Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Oct 5, 2022


Chapter 10

After Tommy answered the phone, there was a silence from the caller. Then a female voice spoke. "Are you the same man that sent this ridiculous letter regarding our son?? Who are you to tell us what to do regarding our him? We have to protect him from evil forces who will try to rob him of his wealth and prosperity!!" Tommy let the woman rant on, and then gently said, "And to whom am I speaking?"

"This is Beverly Williams. My husband's name is Jeffery Williams, and we have the right to protect our son from that gold digger, Bruce something or other. We will not stand by and let our son be robbed!!"

Well, Mrs. Williams, I want to thank you for calling, but I am rather busy at the moment with other matters concerning some of my other clients. I would like to set up a meeting, possibly tomorrow, where we can discuss this matter in person at my office, with all parties present. Does that sound doable to you??"

Again, there was silence, I will have to check with my husband regarding this matter. Where, pray-tell is this so-called law office of yours? I suppose it is somewhere down in the Tenderloin, in some shabby, run-down, two-story building!"

Actually, we are located in the Gilman Building on Montgomery St. It's a rather large 38 story building that my father Mr. Thomas Gilman, Esq. and I own. We are in the Penthouse suite on the top floor. My father is Chairman of the Board, Senior Partner and managing director. We also have offices in New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago and Los Angeles. San Francisco is our home office, and we are opening a branch in London later this year. Does this sufficiently answer your question about the Slum where our offices are, Mrs. Williams?" There was a gasp from the other end of the line."

"If you had bothered to pay attention to the letter and then looked us up using the information from our letterhead, you could have known all of this. Shall we say about 2:00 PM tomorrow afternoon? Now, thank you for calling and I look forward to meeting tomorrow. I really have to run; my next client is here. Goodbye, Mrs. Williams," and he hung up the phone.

Tommy sat there shaking his head and called Alice to see if she had taken notes on the phone call. Could she type them up for the meeting tomorrow? Oh, and please call Mr. Scott and Mr. Williams for me and inform them of the meeting. The he started to laugh and called Robbie to tell him of the phone call. Robbie answered and when Tommy explained the phone call, both men had a great chuckle.

Robbie said, "I wonder if she will be really shocked to see your tenderloin slum offices??" They said good-bye and Tommy told him he would be home about 6:00. Then he called his Dad and asked for a minute to discuss the phone call he just concluded.

He walked down to his father's office where Thom had prepared a latte for him, and the men sat on the sofa. Thom listened and laughed loudly and then asked if he could attend the meeting? Tommy replied, "Of course. I was going to ask you to attend as second chair, so to speak."

"I would be delighted and can't wait to see that shrew put in her place! Although I must say, we do really well in this slum of an office, don't you think??" Both men started to laugh.

Tommy went back to his office and jotted down some notes for tomorrow. Alice rang in on the intercom and said he had a call from Davis Williams on line two. Tommy picked up and said hello to Davis. I just got a weird phone call from my Mother ranting about some phone call from an upstart lawyer and about a meeting tomorrow at 2:00. Are you that upstart??" He started to laugh. Tommy laughed as well and asked if he could attend the meeting with him? The upstart lawyer."

"Yes, of course we will be there with bells on and a chain, shield and whip to hold the beast back. My dear Mother has always been very overbearing, and little does she know that my Father is just about done with the shrew and is going to divorce her. It will cost him a bit, but he has hidden assets that she knows nothing of, and her name is not associated with the house they live in, since it was my grandparents on his side, and he is the sole owner. It was his before they got married, so she is getting nothing of the house, and it is worth a lot of money."

"Bruce will be glad to hear about all of this and we will be there tomorrow. I do believe my dear Mother will be in for a huge shock. Thanks so much! Have you heard anything from our former law offices yet?"

Just then, while on the phone, Alice walked in with an envelope from the other law office. He told Davis about the envelope and would get back to him when he had a chance to go over it.

"That's Great, one less headache" said Davis and before the men hung up, Tommy asked them to come at 1:30 to over things regarding his crazy mother, and Davis said yes, they would be there!!!

