Roommate's Bitch

By Jeff Thompson

Published on Feb 14, 2024


Roommate's Bitch - Part 13

If you're reading this, then you're enjoying Nifty Archives. This is a free library for everyone, EXCEPT the host. It can be costly, please go to the homepage and donate something to help keep the archives free. Also, I love getting feedback on the story. I don't mind suggestions, but understand I do have an outline in my head. If you want the story to go a certain route for sure, then consider writing one. I'll play out the story how I foresee it in my head, but I can be open to some ideas I hadn't thought of.

Some people have asked if I have any other stories, which was nice, let's me know they enjoyed my story. I do have 3 other stories I've written, the first two were under the pen name DsmPicTakr, then the third is using this same name, DsmOralSlave.

How the Hell did I get here?, Gay Authoritarian, 13 chapters, last one posted 12/10/2007 Billy's Bitch, Bi Authoritarian, 3 chapters, last one posted 12/13/2009 Landlord Dominated, Gay Authoritarian, 1 chapter, 12/17/2020


"Joe was here?", Davis asked.

"Yeah, he wanted to measure something in the room, I hope you don't mind, but I stayed with him the whole time he was in there," I told him.

"Nope, it's cool," Davis replied. "Damn, had I not stopped to eat dinner, maybe I would have caught him."

"Yeah dude, you missed him by like 10-15 min probably," Jordan let him know.

"Oh well, now that I'm a free agent, I'll definitely stop by and see you guys, if the offer still stands?", Davis asked.

"You bet, stop by anytime, Davis, you're always welcome here," I told him.

"Thanks, with that, I'm going to go finish packing and get to bed early. I'm gonna sleep in a bit, but should probably leave by noon in the morning," Davis let us know.

"We're going to miss you, I hope we see you soon," I told him.

"Yeah man, same here. Don't leave in the morning without saying goodbye. If I'm not up, knock on my door," Jordan told him.

"Ok, goodnight guys," Davis said.

Jordan and I both bid him goodnight, then Jordan said he was going to miss him too. Then we nuked a frozen dinner and headed off to his room.


Saturday morning, moving day for Davis. I'm gonna miss him, he's been a good roommate. I'm looking forward to Joe, but I think we could have had just as much fun, if not more, with Davis. I'm getting nervous about Joe, he's pretty forceful... AND... he said he's told his Dad about me. Apparently his Dad is the one who first told him about faggots and was used to using them. I have to admit, I do love taking care of these younger guys, but as I've said before, I'm guessing his Dad is about the same age as me. I hope I'm as excited about servicing him as I am about Jordan and Joe. We'll find out tomorrow. I heard the bathroom door close, so I figured Davis must be up and getting ready to load up his car and head out. I got up and made some coffee, and soon enough, Davis comes out freshly showered and dressed. "Jordan said he wanted me to wake him up before I left, it's going to take me about 30 min to load my car, think I should wake him now so he has a chance to wake up, or wait til I'm ready to leave?", Davis asked.

I told him, "I'd wake him now, we can help you load."

"That's nice, but you really don't have to," Davis said.

"Nonsense, we can help, go wake him up," I encouraged him.

Davis went off to wake up Jordan, I heard the knock, but couldn't hear what Jordan said. "He'll be out in a few minutes," Davis advised.

Soon enough, we hear Jordan's door close, and he appears with a paper sack. "Hey man, we're sure gonna miss you around here and I'm gonna miss this hot ass to fuck," Jordan said as he reached behind Davis and slapped his ass.

Reaching down, grabbing Jordan's crotch, he said, "and I'm gonna miss your awesome cock, but don't worry, I'll be stopping by on occasion for a taste or a ride, I'm sure of it."

Jordan laughed and handed Davis the bag, "well, so you don't miss me too badly, I got you something yesterday."

Davis opened the bag, laughed and reached out to give Jordan a hug, "thanks Man, that is awesome." He then pulled out a dildo that looked almost exactly like Jordan's cock.

"Hahahha, I'm glad you like it! I actually spent about 20 min trying to find one as close to mine as possible. It's not my cock, but on those lonely nights, it should make do," Jordan said.

