Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Sep 26, 2018


The men walked back to the ship at a leisurely pace, showed their ID'S and once on board, said good night. They hugged, separated and went to their staterooms. The evening had been fun, although they could have done without that idiot in the casino who had tried to rob Walt of his winnings. Walt and Karl went to Walt's stateroom holding hands. Once inside they hugged each other and kissed deeply.

"Thanks for your help tonight. That was a bit scary, to say the least. I am so glad we are together and of course to have both Robbie and Tommy as good friends. They're both really special men. I hope you are looking at them as special friends for years!!"

Let's sit and talk about us. We haven't really delved in our past lives, about our work etc." As you know, I head a very large import/export business and love what I do. I have worked my way up over the years, from stock boy to now Executive Senior VP and General Manager. Other than that idiot, I was with for seven years and two very short-term relationships that didn't work out. I am totally alone with good friends, and now you, who has captured my heart in so many ways!"

One was after everything I could do and give him. The other one? I kicked his nasty self to the curb. Of course, other than being weak and terrible in bed, it was mostly all the other things I could provide and do for him!!. The term opportunist comes to mind, here!! I am solo now and have not had sex with anyone other than you for almost, 18 months. I, of course was tested regularly and fine... I am so glad to have met you and now that I am head over heels in love ...well, I haven't been this happy in a very long time. What is that old saying, 'you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince' and I am happy to say, I have found that prince!!"

At that, he leaned over and kissed Walt. Walt leaned back smiling and gazed into Karl's eyes. He saw love and care in them. He leaned forward and kissed Karl one more time. "I am also glad to have met you and like you, the person you are, how you carry yourself and you are...well, sort of good looking too!!"

"I have fallen in love as well. I never thought I would ever be this happy again after losing Mathew in that horrible accident. I have not had sex with anyone until you since Mathew and the feeling is wonderful!" And the men kissed once more.

"Most of the time, I am running my Real Estate/Brokers office and even though I have nine other people in my two offices, I still basically work 9 days a week and it seems like 36 hours a day! I am sooooo glad my friends talked me into coming on this cruise. The last thing I ever expected was to meet you and fall in love again. You're a very special man. So damn good looking. I have not been made love to, like you do (and I am so glad you're versatile). You bring out the best in me."

This time, Karl leaned forward, grabbed Walt and kissed him deeply with tears flowing down his cheeks. "You mean so much to me!"

Walt said that he had just moved into the house and hadn't unpacked, at all. This was the house that he and Mathew bought but had not moved into down in Hillsborough. Karl had said he lived in 'Town' but had not said where. Karl now shared that he lived on 'Snob' Hill and had a large, two-bedroom condo. with wonderful views of the bay. He bought it several years ago. It was in an old building, with very high ceilings and lots of room. It even has a maids room and fireplaces in the living room and the master bedroom. Made for cozy, cold nights and rainy days too!

Walt mused, "When we get home, why don't we split time between both places until we have been together for a while. Would that be okay with you?" Karl answered smiling, " Sounds like a plan. I have gotten so used to you in my arms at night, which makes me feel so wonderful, waking up with you is just magical!" The men kissed again and got up, stripping each other, crawled into bed, holding each other close and slipping off to dream land.

As Robbie and Tommy reached their suite, also holding hands and smiling at each other, they were dragging ass after the night they had experienced. As they held each other close and after a sensuous kiss Tommy said, "Boy, we, sure seem to attract trouble now and then. I am glad to be back on board ship. I'm just exhausted. Let's hit the sheets and I will make it up to you in the morning. The men stripped, hung their clothes up, crawled into bed and were asleep in seconds.

The couple woke up in the morning feeling somewhat refreshed. "Let's stay close today. We are at sea this morning but arrive in Port au Prince early this afternoon. I have heard of the Iron market place, but with the damage from the Earthquake, there is not a lot to do there. I also hear the begging on the streets is really bad, so let's not even get off the ship. How does that sound?"