The men hung up and Tommy opened the envelope. It was as he expected. A cover letter stating that they were disappointed that Mr. Williams and Mr. Scott were leaving their law firms and Tommy would receive all paperwork they had tomorrow regarding their accounts. Davis was glad of that and would relay the message to Bruce that afternoon.

Tommy's next client came in all smiles. He was finishing up a trust account for his son and daughter to cover their schooling. It was a quick meeting and the man left in about five minutes with everything signed. Tommy thought it was nice to have civil, easy clients most of the time. He was mildly dreading meeting Davis' ranting mother tomorrow, but she was nothing he couldn't handle, and she had not a leg to stand on.

Tommy looked at the clock at it was pushing 5:00. Alice dropped off the typed phone conversation from Mrs. Williams so he could go over things that evening. He bid Alice good night and said he would be in early in the morning. He shut down his computer, grabbed his briefcase, turned off the light and went down to the garage to get his car. George, the garage manager, said good night to Tommy.

He called home and asked if he could pick up anything on the way home. Robbie replied he had everything, and all was under control. "See you soon lover. I have been craving a huge, wet, wonderful, loving and passionate kiss, most of the afternoon, do you know of anyone who could give me one, dear husband??"

Tommy started to laugh and said it would be taken care of shortly. He would bring some tramp home with hardly any teeth and piercings and tattoos everywhere, just for that purpose. "Hope that works for you dear." Robbie just said, "You total NUT!!!" and hung up.

Back at the ranch, after an exhausting day, Sam and Daryl had a very romantic dinner in their little house with the lights turned low and were naked during dinner. There was kissing and fondling each other which would move the world after dinner with some serious love making. Sam was leaving the next day to go to Arizona to pick up two horses and the bring them back to the ranch. He was traveling with one of the new guys that worked with him at the horse barn. His name was Casey, a cute, hardworking, very straight dude, engaged to a girl named Sally. She from town and she was adorable!

When dinner was finished, Daryl made quick work of the dishes, closed the lights and Sam had lit candles all over the bedroom and had incense burning. He was naked when Daryl walked into the bedroom.

"Come over here, my sexy man." Daryl just stood there in a trance, staring at the love of his life. He slowly walked over to his lover and fiancŽ. The men met and pulled each other close and kissed so deeply that they were struggling to breathe. Sam pulled back and started to strip Daryl naked, as he was all ready to go and was hard and leaking like a sieve. Once naked, Daryl was also ragingly hard and starting to leak as well.

Sam pushed him down on their bed and began to lick Daryl's neck and down to his rock-hard nipples, thru his hairy chest. Daryl started to moan. He exclaimed, "OH MY GOD baby, what you do to me! No one has ever made me feel this way." Sam moved further south and teased his bellybutton. Daryl's hard cock was poking him in the chin and now smearing pre-cum all over. Not wanting to waste it, he licked lower and enveloped the head of Daryl cock with his mouth and sucked gently. Daryl was in heaven, but needed more, SOOO much more. "I need your cock down my throat, please baby, please! I need it so badly!!!" Sam turned around and the men fell into a slurping 69.

"Please STOP, or you will make me cum waaaay to soon. I want you deep inside me. Fuck me like a total pig tonight. I want to be your slut tonight. Eat my ass good and then shove you rock-hard cock deep inside me and fuck me till you fill me up!!! FUCK ME PLEASE!!!"

Sam swung around and pushed Daryl's left leg way up in the air and went to town, licking and tongue fucking his wanting hole. Daryl was moving his head back and forth, side to side on the pillow, begging for more. Sam had his tongue deep inside Daryl's lightly hairy hole. "ENOUGH LOVER! FUCK ME NOW AND FILL ME WITH YOUR CUM. PLEASE!!!"

Sam moved into position and slammed his 8" cock deep inside his lovers waiting hole and fucked Daryl without mercy. In and almost all the way out - It felt so good - and Daryl was panting. He screamed as he launched six shots of cum all over them without touching his cock. That set Sam off and with one final plunge, he came deep in his lover's ravaged fuck hole and then collapsed on top of Daryl. He leaned in and the men kissed passionately.

