Robert Michaels Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 3, 2021


As he stripped for bed, marcus and bob already in the bed, positioned just the way he wanted them, Justin smiled. This was going SO perfectly. He had decided to have the wrestling game before dinner, which turned out to be the right choice, for many reasons. There was probably only one person who was more sure that bob was going to win than he was - and that was bob. bob DID win: he pinned marcus, but only after a long, LONG fight that surprised both bob and Justin. At one point, it looked like marcus was gonna choke bob out, and Justin had to start thinking "well, marcus as alpha and bob as beta wouldn't be too bad. When he felt like he was gonna give up though, bob pulled up memories of Justin's cock in him. HE WANTED IT. HE WANTED IT BADLY. And he was gonna get it. THAT was the turn around for the match.

Now, marcus was at one end of the bed, on his side, his wrists tied in front of him. bob was behind him, with his arms around marcus, and also tied. His cock lined up at marcus' ass, and he had permission to take it any time he wanted, during the night. And finally, there was Sir Justin, behind bob, his cock out and already ready to plow the blond hunk's ass. In idle moments, he thought about how HOT it was to have a sub who didn't LOOK like a sub, but like someone who could top just about anyone in the world. Instead, Justin had enslaved HIM. Just that thought made him hot, and his glans began to slide into bob.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSS" hissed out of bob's mouth. Justin didn't use gags on his boys when they slept. Too dangerous. But he was smiling. He WOULD be using gags the next day - at least on bob. He hadn't told them what they were in for. What it was, got Justin even hotter as he plowed bob.

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"So, boys, today we have some fun planned. You get your workouts done, and then, we're moving to the playroom. " Justin smiled. "Today, marcus gets introduced to the walnut fucker." He grinned. On the treadmill, marcus asked "Hey. What the hell is this "walnut fucker." bob laughed. "OH, it's either the bests thing you'll ever feel, or the worse thing. I really wanna leave it to you to feel it, but let's say this: I think Sir Justin wants to turn you into his sub too. That's what he used to break me." marcus thought about this for a minute: what he learned from his time undercover with the cult, was that he enjoyed being the sub slave of two men. When he wrote his report at the end of the investigation, he didn't include a lot of information about the sexual acts he had done, or what had been done to him, but he remembered them: and if he hadn't had that cage on, he'd be hard right now. The difference was: in the cult, there was no question: there were two DOMS, who had shared, and total control over him. Now, if he gave in, he wasn't sure he wanted to share a DOM with someone else - certainly NOT as beta sub. "I know what you're thinking marcus. You're not gonna have any choice." "I gotta give assent to be a sub. That's how it works." bob laughed. "I said the same thing. I'll just say this. I got up to level 6. Let's see how far you go." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sir Justin had ordered them both to dress in nothing but sneakers, and tight black shorts. When they got to the playroom, he pointed to a chair positioned behind the walnut fucker machine. He signaled to bob: "YOU blondie . SIT. Hands behind your back." He pointed to the platform in front of the machine and signaled to marcus. "YOU. There. On your back. Face up." Once bob was seated, Justin grabbed his wrists, tied them behind him, and then pulled out a big roll of black duct tape. Instead of ripping strips, he wrapped it around bob's mouth, four times, tighter than usual. "Cause you're gonna be screaming more. Need more tape to keep you quiet. And look who's here: your buddy Mr. Titty clamps." "mmmmmmmmmmph" bob tried to get a sound out. Sir Justin ran them over bob's nipples but didn't use them... yet. Instead, he turned to marcus. "Pretty boy marcus. " He stroked marcus' chest with his hand. Just the touch was making marcus pitch wildly. He wasn't gagged. yet. Justin took care of that. Instead of tape, he put a big red ball gag into marcus' mouth and tied it tight. "No nipple clamps for you sexy boy . You get something much better. Now, let's find that spot..." marcus' ankles were in a pair of stirrups, and he was spread wide. bob knew what happened next. Sir Justin put in two fingers, and began probing until he got a loud, LOUD moan from marcus. "Well, well, well. THERE it is. HA HA. Now we can get to work." bob struggled as he saw the machine getting put into place. He KNEW what it could do. It did it to him. It made him Sir Justin's bitch. And he wanted it again. Why did Sir Justin want another sub? Was he being replaced? He knew that Peter and Grant looked at him like they were hungry animals: he saw the stairs, the licked lips: they wanted him, and they made no secret of it. Was Sir Justin gonna turn him over to those monsters?" He thought all this while Justin positioned the machine, placing the little spinning orb inside of marcus. Before he turned it on, he looked at bob with a wicked smile. "Time for Mr. Tit Clamps to get working bobby." The clamps went on and then... bob watched as Justin attached a chain from the clamps to the pole of the walnut fucker. "Now, every time it thrusts in, you'll get pulled forward. Of course, you won't be able to move much, but your nips will." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of bob. This was something new. TIt work while he watched marcus getting fucked. DAMN. Sir Justin started the machine. bob heard the moan from marcus. He remembered his own time on the machine, even as the pole pulled forward , pulling his nips. He expected the pulling action, but not the vibration going through it, reaching to his tits. It was like the hitachi, but on his nips. The stimulation was... like nothing he ever felt before. "NNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"' While the walnut fucker was doing it's thing, Justin turned to bob, who looked up at him pleadingly. "I just love the way you look tied up bobby. So fucking helpless. A BIG, STUD like you: anyone would thing "macho guy, top man, STUD. " He put his finger under bob's chin, just as bob's nips got pulled forward. "But you and I know.... you're a CUNT a sub bitch MANCUNT." bob closed his eyes and whimpered. He shook his head in assent. Sir Justin had broken him. Completely. He was totally helpless in front of this man. Sir Justin didn't need the toys, the ropes, anything: bob was HIS.

