Romeo and Julius

By John Doe

Published on Jul 11, 2009


Author's Note: Hello lovely people this is a story of love between to strangers and how their love grows over time so sex will not be in the story for the time being but eventually there will be some love making... I hope you guys enjoy it

Romeo and Julius

By: Kevin T. Smith


"Ty I can not believe he dumped me!" I said as I walked into my best friends' bedroom.

"Wait, what? He broke up with you? Why?" She said jumping up from her desk and embracing me in a tight hug. Tears began to stream down my face as I realized the `love' of my life was no longer mine.

"He dumped me for that skank, London." As I became enraged with the fact that he dumped me right before our one year anniversary and Valentine's Day, the bastard!

"Sweetie, I am so sorry, you can do way better than him anyway."

"I thought he loved me." I said as my face was covered with dried tears and new ones continued to run down my face. "Just because I wouldn't put out, I wanted to wait I wanted it to be special." I said as my voice began to crack, thinking I almost let him take my virginity from me.

"Babe I swear I'll kill him, I told him he breaks your heart I break his face."

God I loved Ty, I let out a small chuckle as I pictured Ty attempting to take him down, she was only 5'4" and he was about 6'1".

"Seriously, he's a wrestler and he's about a foot taller than you."

She pulled me away to look at my face and said, "We both know I'm feisty." She said smiling at me.

"I'll be back, have to wash my face." I said walking out of her room and down the hall to her bathroom. I splashed some water on my face to clean the dried tears away and I took a long look at myself in the mirror. "I look way better than that skank." I whispered as Ty appeared in the mirror, "Yeah you do, your black hair contrasting against the hazel/green of your eyes and the bronze coloring of your skin brings it all together. Julius you are gorgeous." I smiled at her as I turned around and said, "You sound like all those guys in the clubs we go to, Ty are you trying to get in my pants." I chuckled as we walked down to the kitchen.

"I know how to make you feel better, SMOOTHIES!" she yelled as she pulled out the blender, juice and fruit."

I love this girl I thought to myself. "I want strawberries." I said walking over to the balcony. "I swear you have the best view in all of California." I yelled as I took in the view of the ocean caressing the shore. Even though I lived three doors down the view was just so perfect from her I think it had to do with her house being perfectly centered on the beach. As I took in the coast line and the smells of the ocean, I saw him, perfection, a god blessing earth with his presence and his body was that of a marble statue as his hair blew softly in the ocean breeze.

"Smoothies are done." I heard from right behind but my mind was focused on one thing, him. "I know that look, Jules you just got out of a relationship take it slow." She said setting the smoothies down on the table and walking up next to him.

"Ty, just look at him, he's perfect." I mumbled as he glanced up at us. I turned quickly trying not to look obvious about openly staring.

"Oh, Romeo? He lives next door, new to the neighborhood, from New York his dad is some big shot lawyer."

"Tell me more how old is he?" I grabbed her and pulled her down into the two seats on the balcony. "He's 16; he's starting school with us on Monday."

My eyes went wide "Does he have a girlfriend?"

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, "He just moved in. I don't know him that well." I stared at him as he walked up the beach back to his house. "Romeo." I whispered to myself and I knew I had to have him.


Was he just staring at me? He was gorgeous that black hair the caramel skin those green eyes or maybe brown. No, come on Romeo lets not go through this again. Yeah he's straight he has was there with that girl, what was her name Ty I think. Yeah she was gorgeous too that had to be his girlfriend. I sighed as I walked through the patio doors. "Is everything ok Master Romeo?"

"Yes Patrick everything is fine and I told you don't call me master." I said climbing the stairs to go take a shower.

"I do apologize Mast... I mean Romeo." I smiled at his attempt but I knew once my dad was back around he would be calling me master again. `It shows a sign of respect.' My dad has said so many times before but Patrick was more than a butler, he has been around since before I could remember, he was also my nanny, my parents traveled a lot when I was younger, he was an amazing cook and one of my best friends. He was the only person who knew I was gay and I loved being able to talk to him about everything.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on I began stripping off my swimwear. I stood in my bathroom naked as I turned around and saw him, A 6 foot guy with brown hair down to his shoulders, a smooth ivory body, a well defined torso he flexed his muscles as I continued to stare, his sweet chocolate colored eyes and his legs defined from years of running track. I turned away as I began to laugh and thought Wow I'm one conceited guy.' I let the water run down my body as I let my mind run wild and all I kept thinking about was that guy. I wanted to know everything about him, His name, age, likes dislikes, favorite color anything and everything.' Knock. Knock. Knock. "Mast. Romeo dinner will be ready soon and you school in the morning I would prefer if you didn't spend all night in the shower." I shook my head as I was brought back to reality and quickly washed up and made sure no sand remained on my body.

"Dinner was fantastic as usual Patrick." I said as I began to help clear the table.

"Thank you Romeo but you do not have to clear the table." He said taking the plates from my hand. "You cooked now let me clean, I don't mind and plus I only get to help around the house when dad is out of town."

"I do appreciate it but go relax, you have school tomorrow and it's your first day we don't want you looking exhausted now do we. And plus if you clean that makes my job insufficient." He ruffled my hair as he always did and sent me on my way. It amazes me that Patrick and I are this close sometimes I feel that he cares more than my parents. As I sat on my bed I noticed that it was still early but I had nothing better to do so I decided to go to sleep earlier than planned. The last thing I thought about that night was those eyes and that amazing smile. School tomorrow should be fun.

End Note: Comments are appreciate and you can reach me at Next installment of Romeo&Julius will be up soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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