"God baby, it just gets better and better. You are the best lover I have ever had and now we have a lifetime of togetherness so we can make love over and over!!" Sam got up on wobbly knees and went to get a washcloth to clean them up. "I will miss you while I'm gone. Promise me you'll be good and don't get into trouble!!"

Me?? With all the work I have to do? You forget the bosses are coming with my Grandma to rest up after her little episode and believe me, I will be busy, but not so busy to think of you while you're gone. You have to leave early in the morning, and you need your sleep. Now cuddle over here. Let me hold you close all night long!!" The men kissed once more and fell into dreamland, and they dreamt all night!!

Tommy got home and was greeted with a very heart-warming, passionate kiss from Robbie. It took their breath away. They walked into the house and Tommy first gave Elsa a huge hug and kiss. "How are you feeling tonight darlin?? Get any rest today? Do you like being a lady of leisure??"

"Hello to you too, and yes, I did get a nap in and feel fine now that I am home. I talked to the Doctor, and he said I could fly south for that short distance. Nothing strenuous and keep up with my diet. Other that, I want to have a quick supper, go to bed to read but dear man how was your day?"

Tommy pulled his notes on the phone call from the shrew, Mrs. Williams, that afternoon. There were looks of shock around the room and much laughter to say the least. "I just love your slum office and the building where you attempt to practice your so-called lawyer junk!!" said Robbie. I bet your father was impressed by it all!!"

"He almost fell on the floor laughing and boy, Mrs. Williams will be on for a bit of a shock to see your slum office. Both Davis and Bruce will be at the meeting and there is another shock for her as well: Mr. Jeffrey Williams is about to divorce the shrew, because he is done with the nastiness. She will get a decent cash settlement but nothing else, as the house and most everything he has, he had before their marriage, and everything is in his name: House, stocks, bonds and securities. AAAND he has money socked away in Swiss Banks too!!! Davis said he can't wait to get rid of her!"

They sat down for a nice dinner of soup, salad and toasted bread. Home-made Minestrone, and a light Caesar salad with JELLO for dessert. It was enough. Bradley did the dishes and Robbie and Tommy walked Elsa to her apt. They tucked Elsa in and bid her a goodnight. They left her to read and cuddle in her bed with her pillows. She called Alma and they talked for a bit. Alma was glad it wasn't more serious and was also pleased she was going down to the ranch!!

Elsa asked, "You want to come with for a week? We get to see Daryl and Sam and get waited on hand and foot while we relax and get some fresh country air!"

Alma said she does have a week coming to her, so yes, if its ok with the boys, I'd love to!! "I will call tomorrow. We are leaving on Friday mid-morning!! I am looking forward to getting away. These men of mine take such good care of me and I love them like my own kids!!! Well, I am going to hang up and get some rest, I am feeling a bit tired. Good night dear friend, and sweet dreams!!"

Robbie called Jared and Richard and told them they wanted to fly south, on Friday morning, to the ranch and then he and Tommy were going to drive to Beverly Hills and then proceed to the desert to check on things. They would drive back to the ranch and stay a day or two, then fly home. "Does that work for you guys??"

Jared answered with a smart retort, "Geezzz. Here we go again! Fly me here, fly us there, wish you both would get a life!!!" He then started to laugh, "Just let us know what time boss man and we will be ready. You want to keep the plane down south? We have friends to stay with if that is ok??"

"That would be fine PLUS you get paid anyway, so stay with your friends and have some fun!!" The men hung up and that was settled!!

Tommy was going over some notes for the mess in the morning with the Williams. Robbie was reading a story on Nifty. They sat next to each other with legs entwined, not talking, just being together and they loved it. Robbie started to yawn and said he was about ready to go up to bed, "Want to join me soon baby??" Tommy looked over at his husband and smiled, "I am ready, just let me finish these notes and I will be right up!!" Robbie stood and the pair kissed, Robbie retreated upstairs to the huge bedroom and turned down the bed, then striped himself and laid down in a seductive pose, waiting for his gorgeous and sexy husband!!