"Mmm, I can't wait. I feel like I should properly thank you, but I really want to get moved in. I'll stop by to show my appreciation next week," Davis offered.

"Well, then let's get you loaded up," Jordan said, picking up the first box by the door. We got him loaded up in about 10-15 minutes. Davis thanked us and gave us each a hug, we all said we were going to miss each other and then he was off. "Hate to see him go, but it's just as well he didn't want fucked. I have a date and need to head out here shortly."

"A date?", I asked.

"Yep, a girl at work, we've gone out a few times, but it's been awhile," Jordan told me.

"Oh ok, well have fun," I said, feeling a little jealous.

"Oh, I will, she's a freak in bed, so I'm guessing she wanted to get together cause she misses my cock," he bragged. With that, he headed in to shower and out the door within 30 minutes. On the way out, he said, "I'll be home later tonight sometime, see ya then. What time is Joe moving in tomorrow?"

"I don't know for sure, he's going to call me in the morning when he's on his way," I told him. I spent some time doing some deep cleaning in Davis's old room, getting it ready for Joe, washing his sheets and things. After that, I went out to work over the lunch hour, picking up a few orders, it wasn't busy. I ran into Mark, offered to let him stop by, but he had other plans as well. I was feeling horny, knowing that I'd be getting quite the workout tomorrow and the fact that I wasn't going to get any cock from Jordan today, some bitch from work was getting it. Damn, I do sound like a jealous faggot. Jordan is straight and I have to remember he's not my boyfriend, just my live-in almost Master, I need to respect the boundary. I went home, ate an early dinner, then went into my room enjoying my last night of expected solitude. I watched some porn, my favorite, homemade clips of a younger verbal Dom using an older sub guy. I got off in about 20 minutes. After that, I started watching a Big Bang Theory marathon, and fell asleep about 11pm.

My phone woke me up about 8am, it was Joe. "Hey man, I'm gonna head over with a load here in a few minutes if that's cool with you."

"Yeah, that's fine, is your Dad with you?", I asked.

"No, he hasn't gotten into town yet, he's going to call when he's close. I figured I could bring over the first load now though," he advised.

"Sure, see you in a bit," I told him. I jumped in the shower and then got dressed. When I got out to the living room, I heard Jordan in the kitchen and found him making coffee. "Joe's on his way here now. He's bringing over the first load now, but his Dad isn't in town yet."

"Ahh ok, well I can help if he wants me to. I'll go shower so I'm ready by the time he gets here," Jordan said.

About 15 minutes later, Joe's knocking on the door. "Welcome Home," I told him as I let him in.

"Thanks Steve, I'm excited to be here," Joe said. He had a duffle bag, which he took back to his room. I followed him back there to make sure everything was ok.

"Look ok", I asked him.

"Yep, looks great. My Dad called me when I was about a mile away. I gave him the address here, so he's going to stop here first, then we'll go get the rest of my stuff," Joe replied.

"Oh ok, let's go get the rest of your stuff," I offered.

"This is all I brought with me," he told me.

"I thought you said you were bringing over a whole load?", I inquired.

"No, I said I wanted to drop off my first load," he explained, pulling his cock out. "I woke up horny and got tired of waiting on my Dad, so I figured I'd head over now, get off. When I got here, I remembered I had a duffle bag in the trunk, so I brought it in so I had room for more stuff on my next trip," he laughed. Damn it looked so tasty, I dropped to my knees, and started sucking it. I figured he'd be ready to get off, but I didn't realize how quickly he expected. He grabbed my head and skull fucked me. I was choking and gagging on his cock, he was driving it in full force.

Jordan walked in and chuckled, "Whoa, I see you're making yourself right at home already."

I started to pull away, but Joe just grabbed my head, "oh no you don't bitch, you just hold that throat right there and let me fuck it," He kept up the assault for a few more minutes, then said, "Oh yeah, ThroatGoat, I'm gonna dump a load now... FUCK YEAH, TAKE IT BITCH!" The first shot went down my throat, but then he pulled out and shot the rest on my face. "Ok, I just heard my Dad's car pull up, it's a loud muscle car, go let him in but don't you dare wipe that cum off your face first, this will be a funny surprise for him."

Just then, we hear a knock at the door. "Get going, don't keep him waiting," Joe ordered.

