Roomie Mess

By Rex Rush

Published on Feb 8, 2006


Roomie Mess 4 Rex

Thanks ya'll, it helps, it really does.

Everything started to get pretty busy. The classes were bad enough and we both had labs that had us working more than usual. We also had some good b-ball games with some pretty high ranked teams, those were great going to, especially with Christian. There were several parties over the weekends, not just frats but a lot of the bars and hangs. Christian's father even showed up. He was here for business and was able to get away and take the both of us out to dinner one night, and then just Christian another night.

That did Christian both good and bad. When he was with his dad, he was up. He talked about me to his dad and talked about the shooting of my rifle and all that. He dad was very interested in that and knew the gun we were talking about and was interesting to talk to. Christian was very on when his dad was around. But he did come down hard when his dad left. I'm glad we did go to a game that next night.

Christian has eased up in the room. I would get glimpses of him in underwear but only as long as it took him to stand up and pull his jeans on after getting out of bed. He sure isn't as shy about that now. He may not be as bad as me, I've been known to stay in just a towel for an entire afternoon and evening. I also tend to stay butt naked as I get all the smell-goods, cleaners and creams on, and clip my nails, comb my hair before I ever go looking for clean underwear.

It was a night that Christian had eased up that I felt like I really fucked up. I was already in bed, Christian had come in from the shower. My head wasn't very far from his middle. I stared at his pink bubble butt and I smiled when I thought about how much his butt cheeks looked like his face cheeks. They were translucent, shiny, with a pink healthy glow. As he moved and leaned over, I got to see a little of the hair around his hole. Just as his pubes, they were long and wavy, nothing kinky or curly. And he turned and faced my bed, my face was inches from that meaty bulk of a dick. I didn't dare look up at his face. I wasn't pretending to be asleep either. His pubes clung together in interesting waves, as they were still damp, I could see a wave from one side to the other.

He rubbed his towel over them to dry them and they fluffed up and while still not kinky, they weren't as soft and wavy looking. The rubbing of his towel also fluffed up his dick a little, there was a definite change in angle and seemed to be reaching for my face. When he lifted his leg to dry, I got the best look of a hanging set of balls in my entire life. The image was so clear, so colorful, and so near that it didn't seem real. My heartbeat had gotten very rapid and I could feel it in my neck. My dick was pressing hard against my mattress.

After a couple of words, I looked up at him, lifted my covers and asked him probably the most fucked up, stupidest thing I have ever said, "You want to mess up my bed tonight?" When he didn't say anything for a few minutes, and then didn't even move, I felt like I was going to vomit. I felt it build up, my head felt like a flash of fire, I was afraid to breathe in. When he did speak, I felt like I had just been strapped to a cart, pants pulled down, underwear down and wheeled through every classroom back and my old junior high. He said that he just got cleaned up.

I was praying that he would quit fussing around and get in his fucking bed and turn out the fucking light. I didn't move an inch until I heard him breathing like he was asleep. Then I got up, went into the bathroom down the hall and jacked up hard and fast. I didn't give a shit who heard me or knew I was jacking. It was one of those jacks that I just wanted to go fast to get relief. I'm not even sure if it felt any good, I just ended up with a handful of cum.

The next morning, it was like nothing at all happened but we didn't saw much. And that is like it is most mornings in our room. I got back after class to dump my books before dinner and Christian was waiting for me. I swear he had been bouncing on the bed like a little impatient kid just trying to burn off energy while waiting for me. He had an ad for a gun show. It was an antique gun show but they advertised they had plenty to BUY-SELL-TRADE. It was at the Holiday Inn, and this weekend. It would be a perfect opportunity for Christian to pick up a .22. We had talked about it with his dad and he had not only approved but encouraged it. His dad offered to bring his old gun, still at his parents' house, the next time he came up. But he told Christian that if we saw a good deal to let him know and he would even end up paying for it.

We were awake before anyone in that Holiday Inn that Saturday morning. Christian was loaded up with cash from the ATM and checks, just in case. I had to ask him if he wanted to pee before we left, he looked like he was going to wet himself. As I drove, I was thinking that he was so excited that he must be getting hard. I kept sneaking a peek at his lap. I realized I was boned up. I had my boner all through the breakfast at the hotel we ate while waiting. And when we were some of the very first people to go in when they opened.