Tommy had gotten up, closed the lights, wandered up the stairs and was looking forward to a passionate kiss and cuddle with his Robbie. As he walked into the bedroom and saw Robbie laying there, looking sexier than hell, bathed in the light from the candles he had lit. Tommy stopped, stared, reveling at the delight before him. He got instantly hard, he smiled, and stepped forward toward his darling husband, saying, "Damn baby, you look good enough to eat and boy am I hungry!!"

As he walked, he started to remove his clothes. He had been wearing slippers. They were now gone. He ripped the sweatshirt he had on over his head, and it flew across the room. Robbie started rubbing his body all over and was also rock hard and starting to drip. He took his rock-hard cock in his hand and started to lightly stroke up and down with one hand and played with his balls with the other. "Get over here, you sexy beast. I need a kiss really badly right now!!" Tommy reached down and quickly stepped out of the sweatpants he had on. He was now totally naked and horny as FUCK.

He got on the end of the bed, knelled forward and got between Robbie's legs which were now stretched apart. Tommy placed his hand beside Robbie's body. Leaned down and put his lips right above Robbie's face and smiled. "There are no words that I can say right now to tell you how much I love you!!!" He leaned in and kissed his sexy husband. They shared a hot and passionate French kiss. Robbie kissed him back with equal fervor.

Tommy laid down on top of Robbie and they rubbed their cocks together, mingling their pre-cum and smearing it all over. Tommy moved his mouth down and started to lick Robbie's neck, causing the man to moan loudly. Tommy licked further down to Robbie hairy chest, fondled his sculptured hairy pecs and sucked on each nipple. Further down he went, just teasing the tip of Robbie's cock, licking and lightly sucking the head, and engulfing the whole head, savoring the taste that lingered there. He took the whole 9" cock down his throat and started to suck, driving Robbie into a frenzy of lust. "Oh God, you're going to make me cum way to soon. I need a taste of your body, your cock and hole. And then we will see who fills these horny fuck holes of ours. I need your man cunt on my face NOW!!!

Tommy smiled and turned around and poised his hairy hole right above Robbie's face. Robbie reached up with his head and started to lightly lick the treasure above him. Slightly sweaty from the day, Tommy's smell was overwhelming, and a total turn on. Robbie probed his tongue deep inside and Tommy was panting as he took Robbie's dripping cock back into his mouth. God, how he loved to be rimmed as well as doing the same to Robbie. Robbie was doing a great job and he was loving thrusting his tongue deep inside Tommy's hole. They were both into rimming and did it quite well!!!

Robbie quickly turned things around and was on top of Tommy who was now on his back. He licked Tommy all over: His neck, his hairy rock-hard pecs, then down to the rock hard 10" cock he adored. Engulfing the whole cock down his throat, up and down he went. Both men were in a frenzy by this point. Robbie moved further and started to lick and tongue fuck Tommy's muscled hairy hole. "Oh God lover, give me more. Get in there deep and get me wet. Then shove your huge cock deep inside my nasty man cunt and FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD AND DEEP!!!"

Robbie poised his cock right at the entrance of the hot, hungry, hairy hole he cherished and slid right in deep in one fast entrance. Tommy gasped and screamed yet again. "FUUUUUUCCCKKKK MEEEEEEEE!!!!" Robbie did what was asked for and started to pound Tommy's well used hole and soon lust built up fast and he screamed he was cumming deep inside! That set Tommy off and he then started to spray cum all over them as Robbie shot load after load deep inside his husband's ravaged fuck hole. He collapsed on top of Tommy's panting chest, and they kissed with unbridled passion. With a strained voice, Tommy struggled with, "GOD lover that was yet again beyond words. I love you to the moon and back and beyond our universe.

Robbie rolled off of Tommy and they laid together, panting. Soon, Robbie managed to get up and go for a washcloth and towel to clean them up a bit. They were both totally done in. Both had busy days tomorrow: Robbie with the restaurant menu changes and Tommy meeting with Davis and Bruce and the parents. (This should be fun putting that bitch in her place).

