Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 20, 2021


"Yes sir? You called me?" marcus was standing in Justin's office, hands behind his back, his chest pointed out. "SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR AND SIT DOWN. WE GOT A PROBLEM." "yes sir." marcus did as he was told and then Justin started. "Look, fucking Peter and fucking Grant kidnapped bob. And they're gonna sell him to the highest fucking bidder. And at least one of the bidders wants his fucking balls cut out. " He looked down and shook his head. "I don't know what the fuck to do. They're holed up at my place. They designed the security system, what the....." marcus' brain began to fill up. This was NOT what he expected. He thought that he'd be giving his DOM a blow job, or maybe getting a flogging, but this... HUH? "Let me think Sir... Let me think...." marcus sat there, playing through scenarios. Clearly he could mobilize THEIR police force, and he could mobilize the LOCAL one. Taking Peter and Grant wouldn't be simple, but it could be done. But what would happen to bob. "What are the terms of the sale? Is it an auction?" "YES ITS AN AUCTION STUPID. IT'S A FUCKING SLAVE AUCTION." "Well, do you have a high bid? Do you need to check in or do they tell you?" "FUCK. I forgot to check. " He tapped numbers into his phone. There was a text. "250k. To start. Balls not included. How much you want him?" marcus gulped. "Let me ask you this. Do you have a top number? Is there a maximum you'll pay for him?" Justin was shaking his head. "Doesn't really fucking matter. This is more about hurting me than making money. They're gonna sell him, one way or the other. " "Ok, Ok. I bet they didn't figure out you're thinking that. So put in a bid. Don't go as high as you can, just put in a bid. Now." Justin's hands were shaking, but he started punching in numbers. "You think 275k" "Yeah. It won't be enough but it'll make them know you're interested and buy some time. "They said two days. That was last night." "Ok. Let's see what happens with 275k" Justin punched in the numbers.

Back at the estate, Peter and Grant had just tied bob to the torment chair. His legs were spread, and they had just put a larger walnut fucker on the end of the probe than Justin had used. "MMMMMMMMMMMMPH." bob moaned through the tape gag over his mouth. His nipples had lost feeling a few hours before - it seemed they had forgotten to take off the clamps. Then Grant saw them, and smiled. "Oh, the blood rush... So sweet. So sweet. " As he pulled them off, Peter looked up. "Guess who just offered 275? Ha ha. Guess we gotta go back to Mr. Mid East." He punched in another set of numbers, as a loud, LOUD moan came out of bob's gag. "OH, we shoulda had Justin on the phone to hear that. Ha ha. It might've made him kick up the bid. " He got up out of his seat so he could operate the walnut fucker. "Studmuffin. You have fun with two cocks in your ass last night?" bob vigorously shook his head NO, and Grant laughed. "Sure ya did. There was pre-cum leaking all over your crotch. And now... here's what's gonna happen. This toy is going up into you. And it's gonna be in you until you shake your head that you want two cocks again. " He leered. "We've got all day." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." bob felt the probe go into him, and find his prostate. They did not begin at the lowest setting.

Back in Justin's office, marcus had more ideas. "Didn't you say that Cam's boy hank knew something about electronics." "YEAH. YEAH. He wired his old Dom's apartment so well, even HE couldn't escape. " He laughed. "marcus don't make me think those ways now. I gotta focus." "I'm trying to get you to focus Sir. Listen. If hank knows electronics that well, maybe he can figure out a way around the security system. Don't you have controls to get in." "I do, but they probably locked me out." "Well, there isn't a lock invented, metal or electronic that can't be picked. Get those guys in here. Meanwhile, let me go and start getting police ready. " He smiled. "My first raid. When they hear it's to rescue another cop... won't be any problem."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." The walnut fucker was up to seven, and Grant was running a pizza cutting wheel back and forth on bob's feet. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Whaddya think big boy. You want two cocks?" bob didn't answer. He was too stimulated, and then again, there were the thoughts of.. well, if the Mid East guy won him. But he was horny. He was VERY horny and.... defeated, he shook his head yes.

