Rookie Qb Defeated

By moc.loa@71wfdrdk

Published on Aug 31, 2023


Jimmy looking into Wesley's eyes, and slow states "Yes."

"Now Jimmy we have talked about how to respond, I need you to answer that correctly, and louder."

"Yes Master."

"Good, Will you obey and follow your Masters orders."

"Yes Master."

"You must be thirsty after your evening, would you like something to drink?"

"Yes Master."

"Good, now Jimmy I know you need something to help replenish your body. I will give that too you. You will open your mouth and not close it for any reason, you will drink it all, understand.

"Yes Master"

"Now open your mouth wide, keep it open, and close your eyes. Do not resist, it is very good for you."

Jimmy does as he is told, kneeling in front of this weaker man, and following his orders. Only 5 hours and its done is all he can think.

Using the studs favorite sports drink, Wesley adds a few special ingredients. The drugs that were added would help keep the stud in a daze, and also with the added stimulants it would keep the stud horney for more. Jimmy, was so thirsty, he eagerly drink the concoction. When the stud had drunk all of the drink, Wesley stated "Looks like you need to be hosed off." Without waiting for a response Wesley grabs his cock and steps up to Jimmy. With one hand he crabs a hand full of Jimmy's hair holding his head back, he lets lose covering the kneeling stud from the neck down in his warm piss. When Wesley is done, he lets the studs hair goes, and backs away. "What do you say Jimmy"

Jimmy's not only pissed, but pissed on. He keeps his cool, he is a man of his word, and did agree to this. What has happen to my life? He slowly responds, "Thank you Master.", and lowered his head.

Wesley ordered, his stud to the shower, he was cleaned and dried. Now standing back in the center of the room, Wesley ordered his stud to lie down on the steel table in the middle of the room, Jimmy obeyed. On each side of the table our smaller tables, one load with electric clippers, shaving cream, straight razor and other items one would use for hair removal. On the other table are about 20 candles in glass jars, all burning.

"Now Jimmy, you say your hairy chest and body hair makes you feel manlier, right?"

"Yes Master."

"Good, Jimmy, are you willing to sacrifice this man hood for your Master?"

Jimmy paused, and slowly answered, "Yes Master."

"Good good, now let's begin." Wesley grabs the clippers, and starts by shaving his head. He continues, shaving his complete body, having him roll over and even shaving his hairy ass. He has Jimmy roll over again on his back. He walks to the head of the table, and looks down into his studs eyes. "Now that your man hood is gone, do you feel more like a boy, named Jimmy?"

Jimmy started back and did not answer. Wesley quickly responds, by taking a leather strap across the stud's massive chest. "Now answer your Master."

Jimmy gives him the answer he is waiting for "Yes Master"

Wesley standing at the head of the table gets two of the glass jars, now about half full of hot wax from the burning candles. With one in each hand, he slowly starts to turn the jars over so the hot wax starts slowly dripping on the studs nipples. Jimmy, reacts, "fuccccckkk." Wesley continues, slowly working down the stud's entire body, ending with his cock and balls?. This time Jimmy reacts even more, with the hot wax covering his cock and balls, "shhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiittttttt." Jimmy is covered from his neck down in wax.

Wesley starts moving the tables around, and clearing the center of the room. Jimmy is still there on the table where he was ordered to stay. Wesley then tells Jimmy to get up off the table, and stand between the two steel poles. Jimmy obeys and does as he was told. When Jimmy is there, Wesley orders him to grab the ringlets hanging from the top of each pole. Jimmy follows the orders and now is standing there arms once again stretched out and up wards, showing off his body in all its glory. Wesley comes in to view with a flogger in hand. Wesley then tells the stud "You are not to let go of those ringlets unless I have directed you. You will take 4 rounds on your chest and 4 on your back of 25 licks each. Do you understand boy?"

Jimmy's head is in a daze, but is able to respond "Yes Master Ii understand."