Tommy had decided to pull out all the stops and dress to the `9's. in one of his best suits, expensive Hermes Tie, and his good Diamond/Sapphire Rolex. That alone should shock the shit out of her, along with their penthouse. Slum offices!! He would chat with his Dad in the early morning about what he was going to wear but wasn't worried as his father always dressed spectacularly anyway. Problem solved! After they were cleaned up they snuggle together and kissed each other good night. Soon they were off to dreamland yet again in each other's arms.

Bradley had gone up to bed after closing up the house and called Robert to say good night. He was not going to go south with the boss men, so, they could be together for a week, sleeping with each other was going to be great and very romantic. They were so in love and wished they could live together, but for now this would have to do.

Robert was excited about being together for a week and sleeping together every night as well. Then, there was all the hot nasty sex both men liked. Each was very versatile and were into rimming and some water sports. They would have a great time! Bradley said to his lover on the phone, "I am ragingly hard and dripping and want you to shove your rock-hard 9" cock deep inside my nasty cunt manhole. Fuck me blind and then suck the cum out and feed it to me off your tongue! Robert lightly screamed and said he was going to cum right then! Bradley was right with him and both men had a mind-altering orgasm, each coming all over themselves. With bated breath, Bradley exclaimed, "OH GOD, baby that was great, but of course would be better with it for real. I love you. Good night lover mine. Robert echoed the same and they hung up. Each man cleaned themselves up and drifted off thinking of his lover, near and yet so far away!!

Morning came soon. Robbie and Tommy showered together as was their custom. Robbie dressed in black slacks, a silk mock-turtle neck cashier sweater and cashmere sport coat - all in shades of black and grey, in a houndstooth pattern. The weather was cloudy and looked as if it might even rain. They did need it badly. Tommy, as he planned, was dressing to the `9's. He pulled out his fabulous navy-blue wedding suit and the raspberry, silver, navy and white striped tie he wore for their wedding. He pulled his gold, presidential diamond and sapphire Rolex out of the safe and added his diamond/sapphire cufflinks and navy-blue loafers.

He looked smashing and Robbie said he should be careful as he would have people following him everywhere today looking that sexy. Maybe he should change and be more subtle. "No way baby. I want this woman to know what she is up against. The bitch deserves to be put in her place. Wish you could be there. Maybe you could come as my new Executive Asst. You look great! Want to sit in on my meetings with me? That way you could see what this is all about and meet Davis and Bruce as well. They are both great guys and I think we could become friends too!!!"

"That sounds like a plan. I will go to my office and get a few things ready for our trip tomorrow and then come to you about 11:30. Is that is ok?"

" That will be perfect. The guys are coming about that time as well. I wonder if Mr. Jeffrey Williams is going to tell her today about the up-coming separation and divorce? That should send her snotty ass into a tizzy. We will have to wait and see. Now lover, I need coffee and a light breakfast, then maybe we and the gentlemen can go to lunch??"

They walked downstairs to find Elsa sitting in the breakfast room, looking rested and drinking a cup of tea. She smiled at her men while Bradley was getting breakfast ready. He had decided to make old fashioned oatmeal, with raisins, and pecans, brown sugar and cream, with a fruit salad and some grapefruit juice. A good, warming breakfast. The men poured themselves coffee and sat done after giving Elsa a hug and kiss.

Tommy asked, "How are you feeling? Are you ready to get away for a while and see your grandson?"

"I feel great and after a few days away, I will be even better. Can't wait to see Daryl and Sam. Alma is coming with us. I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not, I was going to suggest it anyway. We can pick her up on the way to the airport. Do you need help packing dear one??"

"Nope, I have it all under control!! Now let's eat. You both have busy days, and you need to pack a bit tonight or do you have enough clothes there already??"

