Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Dec 3, 2019


Hello everyone. Just a small caveat here. I went back and re-read my story from the beginning and realized I made two misnomers. I inadvertently changed a couple of names from earlier Chapters. (OOOOPS, My bad!!) The first one is Carlton's name. He is Chief purser on the gay cruise line and married to Capt. Ben. I started out with his name being `Clarkson' and then I seemed to have changed it to Carlton. I don't know why I did that but felt I had to cum clean here. (HEHE!)

Next is Daryl's boyfriend's name. Daryl works for Robbie and Tommy as a house boy employed to help Elsa around the house. I started out with his name being Peter and then somehow changed it to Stephen. Why I don't have a clue. Please forgive me. Your now somewhat sexy, but confused ChefÉ

I have two major rules:

  1. I am always right and never make mistakes!!! 2. If you think I am wrong, or God forbid made a mistake, please refer to Rule #1É So I guess those rules fly out the window!!!

So, now on with the story!!

The men drove to the restaurant to get the ball rolling for the cocktail party on Saturday night for the regulars in the desert area. Robbie decided there should be an Hors'd oeuvre table, plus servers passing food and drinks on silver trays. They would be passing wines, both red and white, and champagne. The bar would be open for the guests as well for those wanting mixed drinks. Dress would be business attire and they would save the black-tie event for the bigger party in three weeks. This coming weekend they expected about 150.

Robbie had decided on the menu for both parties. The Hors'd oeuvres would be both hot and cold for a variety of tastes, Pate`, Shrimp wrapped in puff pastry, a vegetable platter with dips, Spinach/cheese puffs, miniature one-bite beef Wellingtons, miniature wrapped scallops with bacon, bacon-wrapped water chestnuts in a teriyaki sauce, small Spanakopita's, small BLT sliders, a special caviar bar with mini blintzes, raw oysters and clams on the half shell with cocktail sauce, sausage on croute and smoked Salmon Canapes rounded out his choices. He showed this menu to Tommy who said it sounded perfect. He thought it would go over very well at both parties.

When they entered, they were greeted by the staff. The lunch crowd seemed to be well served and looked happy. A few of the guests recognized the boys and greeted both men introducing their friends who were dining with them. Repeatedly, diners said it was great to meet the new owners.

Robbie then mentioned the cocktail party set for Saturday evening for regulars' that would start at 6:00 PM and would last until 10:00 PM. This was a soft opening' to introduce the couple as the new restaurant owners. There would be live piano music, lots of great things to eat, and an opportunity to socialize with friends. Everyone nodded and happily replied they would be there.

Robbie explained, "In three weeks we have a formal grand opening. It will be black-tie and include guests from San Francisco and our other restaurants as well. As you may have heard, we have a new restaurant in Beverly Hills so we now have 12 restaurants under the Blackford name. The invitations will go out the end of this week. We are planning a larger and fancier event than this weekend's. We will also have a live trio for entertainment."

Both men were looking forward to spending time down here, business permitting. They bid goodbye to the luncheon customers as they left. Robbie and Tommy said goodbye to the staff when they left as well.

Robbie looked at Tommy in the parking lot and asked, "What would you like to do?"

Tommy replied, "Let's just take a drive and see the sights, maybe stop for a coffee or an afternoon cocktail and get to know the area. I really think I am going to like living here part of the time. It will be fun to make new friends here and in Beverly Hills."

They drove around and stopped at several intriguing antique stores to find treasures for their new house. In one shop Robbie found an antique vase that he said would look great in the entry. Tommy found a gorgeous ink well set in Sterling with two matching crystal pen holders that he had to have for his desk. Robbie also found a painting and he asked to take on approval to see if it worked. The owner, Joyce, said that was fine and asked the men where they lived or if they were just visiting? Robbie explained they had just bought a house here and had also bought Le Belle d' Paris restaurant which was now under the name of the chain he owned in San Francisco called Blackford's.

They also purchased `Blakes' in Beverly Hills and it would be under the Blackford corporate name. They were looking forward to spending time there as well. Tommy gave Joyce info about the party this coming Saturday evening in Palm Desert and invited her to come, see the restaurant, bring her friends and enjoy!! Joyce said she would love to come and asked if she could bring her wife, Diana, along?

