Robert and Johnny

By Kewl Dad

Published on Feb 23, 2024


Robert and Johnny-The rest of the story Ch 35

The following is a work of fiction: Although it is based on actual characters and locations, the rest is purely fictional.  This story depicts sexual situations between males and females of various ages and, may include incest as well. If reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Kewl Dad, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. © 2017-2024

Note from the author

This is the continuing story of Robert and Johnny, who first appeared in my short series: My 11th Summer. Although intended to be a simple stand alone short series, My 11th Summer was so popular, not only with my readers, but myself, that I decided to continue the saga in Tween to Teen. And now, as the boys finish High School and move on to College and their adult life, the final part of the saga begins. So, for those who have been following the story from the beginning, here is part 3 of the trilogy, which I am calling: Robert and Johnny-The rest of the story. Enjoy.

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 Robert and Johnny
The rest of the story
(Part three of the trilogy began in My 11th Summer, then Tween to Teen) By: Kewl Dad

Chapter 35

Zeke's new home

I'm going to skip ahead a bit in this telling of the story of our lives to save time and so as not to bore you, the reader. First: I think it's important to tell you Zeke's story. I will do so by putting together pieces from what his mom told my mom, and from what we have been able to extract from Zeke, little by little.

Zeke was one of six kids born to an illiterate father and a mother who had been a child bride at only 16 years of age. Zeke's father did odd jobs, farmed, and ran moonshine whiskey to support his breed, and ruled them with an iron hand when he bothered at all, but most of the time he just ignored his four sons and two daughters.

Zeke was 10 or 11 when he first began to figure out that he was more interested in boys than girls. Oh sure, girls held some mystery for him, but having two bratty sisters he was inclined to believe they were more trouble than they were worth. Besides that, they didn't have parts as interesting as boys, and so he began to look for boys who might share the same interests as he did.

Being the middle boy in his family, Elmer two years older, and Billy Ray two years younger, he got along fairly well with his brothers, but they were never really close. At least not close enough to share that sort of secret.

Zeke, however, did know that Elmer jerked off, for he'd caught him once in the barn, resulting in Elmer threatening to kill him if he ever told anyone. He was intrigued by what he'd seen, Elmer's much larger uncut pecker dripping with some sort of fluid, and it was very shortly after that incident that he finally found someone to play with.

His name was Sam, and he lived on the next farm over, which was only about a quarter mile's journey as the crow flies. He knew Sam from school, but they'd never played together or met outside of school until that day. It was summer, both boys were bored and exploring a nearby creek that ran through both properties when that all changed.

There were no fences this far out, and one property just ran into another without any defining barriers and it was quite by accident that they wound up in the same spot that day.

"Howdy," Sam said when he spotted Zeke.

"Howdy," Zeke said, happy to see someone he knew and who perhaps could help him pass the time.

Both boys were dressed the same, cutoff jean shorts and no shirt, bare footed, though Sam wore a faded navy ball cap and Zeke's head was bare.

They were both 12, tweens, not quite little boys anymore, but not quite teens yet either. Although Zeke had started puberty a little early and could now shoot a thin watery fluid when he handled his pecker,  Sam was still a dry-comer. Neither had any pubic hair, but they both looked forward to the day they would.

"What ya doin'?"

"Nuttin', just bored, that's all," Zeke replied, "what you doin'?"

"I was gonna find me a spot and beat my meat," Sam laughed.

Zeke was stunned into silence for a moment. Was Sam serious, was he really admitting to doing what most boys would deny with impunity rather than admit they were human and normal?

"You mean you're with yer pecker...out here?"

"Yeah, you do that too, don't ya?"

"Well...sure, but not out here," Zeke said blushing.

"It's private. Why not? Hey, wanna do it together?" Sam said brightly.

"Together, you each other and all?"

"Well, sure. Hey, you ain't shy, are ya?"

"Nah, not really," Zeke said nervously. Wasn't this what he'd been wanting all along though, another boy to talk to about this stuff and maybe do some fooling around?

"Come on, I know a neat spot. It's really private and shady, too."

Zeke allowed himself to be led to a spot not far away where trees grew almost to the water's edge, and several large rocks provided seating. Without another word, Sam unbuttoned and unzipped his cutoffs, revealing that he wore no underwear, and as Zeke watched in awe, his hard little pecker sprang into view.

It was uncut, as were most of the boys Zeke knew, mainly because many of the boys thereabouts were born at home and not in a  hospital. Zeke estimated it to be 3 inches, just slightly smaller than his own pecker, but as pretty as any he'd ever seen. It wasn't as big as his older brother's, but it was sure a nice one, and Zeke couldn't wait to see what Sam was going to do with it.

"Get yers out, too," Sam said staring at Zeke's crotch.

"Oh, yeah...sorry," Zeke said, quickly freeing his hard, leaking cock from it's confines.

Sam drew in a breath, then exhaled, "Man, it's big, and it sure is pretty."

