Rooting Tooting Tommy

Published on Dec 20, 2021


Rooting, Tooting, Tommy Topper 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I had one big advantage over the multitude of handsome young men hoping to become stars. I knew I was just a guy, not a potential star. I lacked one important skill; I am not prone to self-delusion. I have no desire to be on the front page of movie magazines. I cannot act. I don't want to live in a mansion or be surrounded by adoring crowds of fans.

I can think ahead, but I lack the killer instinct to destroy other peoples' careers to advance my own. I had noticed that many actors and actresses can destroy their careers without anyone's help. Sometimes theatrical suicide is faster than any scheme or plot.

I can complement, but not flatter. I can praise but not gush. Tommy Topper is lucky that his dense and thick skull doesn't notice the bad reviews and nasty comments about his acting ability. My mother told me not to call anyone dumb. I follow her guidance, but Tommy is a trial sometimes. On the good side, Tommy doesn't have a mean bone in his body. To be frank, his large cock and over heated sex drive are compelling.

Monty Smithson told me I was relaxing to be with. When I was with him there was no drama and no over acting. He also said I had the biggest cock that was suitable for daily use. It was big enough to hit the good places, but it didn't rearrange his internal organs. When his cock slipped into my ass, he felt it was home.

Monty could spend an hour in my ass and half of that time was that wonderful feeling you get when you are just short of an orgasm. He also thought something in my ass encouraged sperm production. He had huge, productive orgasms. I don't think that is technically possible, but it worked for him. I never corrected that sort of impression.

Tommy went home to be with his family in New Mexico from Christmas to early March. I was on my own.

I was asked to talk with Mona, the co-star in a jungle-based movie series. These were full length movies, usually the second feature of a major movie. Mona was a nice girl, but I soon noted that she made Tommy look like a genius. I found out most of her salary was going to her business manager. She got 20%, he got 80%. I mentioned that to one of her friends. A week later the old manager was gone, and one of my pals was running the show.

Charles DuMont had discovered her. He had a reputation as a star maker. He was grateful there was no scandal. Charles was known as a perfect gentleman with his female stars. There was a good reason for that, he was attracted to women as beautiful object, but his sexual tastes were stars who had to shave daily.

Charles had good taste in finding stars. Beautiful people were his life. Everyone other than the beautiful people he ignored. He asked me to give him advice as to the common people in his stars' lives. Charles was incredibly pretentious, but he was also honest and genuinely loved the beautiful people he turned into stars.

I met him at one of Monty's parties. I was naked in the pool when he first saw me. Of course, I was not star material. I later found out that Charles had a fear of hairy, caveman-like men. As sometimes happens that fear turns into attraction. Charles was shaved smooth except for his head and a small mustache.

He got into the pool later. He swam over to me and asked, "Are you Marty Malone?" I told him I was. Mona had told him about my discoveries about her business manager.

"I recommended the business manager to her. He was a handsome, dashing man. I am embarrassed to have misjudged him so badly," Charles said. "Handsome men seem to effect my opinions."

"Well, he is trying his luck elsewhere," I said. "Mona knows everybody, and he will never work in California again. She got some of her money back."

"How did that happen?" he asked.

"His contract was confused, and he misrepresented some clauses in it. There was some plain old larceny involved. Mona was didn't understand financial statements or contracts," I explained. "She is not an educated woman."

"She photographs well and had a good memory for scripts," he said. We got out of the water, and we talked. The water had obscured my cock. It may not be a total shock, but often gay men are interested in cocks. My cock is a bit oversized even when it is soft. I wasn't his type at all, but a cock is a cock.

He did some checking on me over the next weeks. Tommy was poor actor, but he had a been making money for years and there were no undesirable stories about him in circulation. He liked sex with men, and any hint of impropriety would have ruined his career. I was the watchdog who protected him. I screened his sexual partners to insure they were safe.

The next time I met Charles was at Monty's get away in the mountains on a Friday night. Monty liked low key, tasteful orgies. Charles came with a young, up and coming star, Rinaldo Montana. He was to be the next Latin heartthrob. Rinaldo would suck or fuck anyone who would help him get ahead. There were several men at the party that would be more helpful for his career than Charles.

I don't think that bothered him. Charles knew the rules and being a graceful looser was attractive to some of the men. He might be useful at a later date, so there were no hard feelings that might get in the way of expediency. I did know enough about him to know what he was looking for.