"Why of course we would love to have you and any other friends you'd like to bring as well."

They carted their purchases out to the car and drove to the next stop. Joyce seemed like a nice woman and they would enjoy getting to know her and wife Diana.

Next, they pulled into the parking lot of the large grocery store, parked and went in with the list that Elsa had given them. They needed things to accompany the roast chicken that Robbie was making for dinner that evening. Robbie went to the meat department and got the largest Roasting chicken he could get. It was a beauty, about 4 1/2 pounds. He also got two extra thighs to make chicken stock for the gravy. Then on to the produce department where he got all the veggies needed: Potatoes, green beans, mushrooms, carrots, celery, onions, and Italian parsley. Then he picked up some herbs including Marjoram, Thyme, Garlic and Herbs d` Provence. He then got ingredients for a chocolate cake he planned for dessert, with vanilla butter cream icing. They picked up a couple bottles of Chardonnay , milk, cream, butter, a large bag of sugar, an extra bag of flour for biscuits he wanted to serve. The list completed, they headed for check-out stands. As they stood in a fairly long line, an older man came up behind Robbie and seemed to deliberately, push his cart into Robbie's backside, almost knocking him over. Robbie turned angrily to the older man and asked, "What the hell did you do that for, idiot? Watch where you are going. That really hurt and you owe me an apology! Now please!!!"

The older man looked disgustedly at Robbie and Tommy and said with a snarl. "You faggots need to be dead and shouldn't be flaunting your Satanist, wretched lifestyle in front of innocent people and children!!!"

"What the hell are you talking about? We are just shopping for our family, minding our own business, and you make a total fool out of yourself by causing a scene and hurting me with your cart!!!"

"I should have you arrested for assault and defamation of character. OH, and by the way you idiot, this just happens to be my lawyer and we have witnesses to testify to your rudeness!!"

I demand an apology and right now, Sir!"

The man looked even more disgusted at both men. "You ain't getting shit from me asshole faggots!!"

At this point the checker had heard enough and called for the manager, who came running from the back of the store. He had just arrived when the older man called both Robbie and Tommy "Faggots."

"What are raving about Sir? Why are you calling these two men names?"

"I saw these two faggots holding hands and they should not be allowed in this store! They need to go to hell with their depravity and sins and leave us decent people alone!!!!"

The checker said that he had deliberately run his cart into the back of Robbie, almost knocking him down. "He seemed to have a look of hatred on his face when he did it too!!"

The manager, named Chuck, again asked the man what were his intentions in doing this to a shopper in his store??

The man snarled once again and said plainly, "I want the assholes dead!!" Now Tommy stepped in and said that he and Robbie were new homeowners here, and were doing shopping for our family for dinner and this elderly man caused a scene and attacked my husband outright."

Chuck just smiled and looked at Tommy and Robbie and said, "Welcome to Palm Desert. I hope you will be as happy here as my husband and I are."

The older man just gasped and once again snarled at the men. Chuck pulled out his cell phone and proceeded to call the police and explained what happened and about the customer's threats.

The police showed up quickly and assessed the situation. He asked both Robbie and Tommy if they wanted to press charges and both said "YES, immediately!!" The older man was handcuffed and read his Miranda rights. He then screamed, "I will sue you for this Faggots. I WANT YOU DEAD!!!"

As he was being pulled out of the store, Chuck reassured them that if and when he ever got out of jail, he would be banned from the store. He pulled his phone out again and took several pictures of the snarling old man.

"Oh, and by the way, I know many merchant's in the area and I will circulate your picture around with a description of what you've done today and you will be banned from most of the stores in the area. Enjoy your time in jail, idiot!!"

Everyone in the area clapped. "Please except our humble apology gentlemen. I will comp all of your groceries for your trouble. Please shop with us again."

Robbie replied, "That's not necessary. Why should you lose money on account of that idiot? We insist on paying and thank you for interceding. We will be back to shop here since we will be living here part time. We just bought "Le Belle d` Paris" and are having a cocktail party there on Saturday evening, please be our guest and bring your husband. We will welcome you with open arms."