"Thanks," Zeke said blushing, "yours is nice too."

"Think so? Want to touch it?"

And that was how Sam and Zeke got started messing around. I could tell Zeke was excited retelling this story, and he went on in even deeper detail, outlining how they'd gone from touching to sucking, and finally to anal.

But as they say, all good things must come to an end. When school began in the fall there were fewer opportunities to get together, and in January of the following year, Sam moved to Texas, leaving a void in Zeke's life that he longed to fill.

Zeke turned 13 in March, and with his initiation into teen-hood, came many changes in his body. The hair he'd longed for appeared in his groin and beneath his arms, his voice deepened a little, and his urges skyrocketed.

He was hard more than soft and desperate to find someone to replace Sam and resume his sexual experimentation. It was just about this time that he caught the attention of Jake Thomas, son of Sheriff Dale Thomas, who had the reputation of being a hard-assed lawman, as well as a strict disciplinary father.

Jake was a bully and he had a small posse of bad boys that followed him around, doing his dirty work and terrorizing the kids in middle school.

Jake was 14, and in 9th grade, but he didn't discriminate, he'd pick on anyone, any age, as long as he had his posse nearby. Because of his father's position in the community Jake knew he could get away with nearly anything, short of murder, and he even wondered sometimes if he couldn't get away with that as well.

But according to Zeke, Jake harbored a secret that no one knew, a secret that he and Zeke shared, even though they didn't know it in the beginning. Jake too liked boys, but of course, his father being who he was and his reputation to uphold, he couldn't let anyone know, nor could he ever be risk actually doing anything about it.

That was, until he first laid eyes upon Zeke. Even Zeke couldn't explain why Jake took such a liking to him, but for whatever reason, Jake seemed hell bent on getting to know him.

Zeke was scared at first. Jake never paid any positive attention to anyone, and he just assumed he was to be Jake's latest victim. However, he soon learned that there was another side to Jake, one that until now no one had ever seen.

Without going into too many details, I'll just say that eventually Jake made it known what he had in mind to do with Zeke, and Zeke willingly accepted.

Unfortunately, they got caught. They were both indeed lucky that it wasn't an adult who walked in on them that day in the school bathroom, but as it was, it was bad enough.

Of course, Jake immediately began to do damage control. He blamed Zeke, said he'd lured him into the bathroom, jerked down his pants and was trying to blow him, while Jake tried to push him away.

The boy who'd caught them, however, had seen enough and heard enough to know that was utter bullshit, but he was one of Jake's posse and he backed up his story, even going as far as to say he had to pull Zeke off of Jake.

Well, news hit the school like wildfire, and Zeke became the brunt of every joke, the target of every bully, and even some of the teachers began to treat him differently. However, the worst part was when the news finally reached home, delivered by the Sheriff himself.

His father beat him with a leather belt, his older brother gave him a black eye, and his other siblings avoided him as if he had the plague. His mother was the only one who tried to comfort him, but she knew the boy was in danger and she had to find some way to get him out of that situation.

Scared, lonely, and desperate, Zeke considered ending his life more than once. He thought about hanging himself from the barn rafters or jumping off a bridge, but in the end his desire to live outweighed his desire to die.

School finally ended, and though he was no longer bullied and harassed at school, life at home was a living hell. He ate in his room or on the back porch, and if not for his mother's insistence that he be fed, he might very well have starved to death for all his father cared.

Once, he had shared a room with his two brothers, but now he was forced to sleep either on the couch, or the back porch if the weather was warm. He felt more like an animal than a boy those days, and once again he entertained thoughts of suicide, and if not for his mother's constant love he might very well have gone through with it at that point.

During the day he did his chores, then roamed the farm, mostly to avoid his father and siblings, but also to find solitude and peace since he had none at home. He returned often to the creek where he and Sam had spent many enjoyable days, and though he didn't exactly admit it, I think he often pleasured himself there thinking of his friend and the fun they'd had.

In the fall school resumed, and though Jake and most of his cronies had moved onto High School, there were still plenty of kids left who remembered what had gone down and were ready, willing, and able to pick right back up where they'd left off.

In addition there was a whole new class of 7th graders who were easily influenced and even they began to taunt Zeke. Although most were too timid to confront him directly, they snickered behind his back and made sucking noises or made rude gestures.

He could take the verbal abuse, Heaven knew he got enough of that at home, but on Friday of that first week of school, Zeke was confronted by a group of 8th and 9th grade boys who took turns holding and punching him till he was a bloody mess.

If not for the intervention of a teacher, Zeke might very well have died that day, but despite that fact, no one was ever held accountable for Zeke's injuries. The teacher took Zeke inside to the school nurse who patched him up as best she could, and pronounced that he'd be okay, all the while not bothering to show just how disgusted she was with Zeke and what he'd done.