Wesley gets a full swing of his arm, and you can hear the loud crack as the leather flogger, hits its target. Jimmy lets out a low sigh, and his body is thrown back but the force but he holds tight to the ringlets. Again and again, Wesley continues his assault on his stud. When the first 25 licks are in on the stud's chest, Wesley moves behind the stud, and starts the attack on his back. When he has completed the first round, Wesley approaches the stud from behind and runs his hands over the studs back, feeling the heat and marks from the flogging. Wesley walked around to the front of the stud, and the first think he noticed, was his cock all 8.5 inches was rock hard and pre cum was dripping from the silt. Wesley let out an evil laugh, knowing that the drug was working. "So Jimmy are you ready for round two?" Wesley asked.

"Yes Master, I'm ready please begin." Once again Wesley let lose, with the flogger striking his target over and over with no mercy. The noises coming from the stud became loader as Wesley continued the assault, first his chest then his back, only stopping briefly between rounds so he could go and feel the effects that the floggers had on the stud's body. After relentless beating the stud is still hanging on, which makes Wesley even hotter; he loves a stud that can take a fucking beating. With the stud still hanging on, Wesley comes up from behind and fastens a web of chains to the steel poles behind the stud. With the web in place it's as if the stud is backed up to a wall, and there is no place for him to go.

Wesley comes around and looks at his stud, "Jimmy you are not to let go of those ringlets for any reason, if you do you will pay dearly. Do you understand?"

Jimmy in a weaken state raises his head, and addresses his master, "Yes Master I understand, I will not let go."

Wesley, no standing directly in front of his toy, no has leather gloves covering his hands and knuckles, inside are steel plates, making then rock hard. He begins his assault, on the studs pecs then abs, using him as his on personal punching bag. As the punches hit, over and over, Jimmy starts responding, ugh, ugh, ugh, louder and louder, his cock grows hard again, Wesley does not stop. As he works over the studs abs, the stud's mouth just remains open, with the sounds coming rolling out, along with drool coming from the studs mouth. After about 20 minutes of no stop assault, Wesley stops. The stud is on the brink of collapse. Wesley walks ups and gives the stud a big hug, with Jimmy's head resting on Jimmy's shoulder, he whispers into his ears "See Jimmy I know you want this you want to submit and be my toy forever."

Jimmy mustering all of his will power and strength slowly responds, with "No". You can see the look on Wesley's face; he quickly takes his knee with full force, ramming in to the studs balls. Jimmy screams out in agony, and collapse to the floor.

Wesley moves on to the next phase, as the stud law on the floor in pain, he prepares the table for the stud's electro session. With the table ready he picks up the helpless stud and throws him down on the table. Frist he attaches a tubular base ring electrode and the base of the studs cock, followed by cockhead stimulator with a urethral amplifier. Then Wesley moves to the end of the table, lifting the studs limp legs and placing them in stirrup like devices. Making easy access to the stud's virgin ass. He places a little lube on his finger and works it slowly in, Jimmy still weakened from the beating, unsure of what is going on lets out low moans, and his head rolls back and forth. Then Wesley inserts an anal plug with double electrodes.

With everything in place Wesley goes over to the controls, and turns on the electrodes. Slowly increasing the power, as Jimmy starts to feel the sensation's running thru his cock and his ass, moans start coming from the stud's mouth. As Wesley continues to increase the power, the moans from Jimmy's mouth become louder. Jimmy as never felt something like this before, his cock is rock hard, his mind swimming in ecstasy. Wesley can see it on the studs face, and continues to increase the power. As Wesley gets the power up to around 70%, he can see the changes on Jimmy's face, and then the moans coming from his mouth also are changing, to one no longer of ecstasy, but of pain being inflicted. Wesley continues up to around 80%, and now Jimmy is in total pain and shock, compared to the pleasure he was feeling just moments ago. Wesley, lets out an evil laugh, he loves abusing this stud.

Now that Wesley has hit the mark ho quickly makes some adjustments on the control panel, and everything stops. Jimmy is breathing heavily, and trying to relax, now that the pain is gone. Wesley steps back and just watches, as the machine starts up on its own now, he has programed it to run the cycles, first slowly starting and letting pleasure run across the stud's body, and within minutes, that has changed and once again the stud's pleasure is replaced with pain. As this continues, for the next half an hour, the stud is at the point of almost screaming out in pain. Wesley enjoys every minute of the action. He knew that even if Jimmy did not know it, he was meant to be his bitch forever.