We had a swim in the later afternoon which gave everyone a chance to check out the sexual opportunities for the weekend. We had an exceptional dinner followed by a sexual game of charades. The game was clever, bawdy and fun. It went on until eleven and I went to bed. It had been a long day for me. I had two roommates, Charles, and Daryl Roberts. Daryl was five feet two. He had a full-sized head and trunk, and short legs. His cock wasn't longer than his legs, but it was long. He was hairy like a bear.

Daryl was a top, and it was soon clear he knew a lot about Charles' ass. "Marty, I usually fuck Charles asleep when we are together. He likes to slum sometimes," Daryl said. "Would you like to join us?"

"That's unfair," Charles objected. "Sometimes I need a real man up my ass to remind me what real men are like. I get tired of a steady diet of pretty boys' cocks."

"Marty, just in case you are interested, I've got a full-sized ass," Daryl said just before he started sucking.

Daryl had all the elegance and grace of a back wood's lumber jack. He combined that with the sex drive of a bull, and a ribald sense of humor. In short, he was my kind of man, at slightly less than full size. It was soon clear that all the important parts of a man were ready for action.

I didn't expect the Charles became a sex slave when a cock was shoved up his ass. I assumed this was a useful skill when he was with a A-list star. Daryl and I were of no use to him, so I assumed his need for cocks to be shoved up his ass was real.

It was a good night. After Daryl and I fucked Charles to sleep, Daryl asked if I would fuck him. He told me he liked to sample the merchandise. You might not guess it, but I rarely say no to an opportunity to fuck.

I nudged my cock into his hole and then tested his sphincter. Somehow, his sphincter was kissing my cock head as I tested it. Most asses are a void I fill with my cock. Daryl's ass was an active participant, caressing my cock as a slowly slipped into him.

He was on his back and his ass was wide open and his cock was rock hard. After about fifteen minutes, I told him that I didn't want to shoot off, but I had no choice. He told me to go for it. I shot off. Ten minutes later his cock was deep in my ass, and I was floating in heaven. I felt every ejaculation of his cock. I felt as if I had died and gone to heaven and was trying to explain to St. Peter why I was still hard and why there was cum dripping from my ass. Then I woke the next morning, Daryl was sucking my cock.

That day was good. The previous night's getting to know you session had been a success for all of the guests. Everyone was relaxed and there was none of the tenseness associated with meeting men for the first time.

The quick fondling of a cock or lick behind a bush was replaced by open sex. It was alright to watch, but most of the men were sexually engaged and watching was in second place behind actual sex. Daryl and I were sucking Charles in a quiet corner when Rinaldo Montana came over to us and asked if he could join in. Of course, we said yes.

Rinaldo was from Argentina and there was a taste for more masculine men there. Even with Charles in the group, Daryl and I made the group more masculine. Rinaldo was a big boy, and his playmates of the night before were afraid to take his cock. We all like big meat.

It is a disappointment when you find that your most attractive physical endowment, is rejected because it was too big. One man told Rinaldo that his cock would make his asshole too puffy. He must have been in in a movie type I was unfamiliar with. I didn't recall Ramon Navarro rejecting a playmate because his cock would make Ramon's asshole was too puffy.

Most of the men at the party were either over sexed or spectacularly oversexed. In spite of this, the party was calm, relaxed, and informal. There were a few cries or moans from men having an orgasm. A man might grunt as a bloated cock head rammed past sphincter, but otherwise it was quiet.

Rinaldo was popular. Of course, he was handsome and muscular. He also could both give and take with equal enthusiasm. Some men realized that both giving and taking was a nice way to accommodate a man you wanted to impress. He didn't need to impress me, and he took my cock with enthusiasm. Rinaldo liked to give and take. Rinaldo let me rest for a few minutes between sexual interludes.

When I recovered after my orgasm, Rinaldo did an exhibition style demonstration of South American fornication techniques. While I am barely a virgin anymore, Rinaldo had an impressive repertoire of ways to fuck and breed. As a new actor in town, he was expected to bottom. He wanted to men to know what they had missed.

He did that, but the men watching us were most impressed that in a half-hour fuck session he shot off four times. Each time he shot off, pulled out making sure everyone saw I was dribbling sperm from my ass. He refilled his balls in less than four minutes. He wanted the men to know what they were missing.

Charles was acutely conscious of his importance and the need to impress important men. He publicly took Daryl's cock up the ass. Daryl's cock rang Charles's chimes. Daryl was an ass pounder, and he was impressive in action. When he pulled out after he shot off. He held Charles' legs up and spread them. You could see the dwarf's sperm drooling from Charles' ass.

