Rodger and the Apprentice

By Bill Jonners

Published on Apr 3, 2020


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This story is completely fictional.

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Chapter 3

Rodger and Mark had a lovely Saturday together. After eventually getting out of bed and having brunch, they had a walk in the park and did some food shopping. Mark helped prepare dinner with some guidance from Rodger and then they watched a gay-themed movie called "Latter Days" on DVD. "I rarely cry watching movies but that one gets me every time," Rodger said as the movie ended.

"I didn't realise you were a big softie deep down," Mark teased as Rodger wiped his eyes. "That makes me love you more."

Rodger smiled at Mark and pulled him closer for a kiss. He then said, "On the subject of making love, I think it's time for bed."

"What if they hate me?" Rodger asked as he entered the apartment block with Mark. He hadn't felt this nervous in a long time.

"Why should they hate you? You're a lovely guy," said Mark. He took hold of Rodger's hand and squeezed it.

Rodger took a deep breath as Mark unlocked the door to the apartment he shared with two slightly older men. Mark called out, "Hey guys! I've brought Rodger."

A smiling, ginger-haired man appeared in the hallway, followed a moment later by a taller, serious-looking man with a light beard.

"This is Jamie," Mark said as the first guy held his hand out to Rodger.

"Pleased to meet you, Jamie," Rodger said as he returned the handshake.

"Nice to meet you," responded Jamie. "We've been keen to know more about the man who has stolen our boy's heart."

"And this is Murdo," Mark told Rodger as the other guy stopped in front of him.

"Afternoon," was all Murdo said.

"Good to meet you, Murdo," said Rodger.

"Is lunch ready? I'm starving," smiled Mark.

"Almost," Jamie answered. "Come through and Murdo will pour you a drink while I finish off."

Mark tried to keep things light but Rodger felt as if he was being interviewed as Murdo questioned him about his background and his job. "That's all very well," said Jamie as he placed a plate of roast beef and all the trimmings in front of Rodger. "But how do you feel about Mark?"

Rodger looked into Mark's eyes and smiled. "I think he's the loveliest man I've met in a very long time. Just thinking about him makes me happy and I come alive when I see him smile."

"So you're not just playing with him?" asked Murdo.

"Of course not." Rodger frowned at Murdo. "I know we haven't been together long but I love him. I love him very much."

"Told you." Mark smiled smugly.

"What about the age difference?" Murdo asked.

"What about it? Mark made it clear on day one that it didn't matter to him. I was a bit doubtful initially but quickly realised that it wasn't an issue. We enjoy each other's company." Mark concluded by adding, "I regard Mark as my equal, not as my toy-boy."

Mark reached across the table for Rodger's hand. "Didn't I tell you both that he's wonderful?"

"Yes, and I am beginning to understand why," said Jamie. "Now eat up."

Mark turned the conversation towards his flatmates and Rodger learned a bit about them. Murdo relaxed and became friendlier to Rodger and there were smiles all round when Jamie mentioned the dessert. Mark went off to help Jamie in the kitchen.

"Sounds as if Jamie and I might be looking for a new lodger soon," Murdo said to Rodger when they were alone.

"We haven't discussed living together but I have been thinking about it," said Rodger. "I don't want to rush Mark into something he's not ready for but I love having him around."

"He never stops talking about you so I think he'd agree if you asked him," Murdo said. "Maybe it would be wise to have another weekend or two together first and see how things go."

"Right." Rodger smiled. "I'm glad that Mark has you and Jamie looking out for him. He has been hurt enough in the past."

Murdo nodded. "Let me top up your wine glass."

After coffee, Mark said that he wanted to show Rodger his room. "You want some time alone with Rodger. We understand," smiled Jamie.

Mark laughed, took Rodger's hand and led him to his room. As soon as the door was closed, they kissed tenderly. "I hope it's not been too much of an ordeal," Mark said when they parted.

"Not too much," smiled Rodger. "They seem like nice guys."

"They are," Mark said as he pulled Rodger towards the bed. "Now how about a blowjob before you have to leave?"

"I'm not really keen on the idea with them on the other side of the wall," replied Rodger. Mark opened his mouth to protest and Rodger stopped him with a finger. "How about you coming back to my place instead? We can spend the rest of the day and tonight together. Bring your work clothes and you can stay until after breakfast."

Mark grinned. "I prefer your idea."

"You can plan on spending next weekend with me too," said Rodger.

"Champagne? What's the special occasion?" Mark asked. It was Friday evening and he had just showered after coming to Rodger's house straight from work.

"Does there have to be a special occasion? I just love having you with me," replied Rodger. "And don't cover up that sexy body." He tugged open Mark's bathrobe.

Mark laughed. "Okay. Cheers!" he clinked his glass with Rodger's.

"Actually it is a special occasion," Rodger said after taking a drink. "It's our four-week anniversary."

"That's quite a milestone," smiled Mark. "It seems longer somehow."

"I know. I can hardly remember how life was before I met you," said Rodger. "People at work have commented on me looking happier these days."

"I'm glad I make you happy. You make me very happy," Mark said.

