Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Aug 16, 2019


After they signed all the papers at Sean's office, they drove back to the hotel for a swim and to relax a bit. They made it to the room to change into swim wear. They were both nearly naked when Robbie grabbed Tommy and threw him down on the bed and took his face in his hands and looked deeply into his eyes and smiled. He then lowered his face and kissed his husband deeply, with major lust and LOVE!!

He started to grind his very hard cock into Tommy's body, rubbing it next to Tommy's now rock-hard cock. Both men knew they would not make it to the pool. Robbie moved down licking Tommy neck just below his beard-line causing Tommy to moan. Robbie moved down to his chest and tweaked his now erect nipples, biting them ever so gently!

Tommy was gasping for air when he said, "GOD baby, you make love to me better than anyone ever has. I love you so much and now could you please suck my dripping cock and let me come? I want to fill you with a major load of cum!"

Robbie raised his head and said quietly, "All in good time, my precious, all in good time. Let me have my fun. Just relax and enjoy."

Robbie continued to lick and suck on the head of Tommy's ragingly hard, dripping, cock. Tommy was moving his head back and forth in total ecstasy. Robbie then deep-throated Tommy's 10" cock, causing Tommy to gasp loudly. And just as quickly, he moved on down to his cum filled balls and gently licked and sucked on each one.

He then lifted Tommy's legs up and moved in for the kill, so to speak. Robbie spread Tommy's ass cheeks and went for the prize. Tommy's hairy fuck-hole, which Robbie cherished and loved to lick and tongue fuck, driving Tommy mad with desire. He did just that! While probing that very hungry hole, tongue fucking it deeply, he had Tommy begging to be fucked. Tommy screamed he needed Robbie deep inside him to fill his hungry hole with shot after shot of cum. "FUCK ME AND FUCK ME HARD AND DEEP! FUCK ME NOW!!!"

Robbie pushed, causing Tommy to gasp, "OH GOD, yes. fuck me babe." Robbie did what he was told, shoving his hard 9" dripping cock, deep inside Tommy's quivering, needy hole. He started to move in and out and pound Tommy's prostate, driving Tommy mad with desire. "You like this big cock, fucking your tight fuck hole? Beg for it my sexy slut, beg for more." Robbie continued to pound his husband's hole without mercy!

Tommy unloaded five shots of cum all over them both and gasped for air. That set Robbie off after with one final push deep inside Tommy's now ravaged hole, shooting six shots deep in his bowels. He then leaned down and the men kissed passionately. As both were trying to catch their breath, Tommy whispered, "Darling, you know this just gets better every time we make love don't you? You totally complete me and make me feel - well it is beyond words baby. What you do to me." They were now lying next to each other and Robbie reached over and scraped some of Tommy's cum off his chest and licked it off his fingers.

"MMM, you taste so good. In fact, let me taste some more!" Robbie leaned over and licked most of Tommy's cum load off his lover's body.

The men kissed deeply one more time, cuddled up and drifted off for a nap. They woke about 1 1/2 hours later covered in dried cum and dried sweat. YUM!! They ambled off to the shower and bathed each other thoroughly coming out squeaky clean and refreshed.

Dinner was set for 7:00 with drinks followed by dinner. Robbie wanted to watch the restaurant and observe everyone. Both he and Tommy were excited. They had invited Ben and Carlton, but the couple had made plans with friends for the night. They thanked them for the invitation of course.

Both men decided to dress up again for it was a special occasion. Tommy wore a dark grey suit with a pale pink shirt, French cuffs and diamond cufflinks and a stunning pink, purple and grey geometric designed tie. He looked fabulous! Robbie, on the other hand, wore a dark blue subtle plaid suite with a pale blue pin striped shirt sporting a white collar and cuffs. His tie was in subtle shades of blue with a small white design and he borrowed Tommy's sapphire and diamond cufflinks. They both looked very chic and OOOHHH, so sexy!! They kissed briefly and walked down to their car that had been brought around front. It was off to dinner in THEIR new restaurant.

The drive was easy and brief as they valet parked the car and entered with excitement. A few heads turned as they walked in as people gazed at the stunning duo.

They walked into the lounge where Marcel immediately greeted them with great flourish. "Welcome dear friends. I have a wonderful table for you and I have assigned Antoine for you again, tonight. I hope you approve!"

They had a glass of Chardonnay at the bar and followed Marcel to a table in the center of the dining room. Again, the table had fresh flowers and the candles gleamed dimly to give a romantic glow to the table. The dining room was just over half full and once again the men got a few stares as they walked to their table. Marcel seated them, handed each a menu and slipped away quietly. A busboy brought sparkling water to the table and poured it into their water goblets.

Robbie and Tommy perused the menu and saw that some of the items had changed. To the appetizer choices they added a Duck Rillette, with toasted baguette. Also added were stuffed mushrooms with spicy sausage, Asparagus wrapped in prosciutto with a vinaigrette. To the soups was added a creamy lobster bisque, and le crme du Champignon (mushroom soup.)

There were two new menu items under Main Courses as well. First was Chicken Cordon Bleu and second was Sweetbreads ala Vol-e-von (puff pastry shells) in a champagne cream sauce with chanterelle mushrooms. Both were served with Haricot Vert (baby French green beans) and Lyonnaise potatoes. They perused the menu, all sounded fabulous.

The men sipped their wine and decided on their choices for dinner. Robbie opted for the Le Crme du Champignon, while Tommy ordered the Duck Rillette. For their main courses Robbie chose the Sweetbreads, a favorite of his and Tommy chose the Chicken Cordon Bleu. They also decided to get the Crepe Suzette for dessert, made at table side.