They had some gorgeous guns, some were better off in museums. We saw some from Bonnie and Clyde, old Texas Rangers, plenty from the Viet Nam war, from movies and then found the good ones. We found the guys that had rifles for sale. At first it looked like we would have pretty slim choice on what we could afford. Then we started finding the guys with the .22s by the rack-full. Christian thought he liked a little kids gun, a cricket, it was a little bitty thing and just looked ridiculous on his shoulder. We did find some good options. We went back to a table where the guys had a couple that looked in great shape. Nice semi-automatics, good brand, all that good stuff. Either one of them would work for him.

Christian worked the guy. Actually, he was so quiet that the guy thought he was holding out. He kept coming down on the price. He was at a good price that I know that Christian was wanting, when he started selling me. I thought it was a great deal and he convinced me into buying the other one. They weren't consecutive serial numbers but were very close. He claims the belonged to brothers that shot them only a few times in their entire lives. He threw in a roll of orange target dots, keychains made from .30-06 bullets and a pair of canvas sleeves for the guns. The way we were giggling and skipping as we left, I'm sure they wondered if we were safe enough to sell to.

We went to a sporting good store, bought bricks of ammo and headed the pit. We made one stop at a frat house and picked up more bottles and cans than we thought we could ever shoot. The guns were perfect. Everything worked on them, they were smooth, and it all felt good. We started getting used to the sights and were hitting just about everything we were shooting at.

Down in the pit, there was no wind, the sun was warm and even for the middle of winter, it was hot enough to take my shirt off. That did feel good. The heat from the truck hood was great as I leaned on it and shot. Christian had taken his shirt off and tied it on his head. He didn't look like he had gone shirtless very much at all. His chest and belly were very white, his nipples were dark and a little puffy. My eyes kept going to his belly button and then drifting lower. It was like his belly button was a little target and I had a sight on it.

We started taking longer shots, and we used more of the truck hood for stabilization. And that lead to more and more contact of bare skin. I had just thought it was warm, when our skin would touch, it was like I was covered by an electric blanket. I was enjoying the feeling and started to encourage more skin contact. We were laying on top of each other and swapping taking shots. The time between shots lengthened until we laid the guns aside and before too long our arms were tangling. We rolled and he had his weight leaning against me and I had my hands all over his naked back and running over his butt.

His face was just hovering over mine until I reached out and our lips met. That was like putting the engine in high gear. Our kisses were all over. I tasted the salt from the sweat, the dust of the pit, the smoke from the ammo, the muskiness of his skin, the sweetness of his lips. At times I found myself struggling for a free area so that I could take a deep breath. My arms were high on his body as his were squeezing and exploring my butt. His hands felt huge as he squeezed my butt, like he had the entire thing in his hands and closed down.

My hands were in his hair and neck, along his jaws and cheeks. They rubbed his shoulders and caught a pinch of hard nipple. I felt the rippling of his back muscles as his hands went deep in my jeans. I was thinking of how it would be if we didn't have the jeans and shoes on. And my jeans disappeared to my knees. If I could have screamed I would have right then. He just pushed them down with his hands inside my jeans.

We were doing a little grinding, I could feel not only the hardness of his boner but the heat of it through his jeans. I really should say a lot of grinding. I was beginning to lose the ability to breathe. My abdomen was being compressed between Christian and the truck and the air was being sucked out of me with hot hard kisses. I then felt bare metal on one butt cheek. Then the other. The inside of my thighs were getting tugged on my the fabric of my underwear. I tried to spread my legs to allow the underwear to slide down and I lost my balance. Christian bounced off of me and dipped down pulling my underwear on down. I had lifted a leg, more to catch myself from falling but he took it that I was trying to take my leg out of the jeans. He pulled my jeans down and lifted my leg, the bottom caught on my shoes and that left me plenty naked for Christian. I had turned slightly sideways and he turned me around. We were both facing the truck. My arms all but pinned under me as he leaned on me. His hands swallowed my dick and balls.

All of a sudden I just felt this huge feeling of giving up. His hands had me so completely that I felt my face go lax, my eyes rolled closed and my head fell back against him. My legs were no longer holding my weight. His hands were rough but gentle enough not to hurt at all. My dick and balls felt small in his hands but also they felt bigger than I had ever felt them. All his hands had to do was move a little and I got a new sensation. He wasn't jacking me, he was mashing and moving, squeezing and tugging. It was bringing me to the edge. It was making me groan and moan like I have never in my life. If I could have, I would have begged him to stroke me, or even let me stroke myself. I felt like I needed that to let me explode. Then my legs went straight, my back arched and I made the highest pitched sound I had ever made since my voice changed and I exploded.