Tommy asked where the local police station was located. He was told 73705 Gerald Ford Drive.

The groceries were bagged and they had a helper take the groceries to their car. Tommy said he wanted to press charges for slander, battery and threats of death and hopefully he will be going away for a while.

They headed out to the police station to press charges. They were not far away it turned out. Both men entered the police station and went to the front desk and asked the Sargent on duty to please talk to the arresting officer in charge of the assault case that came in a bit ago from the Elite Grocery and Deli. She said, "Have a seat and I will have the officer come out and meet you. May I ask, why you wish to see him?"

"We are the ones assaulted by the man arrested and wish to press charges." The Sargent paged the offices and soon the arresting officer came out and greeted both men. His name was Officer Carl Walden and was about 35 and very good looking. He bade the men follow him back to his desk, where Tommy and Robbie took a seat and were asked if they wanted something to drink? Carl said candidly, "Stick with the water, we are not known for our coffee by any means." Both men chuckled and said water would be fine.

So, Mr. Blackford, please tell me exactly what happened at the store. Robbie started to tell the story and was straight forward, not leaving anything out about the man who attacked them. They found out his name was David Clark, a retired businessman, who moved down here about five years ago with his soon to be divorced wife, Madge. She is divorcing him for his rude and intolerable behavior. She proved while in court that he was a bully, slapping her around, being rude in public and always causing scenes. She provided pictures and medical reports from her doctor and hospital records. Her divorce was granted immediately and she was awarded the house, all the furnishings, her new Cadillac, all the jewelry and a substantial monetary reward in monthly alimony plus half of his retirement. He was irate and threatened to hurt her claiming she shouldn't be allowed to take all of that from him.

"The judge admonished him and held him in contempt of court. He fined him an extra $5,000 for his outbursts. Madge thanked the judge and left with a huge smile on her face," he explained. "She knew she was rid of that monster forever. So, rumor has it she went home to started packing her things. She decided to sell the house (which she didn't want) gave many things to the battered woman's shelter and moved away to Kansas City. I understand she is staying with her twin sister until she finds a house or even a condo to buy."

Since then, Mr. Clark has been on a severe rampage, out to get everyone. Screaming and yelling, admonishing everyone he is going to get even, no matter what. Now behind bars, he is going away for a very long time.

To their surprise, he was already before a Judge who had time in his schedule to hear the matter. He was very familiar with Mr. Clark. Tommy represented Robbie at the hearing and Robbie was awarded a cash settlement of $10K which he said they didn't need or want and Tommy suggested to the Judge that the money be split between medical research and the battered woman's shelter. Each getting $5,000. The Judge was astonished and thanked them for their time and the generous donation. On top of that, Robbie said he would match a further donation to the shelter and Tommy agreed to do the same.

Both men felt good at what they had done for help the community in different ways. They each left a check for the donations with the Judge. To clear things up, they asked the Judge for a brief discussion in his Chambers. That request was granted and as they entered, the Judge took off his robe and hung it up. He offered coffee and both men said a polite "no thank you." Robbie started out by saying a big THANK YOU to the judge for all he evidently did to help Mrs. Clark.

They explained to the judge why they were so generous with the donations. They had just bought a house in Palm Desert and had purchased Le Belle d Paris'. His Honor said he was frequent customer there, loved the place and heartily accepted Robbie's kind invitation to attend one of the coming parties.

Robbie went on the say that both he and Tommy were quite successful and Blackford's had just purchased Blake's in Beverly Hills as well as Le Belle".

Tommy looked at his watch and gently reminded Robbie that they had another appointment. They thanked the judge one more time and said goodbye as they exited the chambers.

So here ends 38. I sincerely hope everyone had a fine large Thanksgiving with families and friends. Now onward for more adventures and the party on Saturday evening at `Le Belle at Blackford's'.

As always be true to yourself. Be kind to all and play goodness forward, play safe and please donate to Nifty. Have a wonderful Holiday Season. Best Wishes to all!!

Your Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 77: Robbies True Love II 39

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