Rock Hard DJ

By Nick Richardson

Published on Jan 20, 2003



Disclaimer: This is a gay fantasy about Robbie Williams. I don't pretend to know anything about his sexuality, as I said this is a fantasy.. If you don't wanna read this, why did you come here in the first place? If you wanna read this, go ahead and enjoy!

ROCK HARD DJ By Nicklovesu

My name is Nicolas Richardson and I'm 18 years old. I have no brothers and sisters, and after my parents' divorce, my father and I went to live in LA. My dad's an art director, and he has directed several music videos for some of the greatest. I spend most of my time hanging around with my friends and having fun. Though i fell in love with girls quite easily, i'm physically attracted to guys. My hair is dark blonde, i have green eyes and a light tan. This story tells how I met Robbie Williams and what happened afterwards.

That particular morning, I woke up, having no clue what to do for the rest of the day. I got downstairs and saw the note from my dad.

"I'm in Studio 4A the whole day, shooting. Dad."

Great! I had the place for my own! Maybe I could call some friends of mine to come over, and maybe we could go to the beach. After I had a quick breakfast, I threw myself in the couch and picked up the phone. I dialed the number. While I waited I counted the flowers in the vase. Sixteen. My lucky number. Still no answer. Suddenly I remembered! Josh was working in that pizza place till late today. I cursed out loud. Of course I could have phoned some other friends of mine, but that morning I felt particularly talking to Josh. I sighed and went to look for my car keys.

"Drive slowly and don't enter when the red's on." The guard told me when he had taken a brief look at my entrance card. "Have a nice day mister Greenwood." He said when I put the car in first gear and drove off.

My dad had given me that card when I was old enough to drive. Sometimes he felt guilty he had to work that much. I didn't care. I was old enough. When I was younger, I came here to visit with my dad, and that's how I saw Madonna doing Material Girl, and Kim Wilde with her Kids in America. As long as I didn't disturb, my father was very glad to have me around. Most of the times I liked watching these big stars performing on a set, an afterwards seeing the magic on screen. I wondered what they we're doing today.

After I parked the car, I went to Studio 4A. The woman at the desk waved hello while she was talking on the phone and I motionned "how are you". She put her thumb up and I smiled and walked on. Now I could hear people talking an yelling to each other when I approached the door. Certainly they were not shooting at the moment. The red light was out so I walked in the studio. There were a lot of people making the last preparations, and I saw some dancers warming up. Probably they were about to shoot from the beginning. I quietly walked up to my dad who was talking to a guy with his headphones on. I still hadn't seen any big celebrity and I began wondering if this was a music video, after all, my dad did commercials too.

"Hi son." My dad said when he noticed me. The guy with the headphones started talking in his mike and walked away. "Nice of you to pay me a visit. This video is gonna kill me."

"I see." I laughed. "What're you doing?"

"The music video for Rock DJ. By uhm.. Robbie Williams."

As he said that I felt my heart beating faster. In my opinion, Robbie Williams is not very cute or handsome or whatever, but he's just amazingly attractive. A week ago there was a special on MTV about him and I had seen it twice. Just the thought of seeing Robbie Williams in real, was making me nervous.

"You don't mind sitting over there a bit?" My dad asked me, a bit worked up. I could tell he had had a tough morning with these guys.


I went up to a chair next to my dad's. I took a seat and watched everybody prepare for the shooting. I was looking around for Robbie Williams, but I couldn't see him.

After a few minutes the lights went out and I heard my dad yelling: "Three two one and ... action!" The music started and the girls started dancing. I immediately liked the song but I was still wondering where Robbie was. Suddenly I noticed.

In the middle of the round stage was a hole, and in there was Robbie Williams, lipping to the music. I could see the camera hanging on top of him. Suddenly I saw him rising out of the floor and starting to dance to the music. I felt my heart beating, cause he looked so attractive.

Suddenly Robbie lifted his arms and pulled his t-shirt over his head. I carefully watched his upper body. He had quite a bit of hair under his arms, something that really turns me on. He also had a bit of hair on his chest, not too much, just perfect. He was still dancing to the music, the girls were walking and dancing around, and I saw the camera moving. I noticed how Robbie's hands moved to the button of his pants and started to open it.

"Oh my god," I thought, "is he really going to take them off?"

Still dancing and singing, he opened his pants and stepped out of them. He only wore a pair of black boxer shorts with a lion on it. At this moment my cock was stirring in my pants and causing a lot of pain so I quietly adjusted it. I was still watching the show, now very amazed, and I saw how the camera zoomed in on his crotch and then started to move away. Only the thought to get my hands on these shorts made me horny.

His hands caressed his upper body and slowly he started to turn his back on the audience, in this case, us. I saw his hands move under his shorts and in one quick move he stepped out of them. It had happened even before I really noticed, but I had to surpress a moan when he showed the audience his hot firm ass. And suddenly I knew. I had to get my hands on this guy, no matter what.

