Rob Kash In Love

By Freddy Obermeier

Published on Mar 30, 2011



Disclaimer: I do not know Rob Kardashian and this story is fiction. I do not know his sexuality, nor do I mean to imply anything with this story. Its just one guy's fantasy.

Chapter One

It's funny how he never really believed in all the clichés his friends and family told him about love, until a chance meeting left him wondering if they were right. He wasn't looking for love, nor did he think he would find it, but he did, in a seemingly insignificant place. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Rob Kardashian was in line at the coffee shop, waiting to place an order for himself and his 3 older sisters. As usual, when they went out for anything, he was in charge of ordering; he was the boy and the baby, so it was a duty he could never escape. The line up didn't seem that long, but it seemed to be taking forever. The guy in front of him kept checking his watch and tapping his foot, obviously annoyed. By the time Rob made it to the front of the line, 15 minutes had passed, and he just wanted to sit down and relax with his sisters.

As he stepped to the side where his prepared drinks would be, the same guy from the line turned with his tray of drinks. And before Rob could move out of the way, they collided. Any normal collision would have been a minor annoyance, but this one involved 4 large coffees, and apparently the lids were on loose, because both guys ended up with coffee all over their white t-shirts.

"Oh fuck. I'm so sorry" said the stranger, looking up apologetically.

One of the employees excused herself to the mess, while the two guys moved off to the side.

"It's my fault for being in the way" Rob replied, half-smiling.

"Of course, the one time I decide to wear white" the stranger stated, throwing his arms in the arm in mock anger.

Rob hadn't really taken notice before, but this guy was hot. Rob didn't make a habit of noticing how hot guys were, but in this case, it was unavoidable. He had shaggy hair that was so blond, it was almost white. And his eyes were so blue, Rob didn't think he had ever seen that color before. And his smile was genuine and awkward, something one didn't often see in L.A.

"I really am sorry. You should let me have that cleaned for you. Or I can replace it for you" Rob suggested.

"It's really alright," the man replied, "I have an extra in my bag in case."

And with that, he pulled a black v-neck t-shirt out of his bag.

"I'm Rob, by the way" Rob added, extended his hand to shake the man's.

"Jeremiah" the man replied, and initiated a handshake.

"You're not from around here, huh?" Rob asked.

"How you can you tell?" The man replied, blushing and looking down.

"Well, most people don't carry extra clothes in their bags, they usually keep them in their cars. And your accent isn't exactly American." Rob replied with a smile.

It's true. He wasn't American. And he had only lived in L.A. for 2 days. So he wasn't surprised he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was German, and moved to Toronto when he was 12. When studying at university, he moved back to his homeland to finish his studies. But that was way too much information to tell a complete stranger.

"I'm from Germany," he stated, "I'm here for work."

Just as Rob was about to ask him what he did for work, Jeremiah looked at his watch, "Oh shit," he said "I'm very late."

With that, he set his bag on a nearby table, and took off his dirty shirt. He was no exhibitionist, just in a hurry. Rob's sharp intake of breath would have been audible to him had the place not picked up since their accident. He quickly put the new t-shirt and threw the dirty one in the garbage.

He looked up at Rob and smiled, "it was nice meeting you."

Rob met his eyes, smiled back and said, "yeah, you too."

And with that, he was gone.

Rob returned to his sisters with their coffees, forgetting about the stains on his t-shirt. They all stared at him until he caught on. He looked down at himself and realized just how much of a mess his shirt was.

"Someone ran into me with a tray full of coffees" he stated, innocently enough.

"Was she checking you out?" Kourtney cooed.

"No, HE wasn't," Rob replied, "it was just an accident."

"Oh, that's no fun" Khloe pouted.

And with that, they went about their day.

Rob had been single for quite some time. He dated a bit, here and there, but never really settled down. Sure, he was only 22, but he really did want something serious. He wanted the real thing. The problem was that in the past little while. Rob had been questioning what that real thing would be. He never dated a guy, he never even kissed one, but he did wonder. And after meeting an attractive stranger in the coffeehouse, it got Rob thinking again.

The problem was that Rob didn't have anyone to talk to about this. Sure, he had his friends, but they were all guy's guys. No way could he bring this up with them. And, yes, he had his sisters. But he didn't really ever talk about anything deep like that with them. It was usually discussions about their relationship problems or careers. And Rob didn`t mind. He was busy with school and his things. But he knew he would have to suck it up and talk to one of them about it. But which one?