"Let's take him face up. On the table. Maybe we'll transmit it to our major bidders." By now, the only two bidders were Jason and Dragon, and just as they locked bob into place... a bid came in from Dragon. 300k. "HO HO. That just got me even hotter." They operated the winch to pull bob's ankles in the air. Overnight, they had put a plug into his ass, that they pulled out now. "Set up the camera. I want that bastard to see what's happening to his boy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

"FUCK ! 300 k." Justin was in his office with Cam and hank. marcus was making calls, getting police to go on alert. hank was on Justin's computer, after he had called up the particulars of the security system. "Let's hope that this doesn't set them off. It's possible there's a breach alarm or something." There was, indeed, a breach alarm. It went off in Grant and Peter's offices, far enough away from the play room that they couldn't hear it, as they both got their cocks ready to fuck bob again. The camera started transmitting to Justin.

"HOLY SHIT. They're sending me the video of...." "DAMN. Gotta admit, that's fucking hot" Cam added, forgetting the seriousness of the situation. "No shut down. I'm in. Let me start reprogramming. It'll be ready in about twenty minutes." hank was working away at the computer system, while Cam thought "he's so fucking hot. Look at him sweat. DAMN. I'm gonna need to screw him extra hard when this is over." "mmmmmmmmmmmph.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." bob was trying to think back to the best fuck he had ever gotten from Justin. He was trying to forget what was happening. There was no question: the fucking he got immediately after he surrendered to Justin and became his bitch. GOD. That was so HOT. He tried to hold onto that as the two sizable cocks took his ass. He began to think: was Justin ever going to WANT his ass again? How far would he bid? The pounding was getting faster, and harder. bob's ass was getting bruised. Peter came in him first, then Grant. There was laughing from both of them. "Lock him back up against the wall. He should at least hear the bids come in. And back in NYC, Justin felt his cock explode. Cam felt his too. " "Sirs. It's done. I'll share the programming with you on the ride up." Justin looked at his phone and saw the 300k mark. He punched in 325k. "Let's go."

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"FUCK THIS SHIT!!!" was the text from Dragon that Peter received when he told him about the next bid. "I'll pay you 500k for the bitch, AFTER you geld him. No ifs, ands or buts. You end the auction, and I'll put half the money in your account NOW. You get the rest when I get him. TAKE IT OR FUCKING LEAVE IT." Peter showed the message to Grant. "Hell, I think that decides it doesn't it?" Peter laughed. "Sure does to me." He sent a text back to Dragon. "You're the winner." Then he sent a text to Justin. "Auction's over. You lost." Justin was sitting in a car that Cam was driving. hank was in the back. He read the message when it came in. "FUCK! They're selling him. STEP ON IT. STEP ON IT NOW!!!" "Ok, ok. I'm going as fast as I can." "NO YOU'RE NOT. THERE'S COP CARS ALL AROUND US. MOVE!!!!" Cam hit the accelerator.

They had moved bob to a cell after the fucking they had given him. His wrists were cuffed behind him, and he was gagged. "Got some good news and some bad news for ya bob bottom," Grant smiled. "Good news... Auction's over. Bad news... you're taking a trip. Worse news. You're leaving something behind." "mmmmmph?" bob didn't quite understand. Then Grant pulled out a scalpel. "Remember what I told you about what Middle Eastern guys want in their slaves? Well... a little surgery is ahead for you." He opened the cell. bob tried to inch away from him, but cuffed, and weakened by what had been done to him, he couldn't fight. Grant put an arm around his neck, and pushed him forward. "Let's go. Surgery is in the offing."

Peter was now zooming with Dragon. "Ok, we're gonna have it done this afternoon. We'll do it ourselves. Just got to get the chloroform. He'll heal for a day, then we'll ship him. "Fuck that! " Dragon answered. "You use local, you do it, you put in three stitches and you get him on a plane tonight. " Then his teeth showed in his smile. "And I wanna watch the operation. You put them in a case. I'll have them dipped in gold. And he'll wear them. " Grant dragged bob in just as Peter was talking to Dragon. He saw Dragon on the screem. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." he squirmed, and squirmed, but Grant had him tight. He pinched one of bob's nipples, and that quieted him down even more. "You can take the gag off," Dragon spoke. Let him hear what I have to say and get his fucking two cents in." Grant pulled off the gag. bob worked to get his mouth moist enough to talk before he began. "DRAGON. DRAGON . WHAT THE... What is this about....?" "It's SIR Dragon bitch. Get used to that. You're gonna be using it a lot. With a high voice." "Oh shit. You mean..." "That's right cunt man. Those balls are going. I'll get them for you as an accessory. And I'm gonna watch the whole operation." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" bob screamed just as he felt a needle go into his neck. He fell asleep. "He'll be out for twenty. " Grant said to Peter. "Dragon wants to watch. When he wakes up, we begin."