"We are just taking some personal things and we both have wardrobes in both places, so no big deal. I called Jared and Richard last night and we will take off about 11:00 or so." "Sounds like a plan and I am looking forward to going away for a bit, we should have some fun too!!" Robbie repliedÉ

Breakfast was finished, and the men left for their offices, both looking handsome and very well dressed. It really made a statement, of elegance, subtle wealth and a great sense of style and flair.

The men kissed each other before getting into their cars and were off. Robbie was going to join Tommy at the office before 1:30 to meet Davis and Bruce, and of course to sit in on the meeting with Davis' parents. This should be quite an interesting meeting, to say the least. Tommy arrived and parked in his usual spot where he was greeted by George, the senior Parking Manager. They exchanged their good mornings, as usual, and Tommy went up to his office. Alice greeted him when he walked in, and he told her that Robbie would be here for the meeting at 2:00 PM with the Williams'.

The meeting was to be in the conference room after meeting them in his office. This all should be very interesting and the outcome? Well, they were expecting some fireworks, especially from Mrs. Williams. Tommy went to his office and Alice brought in some papers for him to peruse and a few for him to sign on some other cases. She also brought him a Latte. They chatted a bit and then she went back to her office. The morning went quickly. Tommy called Robbie to see how his morning was going. "Great!!" replied Robbie and they had the menus set for Spain. They were doing that country first and then on Germany. Possibly Scandinavia would be next, but that remained to be seen.

Robbie said that he would come over earlier and bring lunch so they could eat and be ready for the meeting. It would be Just sandwiches, chips and soda. So, he asked what kind of sandwich Tommy would like? Tommy replied, "How about a ham and cheddar on rye, with mustard and pickles and some potato salad. I'd love an iced tea. That sound ok Robbie??"

"Sounds great! I will call when I am on my way. You want Dad to join us? Find out and let me know and I will bring lunch for him as well."

"Hang on, let me ask him and find out what he would like. I will be right back." He put Robbie on hold while he rang his Dad's office. Thom answered and said that sounded like a plan. Chicken salad, on sour dough bread would be great with iced tea. Tommy said goodbye to his dad and that they would see each other for lunch. He got back to Robbie and told him that Thom would be joining them and what his sandwich was to be. They said goodbye and as always, an "I love you", before they hung up.

It was approaching 12:30 when Robbie called and said he was on his way over with lunch. He arrived and was shown into Tommy's office by Alice. Robbie placed their lunch down on a small dining table and went into Tommy's arms for a huge hug and passionate kiss! "MMMMMM, I need that," said Tommy. "Thanks for bringing lunch for us." Tommy rang his dad and said lunch had arrived and Thom replied he would be right down. Thom entered, enveloped Robbie in a hug and said, "Hello Son. Great to see you as always!!"

The men enjoyed their lunch and talked about the Williams' case. It would be a slam dunk in Davis' and Bruce's favor, and the parents didn't have a leg to stand on. Mrs. Williams behavior was outrageous. Bruce had sent over a complete listing of all his assets, cash, stocks, bonds and real estate holdings. He was a very wealthy man, way beyond the wealth that the senior Williams couple had.

At 1:30, Alice announced that Davis and Bruce had arrived, and they were shown into the office. They all shook hands and were introduced to Thom Sr. and Robbie. Tommy asked everyone to be seated and went on to explain what was going to happen. Thom was sitting in as managing partner and owner of the firm. Both Bruce and Davis were delighted!

He explained that he was going to show Davis' parents most of Bruce's assets and they had nothing to worry about since they were both well established in the business world, of legal age, and the parents had no legal right to demand a pre- nup before their marriage.

Both men were delighted, as Robbie would be introduced as Tommy's husband. They had decided not to go with the `New Assistant' and be truthful. Tommy's intercom rang to announce the arrival of the Senior Williams. Alice showed them into the office, and Tommy could tell by their demeaner that Mrs. Williams was going to be a problem, just from her facial expression.

They walked in and she was swathed in a full-length mink, had a flashy diamond on her left hand and a demanding look on her face. She stopped and stared at the group before her. Jeffery Williams just said hello and that he was glad for the meeting. Mrs. Williams said first thing, looking at Bruce, "What the hell is that gold digging asshole doing here? This is supposed to be a private meeting with our family only. I demand that he leave right now!! Oh, and how did you come up with idea of renting this office instead of your slum building in the Tenderloin?"