Probably he was ashamed of showing his cock on television, cause he was dancing around. I knew they would probably blank that out on MTV. But who cares, i could see the real thing in real life in front of my eyes. I heard my father yell. "Cut! Okay folks, thanks, that's it for today."

Hmm. Probably the song wasn't even halfway. I guessed there had to be some computer animation for the next part, otherwise they wouldn't stop.

While I heard people wrapping up in the background, the only thing I focused on, was the object of my desire, Robbie Williams, standing naked in front of my eyes. He was clearly about to put some clothes back on, cause he turned around and so I got a good look at his crotch. He had a dark mass of pubic hair and a beatiful cock, probably about 7 inches hanging between his legs. At this moment I almost shot my load in my pants.

I saw my father gesturing him to come over and I knew that i had to take the opportunity. I went up to my dad, pretending I hadn't noticed Robbie was coming over too. I pretended I wanted to ask something about dinner that evening, but before I even got past "Uhm dad, ..." Robbie was standing next to me. I pretended noticing him only now and said hello.

"Hello. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"I'm Keith's son. But I'll leave you two for now." I said

I walked away as my father began talking to Robbie. I saw how Robbie shot some looks at me during the conversation, but i pretended not to notice. I kept glancing at his legs, his chest and his butt when he wasn't looking. Someone offered him a pair of trousers and he put them on. Not too early. I had seen his cock started swelling. I grinned and went back to my chair. I had to think of a way I could get him to have sex with me. I started to dream of me and him, alone in some hotel room, his weight upon me, his hands on my body...


"Are you coming with me or are you going on your own?" My dad asked me for the second time.

"No thanks. I'll go on my own. Besides, I have to take the car back home."

"Okay. See you at home."

"It's probably going to be late dad."

"No problem. Be careful!" He said and walked off to the door.

Damned. I still didn't have a plan of how I could trick him. I sighed and got up. I started to walk around on the set. Suddenly I noticed his black boxers were still lying on the bottom of the hole in the center of the stage. I lowered myself into the hole and picked up the boxers. I slowly put them to my nose and inhaled deeply. I felt the male scent hitting my brain, which was making me horny again. I put the boxers in my trousers pocket and climbed out of the hole.

"Hey you! What are you doing?" The guard came up to me. "Oh. I'm sorry Nick, I didn't know it was you."

"That's okay. I dropped my watch and I went in there to pick it up."

"Ah." He clearly believed what I had said."I'm going to close."

"Yeah I'm sorry. I'll be going." With that I walked outside. The guard followed me and closed the door of the studio behind me. I walked through the empty hall, the woman at the desk was already gone. I stepped outside and watched the evening sky.

The guard closed the door, touched his cap and walked of. I sighed. This was probably the only chance i was gonna get and I screwed it. I felt a slight breeze on my arms and looked at my watch. A quarter past eight. Maybe I could go down to the pizza place where Josh works and have a chat about who I met today. I went up to my car and noticed the piece of paper stuck on my front window. My heart thumped. I picked it up and read:

"Meet me at half past eight at the Crown Plaza Hotel. Room 4568. Robbie."

I almost yelled out loud from happiness. I felt my cock stir in my pants once again while I got into the car. I quickly pulled off. The note said half past nine, so I didn't have a a lot of time.

While i left Hollywood I began to ask myself if this could maybe be only a joke. A sudden thought sprang to my mind. What if someone was only trying to see if I would react?

"Screw it. I'm going anyway." I muttered.

Ten minutes later I pulled in at the Crown Plaza Hotel. A valet came up to me and asked for my room number. Without hesitation I told him Robbie's number and got out of the car. When I walked in, I immediately saw I as not dressed for the occasion. I only wore faded blue jeans, a white shirt and red tommy shoes. I quickly went up to the elevators, before someone came up to me and would start asking me all these questions. I waited a few seconds and got in the elevator.

"Fourth floor." I told the bellboy.

Quietly I walked on the thick carpet to Robbie's room. I adjusted my cock and checked myself in a hall mirror. I was so nervous my hands were trembling. I walked up to the door and gently knocked.

"It's open."

I slowly opened the door and walked in, just to see Robbie standing in the middle of the room, holding a bottle and two glasses.

"Hi." I said laughing while I walked in.

"Hi." He answered. "I'm very glad you came."

"So am I." I said and shot him a look.

He put down the bottle and the glasses and came up to me.

"Do you want something to eat?"

I looked away and slightly whispered: "No thanks."

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I looked straight into his eyes and said: "Yes I am."