No one inside the compound heard the cars coming up. There were no sirens, no nothing. "Control panel? Every security system has one. Where is it?" hank asked. "HOW THE FUCK DO I KNOW?" "Sir, we have to find it. If I can disable the wires, they're helpless. Won't be any problem. " Justin thought for a minute. "WAIT. Back gate. I remember a HUGE metal box there. Maybe..." "Get the cutters. We have work to do."

bob was waking up from the anesthesia. He found himself strapped down, his legs slightly elevated in stirrups. "Open your mouth, bitch." Grant ordered. "FUCK YOU." A smack to his balls got bob's mouth opened. A big fat ball gag went in this time. "Owner's orders. Now.. let me get some anesthesia on this cloth. " bob saw Grant pouring some sweet smelling liquid on a big piece of fabric. "They're gonna deaden your balls, slave boi. That way they can cut the cage off, and get them nice and free. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." bob saw the cutters. They were HUGE. "Best stand still, stud." Peter grinned as he got closer. "I could slip and then...." "mmmmmmmmmmmmph," bob had begun to cry. He saw the smile on Dragon's face as he said "FINALLY, a true bitch." The sound of the metal breaking on the strain of the cutter caused bob to wince. The cage was gone. As soon as it was... his cock jumped out, rigid. "GEEZ. I think he likes it." Pete turned to Grant. "Ok, get them numb." As he rubbed the anesthesia over bob's balls and cock, there was an accident. bob had been locked up so long, he shot. He shot big time.

Peter began to laugh. "Well, at least they'll be easier to get out. Nice and small. For now though, we gotta clean this up."

While they were cleaning off bob's privates, hank cut into the metal box. He looked at the wiring. "right here. This is gonna cut the power to the compound. One... two... three." He cut. "WHAT THE FUCK? " Grant yelled as the lights went out, and the screen with Dragon on it went dark. "Generator failure? HUH? Here?" "There's an auxiliary. We just gotta get to it. Gimme ten minutes." Peter left the room, and as he hurried to the room with the generator, he heard a click, and then a gun barrel on his neck. "Who's the last one getting fucked, buster?" he heard marcus' voice. "up against the wall. This time, it's MY time to use the handcuffs." "GRANT THEY'RE HERE." Peter yelled, just before a slug to the back of his head knocked him out. "SHIT. It wasn't a generator, it was.... " Two doors broke open. Grant saw the cops heading in. He saw Justin. He took the scalpel, and he held it to bob's throat. "You'll never get to him fast enough. I'll bleed out your bitch faster than you can say "suck it bottom." Justin didn't hesitate. He aimed his stun gun at Grant, and took him down. He turned to two of the police officers. "CUFF HIM. DRAG HIM OUT WITH THE OTHER SCUM." Then he turned to the bound, gagged, squirming man he had defeated. "We have to talk about a LOT. A WHOLE lot. For now, you're staying there until I get another cage for you." He turned to the police officers. "We'll be out in a bit. Don't worry. He's safe with me." He turned and looked at bob, and smiled "Sort of."

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After he put a new cage on bob, Justin smiled. "Such a good position for you. SUCH a good one. LOOK at that ass, up in the air, BEGGING, just BEGGING for something to get put in it. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." bob was nodding vigorously. He had been fucked at least 18 times over the last few days, but now... Sir Justin was here.

And he was unzipping his pants. "There we go. DAMN I was hard two days ago, and now... it's all coming back." His cock was hard and thick and bright red. bob, loose from the double fuckings he had taken, took Justin's cock easily. Justin wasn't pleased. "There are herbs to get that pussy tight again. We'll have to get some on the way home." He pressed into bob. "They cut your collar too? FUCK. That one was expensive." He sneered as he began sliding back and forth in bob. "You better pray you get that modeling job, and you better pray it pays well, because if I take out what that costs, in trade... you're gonna be on your back for at least a week. And without a job, you're gonna be up shit's creek." "mmmmmmmmmmmph?" bob looked at Sir Justin questioningly. Justin laughed as he continued to fuck him. "You think you're going back to the police force? That ain't happening bitch. Get used to the idea of being Sir Justin's houseboy. That's gonna be your life from now on. "

We're gonna finish this tale next time around folks, so I hope you enjoyed this one. Conclusion coming up next week.

Next: Chapter 11

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