Davis said quietly, "He is my FiancŽ and deserves to be here!!"

Jeffery looked at his wife and demandingly said, "Will you just shut up and stop all the nonsense right this minute! Now sit down and try listening for a change!"

With a shocked look on her face, she stumbled into a chair. "How dare you speak to me like that!!" but with a stern look from Mr. Williams, she actually did shut her mouth.

Tommy took over at that time. "Mrs. Williams, You have said you wanted a Pre- nup for you son before he and Mr. Scott got married to protect any and all of his assets." He handed a folder to each of the Williams', which they were opened and stared at. Mrs. Williams screamed and threw the folder across the floor! "This shit is nothing but made-up crap, while trying to steal my son's money! I will have you arrested for fraud. I will not stand for this!!"

Thom spoke at this time and told Mrs. Williams to be quiet and listen. "My son Tommy and I own this building. We also have offices in LA, Chicago, New York and Atlanta and we own those building as well. Our assets are quite large, and we are opening a large office in London later this year. This is our home/head office, and we do amazing business. Look us up online of you wish. Go ahead and try to sue for what you call `fraud' and see how far you get. Please be my guest. As far as Mr. Scott's finances are concerned, they are totally legitimate, and you are welcome to call his financial adviser and his bank to verify everything. He is above reproach!!"

But the whole thing boils down to you have no right, in any case, to insist on a Pre-nup as he is well over 21 and is of legal age. He owns and operates a very successful business and does very well for himself. My wife and I shop at his store for our personal linens and for gifts for friends, love the service and things we buy!!"

Davis spoke up for the first time. "Mother, I have had enough of your loud accusations regarding the man I love, and we are getting married soon. Dad, I love you and we will be pleased for you to walk me down the aisle and you, Mother, are most certainly NOT invited and will be escorted out of you try to attend. I frankly don't want to have any more to do with you after all the crap you have caused. We are through and DONE!!!

Mrs. Williams started to cry, most likely fake tears, and didn't say anything. After all, what could she say? She had a look of terror on her face. Jeffery just smiled and said to both men, "I will be most happy to attend your wedding and will be overjoyed to walk you down the aisle and stand up with you.

"Welcome Bruce into our family as another son." Bruce and Davis got up, went to Jeffery, and all three men hugged each other, and all had smiles on their faces.

Jeffery then turned to his wife, who was just sitting there, and said in a stern voice, "You Shrew. I have had it up to here, ( putting his hand to his forehead) with your treatment of our son, with Bruce, and frankly of me as well. I will not take it anymore. I am contacting our lawyer right away and filing for divorce. I will not put up with your antics any longer and will give you as little as possible. You will get your clothes, your precious mink coat, and the jewelry I have foolishly given you over the years and possibly a small amount of alimony. You can also keep anything you brought into the marriage, but you are not going to get the house, as it was my parents', and I had it before we were married. I am totally done with you, you screaming harpy!!!"

He walked over to his `SONS', hugged them both, said he would be in touch soon and left the office. His wife screamed, "You're totally joking, and I will not stand for this crap! You owe me and you have to take me home! He yelled back (as he walked out the door), "Take a fucking cab, bitch!!"

Everyone in the office just sort of sat there with looks of shock and a bit of amusement on their faces. "Well mother, you did this to yourself, so in one afternoon, you lost your son, your husband and your home. Have fun with your life. It's going to be quite different from now on, SOOOOOO, Enjoy and as Dad saidÉYou screeching Harpy!!!"

Mrs. Williams just sat there with tears running down her mascara-streaked face. "I will get even with you all for this shit. I have my ways and will get everything, even his death, the asshole and now! how do I get out of this fucking hell hole!!!"

Thom just pointed and said. "The door is that away!!! Oh, and by the way, that sounded like a possible threat of causing bodily harm to me. I think I will call the police, just in case, as I think that Mr. Williams could be in danger for his life!"

