Roommate Keyholder

By moc.liamatut@seirotsahc

Published on Jan 12, 2016



All characters and situations are fictional. This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you want to read or that is illegal for you to read, please stop.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising. E-Mail contact to talk about the story, give critique, ask questions or send messages or pictures of your own adventures is ok. This story already has several chapters written, so any requests will probably not be worked into it for a rather long time. Ideas and wishes are always welcome anyways.

I barely slept. I spent most of the night in a weird state between being awake and being asleep where I was unsure if I just kept replaying the experience in my head again and again or if I was actually dreaming about Greg jerkin off just inches from my face, precum dropping from his shiny head and him spurting hot jizz all over my face. The fact that my cock almost hurt from pressing against the metal bars so hard didn't help either.

When I finally did wake up for real in the late afternoon I was alone. Greg had left but there was a single key on my nightstand. I grabbed it immediately, unlocked the padlock and gently slid the metal cage off my cock. It was the first time I had been out of chastity for seven nights and it felt incredible. I pulled the base ring of my balls and in a matter of seconds I could feel myself getting an erection. I replayed the events of last night in my mind and started to touch myself. This wasn't going to take too long.

Then I remembered that he had used his underwear as a cum rag and that it was probably still in his laundry basket. I would have felt ashamed to do this under different circumstances but after he had wiped the cum off my face just hours earlier it didn't seem so bad to grab it out of there. That might also have been due to my lowered inhibitions that clearly came with the territory of prolonged orgasm denial. I climbed back into my bed, held his boxers to my nose and breathed in deeply. That scent. My cock was almost aching from being so hard. It was weird to feel my full erection between my fingers again.

Moments later I could feel my orgasm approaching and I didn't have it in me to wait any longer. At the same time though I heard someone at the door and thankfully I was aware enough to hide the underwear in time. I couldn't however stop myself from reaching my climax in time. The build-up was too strong and I was too close so instinctively I just kept stroking when Greg came into the room. I looked at him while I felt the first spurt of hot ejaculate shoot out of my cock and onto my chest. My whole body was convulsing and spurt after spurt landed on me while Greg was watching me. Neither of us said a word until I was completely done with the most intense orgasm of my life.

"Seems like the waiting paid off, huh?"

After that we both went by our business as usual. We didn't talk about what happened and I was still a little bit worried about our friendship. Greg though seemed like he didn't have a care in the world. That guy seemed totally incapable of worrying about anything. He just did what he felt like doing and then moved on apparently. Weirdly enough that did reassure me a bit.

That first orgasm had felt like a pressure valve had been opened up and my whole body and mind had finally been able to relax. I spent every possible opportunity after that jerking my cock - making sure though that I had enough time alone. A week went by and I came at least a dozen times but after that the orgasms were starting to feel a bit off. The physical sensation was still enjoyable but afterwards I was missing that incredible hotness. That hunger for sex that had filled me. I wondered if Greg might be willing to lock me up again but I didn't know how to bring it up. We had never talked about this being anything more than a one-time deal and he had reverted back to being his careless, non-calculating self about his casual nudity. On the other hand, he had only returned one of my keys. That could have been a sign for his openness for another round or a sign that he forgot where he had hidden the spare key.

On the eighth day of my freedom I was going a bit crazy so when Greg left the room I quickly grabbed my chastity cage and put it on. Maybe I could make it longer than two nights now that I had done it once. I threaded the padlock through the opening and clicked it shut.

At that exact moment Greg walked in the room again. Damn. I REALLY should learn to make sure that I had enough privacy. Those impulse decisions were really going to get me in trouble one day.

"Hey." Like an idiot I stood there naked with my locked up cock in my hand.

"You know. You don't have to stage an elaborate scenario where I catch you every time you want me to lock you up again. I think we're beyond that point." He sounded half-serious. "You could've just asked."

"I ..." It really wasn't something that I had planned but I understood how it could look that way. But it didn't really matter now. He had offered to do it again. My heart skipped a beat. Maybe this wasn't just a one-time thing after all. "I didn't know if you wanted to do it again. We didn't really talk about it much."

He came up to me and held out his hand. His gesture was so authoritative that I automatically dropped the key into his palm without giving it another thought. Something about him just made it so easy to follow his directions.

"Oh, I'm up for another round. But listen first before you commit to anything. I'm gonna change a few things this time."

He stepped back and sat down on his bed while I just stood there waiting for any kind of indication of what was expected off me.

"Last time", he said, "you laid the ground rules for how long you were going to be locked up. I get that. But if you want me to keep doing this we are going to do this right. I've read about this and it is customary for the keyholder to decide the duration." While he said that he was unbuckling his belt which made it very hard for me to concentrate on anything else. "I thought it was fun that you were so horned up but I only really got this when we struck that bargain and I got to prolong the first session. I liked that quite a lot."

His jeans were now unbuttoned and while I did realize that he was laying down rules that made me quite nervous that thought was buried deep beneath a thriving need to see what was behind that underwear that he was now pulling down.

"So this time we are going to make this the real deal. I will decide how long you will be kept chaste this time. If you HONESTLY want it to stop you can end our session but I can't guarantee that I will be up for another round if you aren't going to play by the rules."

His cock was now in his hand and growing bigger by the second. He was stroking it and you could see it getting harder and his head showing from underneath the foreskin. With his free hand Greg was stroking his nipples through his shirt.

"I found that I was really getting a kick out of the power dynamic that developed between us. And my exhibitionist side meshed very well with the lusty looks you gave me whenever I so much as stretched myself and revealed a tiny bit of skin. After a few days I could almost feel you stare at me. It was really turning me on to know that I had such a hold over another person. I want to explore that a little bit more."

He was now full on jerking himself of while I just stood there and once again felt the restrictiveness of my cock cage. And I couldn't have been any happier.

"So the deal is that I have control whenever you are locked up. I decide when you will be unlocked. I will keep the cage once it is off your dick. After that you are free to do whatever you please for as long as you want. But as soon as you decide you want to get locked up again you have to come to me, ask me for the cage and from that moment I will be in power again. So are you okay with those terms?"

I nodded.

"Tell me." He stood up.

"Yes, I want you to decide how long I won't be allowed to orgasm."

"Good. Now kneel down and open your mouth this time."

I didn't lose any time. I was ready and so was he. As soon as I was on my knees he shot his hot load. The first spurt hit me on my cheek but the second and third ones landed directly in my mouth. I kept my mouth open but I could already taste the salty aroma on my tongue. My own dick was leaking all over the floor while his final spurt landed on my chest.


He wouldn't have had to tell me but it felt right that he did. I closed my mouth and swallowed whatever I had been able to catch. His taste was filling my whole mouth. While I was still enjoying that moment he came even closer.

"Lick off the last drop!", he told me. I put out my tongue and leaned forward. When it touched his cock I could feel my whole body tingle. I was actually licking along the underside of his cockhead up to his slit and tasting the last drop of Greg's cum. We both shivered.

"That stimulation after you've just come is so fucking intense. It's almost unbearable but I still want it somehow. I guess that must be how you feel about being horny as hell after being locked up for a while."

I closed my eyes and nodded silently.

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Next: Chapter 4

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