Antoine came and greeted the men and said it was good to see them again. They gave their orders and Antoine nodded approvingly. Before he left, he asked about wine for their dinner. Robbie chose a Macon Blanc Village that sounded wonderful. It was brought to the table shortly with new wine glasses and set in a cooler next to the table.

During this time Robbie was observing the rest of the dining room and saw nothing but good things. The servers were attentive but not pushy and very polite in explaining dishes that were not familiar to diners. He looked pleased with what he saw.

Their appetizers were brought and served with a flourish. They both smelled terrific and they tasted each other's dishes, grinning with approval.

Robbie was now surer than ever he was making the right choice in buying Le Belle. They finished their first course and plates were cleared. Next came small ice sculptures containing a light tangerine sorbet. It was very refreshing. These were cleared and out came their main courses.

Robbie's sweetbreads were outstanding and the sauce was light and delectable. The Vol-e-von was flaky, buttery and perfect. Tommy's Chicken Cordon Bleu was fabulous as well. Crispy and golden brown outside and inside were French thinly sliced ham with melted fontina cheese, topped with a flavorful mushroom wine sauce. The Haricot Vert were cooked to perfection, still crispy, flavored with a bit of dill butter. The potatoes were perfection.

The men savored their dinners and Marcel came over and asked how everything was? Robbie stood and started to shake his hand and then pulled him into a hug and said, "Thank you so much. We accept your offer and will have a check for you tomorrow. I would like to meet the staff as the new owner in the morning before lunch and maybe work the front of the house with you to meet some of your regular customers. What time would you like me here in the morning and I gather a dark suit would be appropriate?"

Marcel was overjoyed and said to arrive at 9:30 and a dark suit would be perfect. "You see the way I dress and something similar would be fine!"

The main course dishes were cleared and coffee offered. Soon a desert cart came to their tableside. Antoine prepared to make Crepe Suzette and he did it expertly. The crepes were delicate and full of flavor. After the delightful and lightly filling dinner, Robbie asked for the check and Marcel said, "NO, NO, NO check and he called Antoine, Francis and Carl, (the head bartender) over and introduced them to Robbie and Tommy, the new owners of the restaurant. They all had an inkling that something was up that had to do with Marcel and Robert, his husband, who was ill. The men smiled and warmly welcomed Robbie and Tommy and had questions in their eyes. Robbie sensed this and said not to worry, that nothing was going to change and they were safe in their jobs, except with some possible promotions, and they would explain everything later. The men smiled and Robbie said he would be back in the morning to meet the rest of the staff with some wonderful announcements. Tommy left a large tip once again for the great service.

They bid everyone a good evening and went to retrieve their car from valet to drive back to the hotel. What an evening! Hopefully the check for $5.2 million would come by courier first thing in the morning to complete the purchase of the restaurant, the parking lot next door and the liquor license. The building might be for sale too but that could wait a bit. They were going to check on the building tomorrow.

The drive to the hotel was easy and they were looking forward to closing the deal in the morning. It had been an exciting week! First the restaurant in Beverly Hills: "Blakes" will be fabulous. The new house which needed very little other than some redecorating, adding pictures and art works of their own personal taste and touches. They would look more into dishes, china, silverware, pots and pans for the kitchen. Of course, they would have to check with Elsa and explain to her about her own little apartment. They were sure she would come along when they were down here. They would explain that they couldn't do without her and she would receiving a raise in pay as well. She could hire extra help if needed, similar to the house in townÉ

Then, of course, was the new restaurant "Le Belle d' Paris" which was going to be fun. Robbie was now thinking about changing one of the restaurants in SF into a similar French restaurant in town. It would be a good change, doing a restaurant over, making it look more like a French Bistro and changing the name to match. That would have to be worked on later. First things first.

They arrived back at the hotel about 10:30 and found Ben and Carlton watching a movie in the living room. They asked Robbie how things went and if they going to buy the restaurant? "Yes, we are and should complete the deal in the morning. The accountants are sending a check for the restaurant in the morning and we will meet the whole staff and explain everything in the morning as well.

We met most of the head staff tonight and everyone seemed happy, even eager. I was thinking tonight about changing one of the restaurants in SF into a French Bistro and changing the name of it to match and do some redecorating. It will be a good thing. I will run it by Dad to see what he thinks first, even though I have full Carte Blanche, it is something to think about. Also, Tommy is buying us the house and that will close in about 10 days. So, see guys, we have been busy!"

"How was your evening with your friends?" Tommy asked. Ben said they had a great time with them and enjoyed a simple dinner at their home. Then we came back here, went for a swim and have just been sitting here watching a movie and actually, we are a bit tired and headed off to bed shortly. Glad things are going well for you. We are excited to hear about the new house. We really liked it and you guys will make it your own. The restaurant is perfect for you and it will be a huge feather in your hat as it were. I love the idea of the possible change to one of the places in SF. That sounds like fun and will certainly add a new dimension to the chain. With that, my dear friends, we are off to NA-NA land and will see you bright and early in the morning."

Both Robbie and Tommy hugged their friends and said good night since they were off to bed for a well-deserved sleep.

Hey everyone, a lot has happened in this chapter. A new house and a new restaurant. Maybe a restaurant change in SF? Will Else come down to the desert with them to help out? How will the transition go for "Le Belle"? Do we see any trouble on the horizon? Only time will tell.

And as always, please play safe, be yourself, be kind, and as they say, keep moving forward. Please donate to Nifty. It helps keeping this wonderful site going. Once again, I must THANK my Allen for his editing and getting this posted so you all can enjoy. Of course, any comments and suggestions are always welcome..

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 60: Robbies True Love II 22

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