Davis started to laugh at his mother, who was still screaming profanities, as she stomped out of the office. Davis said, as she left the office, "Should we call you a cab Mommy??"

The door slammed and she was gone. Tommy walked over to the hidden bar, got out glasses and bottle of single malt scotch. "Anyone else need a drink??" All hands went up and Tommy poured scotch into glasses, passed them out and everyone took a large sip and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Davis reached over and gave Bruce a kiss and said, "Well, that went well don't you think!" Everyone laughed. "I think I will call Dad and give him a heads up about what happened and what was said after he left. Should I advise him to change the locks or wait?"

Thom thought that to would a good idea and call his lawyer on the way home to set things in motion. "Would he be wanting new legal counsel, as well?? We would love to have him here."

Davis called his father and told him about everything. Jeffery said he had already called a locksmith and was having all the locks changed right away and he had already called his lawyer. They would start the divorce proceedings right away. He was sooooooo done with all the crap from his soon to be ex-wife. Davis offered before he hung up, "We love you Dad and will always be here for you!!"

"I love you both too and feeling is mutual!!"

The men finished their drinks and Bruce said I would like to take everyone to dinner tonight at a great restaurant I really love: `Le Belle de Paris at Blackford's'. Robbie smiled and said he would take care of everything. Bruce and Davis looked confused, until Tommy said quietly, "Robbie owns the restaurant chain and is the Executive Chef of all 12 restaurants."

Please call your Dad and invite him please. Shall we say 8:00 tonight and casual chic would be preferred. (Robbie had just been introduced as Robbie, Tommy's husband.) Everyone said great and all would be there. Everyone hugged and said goodbye. Tommy asked his father to call Daniella and invite her too. He replied, "It would be a pleasure."

Bruce and Davis left with huge smiles and Thom, Tommy and Robbie all but collapsed. The started to laugh, "Damn, what a piece of work that woman is. How Davis and Jefferey put up with that is beyond me." said Thom. He got up and went to his office, leaving the boys alone, while Alice, who had sat through it all, went to type up her notes from the meeting and she laughed as well!!

Tommy and Robbie kissed, and Robbie reached for his phone, called the restaurant and made reservation for a table of eight for 8:00 o'clock. That done, he kissed Tommy again and said he was going back to the office, and they would meet at home before going to dinner. Tommy smiled as he watched his gorgeous husband leave and thought, "Damn I am so fucking lucky to have that man as my husband plus two of the most fabulous sets of parents anyone could ask for. It was a true blessing!!"

Tommy finished up, quickly read the notes that Alice had typed up and Tommy said she could leave early with a big thank you!!! Tommy soon head home to clean up and get ready for the impromptu dinner party that evening. Bruce and Davis were really great men and he and Robbie were looking forward to knowing them better.

He arrived home and found that Bradley doing some housework while Elsa was resting in her apartment. He told Bradley what was happening that evening and he was free to have Robert over reminding him they were leaving in the morning for the southland. He replied, "yes, Boss man!!!" Tommy then went upstairs to find Robbie laying down with just boxer briefs on and had fallen asleep with a book on his chest. He undressed and slid onto the bed next to his sweetheart, cuddled up and quickly dozed off as well.

This finishes of Chapter 10 and hope everyone enjoyed it. Lots of drama with that Pre-nup mess, from Mrs. Williams. Wasn't she a piece of work? But as you saw, she will get her come-upends in the end, and she deserves it all too!!!

The trip to the south coming up tomorrow, letting Elsa recover at the ranch with Daryl, Sam and Alma. What will the restaurant managers be up to?? Will everything be fine and not in a mess, like that last time? Wait and see. As always, thanks to my dear, wonderful Allen, for his dedicated work with editing and making sure my little story gets out to y'all.

Play carefully, be safe, play kindnesses forward, help out when you can and get your fall clothes together. It's coming. And say a prayer for the people effected by hurricane Ian. Best to all!!!

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 137: Robbies True Love IV 11

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