After the program stops, Wesley removes all of the electrodes from his helpless stud. He then has his stud turn over on the table, and opens and area, so the studs cock and balls are now hanging below the table. Wesley places a cylinder device over the stud's hard cock, which has tubs connected to it. Jimmy moans has the cylinder is slid over the length of his cock; it feels so warm and tight. He has not felt that for a while, as during the season he does not allow himself to have sex with women, nor will he masturbate. Wesley starts the milking machine, and he cannot believe how quickly the stud starts moaning. Jimmy's mind is going crazy, "MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOO". Within a matter of about 10 minutes, the stud screams, "I'mmmmmmm cummmmmmmiiiiinnnnnnnggg." Wesley can see thru the clear cylinder and is shocked by the load being released from the stud. The milking stops and the stud is panting like a dog. Wesley is beside himself, he is loving this more than he could ever imagine.

After a moment to rest the milking machine resumes, this time Jimmy's moans have a hit of pain, he is panting like a dog in heat, and the machine continues until once again he shots his man juices. This is repeated for the next hour, until the stud is fully spent. Wesley removes the equipment, and has his stud roll over on the table. He makes a few adjustments and raises the front of the table so the stud is in a reclining position. Wesley leaves the stud for a few minutes.

When Wesley returns he has a class, about the size of 32ozs. Jimmy is still trying to recover, from almost being milked to death, when Wesley states, "Now Jimmy, I have a protein shake for you to help you feel better, you need to drink all of this, or it will not help you. " Jimmy is so out of it, he just opens his mouth, to allow Wesley to start pouring it down his throat. It takes Jimmy about 10 minutes to complete the drink, not knowing what was in the cup.

Wesley then tells Jimmy, "Well out time is up, unless you have decided by now that you do want to be my toy, doing as I command of you no matter what."

Jimmy shakes his head back and forth and is able to spit out a few words, "No, I never want to see you again."

"Well, Jimmy I understand, but before you make your final decision on the matter I think you might want to see this." A large screen TV is lowered at the end of the table that Jimmy is still on. When it comes to life Jimmy has a shocked look on his face. In front of him is the last 5 hours of his live, being only from When he was kneeling in front of Wesley, and stating he was there of his own free will. Wesley fast forward thru a lot of it, just watching the face of his stud, he can see his anger, but knows he will win. Wesley slows the tape, when the stud is having his cock milked. Then it shows when Wesley left the room, and went to get the shake. The studs eyes grow huge, when he sees a room of about 20 men jacking off, and their cum being placed into a container, the same container that his cum is added too, and then made into the shake he just finished.

"You sick fucker, I'm going to kill you. "Jimmy yells.

Wesley then states" Not if you wish for no one to every see this tape but that's all up to you. You see one little push of a button, and this will be everywhere, e-mailed to family and dear friends, and on the internet in a matter of minutes.

"Wesley, you won't do that, it would ruin me forever. Look I have money can't you just sell it to me, and you can live the rest of your live high on the hog. There has to be something to make this go away." Jimmy stated.

"Jimmy I don't want your money, I want you to be my bitch for the rest of your life, and that is the only thing that will protect you from this tape getting out."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, fuck you asshole, why , why are you destroying me," Jimmy ask.

"Because this is where you belong even if you don't know it yet or not. So what's it going to be, I'm done playing games, either kneel before your Master right now, or this is out." Wesley states in a demanding tone.

Jimmy's mind is going 1000 miles a minute, what is he going to do. His life, everything he stands for will be gone in a bleak of an eye, if that gets out. Wesley made it looked like I wanted everything he did too me.

"Jimmy I said kneel before you Master, or I'm hitting the button." Wesley's voice has an evil sound to it?

Jimmy knowing he can't let this get out, slowly raises off of the table, walks over to Wesley, and kneels before him. Wesley pats his stud on the top of his head. He then walks over to a table, and returns with a collar.

"Jimmy you are to wear this collar at all times, it clearly states that you are my property, do you understand."

Looking up to Wesley, Jimmy states in a very somber tone, "Yes Master." Wesley loves the responds and places the collar on his ne property.

Next: Chapter 3

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