They cuddled together on the sofa. "What have you been up to since we last spoke?" asked Rodger.

"Nothing much but then it has been less than 24 hours," smiled Mark. "Oh, I chatted with Dad at lunchtime today. He's very keen to meet you face-to-face. He enjoyed our video chat last Sunday."

"Okay. Well, you can invite him to visit us one weekend," said Rodger. "He can stay in the guest room here."

"That's very kind of you." Mark raised his head to kiss Rodger. Then he sniffed. "What are you cooking? I can smell garlic."

Rodger smiled. "Wait and see. I think you'll like it."

"You must teach me to cook," said Mark. "I can't allow you to do all the work when I visit."

"I will...perhaps starting tomorrow," responded Rodger. "This evening I just want to look at my handsome, semi-naked boyfriend." He pulled Mark in for a long, passionate kiss.

Later that evening, as they moved to the bedroom after sharing a shower, Rodger said, "I'd like us to do something different tonight. Are you willing to let me take charge?"

"That sounds intriguing! Yes, I trust you," replied Mark.

"Okay, please lie flat on top of the bed," instructed Rodger. Once Mark was in position, he said, "I'm going to tie your wrists to the headboard and have my wicked way with you."

Mark smiled as he watched Rodger use two old ties to bind his wrists to the headboard behind him. The knots weren't very tight so he knew he could easily escape if he tried.

Rodger then climbed onto the bed and knelt between Mark's legs. He ran his hands over Mark's chest and then bent down to kiss, lick and gently nibble the right nipple. Mark squirmed and whimpered occasionally but he was turned on. Rodger repeated his actions on the left nipple before kissing his way down Mark's body. He bypassed the very stiff, leaking cock to lick and suck Mark's balls.

"I like you abusing me like this," Mark told Rodger.

"I'm enjoying it too," said Rodger. He then took hold of Mark's cock and began sucking it.

"Oh, that feels good," said Mark. "Move into a sixty-nine so that I can suck yours at the same time."

"Not tonight, dear. We're doing things my way," smiled Rodger.

"I like it when you're masterful," Mark responded.

Rodger sucked and licked Mark's cock for a few more minutes. Then, to Mark's surprise, he took a tube of KY jelly from up the pillow and proceeded to lubricate Mark's rock-hard cock, wanking him gently. "You're not going to wank me off, are you? asked Mark.

"Nope." Rodger picked up the KY jelly again and applied some to his butt-hole.

"You're not going to..." Mark looked up at Rodger.

Rodger nodded. "I'm going to ride you until we both cum." He grinned at Mark and then moved astride him, using both hands to guide the younger man's cock into position. He pushed down, winced slightly as the cock entered him and then slowly impaled himself.

Mark let out a long sigh as his cock was buried in his lover's arse. "This feels good but why now? I've loved bottoming for you for the last four weeks."

"Our love-making has been amazing. I've loved every moment," said Rodger. "However, as I told you soon after we first met, I like to bottom occasionally. I thought now was a good time." He squeezed his arse muscles around Mark's cock, bringing a gasp from Mark, and added, "I have to say that I am enjoying it so far."

"I'm not complaining," smiled Mark. "Now if you're going to ride me, start moving. I want to cum inside that hot arse."

Rodger smiled and raised himself up a little, only to sink back down on the cock once more. He repeated this again, moving a little further and a little faster. It wasn't long before he got into a good rhythm. He smiled down at Mark and wanked himself as he bounced up and down.

After some minutes Mark began to take a more active role, pushing up into Rodger. The pair smiled at each other as they moved closer and closer towards a climax.

"Oh, I'm going to cum," warned Mark. "Oh, oh, here it comes!" He gasped and began shooting off, sending his load deep into Rodger's arse.

Rodger was now wanking himself faster. "I'm cumming too!" he cried moments later. His cum flew into the air and ended up splattered over Mark's chest and stomach.

When they were both finished, Rodger bent forward to lick as much cum as he could from Mark's chest. Then he eased himself off Mark's softening cock and lay down beside. "I enjoyed that and I hope you did too," he said.

"I did, but can you untie my wrists now?" said Mark.

"Yes, sorry," smiled Rodger. He freed Mark and then kissed him again.

"That feels better," Mark said as he rubbed his wrists. "You don't need to tie me up next time you want me inside you."

Rodger laughed. "That's good to know. Perhaps I will tie you up for another reason. It's good to experiment."

"Oh yeah?" Mark raised an eyebrow and then smiled. "I feel we're going to have a long, healthy and enjoyable sex life. You're not bad for an old man," smiled Mark. "I think I'll keep you."

Rodger smiled back. "In that case, I'd love to have you move in with me. I want to be with you every day and not just at weekends."

Mark moved on top of Rodger. "You mean that? Oh, I'd love that," he said.

Rodger wrapped his arms around Mark and they shared a passionate kiss. "Now," Mark said when they parted. "It's time for you to fuck me."

Rodger laughed. "Give me a little time to recover. I am an old man after all."

"Rubbish! You're not old," Mark said before moving in for another kiss.

The End

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