He smiled as I walked up to him and gently touched his head. I gently lifted my mouth to his lips and kissed him. I felt his hands on my back pulling me closer and I slowly started to slide my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues gently touched and we started to kiss more wildly. I felt Robbie fumble at the buttons of my shirt while I carressed his back. He managed to open my shirt and i let it drop onto the floor. Robbie gently kissed my bare shoulders and moved to my chest. He gently started to lick my nipples while his hands felt at my crotch. He started to fumble at my belt and opened it. I felt his hand reaching in my pants and feeling my cock. It felt great! He pulled down the zipper and I let my pants drop. Robbie kneeled and unlaced my shoes. I never wear socks so i quickly stepped out of my pants. Robbie stayed on his knees and looked up into my eyes. He was so damn hot! I felt his hand going higher and higher till he gently touched my balls. I lifted my head and started to moan when he pulled down my shorts. I felt his breath on my cock when he helped me to step out of my shorts. He let his hands slide over my legs up to my ass. He squeezed my ass when he started to lick at my cock.

I moaned loud when I felt his tongue touching the head of my cock and I put one hand on the back of his head to steady myself. He was still dressed and was now sucking my cock to the base. I felt his hot hands slide over my ass and slowly spread my legs a little so he could use his fingers. Robbie immediately understood and started to touch the outer rim of my ass.

"Oh Robbie.." I moaned while he sank his finger in my ass. I felt him massaging my hole while he was still sucking my cock. With my hand on his head i felt the rhythm of the thrusts of his finger combined with the blow job. I felt de heat burning up into me while Robbie started to suck me faster. His finger protruded deeper and with one last moan i started to cum into his mouth. I yelled his name while i balanced myself on his head and I shot load after load into his mouth.

Finally Robbie got up and kissed me on my lips while he took me in his arms. I took the opportunity to rub my bare crotch against his pants. I felt him smiling and i broke the kiss.

"Don't say a word." I whispered and started to lift his t-shirt. He lifted his arms to help me and I pulled out his t-shirt. I saw the little hairs under his arms and on his chest which made me want to go quicker. I unbuttonned his pants and with one quick move I slid them down together with his boxers. This was the first time I saw Robbie's boner and I was sure I wanted it inside me. But first I wanted to make Robbie feel as good as he had made me feel.

I took his hand and led him to the kingsize bed. I helped him to lay down and then I started to kiss him when I gently laid down on his body. I rubbed my cock against his and I heard him letting out small moans while we kissed. I started to lower my head and kiss his neck. I kissed his shoulder and gently made my way to his armpit. He lifted his arm and took hold of the bars on top of the bed. I licked the soft hairs and felt the sweat. I started to lick his nipples while my hands carressed the hairs on his chest. I made my way down and kissed his belly button. He had some hairs which led to his cock and I used my tongue to gently slide over them. I took his cock in one hand and guided it to my mouth. I was amazed at the length of his shaft. Probably it was over eleven inches. I started to lick it and each time i reached the head i sucked it. I felt his hands on my head pushing my harder onto his cock and i started to deepthroat it. I felt his legs move in the air and he gently laid them on my back. I took his balls into my mouth and started to make my way down to his hole. At first I licked it and felt the sweet sour taste on my tongue. I massaged the outher hole with my tongue and then moved back up to his cock while my finger started to invade his hole. My head began bobbing up and down faster and faster and i felt his muscles tighten around the finger in his ass. He started to moan and to cry a little when he felt the wave of orgasm running through his body. He started to cum in my mouth while his hands carressed wildly through my hair. I accepted each spurt in my mouth and sucked every last drop out of it. He put his legs back on the bed and I pulled my finger out.

"That was... great." He managed to say. I laid down next to him and we started to kiss. Our tongues deeply explored each others mouth. I laid down my head on his chest and he softly kissed my hair.


"Yea..?" he answered with his mouth in my hair.

"I want you to fuck me." I said. I moved my head up and looked him straight into the eyes.

"Are you sure?" He said, but by the look in his eyes I saw he really wanted it too. His cock started to grow.

"I am." I said and laid down on the bed. Robbie made place for me as he sat down at my feet. I positioned myself in the middle of the bed and put my legs up in the air. Robbie put my legs over my shoulder and looked me into the eyes. I grabbed the bars on top of the bed and nodded at him. Robbie took hold of his cock and placed it against my hole. He began to push and I tried to relax my sphincter. I imagined Robbie fucking me and suddenly I totally relaxed my muscles. Robbie's cock slid in my hole and he started to fuck me, very slow at first but speeding up as he went. He fucked me very sensuous. With hard long thrusts he almost took his cock out and put it back in. He was sweet and sensual at the same time. I felt his cock touching my prostate and I softly moaned in pleasure. Robbie began speeding up and his thrusths became harder. Suddenly he closed his eyes and yelled my name. I felt the orgasm ripple through my body as I started to cum, at the same time with Robbie. I felt his hot cume spurting in my ass, while my cum sticked between our two bodies. Robbie thrusted his cock in and out of me, slower and slower and then pulled out. I didn't need words to express how I felt. Robbie lay down on top of me and we started to kiss.

It didn't go according to plan, but my dream had come true. I had sex with Robbie Williams.

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