"Let's all meet in the dining room on the Lido Deck for breakfast this morning." Robbie picked up the phone and called Walt's stateroom, and asked if they would meet for breakfast on the Lido deck in 20 minutes? Tommy stated, "We only have one more island to visit after we leave Haiti, that's Puerto Rico, and then to Miami. I am about done with this vacation. It has been wonderful, and we met some great people, especially Walt and Karl, but I'm ready to get home and move into our new house."

Tommy chuckled, "Even though Dad says everything is fine at the office, I most likely will have 12 "84-hour days" of catching up!" Robbie was laughing and wondered how the restaurants were doing (hoping they were still standing)! "I'm sure you would have heard from your father if they weren't. I am sure you are missed, but darling, you have a great staff, and everything is running fine, just as you trained everyone." The men came together and kissed lovingly, pulled apart and in unison said, "I love YOU!!"

They dressed and wandered to the Lido Deck and got a table. They were served coffee as their friends arrived to join them. Hugs were distributed and the men sat comfortably. Robbie told Karl and Walt they were going to stay on the ship and not go ashore, listing the reasons why. Both Walt and Karl agreed.

They had a delightful breakfast and toasted with mimosas. Breakfast consisted of omelets, poached eggs, fried ham, biscuits, jam and strong coffee. The men reminisced about all they had done and seen on the voyage. It had been a fine vacation. Robbie and Tommy on their honeymoon, Walt and Karl meeting, falling in love and starting a new life together!

They checked the events for the day. The movie after lunch was, 'Auntie Mame' with Roseline Russel. A fan favorite (MINE TOO!!! I love the quote from the movie "Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death. so LIVE, LIVE, LIVE! It is my mantra!)

The men had a great work out and then went out to the pool and ordered iced teas or cokes. Tommy was reading a novel on his iPad on Nifty, Robbie dozed, and Walt and Karl just held hands and chatted softly about their lives.

About 12:30 they got up to go change for lunch and then see the movie. Lunch was light and fun. The men enjoyed the movie with lots of laughs. Robbie asked what plans were for dinner. Tommy said he would call Capt. Ben and ask if he and Carlton were free for dinner that evening.. Turns out they were free, and were invited to Ben and Carlton's stateroom for dinner at 8:30. Ben suggested they make it dressy casual. Tommy said that was fine and would relay the invite to the gang and was sure all would be looking forward to joining them for dinner.

Tommy relayed the message about dinner plans and everyone was delighted to enjoy a nice quiet dinner for six. The men went to clean up and rest for a bit since the time was now just 5:30. The couples went to their staterooms. Once inside, Robbie pulled Tommy to him and kissed him deeply, saying, "Tommy, I need you to FUCK ME, deep, hard and long. Fill me with your love juice." He started to strip Tommy, who by this time was ripping Robbie's clothes off as well.

Both men were rock hard and dripping precum all over. Robbie knelt down and took Tommy's rock hard 10" cock deep down his throat and after spitting on his finger, started playing with Tommy's hairy fuck hole. Tommy moaned loudly and made a gurgling sound in his throat. Panting, he said, "Stop NOW or I will cum down your throat and not in your hot, hairy hole. They raced to the bedroom and Robbie lay on his back and pulled his legs up to his chest. Tommy spread Robbie's hole open and dove in shoving his tongue deep inside Robbie quivering, hairy hole. Panting, Robbie pleaded, "FUCK ME NOW or I will shoot before you can shove that huge cock deep inside me!!" Tommy moved up and did just that, bringing his huge, dripping cock to the lips of the love hole he was going to plunder. He sucked on his lip in anticipation and plunged deep inside Robbie's begging hole! He fucked him thoroughly for about eight minutes and howled as he came deep inside Robbie, offering six shots of hot cum. That set Robbie off who countered with five shots without touching his still spurting cock.

Breathlessly the lovers kissed and embraced each other. Tommy slid out of Robbie's thoroughly ravaged hole, slid down and began to lick and suck the cum right out of Robbie's cum filled hole. Savoring the taste, he moved up and shared the cum with Robbie in a hot French kiss. Gasping for breath, they lay next to each other and holding each other close, still kissing, drifted off for a short nap, as they were totally sated!

They woke up 30 minutes later and headed for the shower. The couple always showered together, as the saying goes, 'Save water and shower with a friend.'