Rob didn't get much sleep that night. There was so much on his mind. When he got up the next morning, his mind was made up. But before he talked to anyone, he was heading back to that same coffeehouse. He showered and got dressed and hopped in his car. He was there about ten minutes earlier than he had been the day before. He went inside, got a coffee, and found a seat at a table outside, near the door. He sat there for what felt like forever, looking at his phone, then looking down the street. When he had finally convinced himself that it was a crazy idea and he should probably head home, he saw him approaching down the street.

His hear start beating rather quickly. Apparently, he was more nervous than he thought. As Jeremiah approached, Rob cleared his throat knocking Jeremiah out of his reverie.

"Oh hey, Rob, right?" he asked with a smile. "I hope you're not stalking me." With that, he added a wink that melted Rob's heart.

"Uhhhhh..." Rob started, "no. I just felt like I needed to see you again."

"What made you think I'd be here?" Jeremiah replied.

"Since you're not from here, I assumed you would go to the same coffee shop everyday." Rob replied nervously, blushing a little.

"Guilty." He replied with a smile, "and i would love to stay and talk longer, but I'm going to be a late to a meeting."

He noticed the sexy blonde's attire: baggy shorts, flip flops, and well-fitting Henley with all of the buttons undone. Feeling a little bold, Rob asked "what kind of meeting allows you to get away dressed like that?"

Jeremiah replied with a smile, "a faculty meeting. I'm a professor at UCLA and we are getting ready for the new school year."

Rob stared back in shock, "No offence, but you look 17! How are you a professor?"

It was Jeremiah's turn to blush, "I'm certainly not 17. I have a PhD to prove it!"

Rob really was impressed. He wasn't sure what to say next. He stared at the man for a second longer, and as Jeremiah opened his mouth to excuse himself and get coffee, Rob piped up.

"Maybe we can get together sometime and continue this conversation?"

Jeremiah didn't respond immediately. Its not that he wasn't flattered. And its not that he wasn't gay. He was just kind of shocked, since he wasn't used to guys being so forward with him.

"I don't see why not" Jeremiah replied. "Name the time and place, and if i can find it, I'm there."

Rob had to laugh at that comment. "How about tonight? I can pick you up here and we can take it from there?"

"Sure," he said with a smile "I'm done at 4, then I'll head home, shower and change, and meet you here for 7?"

"Can't wait" Rob replied.

Jeremiah winked and went inside. Rather than being a creepy stalker, Rob left while he was inside. He was so excited, he had to plan something. And he had to figure out what to wear. But first, there was the issue of talking to one of his sisters. And at that moment, he knew exactly who it should be.

He arrived at Kim's house knowing she would be up. She barely ever slept in, dude to her crazy work schedule. He entered her condo and found her eating breakfast at her table.

``Hey Rob," she said between bites of her bagel "you're up early."

"Yeah, sis, couldn't get much sleep last night. Lots on my mind." Rob replied, looking a little sad.

Noticing this, Kim invites him to sit on the couch. Rob had always been closest with Kim, mostly because she was the most sensible and mature of his 3 older sisters. They liked a lot of the same things and he always found it easy to talk to her.

She looked him in the eyes, and sincerely asked, "whats on your mind?"

He took her hand in his, and told her everything. At first, he wasn't sure where to start, but once he got going, he couldn't stop. When he was finished, he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Kim had kept quiet the whole time, giving Rob a chance to express his feelings.

She just smiled at him and said, "feel better?"

"You have no idea" Rob replied.

"Rob, I love you, and if this is who you are, then of course I support you. I just want my baby brother to be happy."

Rob hugged his sister tightly. Now that he had spoken to Kim, talking to everyone else would be that much easier. He hoped.

"So where do I take a guy on a date with all the paparazzi?" Rob asked his sister.

Kim still couldn't stop smiling. "I leave tonight for a photo shoot in New York, so why not bring him here" she suggested.

Rob thought that was the best idea ever. He still lived with his family and Kim's place was very classy. "Thanks Kim. That makes everything so much easier."

They hugged goodbye and Rob wished Kim good luck at her photo shoot and was off to get a killer outfit to impress his date.