I felt wave after wave of cum erupt out of me. I felt the cum fly from the head of my dick and some that were crimped off and joined the next shot coming out. It was the most body intensive cum I had ever had in my life. It was more than my dick shooting, I felt my balls pumping out sperm, my hole was clenching, my stomach was convulsing and the muscles in my neck and face were flexing. I think I screamed but I can't swear to that.

The cum ended up on the inside and out of my jeans, and all over the outside of Christian's jeans. Christian kept groping me. It was really more than I could stand, I just wanted to collapse. I begged him to ease up and he did let go. My legs weren't working and I slid to the ground. I was sitting flat on the ground, I could feel my hole hit dirt.

There in front of me, Christian was massaging his boner through his pants. He was reaching down to help me stand but I knew I couldn't. I just reached out and put my hands over the bulge in his jeans. His hands were on mine. I went for his buckle and zipper. He was reluctant to have me undo his pants but not so much that it would defeat me. As I opened the front of his jeans, I got hit with a scent so strong that it felt like it filled my lungs. It was a leathery smell, clearly filled with the scent of cum. It was hot fresh and also musky and damp. All I could do was drive my face into his crotch. I ate up that scent. I felt his soft sack and his hot hard and thumping dick. The entire front of his underwear was already soaked with precum.

I clawed at his underwear and when his dick sprung free, it swung and slapped me in the face. It caught me on the cheek and spread precum on my cheeks, lips and in my mouth. I had an actual thought. I thought that I was going to have to suck him to get him to cum. I couldn't stand, it was too much to have him play with my dick and balls, I was going to have to get him off by sucking. It was also the way my brain convinced itself to put my lips on the first dick since I was eight years old. Covered and dripping in precum, I grabbed the base of Christian's dick. I pulled my head back and found the red, hot, swollen head of his dick. I heard him say no as my lips enclosed on him. I moved my head in little strokes as I was shocked at the taste of his dick, the sweetness of precum betrayed the heavy musk scent. My tongue hadn't made it a full circle around his dick head when I felt his cum slam the back of my throat. I felt a shot go up my nose, a third shot erupted out the corners of my mouth. If I had any intention of swallowing cum, it was all forgotten then. It was all I could do to breathe. Cum flowed out my mouth and down my chin and chest.

Christian collapsed next to me. We stayed motionless, other than our chests heaving, trying to catch our breaths. We would move a little to get comfortable. I was breathing as he exhaled. I could feel the cool air chill my wet skin. Even as I was sweating, I knew I would be shaking in no time. I was going over and over in my mind that I had just sucked a dick, and he had cumed in my mouth. But more and more, the thought went through my head of how good it was. That is was an intense experience. I wanted to move and do more but I couldn't move away from him.

As Christian recovered, he told me he was sorry. He didn't want to shoot in my mouth, he had wanted to warn me. I said that neither could stop that too much anyway. We began to untangle. We made it up against the truck. I had cum mixed with sweat and sand all over me. I was also still hard. Christian was floppy but he looked at me and slowly and gentle rubbed his hand over my stuck out boner. He said that I was still hard and that he could do `it' so we could be even. He was going to suck me, like I did him. I was so worn out, that I really wanted to wait. I told him that we could wait until we were back at the room.

We took way too long to get dressed. We would pull something around or straighten it out and end up leaning on each other. At one time, our kissing almost got so hot that we were about back into it. If it wasn't for a headlight shining near us, we probably would have kept going. I didn't even realize that it was dark already. That light seemed to get us moving. We packed up the guns, left the few bottles and cans in a old burned out car, and got in the truck. I was shaking almost uncontrollably. I sucked down two cans of soda with barely taking a breath between the cans.

We were out of the pit and barely down the road when the truck's heat warmed up. I was taking deep breaths, filling my lungs with an unbelievable combination of scents and aromas. It got a little quiet and uncomfortable when I sought something normal to talk about. I thought of how well Christian did with his new rifle and I said "Good shooting today."

Christian responded back "Thanks. You too. And we weren't too bad with the .22s either."

I looked at him, he stared straight ahead as the smile built up too big and we both exploded into a huge laugh. I couldn't believe he could be that funny that quick, and I think it surprised himself. That little joke is probably what allowed us to talk about it later on. I'll probably write about that next time.

If its worth writing about. The people who wrote, make it a lot easier to write this, and to tell the story. Thanks

Next: Chapter 5

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