The washed each other thoroughly and shampooed each other, rinsed and then dried each other off. They pulled light linen slacks and casual silk shirts from the closet. Wearing some comfortable 'Toms,' they were set. They opted for no sport coats, got their Rolexes out of the safe and each wore a simple gold chain around their necks.

The called Walt's stateroom and asked if they were ready. "You want to come up here and have a short one before meeting Ben and Carlton?" Walt said yes, and they would be up in a few minutes. Franz, the Butler, was called to set up glasses and provide a few simple Hors`d oeuvres. Walt and Karl arrived and were formally welcomed in by Franz. The guys greeted each other with hugs and lingering kisses. Drinks were poured and snacks nibbled. It was about 8:15 when the men went to Ben and Carlton's suite.

Their Butler, Franklyn, let them in and more hugs were exchanged. Ben stated, "What a wonderful time we have spent together and we hope this friendship lasts a long time."

All the men agreed and repeated that Ben and Carlton were welcome in their San Francisco homes anytime they had a chance to come. "That would be wonderful" replied Carlton and Ben agreed.

"We have set aside time for a 30-day vacation and would love to come and stay for a week if that was ok? Then we have other friends to visit in LA and Palm Desert."

Robbie replied, "Just let us know when you are coming and we will set things up. I may have told you were are moving into a new house when we get back and that should take a week or two but hey, how are you at unpacking boxes?" Everyone laughed while Franklyn announced dinner was served. The couples went into the dining room and sat where indicated by white place cards. Ben and Carlton's large two bedroom, two bath suite, had a large living room and separate formal dining room, since the Captain did have to entertain certain guests. Franklyn, the Butler, who had been with Ben for several years, was also gay had a long-time boyfriend (Gorge) on board as well. He worked as one of the Ma"tre d's in the main dining room.

Dinner was served with the first course being wonderful smoked Salmon with capers, minced shallot and fresh lemon. Then a small serving of a fresh orange sorbet in an iced glass to cleanse the pallet. A light salad was served with a simple vinaigrette dressing. The main course was poached lobster in a Buerre Blanc sauce, saffron rice pilaf, and fresh green beans with sliced almonds. Dinner was superb, as always, and then men relished every bite. They moved to the living room for coffee while the table was cleared and set for dessert.

The friends talked about the cruise and what a wonderful time they had, had! Walt relayed the story about what happened in the Casino in Aruba, Ben was concerned about it, but Karl said everything was fine and no one got hurt, other than the perp, who got kicked in the stomach and arrested! "Wow, you never said anything about this. Maybe I need to speak to the hotel and the danger to our passengers on board."

Robbie replied, "I don't think this is a real problem. Security was right there, and it was handled quickly and very quietly! They really did a great job. They even gave me an extra $200 for my trouble. So, let's just let it drop, please! The hotel really did a great job.

Shortly, Franklyn called them in for Crepe Suzette and they were delicious. Quite overfed, after dinner they chatted about going into San Juan. Walt had done some research on the island of Puerto Rico. Founded in 1521 by Juan Ponce de Leon, it is the oldest city under US jurisdiction. It is said that Christopher Columbus sailed there in 1493 and named it San Juan Batista after John the Baptist. Old San Juan as known as the walled city. There are many things to see, including several forts and restaurants. The average income for a family is about $22,754.

The island is really great. Lots to do ( I have been there five times and have always had a wonderful time. People are friendly and the food is great.) One major incident, on March 22, 1978, occurred when the world-famous Tight Rope Walker, Karl Wallenda, was attempting to walk between two towers of the Condado Hotel on the 10th floor: Mr. Wallenda fell to his death from a strong gust of wind shown live on world-wide television. This was a major accident and sent shockwaves through the entertainment and circus worlds.

The men were looking forward to seeing the 'Old City' and maybe doing some last-minute shopping for gifts. They thought lunch in town would be fun.

It was getting late, so the guests said good night, all hugged and kissed goodbye and were off. Ben and Carlton were impressed with the four men and hoped their friendship would last for many years. They chatted about the possible visit to San Francisco and It all sounded like great fun.