"How about that sensation marcus?" Justin turned back to his prisoner. Ready to submit? " marcus paused, and shook his head no. Justin smiled. "GOOD." And he turned the machine to the second level. The rod moved just a little faster, the vibrations were a little stronger, and the nerves that seemed to run directly from bob's nipples to his cock, were on fire. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of him, and Justin laughed. He stepped behind bob, wrapped a big strong arm around his neck, and covered bob's ear with his mouth. "Maybe I should put you out. See how long this takes to get you revived again. Hmmmmmmmmmmm? " He tightened the grip, and bob gasped for air. He had fucked marcus the night before, but he was ready again. This stimulation. DAMN. Justin had figured out each and every one of his hot spots, and he used every single one of them.

"Whadday say, pretty boy marcus? Surrender? " It took longer, and the headshake was weaker, but marcus whimpered out a no. "HA HA. I don't think you're gonna beat my STUD. Too bad. If you did, I was gonna let you fuck HIm, but... Justin turned the machine to level 3. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of both bob and marcus. "WAIT WTF? bob was thinking. He's gonna have marcus fuck ME?" HUH?? NO ONE FUCKS ME BUT SIR. AND DRAGON." He squirmed in the ropes, and Sir Justin laughed. "What's the matter, big boy?" He ran his hand down bob's crotch. "You forget who's in charge?" bob looked at him pleadingly, and shook his head no. "If I tell you to open your legs to marcus, do you do it?" bob hesitated, but he shook his head, resignedly. "You know, I have a little power engine that can make the fucker go even harder. You wanna go back on, with everything tripled?" bob shook his head no, vigorously. "THEN STOP PISSING ME OFF CUNT" Justin formed a fist, and pushed it into bob's crotch. He had begun to twist it, when the noise from marcus got louder. "OH. I think we have a submission." He smiled and went up to marcus' head. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "You got something to say marcus? " marcus shook his head yes. "Well, I'll take the gag out. But understand: if it isnt' something I wanna hear, we're jumping four and going directly to five. Understand? " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." there was a high pitched sound coming out of marcus as Sir Justin took off the gag. "No more Sir. No more. I give. I give. I surrender. I submit. I submit. You own me. I'm yours. Please. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE." "Good boy." Justin ran his hand over marcus' nips. "You're my beta. you understand that?" "Yes sir." He went back to bob. "I need these bitch." He pulled off the clamps. "You're gonna be wearing these for a few minutes until I let Peter and Grant know about their surprise. " Then he went back to bob. "This session left me hornier than the wrestling match. Let's go bitch. I want that ass. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Like he did the time bob surrendered, Justin led his prisoner through the hall to his bedroom. As they passed Peter and Grant, Justin smiled. "I left you guys a present. You may have to 'explain' to him that as my agent, you can do whatever you want." bob saw the big smile on Grant's face. He knew Grant still wanted him, but he'd settle for marcus. "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR." As Justin dragged bob into the bedroom, he sneered. "You thought you were gonna be replaced stud, didn't you?" bob was still gagged, so he could only shake his head yes. Leaning into bob's ear, Justin whispered. "I worked MUCH harder to subdue you than I did marcus. You don't get away that easy. BITCH. Now I'm taking off that gag and you better get on your knees and prove that I made a good choice." bob ripped away the tape roughly, and bob got on his knees. He took Sir Justin's cock in his mouth like he had so many other times, but... this time... this time.... the sense that he had competition, was gone. Sir Justin was entitled to more than one sub. He was a DOM. It may mean less time with him but... bob hadn't noticed any change. Justin pulled out for a second. "Where the fuck is your slave collar, cunt?" "I... I forgot it Sir. I'm sorry. " "I gave you permission NOT to wear it at work. But you were to wear it at ALL OTHER TIMES." "I know. I know. I'm sorry Sir. I'm sorry." Sir Justin paused for a minute. "Your punishment is very simple. Next week, you wear it to work too." "OH SHIT" bob thought. It was hard enough to keep the cage hidden, but now, the collar? FUCK. Everyone was gonna know. He thought about that for a minute and he realized something. He didn't care. He had heard the admiration for Justin's body around the precinct: men and women. All the questions about how hard he must work to keep in shape that way (and bob had seen some of his workouts: they were intense. He remembered the "tug of war," when Peter and Grant and one other guy who worked on the cars all pulled against him, and Justin had no trouble. There were other incidences too. ). One night the week before, at bob's place, Justin had him tied up and gagged, and he was ready to fuck him. Instead of leading him into the bedroom, he fireman carried him before he dumped him on the bed. Fighting Justin was a waste of time. It only got him more excited, and the way he fucked already: bob didn't think he could handle more enthusiasm. "I'm tired of the fucking blow job. Get on the bed. " "Yes sir. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the necklace Sir." "SHUT UP. You're talking too much. I got some stuff to say before I give you a reward for who knows what." The wrist restraints went off before they went back on at the corners. Justin looked at the gag collection, before he pulled out a nice big black one. When he tightened this one, which he did now, not even an 'mmmmph' could get out. He straddled bob, and he began running his fingers up and down bob's ribs. bob HATED being tickled, and Justin did it rarely. He did it to piss bob off or to show him that Justin was completely in charge. "You need to understand a few things, boy." Justin moved his fingers to bob's nips. "Maybe you don't understand this, but maybe you do. I'm not bragging, but I can smell a sub a mile away - sometimes before they know it about themselves, and I can have ANY of them I want. You've seen it. you've seen how subs look at me." Now, he was playing with bob's nips. They were sensitive to begin with, but right underneath each of them was a little place that drove bob wild, and Justin was running a finger along each of them now, and smiling. "I've had as many as five subs at one time, boy. I learned a lot. But I never met one quite like you." He smiled. "There's a little streak in you.. just a little one that insists he's not a sub. That he could give this up 'if he wanted to' and start topping again.' bob was listening. Justin was right. "Most DOMs would work as hard as they could to get rid of that. Not me. I like it. It means I can ALWAYS count on a challenge from you. And when I break you, it feels SO MUCH SWEETER. You get that bitch?" bob shook his head. He didn't know where this was going, but he felt sort of warm and squishy. Justin had never been this heavy with him. "I'm gonna take out the gag, because I wanna kiss you. BAD. Then we're gonna talk . And then I'm gonna fuck you harder than I have until now." Once Justin's tongue touched his lips, bob got even harder. He DESPERATELY wanted to cum. His cock felt so hard he thought that he was going to break the cage. As Justin shoved his tongue down, he got even harder, and harder. DAMN. He laughed to himself: "Dragon who?" Justin moved his finger down to where bob's shorts met his belly. That line was another hot spot, and Justin moved his finger at just the right degree of lightness to make bob squirm. He wasn't tickling him, he wasnt' torturing him, but....." "You remember at the start when I said that, at some point, I was gonna want you off the force and in my house 24/7?" bob gulped. He DID remember. And he LOVED this job. "Yes sir. I do. " "You weren't my sub yet. You hadn't surrendered." "That's right Sir. I was your bottom, but I hadn't... I hadn't felt the walnut fucker." Justin smiled. "Pissed you off that I used it on someone else, didn't it?" "It did Sir. But you're the DOM. You get to make the decisions. Not me." Justin smiled. "Like giving up your job? Moving in here. Permanently." bob gulped. He didn't want to, but... he was a sub. "yes sir. If you told me to resign, that's my obligation." Justin smiled. "Not today, not tomorrow, but soon. I want a boy I can kick the shit out of whenever I wanna wrestle, I want you underneath me all the time, and I want you working around here, wearing nothing but chaps and a chain, serving all my friends, showing off your sexiness." "Yes sir. I belong to you." Justin moved down to the base of the bed and began to lift bob's legs. "There's a Roman Slave Dom party this weekend. You and marcus are going as my slaves. But marcus will be going home with one of Peter or Grant. I haven't decided yet. And I haven't figured out your "exit" from the Force yet.." he smiled. "Once the guys see the chain on your neck, they'll know it's happening." "Yes sir." That was the last thing bob got to say. The gag went back on him. "Now, let me get the ass I didn't get this afternoon." Justin lifted up bob's big legs and spread them. The sound couldn't escape, but bob moaned in anticipatory pleasure. He felt Justin tracing circles around his hole. That seemed to relax him, and make him more receptive to Justin's fat cock. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he moaned internally. Justin had begun to slide in. And he was tightening his glutes every bit of the way, so the fuck was even more substantial. bob wanted to beg for Justin to release him, to let him shoot. He knew better. He had read some story about a sub who pissed his Master off so much that the Master had the sub castrated. Then, when the sub got fat, he dumped him. He didn't want this to happen. As he fucked bob, Justin mused. Taking bob's right nip in his fingers, he thought out loud "hank's tit rod was so hot... I'm seriously considering getting you one. Gonna have to talk to them at the slave party."

While Justin was getting closer and closer to orgasm, Peter and Grant were talking. They had each taken marcus' ass and mouth, before sending him back to his bedroom. Now they were talking. "We always get sloppy seconds. How come we don't get bob?" Peter asked "I know. If he's keeping him to himself, must be something special about that ass." Grant began to think. "We gotta figure something out. Even if it's only one time. We both gotta tap that ass. "

Next: Chapter 9

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