I went to the door, but as I passed a mirror, I looked and saw he'd really painted my face with a ton of cum. This was so embarrassing, what the hell will his Dad think. I opened the door and his Dad busted out laughing. Then he really looked at me, "well I'll be damned, Joe told me he's renting a room from a faggot named Steve, but I had no idea it was you." Then I looked at him, trying to figure it out, this guy was good looking, nice trim body, but I couldn't place him. "It's me, Jack Weaver."

Jack Weaver, Joe Weaver, how the hell did I not even think of this. "Dad, do you know Steve?", Joe asked.

"Oh fuck yeah I do, and by the look on his face, I can tell he remembers me too, don't you, bitch?", Jack asked me.

"Yeah, we knew each other back in school," I said.

Jack explained, "well, you knew a lot more about me than I did you, but yeah. When I told you I used to have a faggot that I used in High School, this is exactly who I'm talking about. I found him staring at my in the locker room and started putting on a show for him. He couldn't keep his eyes off my big cock. One day, I followed him home and invited myself in. I told him since he likes staring at my dick so much, he could get a much better look at it in private. Hell, he got all scared and tried to say he wasn't looking, but we both knew he was lying. Within 10 minutes I had my dick in his mouth and he was giving me some damn fine head. Needless to say, he couldn't get enough of my cock and I never had a bitch give me better head than him since."

"Holy shit, what are the odds of this happening," Jordan said.

"Fuck, this is hot, so he sucked your cock all through high school?", Joe asked him.

"That, and a lot more. I got him lick me head to toe, ate my ass, I fucked him a few times, but I was too big and he whined too much, I finally gave up, it wasn't worth the whining," Jack explained.

"Yeah, he still won't let me fuck him," Jordan spoke up. "Hi, I'm Jordan, I live here too." They shook hands.

"Hell, I even made him into my piss bitch a few times, in the locker room showers when nobody else was around. Those were some fun times, weren't they Stevie," Jack said laughing.

Even though I don't really think he cared, I answered, "umm yeah, parts of it was fun. I wasn't really into getting fucked or the piss, but the rest was good I guess."

"You guess, bitch, if I didn't feed you at least every other day, you'd come sniffing around begging for my cock," Jack told them. I do remember times where I did crave his cock. I enjoyed getting Jack off, but when we graduated, we went off to different schools and lost touch. "I can see you already got off and that shit looks fresh. But I'm getting old, let's go get your shit, we'll come back here and get you moved in, then have some fun."

"Do you guy's need some help?", Jordan offered.

"Nah, we're good I think, there isn't that much stuff and I'm all packed up. Thanks though," Joe said.

"Ok great, see you guys in a little while," Jordan said as Joe and his Dad walked out the door. "Did you just about shit your pants when you realized who that was?"

"Yeah, I did. I haven't seen him since we graduated," I explained.

"So that's who we have to thank for making your into the subbie little bitch you are today. That's awesome, I'll need to be sure to thank him," Jordan stated.

"Yep, that's who got me started. Damn, he used to use me at school in the locker room, bathroom stalls, out back behind the school in the woods, in his car, in my room, in his room, a few times at a gas station bathroom. Pretty much anywhere really, wherever Jack was horny, he'd want me to service him, and I did," I told him.

"Speaking of service, why don't you strip me down and start worshipping my balls," Jordan encouraged me.

"Yes Sir, of course," I replied, anxiously getting his stripped down, moving the coffee table, while he sat down on the couch. I grabbed his knees and scooched him forward, until his balls were hanging off the edge of the couch. I knew it was just a matter of time before he'd pull up his knees so I could devour his hole.