The teacher, slightly more sympathetic than the nurse, drove Zeke home and helped him inside where his mother took one look at him and began to cry. She was angry, too, but mostly she was sad. She loved her son, and she never believed what that Thomas boy had said, even if she suspected that Zeke was that way, she knew he would have never tried to force himself on anyone, especially a big brute like Jake.

"Oh honey," his momma said, "this can't go on."

"I know, ma, but what can I do?" Zeke said feeling hopeless and drained.

"Right now, you just rest, I'll think about this and see what I can come up with."

Zeke recovered over the weekend, and on Monday his mother accompanied him to school and talked to the Principal, a man she'd known most of her life. He pretended to be sympathetic, but deep down inside he harbored the same prejudiced and preconceived notions as the others, though he did promise to do more to keep Zeke safe.

Thing seemed to get better after that, with teachers paying special attention to Zeke, not because they cared, but because they had been ordered to do so by the Principal, who was under some heat from the school board over the incident. So, things leveled out a bit, but Zeke was still ostracized and miserable, both at home and at school.

He looked forward to the day he could leave this awful place, take up roots somewhere where no one knew him and start over. His mother was his only source of comfort those days, and when one evening she came to him with the news that he'd be moving to Oklahoma to stay with distant cousins, he was both excited and terrified.

Would they know why he was being driven from his home? Would they hate him like the others, or were they the kind of people who thought God could fix everything and drag him to church to be prayed over until he either repented or went mad. But there really wasn't any choice. It was stay there and risk maybe taking a beating that would someday be fatal, or go live with strangers and hope for the best.

And that brings us to the present.


We closed on the duplex in late January and were for the most part moved in by then. Bill, Peter, their sister, and their mom moved in the following week. I don't think I have ever seen two happier boys in all my life, but there would be much more happiness to be had in the coming years.

Zeke moved in with us that same weekend, and though not officially our son, most everyone involved thought of him as such. We celebrated with a party, most of the festivities held on the back patio and in the huge double yard. It was one of those warm February days, where spring seemed to be right around the corner, almost as if Mother Nature had sent the weather just for us.

Once Zeke had moved in with mom and dad and had discovered what it was like to be in the midst of a loving family, he'd come out of his shell and was now a vibrant, energetic, and sweet-natured boy whom everyone loved.

I could tell that mom and dad had mixed feelings about Zeke leaving them, for they'd come to love him as much as they loved me and Mikey, but in the end they knew this was the best thing for all involved and they acquiesced gracefully.

Bill and Peter's mom, and my mom hit it off right away, and were off talking flowers and recipes, while we kept dad entertained and Mikey and the other boys wrestled around in the yard.

Johnny's folks had visited us the day before, but had plans the day of the party, though they did give us a nice house-warming gift, a new color television set.

Dad and I BBQ'd while Johnny helped the women get things set up for dinner. Mom had brought a huge sheet cake that said 'Home Sweet Home- Good Luck Robert and Johnny & Zeke' and Mikey had written his name in icing at the bottom.

It was a day of celebration, a day of fun, and most of all: a day of love shared by family and friends. That day marked a new beginning, not only for Johnny and me, but for our new son, Zeke, and we were excited and optimistic about the future.

End Chapter 35

A short chapter to catch you up on where the boys are with their new son, Zeke. Good times are ahead for everyone.



Send all comments to: I welcome all feedback and promise a timely reply.


Kewl Dad



**A special thanks to my buddy Michael in NY for his much appreciated help with editing, story ideas, and illustrations.  Love ya buddy.

I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. An Old Friend

  8. At the Dike*

  9. Black Cock

  10. Boy Glory Hole

  11. Bullied

  12. Christmas Boy

  13. Christmas on the Street

  14. CL Cock Sucker

  15. Cory*

  16. Corey's Scent

  17. Cody's Christmas Wish

  18. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  19. DMV Boy

  20. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  21. Emoji  (The Story of Joe)

  22. The Family*

  23. The Ginger and the Chub

  24. Hair Salon Boys

  25. Happy Valentine's Day Toby Grayson

  26. I Heart You

  27. Little Brother's Feet*

  28. Lost in Fear*

  29. Mars

  30. McChicken

  31. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  32. My Not so Miserable Life

  33. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  34. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  35. My 11th Summer*

  36. One Night

  37. Poindexter Files*

  38. Pride-Pride

  39. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  40. Rolo

  41. Second Chance for Love

  42. Six Black Boys*

  43. Skateboard Boy*

  44. Skateboard Christmas

  45. Stranded on Christmas Eve

  46. Sudden Family*

  47. Taking a Chance on Love

  48. The Athletic Supporter 

  49. The Family

  50. The Year I Learned toLove my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  51. The Reynolds Twins*

  52. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  53. To the Max

  54. Tracy*

  55. Trailer Park Christmas

  56. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  57. Tween to Teen*

  58. What a Dollar Will Buy

  59. Wild Wild West Again

  60. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)

Next: Chapter 36

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