I was worried that would embarrass or humiliate Charles. Some publicity people claim that all publicity is good publicity. Having Daryl's cum drooling from Charles' ass, inspired other men to fuck Charles. Charles knew that being a bottom was a useful trait. Monty, and two other A list actors visited Charles's ass. The Dwarf sperm was inspirational, and Charles was regarded as a slut, but a good sport. If you are an oversexed actor who needs sexual relief, knowing that Charles and his asshole were available was good.

If Charles were your PR man, a quick visit from time to time wouldn't be a problem. He told Monty, he liked in person meetings rather than phone calls. "I am always available twenty-four-seven. You would be amazed at what we can do in fifteen or twenty minutes. Monty had a good guess of Charles' skills.

Charles was the master of the double-entendre. His meaning was perfectly clear to the men he was talking too, but if it appeared in the press, it was perfectly innocent. That was a useful skill for a PR man.

Several new guests arrived at the party after lunch. These included the director, Max Liberman. He was one of the best of the directors in Berlin. Before talkies foreign moves only needed English subtitles to do well in the United States. He movies were admired.

Max's parent's bakery had been burned during anti-Semitic riots. Liberman's family escaped through England by way of the Netherlands. Max was a smart man, and he thought the United States was a much safer distance from Germany. At the time, I thought he was overreacting. I was 100% wrong about that.

Lieberman wasn't married, but he escaped with his parents and his brother's family of five. They were penniless, so he needed work. He was the only member of the family who could speak English.

Lieberman was Monty's friend. Monty wanted to escape from his specialty, the debonair man-about-town roles. Lieberman had a plot set in German occupied Belgium during World War I. It involved a guerilla group of peasants fighting for liberty. They were collecting military information to send to England. They were spies and would be executed if caught.

When he met Daryl, Max had a breakthrough. Killing off the star as handsome as Monty was always bad policy. A dwarf would be a perfect spy. Ignored by the German troops, he could collect information without being noticed. He would be captured, tortured, and executed. He sang La Marseillaise before the shots rang out. I assume that didn't please the Belgians, but no one knew the Belgian national anthem. There wasn't a dry eye in the theater as Daryl died. The romantic lead escaped pleasing the female part of the audience. As Monty sailed through the fog to escape capture, the image of Daryl paying the ultimate sacrifice appeared in the clouds. Both Daryl and Monty became much in demand for serious movies.

No one knew that Daryl's cock was much in demand too. Both Monty, Max and I enjoyed is full sized organ. I once assumed you would lose interest in your regular sexual partners after a while. I didn't have that problem. As you get to know a man, you relax and are more open. That openness involves your emotions and your genitals. I include my ass as a genital.

I know and like Daryl. I know he and I share common sexual interests. It may not be technically true, but I think my ass can sense his excitement. I know he will eventually inject his balls' contents into the dark recesses of my ass, as my ass and sphincter massage his tool.

I would love for his cock to massage my ass for hours, but I desperately want him for to lose control and bathe my ass is his home-made seed. Sometimes when he is shooting, he triggers my own orgasm. If we are with friends, someone may suck my seed directly from my twitching cock.

Another friend might like to lick Daryl's sperm as it drools from my ass. Daryl was uncut, and Lieberman was uneasy about sucking him. When his saw Daryl's cream dripping from my ass, he tongue fucked me to get the sperm in my ass.

Two weeks later, while on vacation, Tommy fell from his horse and broke both legs. Rehab was slow, and he retired from the screen. While some stars were more dramatic and believable tantrums at home than on a sound stage, my clients were more sensible.

The public and the movie business were fickle and willful. They could easily lose interest in a star. Some star's believed they were untouchable, and they became willful, thinking they were too important to be fired. It was hard for an actor or actress to be fickler than the public. Sometime a child wonder could suck up all the air and if you were a sexy temptress, and they needed caring mother type, you were out of luck.

Tommy hurt himself as his movies had just begun fading. The horse, the dog and Tommy only had a limited number of tricks that excited young boys. Tommy didn't spend much and saved a lot. He was fine. Some stars continued to spend after they lost popularity. If they were smart, they sold the mansion and found a three-bedroom house. If they weren't smart the mansion would be repossessed.

While the support staff of stagehands. Camera men, make-up artists and set designers had a better time as long as they didn't get stuck in a rut. Their salaries were modest, but if they were good, they had regular employment.

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