plate with some cottage cheese on the side?" JC eyed her strangely and she laughed, "How `bout bacon and eggs?"

"You had me worried there for a minute," JC said.

Lance just smiled and shook his head.

"That sounds good, how `bout two bacon and egg platters Scoop?"

"No problem," Lance said. "Are you sure you don't want some more time to yourselves?"

JC looked over at Melissa and shrugged questioningly.

"No it's fine Lance," she said, "we'll see you guys in awhile."

Lance nodded and left.

"Well here we go!"

"Hey that's our line!" JC said as he put his arm around her and kissed her.

Lance entered the room to find me finishing getting dressed.

"Hey babe, took you long enough," I said.

"Sorry, you know JC in the morning! I didn't think I was ever gonna get him to the door!"

"So is he in?"

"Yeah, I got his order and he's waitin' for us."

"Cool, just lemme get my shirt buttoned and my shoes on and I'm good to go."

Lance walked over to stand behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist,

"You know you don't hafta on my account."

"Yeah . . . but the other guys are probably hungry though." I said making the mistake of looking back over my shoulder into Lance's green eyes, "Ugh! Damn you . . . you are so cute when you pout!" Lance grinned then gave me the puppy dog look. "No. Tonight babe."


"You know it!"

"Well . . . okay then," Lance said then kissed me, "I'll call down and place the orders while you finish getting dressed, and then we'll go round up the other guys and head to JC's room."

"Sound's like a plan."

Just as we had planned we got the others and headed to JC's room. We had already heard the food being delivered, and were anxious to eat. Lance stopped and knocked even though the door was already open for them to enter. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow at him. We never did that on the road, if the door was open we were always welcome, especially when food was involved. JC told us to come on in and we did, finding him sitting on the bed thumbing through the paper that came up with the breakfast. We all exchanged good mornings and then started to gather around the carts. I glanced over the carts and then looked more closely,

"Is Curly back? I thought he was spending the day with Jay?"

The others all said, "Huh?" almost in unison.

"Well there's six plates, I thought Jus was still over at Jay's."

"No, he's still there as far as I know," JC said. "He's not the baby anymore remember? I don't keep track of him," Josh smiled.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

Joey plopped down in one of the chairs and landed on something. Pulling it form beneath him he said,

"Hey, Melissa musta left her jacket here last night. We gonna see her today? We can take it to her."

Suddenly Lance's odd behavior and the extra plate started to click in my mind. Positive proof came when I saw Melissa's purse on the night table, and a ripped open foil packet beneath it. I gave Lance a stern look then smiled. Lance just smiled back broadly.

"Did I hear my name?" Melissa said walking out of the bathroom dressed in the same clothes she'd worn the day before. "Mornin' guys," she said as she crossed the room to sit beside a grinning JC.

We all said good morning back to her then it must have finally registered. Chris said,

"Lemme find out! Joshy finally got laid!! Bout damn time somebody did some cherry poppin' on big daddy!!"

JC's grin disappeared as his glance darted to Melissa. An angry expression came over his face as he turned to Chris,

"SHUT THE FUCK UP CHRIS!" He said pissed off and not in their usual joking way. Chris looked back at him with shock, as did the rest of us.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean . . ."

"Just shut up! Shut up about her!" JC said.

Melissa smiled as she recognized the attempt to protect her honor.

"It's okay Josh," she said as she rubbed his shoulders and pulled him closer. "He's just jealous!" she said as she leaned over and kissed him full on, a tonsil hockey match, as Joey would put it. All of our jaws dropped as we watched in awe. This couldn't be the same Joshua Chasez. As they broke apart JC blinked and wiped his mouth with his hand.

"Whoa!!" Joey said, his eyes wide.

"Let's eat!" Melissa said picking up her fork as the rest of us burst out laughing.

While eating, we discussed our plans for the day, which included going up to my grandma's house upstate and having a barbecue. It was nice weather so we decided to take full advantage of it, and considering my dad had opened up the pool a few weeks ago, we decided to take full advantage of that too!

"So are we gonna get everything here then go up there, or get everything once we get up there?" Melissa asked.

"Um . . . We'll get these guys to the house first, then me and you are gonna go to the supermarket and get the stuff." I said.

"Hey, why can't we come help?" Joey asked.

"Cause one celebrity in a small town going to the supermarket, is less likely to cause a scene than 5 celebrities!"

"Oh . . . yeah, I forgot."

"And besides . . . I wanna spend some time with my best friend! We have some `catching up' to do!" I said looking at her then at Josh, who was blushing.

"Well, you wanna get going now?" Chris asked.

"Are all of you ready?"

"I left my bag at my place, I just gotta pick it up." Melissa said.

"And I gotta get dressed." Josh said.

"Ok, so Josh, you get dressed, whoever else isn't ready go get ready, then when we're done, we'll stop by Mel's house and get her bag." I said.

We did as planned and were soon on the road to Mel's house in the rental car. After picking up her stuff, it was on towards the house.

"So, do we get to meet your grandmother?" Chris asked.

"Um . . . No, if you want that, that'll be another trip, another time." I said looking in the mirror.

"Oh . . . Why, is she like in a home or something?"

"No . . . She's kind of . . . not with us anymore."

"Oh . . . I'm . . . I'm sorry!"

"Don't worry about it. It was a few years ago. There's pictures of her up there though, of me too when I was younger." I said focussing back on the road. "Well, I guess I should tell you the story then huh?"

"You don't have to."

"Nah, it's cool! Ok, well, my grandmother died a few years ago of cancer. She had this house upstate that we all used to go to on family gatherings. When she died, instead of selling the house, we kept it to sort of keep that family tradition. We always hold family gatherings up there, and sometimes parties. Every weekend, somebody goes up there to check on the place, mostly my parents, but my uncle too sometimes."

"I thought your uncle lived in North Carolina?" Josh asked.

"He does, I'm talking about my other uncle."


"There's always food in the fridge, there's a pool, a computer which my other uncle, the one who lives in North Carolina, bought. There's a pool table that me and my brother bought, some video games that we brought up there."

"What kind?" Chris asked.

"A playstation. I don't know what games are up there, it depends on when the last time Ricky, or my cousin was up there."


"It's really peaceful, and it's surrounded by wooded area so no one can see in!"

"And you know we love our privacy!" Lance said.

The ride up there was filled with jokes, and conversation. We even heard a couple of my songs on the radio. It was funny cause they were making fun of how I looked on stage when I sang those songs. I then in turn made fun of Josh and how he looks when he gets amped up on stage.

After dropping the guys off, and letting them have the run of the house until I got back, Mel and I went to the supermarket.

"So, what happened?" I asked once we were in the car alone together.


"Come on, spill!"

OK! APRIL FOOLS! Of course it's TBC! You really think I'd end it like that? No way! The ending however is not that far away. I don't know exactly when I plan on ending it, but I know that the story's not gonna last through the summer. I know how I'm gonna end it, but don't send me email or im me and ask me how cause I won't under any circumstances tell anybody! You wanna find out? You're just gonna have to wait! But, if you wanna email me or im me with any questions you have about any of the story that's already out, feel free! Questions, comments and suggestions are all welcome! Email me at . So, until next time, BYE!

Next: Chapter 44

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