Robbie and Tommy entered the Presidential Suite, went immediately into the bedroom and stripped. The valet hung up their clothes while the boys brushed their teeth, crawled into bed and held each other close.

"I love you," was said and some passionate kissing followed. Then the men fell asleep.

Walt and Karl went to Karl's stateroom, stripped and fell into bed. It kissed each other and soon both men were exploring each other's bodies. They happily found more new positions to try and fill each other with cum. Exhausted, they kissed and fell asleep in each other's arms, dreaming about the future.

Both couples woke early, showered, dressed and met on the Lido deck for breakfast before going into Old San Juan. It was a warm, sunny day with a soft welcoming breeze. Walking through the Old Town was fun and they saw many wonderful shops. Flowers were everywhere, people were smiling, greetings were profuse as the men window shopped. They did take pictures and did buy a few trinkets and colorful postcards.

The men found a charming outdoor restaurant, went in and perused the menu. It was called Orozco's and offered a varied selection. The men ordered rum drinks and shared several dishes from grilled shrimp and yellow rice, to pulled pork and grilled veggies with fried plantains. Fresh grilled fish and a tomato rice dish that was also delicious. All in all, the men were very pleased with their lunches, finishing with great coffee. Everyone was ready for a siesta and headed back to the ship.

They showed their IDs and boarded the ship. They also were reminded to pack and have their bags out no later than 2:00 am. Tommy and Robbie had started packing that morning before breakfast and Karl and Walt had done the same.

It was now pushing 3:00 pm so the men changed and sat by the pool for an hour. That night was a black-tie Farewell Dinner featuring a great show in the main lounge. Cocktails were at 7:00 and dinner was to start at 8:00. The four men were invited to sit at the Captain's Table. It was going to be a fun night.

Back in their room, Karl took Walt into his arms and the men kissed. He looked longingly into Walt's eyes and with a look of love said, "I am so in LOVE with you, will you be mine forever?"

Walt started to tear up and replied "yes!" Karl turned Walt over on his back and started to lick down his magnificent hairy chest. Licking each nipple and slightly biting them, making Walt gasp. He continued to lick down to his treasure trail, teasing his navel as he went and ignoring his now dripping and very hard cock, but for one lick the length of his raging boner. He then went straight for his hairy, cum-filled balls and gently licked and sucked each one. Then gently lifting his legs, he started to chew on his lightly hairy ass cheeks before he went for Walt's hairy hole.

Gasping for air, Walt said with bated breath, "Tongue FUCK me Babe. Tongue me and then fuck me, hard and long lover." And Karl did just that. After fucking Walt for about 10 minutes Karl pumped six shots of creamy cum in Walt's well ravaged hole. That of course set Walt off and they came finished at the same time when Karl collapsed on top of his lover and the men kissed passionately. Walt looked up with dreamy eyes and said, "I will only give you a life time to make love with me like that."

Karl smiled and exclaimed, "Of course, but next time I want you inside me. That is a done deal, darling!!"

All the men showered and leisurely got dressed for the evening. Robbie wore a bright red silk dinner jacket with black slacks and Tommy wore pale pink with black slacks as well. Diamond studs and cufflinks accompanied their good Rolexes. The men looked stunning.

Walt wore a white dinner jacket while Karl was in total black from head to toe, and both men also looked fabulous!

When they entered the lounge, there were some wolf whistles and many smiles. They made a handsome and very sexy foursome. They said hello to some men they knew casually while being on board ship and strolled toward the Captain.

Ben was dressed in full regalia and looked splendid. Carlton was dressed in a stunning black tux, also looking very sexy. The men kissed and hugged and grabbed Champagne flutes from silver trays. They chatted with various passengers until the dinner bell rang, and all went into the dining room. The Captain's Table was set for 10 in the center of the room. There were several other officers and invited guests including Patty and Gavin already seated. Robbie and Tommy were pleased to see their valet waiting with several sealed bottles of special California champagne they had procured from Carlton as parting gifts. As they handed out bottles to preselected friends, everyone was delighted and thanked them graciously.