It's been a good 36 hours since I last got to taste his testes, so they looked so good and I started eagerly lapping at them. "Yeah, that's good, I want to enjoy this until those guys get back here," Jordan told me. I continued licking his balls, just how he liked it, lots of tongue action as he slowly stroked his big cock, enjoying all the sensations. I started licking the underside of his sack, as I usually do, and swiped down to his taint. "I know where you're going, but before you take a sweet suck of my ass, I want you to lick my feet and worship my toes." I moved back a little and lifted his left foot up to my face, licking the sole of his foot, then pushing it downward, moving my tongue across the top and down the sides, circling my tongue all over so he could feel it. "Oh yeah, that's the way, I didn't realize you were that into feet, but I'll be keeping this in mind." Then I moved up to his toes, taking his long big toe into my mouth, fucking it with my mouth while washing it with my tongue, round and round. Then I moved over and licked between his big toe and the next one, enjoying the clean taste from his freshly showered foot. I gave each toe and in between them the same treatment, moving further down after a few minutes with each toe. Having completed his left foot, I moved to his right foot and gave that the same treatment. When done, Jordan said, "Ok, lick up my leg, and back to my balls for a few minutes, then you can finally eat my hole out, which I know is your favorite part of my body."

Damn, I didn't know he knew, "how did you know?", I asked him.

"As much as you love sucking my cock, licking my balls and anything else, nothing gets you worked up, moaning as you're working me over as when you're on my hole, it's like you're transformed to a whole new world, where all that exists is your lips and tongue and my hole, it really is a site," he told me. After licking his balls until the count of 120, I pushed his legs up gave his pucker a big French kiss, licking all around, teasing the entrance to his hole with my tongue. After I really started getting into it, I realized I was moaning and whimpering, just like Jordan said I do. He started laughing, I looked up at him sheepishly and went right back to making love to his puckered hole. "Yeah bitch, you just keep sucking my hole, I'll let you feast on that until those guys get back here."

I worshipped that hole like it was my whole world for a good 10 minutes, when all of a sudden, the door opened up and Jack came walking in with a box. "Hot damn," Jack said, "you found his g-spot. Nothing gets the bitch going like sucking a hot hole, but I guess you know that by now."

"Hell yeah, I just told him it's like he goes to another world," Jordan acknowledged. "Take a rest for a minute, let me feed him a load, then I'll come help you guys."

"Sounds good, if you're ok with it, I'll just sit here and watch, it will get me all ready to go, once we get the job done," Jack stated.

Joe walked in, and Jack told him, "pop a squat kid, we're taking a breather, after Jordan gets his nut, he's gonna help us unload."

"Sounds like a plan to me, I'm tired already," Joe said.

"Get on my cock, bitch, daylight's burning," Jordan ordered. Not wanting to keep them waiting, Jordan grabbed the back of my head and started thrusting up into my mouth hole, fucking it for all he's worth. "I'll drive, no hands needed on my cock, you steady yourself with one and use the other one to tickle my balls as I fuck your mouth, you'll get my load pretty quick here, fag." I did as I was told, lightly tickling his balls and he pulled my mouth up and down the length of his big cock.

"Damn man, I thought I had a big cock, but your's is huge. I may have gotten him started, but you got this bitch trained good to handle a big cock," Jack complimented Jordan.

"Thanks man, and thanks for helping his realize he's a cocksucker, he's a gift to us all," Jordan said. "Fuck yeah cocksucker, get ready, I'm gonna shoot this entire load straight down your throat... FUCK BITCH, TAKE IT, TAKE MY LOAD!" Jordan shot the first couple strings down my throat, but then I was starting to choke without air, he let up and shot the rest in my mouth. I swallowed it all down, then licked his cock clean. "Let me get my clothes back on, then we'll go get your stuff moved in. Jack, stay here man, we'll give you two some time to reunite, while we carry in all the boxes and things, you reap what you sewed years ago... enjoy the cocksucker."

"I ain't gonna go turning that down," Jack said as he stood up and started stripping down.

"If you want privacy from me and Joe, you can go into his bedroom if you want," Jordan told him.

"Hell no, we've used a few bitches together and I don't care if you see, truth be told, I like an audience," Jack said.

"Fuck yeah, me too buddy," Jordan let him know.

"Ok bitch, get that mouth over here and get reacquainted with my cock. Looks like you won't have much of a problem with it," Jack told me as he sat down on the couch, where Jordan had just been. I crawled over, grabbed the base of his cock and wanting to show him how good I'd become, I took him right down to the base. "Fuck, you've learned some new tricks, let me see how good you are at serving a real man." I sucked his cock for all I was worth, and I could tell by his moaning, he was definitely enjoying it. After going up and down on his cock for a bit, I moved down to his balls and gave them a thorough washing. I could still taste a bit of the soap from his morning shower, but I could also taste the sweat of a man who's been doing some work, the work of moving his son.

