Roommate First Course

By athlete

Published on Nov 20, 2001


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Disclaimer. This story contains male to male sexual acts, if you find this not to your taste then please close this page now. Likewise if you are not old enough according to the laws where you live to read this type of literature then please leave now.

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The following is based on actual events during my years at college, though the names of the characters have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Roommate First Course -- Act 5 (M/M, Anal, Coll, Real)

We walked back to our room in the halls (that's a dorm, for those that don't know). It was about 7 am. Our route took us past the college sports fields, which were separated from the road by a hedge. We were talking about the party, when from behind the hedge we heard a cry for help. Looking at each other we jogged up to the entrance, ran inside and looked around.

At first we couldn't see anything, then we heard the shout again, heading further into the sports ground, there ahead of us stood a naked man, apparently leaning with his back against a lamppost. We approached, a little warily, not sure what was going on.

As we got closer I recognised the guy, he lived in the hall next to us, though I didn't know his name.

"Am I glad you guys came by" he said, " I've been here hours."

"So what's the story?" I asked.

"It was my birthday yesterday, on the way home from a club, my mates thought it would be fun leave me here like this."

Looking round behind him, we could see his wrist tied together with a tie. I stepped forward about to undo the tie, when John touched my arm. I looked at him and he shook his head grinning.

"So what do you want from us?" John asked.

"Untie me of course" he said.

"What's in it for us then, we don't want to spoil your mates fun." he responded.

"Aw come on."

"No look, we don't even know your name, this could be a set up for all we know." John continued.

"OK my names Ryan, I live in Montague Hall, all I want to do is get back there. Come on guys I'll do what ever it takes."

"You sure you mean that, what ever it takes" John pushed.

"Yes, yes anything, come on before anyone else comes along." Ryan said in a desperate tone.

"OK one last time, you'll do anything." John said at the same time squeezing his crotch.

"Look guys I'm straight, I'm not interested in guys" Ryan said.

"Fine stay there then." John said turning round and walking away.

I was stunned, I had never seen John come on so strong but following his cue I turned and followed him. We had only gone about 5 paces when Ryan called out "OK you win I'll blow you."

John stopped turned round and said "Definite."

"Yes I'll do it" Ryan confirmed.

We quickly went back to Ryan. I undid the tie round his wrist while John stood in front of him. As his wrists were released he brought them up rubbing them vigorously.

"Right over here" John said, pointing towards a dense patch of hedge.

I led the way not sure I wanted this, but just being carried along.

"Come on hurry up" John said.

We got to the hedge, John positioned Ryan with his back to the hedge and us in front of him. John put his hands on Ryan's shoulders pushing him down to his knees, then opening his trousers, lowered them and his boxers. Putting his hand on the back of Ryan's head, he pulled Ryan forward. As he approached Johns groin , he licked his lips and opened his mouth. His tongue came out and started to lick John's prick.

At this John stepped back, Ryan looked up confused, well that made two of us.

"Alright get up, I only wanted to see how far you would go."

"Bastard" Ryan said.

"Sorry," John said, "just my wicked sense of humour, but I guess your not quite as straight as you thought."

"Go fuck yourself" Ryan responded.

"OK look I really am sorry, sometimes I just can't help winding people up. I'll prove how sorry I am." John said bending down and removing his trousers and boxers altogether.

Ryan stepped away, clearly as baffled as me.

Standing up again John held out his boxers, offering them to Ryan, "Sorry they're used, but that's the best I can do."

Ryan just stood there staring at him.

"Well I take it you don't want to walk back completely naked." John said.

"Um no" he said reaching out and taking the underwear and eventually pulling them on. At the same time John put his trousers back on.

"Do you want to walk back with us" I asked, "we're in Luther Hall."

"After what he put me through, no thanks I'll make my own way."

"Look, John might have gone a bit far, but he did stop you, and what about your own mates, they started this.

How about we start over. "

He was quiet for a while.

"My names Jeff , this is John and you are?" I said putting out my hand.

"Alright my names Ryan" he said shaking my hand and smiling.

With that we made our way back to the halls which were only 10 minutes away, fortunately for Ryan, this being a Saturday morning there were only one or two people around, so we made it back without attracting undue attention.

"I really am sorry about earlier" John said

"It's in the past" Ryan said.

"Great" I said, "by the way we're in 311, drop by anytime."

"OK and thanks for the help." Ryan said disappearing inside.

As we continued the few yards back to our hall I asked John "What that had all been about?"

"Well," he said, "during freshers week I thought I saw Ryan at the Gay Society intro, I was just testing the water. If I was wrong, given the situation, no real harm done. If I was right then there's the chance of some future fun."

"Could have been dangerous" I said.

"Not really," he replied, "he was outnumbered two to one."

"Oh... of course he has my underwear to return, so we need to be ready." he continued.


Back in our room, we laid down on our beds and quickly fell asleep obviously needing to catch up after the previous night.

A couple of hours later I was woken by noise in the corridor. I heard John rousing as well.

"You feel OK? " "Fine" he replied

I asked "What you got planned for today?"

"Not a lot, You?"

"Well I need a shower, but nothing else." I replied.

"That sounds good, do want to go now?"

"What time is it?"

"Nearly twelve."

"OK now sounds good."

I got up and stripped off, throwing my clothes in the corner. John had rolled on his side and was watching me. I scratched my balls, which were feeling really sweaty.