First course was a stunning mixed seafood cocktail served with a golden chardonnay. Next came a delightful Champagne Sorbet in an Ice Bowl. The men relished every bite. Next came a small deconstructed Caesar salad with fresh anchovies laid on top and freshly made croutons, still warm from the oven.

The main course was Le Beouf au Pouvre, (fillet mignon, with a course ground peppercorns, brandy sauce with butter and heavy cream, steamed spinach and scalloped potatoes. All savored the beef and proclaimed it delicious. This was accompanied by a stunning Cabernet from Sterling Vineyards in Napa Valley. OOOO's and AHHH's were heard as the guests demolished their food.

When everyone was finished eating, Ben stood, tinkled his glass to get every- ones attention, and addressed the room. "Gentlemen, it has been our pleasure to serve you during this fabulous cruise. I certainly hope everyone had a fabulous time and hope everyone comes to sail with us again and soon. Thanks again, you have been marvelous. Have a great evening and after dessert, there is dancing in the main lounge and tonight, after dinner drinks are on the house. Have a safe journey home and thanks again for sailing with us!!!" Everyone applauded, and cheers went up all around the room.

Dessert was served by waiters carrying in flaming Baked Alaska. More applause was heard throughout the room. Tommy stood at the table and asked everyone to rise and hold their wine glass out as he said. "This toast is for Captain Ben and his husband Carlton, the Purser, for a wonderful and delightful cruise. The whole staff has been outstanding during this delightful honeymoon cruise for me and my new Husband Robbie. So let's raise a glass to the Captain and his Crew!!"

Everyone raised their glasses and toasted the ship's personnel. Robbie walked over and quietly commented that the farewell dinner was fabulous and thanked Ben and Carlton once again. Ben and Carlton excused themselves as they had to greet numerous guests. Robbie suggested that they head up to the lounge and see the show and then maybe dance once or twice since they needed to finish packing and get our bags out. We will leave first thing once we have cleared customs and get to the airport. Our escort should be waiting..

The men walked into he already crowded lounge and got a light after dinner drink. They walked around and chatted with a few new friends they had met to say goodbye and to wish them safe travels home. Several men asked what airline they were taking and if it was it a direct flight. Tommy spoke up and that they had a direct flight, not reveling it was his father's G550 jet.

After some more small talk, the four men decided to leave. They walked over to Captain Ben and said to keep in touch and to let them know when they wanted to come for a visit. The men hugged and saying good bye, went to finish packing their bags.

They carefully packed their treasures and jewelry in their carry-on luggage. The newlyweds were set to leave in the morning and were looking forward to getting home, moving and getting settled in their new house.

Karl and Walt did the same. When all the bags were outside, the men hugged, stripped, crawled into bed, kissed good night and slept soundly until morning. When they woke, they were still in each other's arms. Smiling, Robbie said to Tommy, "Good morning my LOVE. Ready to get home and start working to get moved? Boy do we have work ahead of us!" Tommy smiled and kissed his husband and suggested, "Let's shower, get dressed and have some breakfast. I called the boys and Walt said they would be down in about 15 minutes."

They had laid out casual travel clothes the night before and got dressed, checking once again, to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything, assisted by their valet. Tommy and Robbie kissed each other, said "I LOVE YOU. and thanks for the best honeymoon ever!!!" They left an envelope with the valet containing a generous tip and both men walked out of their suite holding hands, slowly strolling to the dining room.

Well everyone, I hope everyone has enjoyed the first book. I know this Chapter was a long one. Also, please excuse the lateness of getting this chapter out, but I've been busy with work and also took a small vacation. But be of good cheer, Now comes Book TWO! I would love to hear from you. Please let me know what you are think of Book One.

I also want to thank my lover and best friend, Allen, for his marvelous work in editing and supervising me. We are celebrating our 18th anniversary in December and I look forward to many more years of travel and a wonderful life full of adventure with the man I adore and love with all my heart!!

In Book Two, the boys will arrive home to find some major surprises and some more twists and turns. So, stay tuned. And please, as always, be true to your- self, don't be afraid to be you, as you can be no other. Always play safe and continue to donate to this wonderful site! Be well and stay safe!!

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 39: Robbies True Love II 1

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