Ronan Meets

By Dxd Ddzdz

Published on Aug 10, 2011


The following story is a work of fiction. The people in the story are real people, but they are treated as characters in this story. The text in no way implies any knowledge of their true sexuality or actions, and it is not intended to suggest that anyone is straight, bisexual, or homosexual. This story also makes no claims to preference in sexual partners, legal or otherwise. This is from my imagination only; the events depicted here, which include sexual acts with a minor, are fictional and should not be construed as fact. There are derogatory remarks and slang terms used that may be offensive to some, and it is not this author's intention to offend anyone; it is merely an attempt at over the top but hot dialogue. If you are underage in your location, please do not read.

Ronan Parke was loving the fact that he was now a celebrity and that he got to be in the limelight. Thanks to Simon Cowell, Ronan had gone to various musical venues and events and sung to crowds who cheered for him. However, at the back of his mind most days, and every single night, was his adventures at the BGT finals when he'd had his tithgt little boy bum speared and broken in by the competition eventual winner. He spent most of his evenings wanking his stiff little cocklet and fingering his puffy little hole and wishing he could find someone to give him the feelings that he had gotten from Jai. He had even taken to pissing on himself in the shower, just so that he could like a dirty little boy.

Today, Ronan was due to go to Simon's London offices and sign some paperwork with his parents. Waking early, with a morning stiffy that tented his pyjamas Ronan wanted nothing more than to beat himself off until his kiddy spunk splashed out all over his belly.

Unfortunately for him, he could hear that his mum was already awake and shouting for him to hurry up and get down for breakfast. As such, he didn't have time for a morning jack off and had to quickly slip his dick away inside a pair of tight red briefs, over which he pulled some skin tight white jeans. With those on, his cock was pushed down and although walking rubbed it mercilessly, it didn't make a visible bulge and he was able to go down for breakfast and travel in to London without further worry.

Upon arriving, Simon quickly swept in to the room that ronan and his parents were asked to wait in. Simon explained that the afternoon was going to be taken up with lawyers and contracts and was going to be long and boring. He also explained that Ronan and his family was not the only group of people needing to sign contracts today, and considering they were all legally under 18 and so not able to sign for themselves, he'd be talking to the parents in one place while leaving the future clients together in another area. As he said this, he ushered Ronan and his parents from the room, pointed Ronan down the corridor towards a Room labelled as 'Sound Studio B' and took his parents off for the boring stuff.

Ronan walked down the corridor and pushed against the door to studio B, which turned out to be only one door of two needed to enter the area, which Ronan assumed was for sound proofing and security. Walking through the second set, Ronan found himself in a large room full of equipment, a sofa, some chairs, a table and set up in the corner a games machine and some controllers. Ronan walked over to the sofa and sat down, wondering who would be joining him.

He didn't need to wait long. The doors to the corridor soon swung open and in walked all 5 members of X-Factor boyband One Direction. Ronan's breath was a sharp intake.

Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis were some of the hottest older boys he had ever seen and his dick instantly hardened in his jeans, especially over Louis, whose hair was cut in the small style as Ronan's but was darker. He tried to say something as they all walked in, but it just kinda came out as a gasp. To their credit, most of older boys, whose ages were in the 16/17 range, smiled at little Ronan and said hello, and even though none of them really fancied babysitting for the afternoon, they didn't know the kid and he might be fine.

Harry Styles on the other, was pretty annoyed. He'd smuggled in a dvd for the rest of the lads to watch and they could hardly watch it with a little kid in the room. It was a piece of prime grade A porno, and watching it with his bandmates was one thing, but with a kid?

'Damn it,' he thought to himself, 'gonna have to wait until another time.' Louis however, had other ideas. Ever since Harry had promised to show them this porno video, he'd been looking forward to it. He said as much aloud, and even though Harry clearly wasn't really up for it, he soon had the other boys agreeing it needed to be seen.

Turning to Ronan, Louis asked "Hey kid, we have some special video to watch here, do you mind if we do so?' Ronan wasn't sure what Louis meant be a special video and assumed maybe it was something they'd worked on in terms of a music video or something, so he said it was fine and shot Louis one of his trademark cutey pie smiles.

The five teens and Ronan all sat down around the TV in the corner and Harry put on the dvd. Ronan was excited. He couldn't wait to get an exclusive preview of the music of One Direction. The screen flickered on and the black warmed into a bright white before the credit flicked on to the screen, letting the viewer know they were about to watch an adult production.

Ronan suddenly clicked what the special video actually was and went bright red. It suddenly dawned on him that he was about to watch his first proper porno, and it wouldn't be alone, rather it would be with 5 gorgeous, young teen hunks.