"Come here" John said.

"What for?" I asked.

"Come and find out" he said.

I walked over to the side of John's bed, he reached out and hefted my balls, weighing them in his hand, squeezing slightly, my prick began to respond to the stimulation. John leaned forward and sucked my cock into his mouth, causing it to harden rapidly.

"That feels real good John, but I think I need to shower first." I said backing away and drawing my penis out of his mouth.

"Come on," I said, pulling him out of the bed, "strip."

He did quickly, we both wrapped towels around our waists, grabbed some soap and headed for the showers. The showers were empty, not surprising as it was nearly lunchtime.

The showers were in two parts, the first were six individual stalls, converted by dividers from an open shower set up, the second was like the first without the dividers (apparently the College had run out of money during the conversion).

We chose the second set, no longer shy of being naked together (how could we be), choosing adjacent showerheads. We showered and then just stood there under the water.

"This feels good" I said, slowly turning under the water, my eyes closed.

"As good as me?" he asked.

"Nearly" I replied.

Then I felt his arms encircle me from behind, and his 8 inch phallus nestled cosily up my spine.

"Hmm, that's better still" I groaned, my own prick beginning to react.

John started to slowly hump against my back as he lowered his hand down my body, to my now fully erect tool, he began stroking it with one hand, his other stroked my hip and worked its way between us, into my crack, slowly massaging my anal opening, then pushing forward and sliding a finger inside. I groaned in pleasure, the intense feelings increasing as he slowly finger fucked me.

"You like that, don't you?" he asked.

"Oh yes. It's incredible."

"It can get better, if you want it."

"Oh yes please" I pleaded, not consciously thinking about what he was going to do, but subconsciously knowing what was to come.

Stepping back John reached for the shower gel hanging from the shower head (not really to be recommended but all we had), squirted some on his fingers and worked it up and around my hole, then got some more and covered his cock.

He stepped forward, rubbing the tip of his cock in my ass crack, slowly working his way down to my rear entry. When he got there he gently rubbed his prickhead round and round the opening, gently nudging forward.

"You sure about this?" he whispered in my ear.

"Never been more certain." I answered.

With that he pushed harder and the head slipped in side. I gasped as my sphincter stretched to accept him, it didn't hurt so much as feel uncomfortable.

"You OK" he asked.

"I am know" I said, "just take it easy."

"I will" he said, slowly beginning to push forward again, it felt wonderful, he kept up the slow push until I felt his pubes against my asscheeks, he was completely in, I had as much of his 8" cock in as he could push in.

"You still OK" he asked.

"Great, I didn't know it could be this good" I replied.

"Oh it gets better yet" he said, and at that flexed his cock muscles, making it harder, stiffer and larger, sending shivers right through my body. As he relaxed I squeezed my anal muscles, tightening my grip on his cock.

"Yea that's the idea." he said, now starting to pull back.

He withdrew a couple of inches and thrust back in again, he maintained this rhythm for a little while, two inches out, two inches in, two inches out, two inches in, at the same time he had set up the same rhythm and movement stroking my tubesteak.

John was groaning softly in my ear with each forward thrust. I began to become more active pushing back to meet his forward thrust, with this he began to increase his movements, pulling out until only the head was inside and then diving back in to the hilt, and I was matching his movements with my own. I was being driven crazy with the feelings building up inside me. We were way past words, we were grunting and groaning, and I guess making quite a lot of noise, but not really caring.

We were both fast approaching our climaxes.

"You ready to come?" John asked.

"Ready when you are" I panted.

"Come on then lets go for it" he said, increasing his pace, both in my ass and on my cock.

I braced myself against the shower wall, bending forward slightly and spreading my legs, to allow John that fraction more penetration.

After about thirty seconds of this frantic rutting, John screamed "Here it comes."

I felt his cock stiffen and grow even larger, as he made a final hard push into me and then felt his sperm surge along his dick and shoot into my bowels. As he shot his second load, I started cumming, coating the shower wall with my jism and squeezing even tighter onto John's cock which was still shooting deep inside me.

It was at this point that we heard a voice saying "Oh my God". We had both been so carried away we didn't hear anyone come in.

We both looked round, John still thrusting gently, there stood watching us, was probably one of the smallest students I'd seen, he couldn't have been much over 5' tall.

"Oh jeez" he said, "sorry guys, I heard the noise, I thought their was a problem" he sort of babbled.

"No, no problem here," John said, "just having some fun. D'you want to join us?"

"Er... No thanks" he said, "I'll leave you to it. Er bye"

"Bye" we said together and burst out laughing as he disappeared quickly.

It was only later back in our room that it struck me that I didn't know who the 'midget' was, nor who he would tell about what he had seen.

I mentioned this to John.

"Don't worry, his name's Dave, he's in the year above me. He'd be visiting Joe at the end of the hall. We'll find out where he lives and drop in on him later, if that makes you fell better."

"It would" I answered

This was supposed to be the last act, however as the comments received have been encouraging I maybe persuaded to write about John and Jeff and their exploits again, I can think of at least three unfinished storylines from this episode alone. So its up to you the readers. Let me know, should I carry on?

Comments and ideas would be appreciated at . I will read all messages, if you want a reply please say so and I will try to oblige.

Next: Chapter 6

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