Jeremiah ran home from his meetings, in a hurry to make himself presentable for his date. He had only arrived 3 days ago, so he was still living out of boxes. And they were everywhere! Once he found the boxes of clothes, he tore them apart looking for the perfect outfit. It was still summer, and it was humid, so he wanted to be comfortable and look good. He picked out a pair of khakis, a white deep v-neck t, and a fitted purple dress shirt. He stripped down, leaving his dirty clothes in the middle of his living room, and hopped in the shower. Normally, he showered quickly, but this time, he took his time to ensure everything was perfectly clean. He got out, dried off, and wrapped his towel around himself. Time to primp.

He was very laid-back and easy going about his looks, and put very little effort into it. Mostly, he didn't have enough time to focus on those things, since he was always busy. Today though, he had purposefully scheduled enough time before the date to really make an effort. He blew his hair dry and it looked like a lion's mane. It needed to be tamed. He applied a generous amount of product and grabbed his brush. By the time he was done, he had sculpted a rather impressive pompadour. He applied deodorant and grabbed his cologne. He sprayed it on his neck, his chest and his stomach.

Once he was dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror once last time to make adjustments. He cuffed his khakis a couple of times, rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows and put his watch on. He grabbed his keys, his cell phone and his wallet and was out the door. He had picked his place because of its proximity to the university, which conveniently, was only a 10 minute walk from the coffeehouse.

He got there a few minutes early, so he grabbed a bottle of water. And since he considered himself a cool guy, he took a seat on the curb. It had cooled off a bit since earlier in the day, but it was still quite warm. He checked for pit stains and was pleased to see none. He was looking down the street, watching pedestrians and cars, when he felt something drop in his lap. He looked down and saw one calla lily in his lap. He picked it up and looked around and saw no one. He heard someone clearing their throat and when he looked up he saw Rob, smiling back at him.

When he stood up, Rob leaned in and gave him a quick hug. And he took in his scent. His heart started beating a little faster.

"You look fantastic" Rob stated, looking him up and down.

"Thank you," Jeremiah replied blushing, "you could stop traffic."

Rob was baffled at how everything Jeremiah said made him smile or blush. This guy is good, he thought to himself.

As they walked to Rob's car a couple of blocks away, they made small talk and laughed at each other's jokes. Feeling gentlemanly, Rob opened Jeremiah's door for him and held it until he was seated comfortably.

Once Rob was in, Jeremiah turned to him, "so whats the plan?"

"I figured I could cook for you and then we could go somewhere special" Rob suggested.

"Sounds perfect" Jeremiah replied.

They arrived at Kim's condo at around 730. Rob was glad that he had already gotten everything and set it up before he picked up his date. He ushered Jeremiah inside and shut the door. Jeremiah slipped his shoes off and tucked them neatly by the door. Rob looked at him quizzically, and took his shoes off, too. I should ask him about that later, he thought to himself. Jeremiah took a seat on the coach while Rob headed into the kitchen. They made small talk until Jeremiah saw Rob fumbling with his apron. He entered the kitchen, took Rob by the shoulders, turned him around and tied the apron up for him. His hand rested on Rob's back for an extra second and it felt like electricity for both of them.

"You have a great place" he mentioned, breaking the silence.

"Oh," Rob replied, "its not mine, its my sisters. I still live at home, but I figured we might want some privacy."

"Fair enough. Privacy is probably a good idea. Do you have just the one sister?" Jeremiah asked.

Rob was confused. Either this guy had no idea who his sisters were, or he was doing a good job of faking it. Rob decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and just assumed he didn't really follow pop culture things.

"Not even close," Rob replied, "I have 3 sisters and 2 half-sisters."

"Thats a lot of sisters!" Jeremiah replied laughing.

"You have no idea, no wonder I turned out this way" Rob said, joining in the laughter.

They continued joking and flirting while Jeremiah helped Rob prepare the dinner. They shared some wine and when the food was ready, Rob set the table. Jeremiah brought the food to the table, and went back to grab the wine.

He approached the dining table with the bottle of wine and 2 empty glasses. Rob was leaning against one of the chairs, facing him. He reached out and took the wine and glasses from him and set them on the table. He took Jeremiah by the hand and pulled him close. He put one hand on the back of his hand and the other on one of his hips and kisses him. It was a relatively shirt kiss, but it left both feeling breathless.

"I don't want to say anything stupid," Rob starts, "but I've never done that before."

Jeremiah looks him in the eye, "taken charge?"

"No. I've never kissed a boy before," Rob confesses.

This seems like a good place to end for now.

Feedback, questions, comments:

Let me know if there should be a part 2.

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