As the porno got underway, it was clear there wasn't going to be a storyline or a point to the flick, it was just a compilation of numerous scenes. Harry picked up the remote and skipped forward a few times, and explained this was the scene he wanted to show the others. A big breasted blonde woman appeared on screen, and said that she felt like being naughty today, but would need help. At this, three guys who appeared to all be much younger than her walked in to the room, stripped down to their underwear, all of whom were wearing cheap and tight briefs. The boys were clearly eastern European, while the woman could have been from anywhere but was trying to sound American. She spoke to the boys in a language that Ronan didn't understand, but the porno featured helpful subtitles that indicated the woman was feeling dirty and wanted to get wet. As she finished talking the three boys started to piss on the woman. The teens all made sounds, acting like this was the sickest thing they had seen, and Harry laughed, reminding them he told them it was a weird scene.

Zayn, the groups young Asian boy, made the right sounds, but inside his emotions were boiling. As far as he was concerned the action on the screen was the hottest thing he had ever seen. The woman was clearly enjoying being pissed on, and, as he well knew from experimentation in the shower, soaking just himself with his own piss made him damn hot.

Ronan was hard as a rock in his skinny jeans and briefs. He was certain that his bulge wouldn't show and so tried to also make disgusted sounds and fit in, even though he didn't see what was at all disgusting about it. Louis noticed this. Ronan's actions were more copied than real, and at first he had though it was because he was shy or nervous, but the more he looked, the more he had noticed the small bulge appearing in the front of the boys jeans as the woman got covered in more and more of her 3 lads piss.

'Interesting' he thought to himself.

As the scene went on, the woman began to blow the guys, the scene getting hotter and hotter as the guys got hard and started thrusting away in to her mouth in turn.

Unsuprisingly to the lads, Harry led the way in getting his cock out. He'd soon gotten over the fact that Ronan was in the room, and his plan to see the other lads cock's was back in full swing. He knew he had a reputation as a bit of a show off, and thought that if he went ahead and did it, surely at least one of the others would soon join in. Harry was gay, he knew this, the porn was just a means to an end to see his mates jacking off. Harry was in luck. On seeing that he had whipped it out, but Zayn, Niall and Liam had joined in right away. This left only Louis, the oldest of the teens and Ronan still covered up.

Louis wasn't an idiot. Ronan was clearly looking at the all the teen cock on display and hadn't even noticed that the porno had moved from sucking to fucking. Louis smilled at him, and Ronan, with a shy look, smiled back. Louis stood up from where he was sitting, crossed the room, pulled his trousers and boxerbriefs down as he went and before anyone could say or do anything, he pushed his cock into Ronan's cute little face, where Ronan groaned in pleasure and lapped the cock up in to his cute little mouth, so thankful to once again have cock between his lips.

The boys exploded around this scene. What was Louis doing? He was molesting a kid! Ronan was just 12! What was he doing? As Niall and Liam voiced this, it was Harry that pointed out that Ronan seemed to be going for it, something they could all see as Ronan was quickly powering his lips up and down the teen boy dick in his mouth, trying his hardest to get as much of the older lads cock down his throat.

Zayn walked over to Louis and Ronan and told Ronan that he was next. This again threw the room in to a tumult. Niall and Liam could not believe what was going on. This was wrong! This was two older lads, both over 16, using the mouth of a young boy. This as more than wrong, this was paedophilic! They both got up and made to put their cocks away, when Ronan, seeing this happening out from around the cock he was sucking, pulled off and looking at them both with his most innocent and cute look, told them he wanted it, that he wanted it sooooo bad and could they please not put their cocks away and let him suck them?

Louis turned to his band mates and told them 'there, see? He fucking wants it. I knew he did the minute the video kicked in, hell the minute we walked in. It was obvious that he was a little fag boy and would happily play with our teen dicks and I don't know about you guys, but I was always told to help kids younger than me to get what they want.' At this, he thrust forward and impaled little Ronan again with his hard shaft.

Liam and Niall looked at each other. Could they do this? Could they join their friends in molesting a little boy? Would it make them gay? Would it make them paedophiles? Could you get teenage paedophiles? As they were trying to decide this, neither noticed that their trousers had fallen down again and that Harry had reached up and started jacking them off. As they felt his hand on their shafts, both boys gave in to the pleasure and thought 'Fuck it.' Ronan couldn't believe it. His throat was full of lovely teen dick and he could taste the lovely sweet precum pouring from the head and down his throat. Pulling from Louis, he turned his head and took in Zayn's cock. It was cut, and the angry purple head was bulbous and dripping. Ronan worked his mouth up and down the shaft, pulling off and using his tongue, then running his mouth up and down the outside without taking the cock in to his mouth. From there he crawled over towards where Niall and Liam stood being jacked by Harry. Taking Liam first, because it was by far the biggest in the room, Ronan again repeated his movements and started to suck away on the teens dick.