"How's it feeling Pops?", I heard Joe ask his Dad.

"Great Son, you're lucky you're gonna get to live with this bitch, using his mouth whenever you want," Jack said. "My balls are loving that tongue, but you know, my hole is getting jealous, I think he's missed most of all my genitals." He lifted his legs up and presented me with his hole. Just like his balls, it was slightly sweaty, but overall clean. I dove in tongue first, licking up and down his crack a few times, before targeting his hole. "Hell yeah, that's it faggot, work that hole. I haven't found a bitch to make love to my shitter as good as you EVER. Damn, this is a treat." It made me proud to hear that, I doubled my efforts and feasted of his hole like a dog with a new bone. A few minutes later, Jack yells out, "Oh GAWD that feels so fucking good, back on my bone bitch, you're gonna get your treat!" I moved back to his cock, just in time for the volcanic eruption, spurting out his hot lava into my mouth. At that time, I remembered his distinct flavor, his jizz had a sweet flavor to it, not bitter like a lot of guys. I savored that sweet load for a short moment, then swallowed. Just then his phone started ringing. He grabbed his phone, waiting for his orgasm to subside, then answered it. "Hey honey, what's up?.... How the hell did that happen?.... Ok, ok, don't worry, we just got done moving him in, I'll head out here in a few minutes and be home in an hour or so.... Ok, see you then, goodbye."

Jack stood up as Joe and Jordan brought in the last load, "hey guys, somebody hit your Mom's car I'd parked out in the street to get out this morning. I gotta head home, she's all upset." He put his clothes back on, asked where the bathroom was. I got up to show him. When we got to the bathroom, he pulls me in there and shuts the door. "Remember when I used to have you hold my cock when I pee'd?"

"Yes Sir," I said.

"I always thought that was so cool," Jack told me. "Take out my cock and hold it for me, as I piss in the bowl." I reached down, opened his jeans and fished out his cock. He stood in front of the toilet, and I held his cock, aiming it to the bowl. I certainly didn't want to have to clean up his piss off my floor. It took him a moment to get going, but then a steady stream of hot piss came out, as he emptied his bladder. When he finished, he looked down and said, "Damn, I forgot to have you clean my cock after you sucked me. There's still some cum on it. Get down there and clean it off for me." I reached for a piece of toilet paper. "Fuck that, use your mouth, lick that shit off there."

"But there's still a drop of piss on the tip of your cock, Sir," I advised him.

"Just clean it off with your tongue, it's a drop, and not like you haven't had my piss in your mouth before," he told me.

I knelt down and put his cock in my mouth, luckily there is a bit more cum than that drop of piss, so it masked the flavor. Once clean, I started to pull off, but he said, "hang on, I just want to feel that tongue for 1 more minute, it feels so damn good, but be gentle, I'm still sensitive." As I was licking around his head some more, all of a sudden I got a blast shot of piss in my mouth. "There we go, I'm getting old, always seems to be a bit left in there. Swallow that shit and feel lucky I didn't feed you all of it." I swallowed as told and licked it again, gave it a kiss and put it away. "I'll come back for a visit in a few weeks, we lost touch, but we can't let that happen again."

"No Sir, we can't. I'd enjoy that," I told him.

We went out, Jack told the guys goodbye and headed out. Joe was the first to speak, "I still can't believe you were my Dad's high school bitch, talk about a small world. Watching you service my old man got me horned up, but I need to get my room set up, what say we all have a welcome to the house party for me later this afternoon?"

"Sounds like a plan to me!", Jordan said enthusiastically. I smiled and nodded my head. I made us some lunch, then went to lay down, I'd serviced 3 guys, gotten 3 loads, I was tired out already. I woke up about 2:30 and went out to find Joe and Jordan watching a basketball game.

"There he is," Joe said all excited. "Let the party begin." They both got up and started shucking off their clothes, when the doorbell rang.

I went to the door, opened it to find Davis standing there. He looked like hell, I could tell he'd been crying. "Can I come in?", he asked.

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