Robert's New Life

By Robert

Published on Jul 29, 2013



Robert put his hands on his face and sighed as he put his elbows on the dinette table. This had been a rough year. In January, his wife and best friend of 18 years had died of a rare skin disease, and watching her suffer for her final six months had been the worst thing he had ever experienced. The hospital bills had consumed all of their savings and more. He was still wracked with grief from her absence. They had been best friends since 6th grade and had become incredibly intimate lovers. Unlike many women, her abilities at oral sex improved with time and she loved meeting him at the door after work and giving him a kiss and then a great blow job. He missed her so.

Things had only gotten worse. Robert was a top chef at a well-known restaurant and it had closed its doors two months ago due to the poor economy. Robert had lived on the measly unemployment while he beat the street looking for a job. Day after day he got up early and canvassed the small city looking for something .... Anything. A month ago he had moved into an efficiency apartment in a nearby large city in hopes that his job prospects would improve. Still nothing. Sighing in disgust, Robert picked up his Ipad and walked to Starbucks so he could use the free Wi-Fi. He logged on and checked out the classified, hoping for something. One ad did pique his interest. It read "Looking for live-in Chef and Housekeeper. Great salary and living conditions." Robert quickly sent a short intro and his resume to the email in the ad and hoped for the best. Two days later Robert had almost given up when he received and email with a short note that complimented his resume and gave him a number to call. With shaking hands Robert dialed the number and waited for it to be answered. A very masculine voice answered and said, "Yes". Robert stammered out why he was calling and after a short discussion he agreed to come over that evening for an interview.

Robert went back to the apartment, showered and put on his best clothes for the interview. He arrived five minutes early, rang the bell and waited until it slowly opened. The man who opened the door was older than Robert's 38 years, in good shape and seemed to have a pleasant countenance. He introduced himself as David and explained that he too was a widower and needed help around the house. They toured the house together and Robert was amazed. It was a large 4000 square foot mansion with a pool, private backyard and a kitchen better than the one at his old restaurant. After touring and talking for almost an hour, David explained that he was a Doctor and would pay $3000/month with free room and board. Robert was flabbergasted and said that he would take the job. David frowned and said, "There is one more requirement". "What is that" Robert asked. David blushed and said "I need the person who takes this position to give me blow jobs". "What the fuck?" said Robert. "I am not a fucking queer". "Relax and don't be upset" said David, I know you are not and neither am I, but I miss sex and am getting tired of jacking off all the time. I don't have the time or urge to date yet. Doing this won't make either of us queer, just think of it as part of your job and not in a sexual way" "Fuck you" said Robert as he stormed out. Robert fumed the whole way home.

Robert kept beating the streets looking with no success. One afternoon he arrived home to find a yellow eviction notice on his apartment door. He had been unable to keep up with the rent. Once inside he broke out his bottle of vodka and began to drink. .He was fucked and could not think of a way out. After an hour he started thinking about David's offer and the fact that if he sucked his cock, it was only a job and that didn't make him gay.

Robert went to Starbucks and signed on to email. With shaking hands he sent David and email and asked if the job was still available. Within minutes came David's reply, "Yes". Robert then sent a short email saying he was interested in the position. David wrote back, "do you accept ALL the conditions?". Hesitantly Robert replied, "Yes". "Come over at 530 tonight" was David's reply. Robert took at shower and arrived promptly at 530. David opened the door and smiled as he said "come in". He was dressed in a tee shirt and shorts and wore sandals. "What do you drink?" he asked Robert. "A Vodka tonic" Robert stammered. David led him to the bar in the den and expertly mixed them each a drink. "Relax" he said and for the next hour they chatted about the loneliness of being widowers, favorite wines and a host of subjects. After their 4th vodka, David said, "Well let's do this and get it over with so that you can relax". He walked over to the overstuffed recliner and pulled off his shorts. "Come here Robert" he said in a commanding tone. Robert walked over and stood in front of David. David placed his hands on his shoulders and gently forced him to his knees. When he looked up he silently gasped as he saw David's semi- hard cock in front of him. It was thick, at least 8 inches long, had a large mushroom head and loomed over two very large balls. Pre-cum glistened in the light. Robert had never seen a cock up close and hadn't even seen another man's cock since gym in high school. He was amazed at the purple color and veiny texture. David sat down and said, "Now, let's seal the deal for your new job". Robert slowly inched forward until the turgid cock was only an inch from his face. "Remember", said David, "this is not about sex for you, it is only a job". Slowly Robert moved forward until he licked the head. David reacted with a moan. Closing his eyes Robert opened his mouth and took the massive head into his mouth and started sucking. David continued to moan and whispered, "Deeper". David's voice was almost hypnotic and Robert slowly took another 3 inches in his mouth. "Use your tongue, think of how your loving wife gave you blow jobs" David said. "Imagine you are her sucking you he said". Robert closed his eyes again, and began sucking deeper. He used his tongue to caress the head and veiny shaft as he tickled Robert's oversized balls. "Did she swallow?", David gasped as Robert continued to pleasure David's cock. He nodded his head as he sucked and David said "please show me the same courtesy". Disgusted with himself, Robert sucked faster and harder so he could get this over with. After a short few minutes, he felt David's cock thicken and start to pulse. "Oh my god", thought Robert. He swallowed his pride and then starting swallowing as burst after burst of thick cum filled his mouth. He swallowed and swallowed until he felt the cock soften in his mouth. "Oh my god, thank you" David said as he came back to earth. He patted Robert on the head and said "Good boy". After Robert let the cockhead drop from his mouth, David said "make us a drink". Robert didn't really have time to think about the fact that he was now a cocksucker as he got to his feet and went to the bar. They had a couple more drinks and David never said anything that embarrassed Robert about the fact that he had just given him a blow job and swallowed his seed.

After finishing their drinks, David said "let's go over the routine". Every morning I get up at 6 and sit on the patio after I piss. Have my coffee and the morning paper on the small table in back. Once I sit down and start reading and drinking my coffee, give me a blow job and then make breakfast. He said it so matter of factly that Robert only nodded. When I come home, you will hear the garage door open as I round the corner. Have a vodka tonic ready and once I sit down to relax, give me a blow job, the make dinner. Again, Robert just nodded. David's voice was relaxing and hypnotic. The next morning, Robert got up at 530, made a pot of coffee ad started planning breakfast. At 6 sharp he heard the toilet flush and looked down the hall as David emerged, naked of course; with his manmeat swaying as he headed for the patio. Robert watched him sit, and then brought out a steaming cup of black coffee and the local paper. Without thinking, he dropped to his knees and began licking the head of David's cock. It was slightly salty Robert thought, probably because he just pissed. He slowly took the large head in his mouth and let it sit there as he swirled his tongue all around. He smiled broadly when he felt David's hand patting his head and him saying "Good boy". He closed his eyes and began to suck in earnest. He really needed this job and if he just treated giving blow jobs this like a job, it would be okay. He thought of his wife as he sucked and tried to imitate the way she sucked him. He didn't use his hands, used lots of tongue and slowly took most of David's thick cock into his moist mouth. David looked down at Robert and smiled as he watched his head bob up and down on his cock. He never thought that he would actually get a cocksucker as a housekeeper and chef, but it certainly seemed like he had. No more jacking off he thought as he tensed and blew a large load of baby batter down Robert's throat. After he swallowed, Robert got up, refreshed David's coffee and went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

More to follow if you like, let me know.

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