This left his cute little bum facing towards Louis and Zayn. Louis dropped down behind the boy and slipped his hand round, unclasping the jeans and pulling them down, leaving Ronan's bottom half bare but for his red briefs. Louis rubbed his cock over the little, brief clad boy bum, leaving a wet patch where his dick had pressed against the soft and warm fabric. Rubbing himself more against little Ronan, Louis couldn't believe that the fantasy he'd hidden since he was 14 was coming true. He'd known for a good few years now that he loved looking at kids, those around the age of 10 or 11 were the best, and while Ronan was just outside of that, he looked younger and his body was still hairless and smooth. Pulling himself up on his haunches, Louis throust his cock against the brief clad arse and growled with pleasure as he watched little Ronan move off Liam's cock and start to suck away on Niall's Irish piece. Watching this, he sped up, concentrating on watching the boys cheeks bulge as the knob thrust in and leaning down so he could whisper in to Ronan's ear "You love this don't you little boy? You fucking love my teenage pedo cock rubbing on your briefs. I bet you'd love it up you wouldn't you?"

Ronan pulled his mouth free from Niall, turned his head as best he could and, in his high and camp little voice told Louis "Yes sir, I would so love to take your teenage paedophile dick up me. Please, put it up me."

Louis lost it, the little guy telling him he wanted to be bummed made him spurt his cum all over the boys red briefs. As he groaned and fell backwards, Zayn stood over and grinned down, knowing that seen as Louis had cum, he was going to be the one to fuck little Ronan's bumhole. Years ago he had been molested by an uncle, so he knew all about getting cock in to tiny kiddy arse. But he also had his fetish. So, as he pulled down Ronan's briefs and used Louis spunk as lube to warm up the hole and slick up his dick, he thought about how he was going to finish in Ronan later. Thrusting deep, he stuck his teen Asian dick in to the tight white boy bum in front of him and watched as Ronan's face contorted in pain and pleasure, before moving down on Niall's cock almost all the way to the balls.

Liam knew he was getting close. There was no way he was going to be able to watch his friends molesting a young boy for long without getting off. He knew he shouldn't and he knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't stop himself. He knew he was the hottest of the group and the one that all the girls wanted, but as he thought about this, he couldn't help but wonder what they would all do if they knew he was engaged in being a paedophile and molesting a small boy? It would end his career. But he also wondered if other little boys would be in to this, and if they would be as good at dick sucking as little Ronan. It was definitely something to think about, and the more he did, the closer he got before, with a heave, he spunked up all over Ronan's cock sucking face, covering the little dick stuff lips with his teen pedo spunk. Niall exploded just after, finding the dirty look of the boy covered in teen cum to be the hottest thing he had ever seen. Ronan gulped down Niall's lovely cream, noting that it was thinner and less chunky that Jai's had been.

Watching his friends spunk, Zayn also let loose in to the boys battered boy hole, coating the insides in his Asian cum. But rather than withdrawl when he'd finished, Zayn relaxed and let his bladder loosen, filling the boy not only with teen cum but also with hot teen piss. Ronan moaned and groaned as he felt the water gushing in to him and knew it was piss. He loved it so damn much, the full feeling growing. When Zayn had finished, he warned that he was going to pull out and that Ronan better clamp down hard. Ronan did just that, standing up with an arse full of spunk and noting that his slim little belly was swelling with the piss filling him from behind.

He then panicked, what was he going to do now; his arse was full of piss and his face covered in two loads of teen pedo spunk, plus his briefs were a ragged mess of Louis' cum. It was then he noted that Harry had yet to remove even his trousers and was still there just stroking his dick, a dick that looked, even to young Ronan, to be really small.

As if Ronan was broadcasting this, the other guys looked toward Harry and noted for the first time that he didn't look all that developed at all. Louis surged forward and grabbed Harry's jeans, pulling them down and taking the boy's boxer shorts with them. Harry was totally hairless and his cock couldn't have been more than 4 inches. Even Ronan wondered if he was bigger than him. As Harry felt humiliated by his friends seeing his teeny tiny penis and hairless pubis he tried to explain that his parents had once given him pills to stop his voice breaking but that they had retarded his development but all that came out was mumbling as his face went crimson.

"Don't worry mate" said Louis, "we aren't exactly going to tell anyone, but seen as you have the smallest cock, I think it's only fair that you be the one to help little Ronan out."

Harry was confused, how was he going to help Ronan? Asking this, Louis told Harry to get on the floor and close his eyes, which Harry obligingly did. Louis positioned Ronan just above Harry's face and whispered to Ronan to let go. So Ronan did, showering Harry with all the piss and cum that was up his boy bum. Harry's eyes shot open at just about the same time that his dick exploded in his hand. As Ronan's arse emptied, he collapsed on to the teens sticky wet body and started to lick at the mess as he humped against the older boys crotch, finally exploding in sweet boy release thanks to the slick mess and his tongue digging away at the older teens sweaty body.

As the boys did their best to clean up after their come down, Louis was sure to slip a finger in to Ronan's arse and whisper that he was going to have that bumhole and so much more really soon.

So, Ronan has now been used by the hot teen boys of One Direction, with a promise for more later one. I like the idea of Ronan getting dirtier and dirtier, so if anyone has any ideas of what and who he can do next, Let me know at this yahoo account: I reply to every single email and love to hear what you thought of the story and try to work as many suggestions as I find hot in as possible.

Next: Chapter 2

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