Rosetta Chronicles

By Zane Rosetta

Published on May 10, 2000


Title: Rosetta Chronicles (3/?) Author: Zane Rosetta Email: Rating: M Content: Strangely enough, no sex, but still read on... Summary: See above. Disclaimer: The characters are mine and cannot be borrowed without permission. Distribution: I would be more than honoured. Just drop me a line first. Feedback: Criticism hits like a stake to my heart. Praise is very welcome

Rosetta Chronicles by Zane Rosetta

I got back to the computer science dept at about 2pm and found a single red rose lying on my desk.

Andrew was back.

Always the romantic, every time that he returned from a business trip he would make the effort to come into the office and leave a rose on my desk. Most of the time he'd wait till I was out like today but sometimes if he was feeling naughty he'd come down, walk in wearing workout sweats having just jogged from our place and smelling absolutely gorgeous, place the rose on my desk and leave without saying a word. Basically he was a prick, but he was my prick. I got a small glass vase, which was acting as a makeshift bookend filled it with some water and placed the rose in it. I sat back in my chair and closed my eyes for a moment to think about him, all six foot two inches of him. Enough muscle to make him look hot but not over muscled. His hair that was thick and black and I loved to run my hands through it and then of course his tan. He knew people hated him for it. When he left me I longed for the time when he would return. I loved him like no other man before. I opened my eyes and thought for a moment that I still had them shut when I saw the vision of man standing before me.

His hair was cut short in a crew cut style; he wore a blue long sleeve shirt which almost clinged to his chest, he also wore a cartoon character tie and tight black trousers. Then I imagined again but this time without clothes. Broad shoulders, a chiseled chest with rock hard abs. A swimmers build, and I'm more than sure he had an ample amount of meat dangling between those legs. I started to harden. I was amazed, it had been ages since a man had illicited such a response in me at first sight. I must have been staring off into space because the next thing I heard was his voice.

"Hey are you okay?" he said.

Very okay now, I thought and then snapped out of whatever spell he'd put me under.

"Ummm, can I help you." I said trying to make sure that I didn't look like I just wanted to rip the clothes from his body and fuck him senseless. "Uhhh, I'm here to help you, my name's Dean and I'm your new assistant." He held out a hand and I shook it. Well fuck me, I'd forgotten about petitioning the board of the faculty to get some more help. That had been a month or so ago and I'd given up hope. It was then I realised I was still shaking his hand. I apologised and motioned for him to take a seat opposite. He sat down and I took his CV. "Pretty impressive." I said as I leafed through the document. High honors in most of his subjects and honors in the rest. "There is one question I have to ask though." "Why do I want to work here with grades like that. I meant no offense sir otherwise I wouldn't be here." "No offense taken. And it's Zane, you say sir and I look around expecting to see my father." "Sorry, Zane." "Better, so why are you here?" "Well I attended this very university a few years ago and now I'd like to give something back." And by god I want to take it, I thought. "A noble sentiment." I said out loud. "Well I guess we should show you where you're going to be working." We both stood and he exited the office first. I swear I saw the muscles ripple in his back as he moved out the door. I reigned my passions and showed him around the department. There were the two main research rooms each with about fourteen computers another room with twelve computers, which were only for word processing, our staff meeting room, a couple more offices and a small kitchen. We then made our way back to my office. "...And we also provide some support to the students of the university with personal computers in their dorms." I said as we sat back down. "Wow, pretty impressive, they didn't have nearly this much cool stuff when I was here. How do you do it all" "Well, it takes a lot but it helps that you've got a good team, and I've got one." Damn it why did he have to be so gorgeous, siting there like that. I felt like I was going to loose myself in him and gave myself a mental shake. "You have to work in here with me all the rest of our offices are full, but there's enough room here." "Cool." Very cool I thought. I got him settled in and before I knew it the day had past and it was time to go. "So are you staying here on campus?" I asked as we left in the building. I wanted to know all I could about him. "I'm in an apartment block just outside campus but it's being sprayed this weekend so I'm either sleeping in my car or finding a motel to stay at." Every part of my body cried out "YES!" "Well, I've got a fold-out at my place for you to crash on, if you want. That'll save you're back and your wallet." "No, I couldn't impose." He started for his car, so I skirted around and faced him. "What if I insist, I can't have my people calling in sick with back pain on their first day from sleeping on a lumpy mattress or in their car for a weekend." He smiled and I nearly melted. "Well, if you insist. Your place it is." What I thought was going to be a totally dull day turned out to be better than I imagined.

"So, where should I put my stuff," Dean said as we entered the house. "You can put your stuff in the spare room but there's no where to sleep in there, the best thing is the sofa bed in the living room." I said dumping my stuff on the dining room table. "Cool." He said and wondered into the room. As the door shut I franticly looked around to find any evidence of Andrew, at his bedroom door I spied two rose petals on the floor. "Damn." I opened the door and found Andrew laying on his bed with rose petals scattered about and the scent. I love that scent. Man and rose combined. I so wanted to join him there on the bed. I quickly kicked the petals into the room and shut the door. Andrew heard the noise and propped himself up with his arms behind his back. Some stray rose petals danced down his chest to land on his ample package concealed by pure white boxers. "What's up?" he inquired. "Me at the moment and you'd better believe it, but we can't do this now." "Ummm, why?" "We've got company." I said. "Now?!" "I kinda invited someone to stay over for the weekend." "You did what?!" "Just look out the door and see who's there." Andrew sighed but then got off the bed and walked over to where I was standing by the door. As he got closer the smell of him and the roses got to the point at which I almost couldn't cope. Andrew cracked open the door and looked out into the hall to see Dean walk by, the door closed quickly. 'I... see what you mean," breathing heavily he fanned himself with his hand "Yummy." "Exactly." "So who is he?" 'He's name is Dean and his my new assistant at work." "And how is he 'assisting' you?" I playfully slapped Andrew on his bare chest. "Stop it, it's not like that I don't even know if he is?' "Does he know about you?' 'I don't know." "Well let's go out and tell him.' Andrew started for the door and I grabbed his arm. "No." I forcefully whispered. "And why not?" "I don't know." "Not good enough." He started for the door again and I barred the way. "No, not yet.' "Why?" "I'm not ready yet, I'll tell him after dinner." This seemed to appease Andrew. "Alright, after dinner,' Andrew said moving back into the room. He rummaged around in a drawer and threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. "Well you'd better get out there and at least be a half decent host." "Shit, you're right." I opened the door and moved back out into the living area. Dean was standing in the middle of the lounge room looking around. "Sorry, about that I just needed to clean up some stuff." "That's cool." "My roommate is just getting out of bed." Dean gave me a quizzical look and I realised what I'd said. "He just got in from out of town and didn't get much sleep." "Oh, okay." Dean started to move around the room more now that I was there. "Pretty impressive place you've got here. "Thanks," I said as I rummaged through the take-out menus on the kitchen counter "But most of the credit should go to Andrew, he's the one with the cash." "What does he do?" "He works for a software company, but he won't tell me which one." I'd found a menu for a local Chinese place. "How are you for Chinese?" "Sweet, what have we got?" He came over and stood behind me looking over my shoulder. I could feel his breath on the side of my neck. I felt tingles go down my right side, I had to move away for fear of kissing him. "I'll just go and see what's keeping Andrew." I said lamely "Just pick what you want and I'll be back." I raced back to Andrew's bedroom to find him naked laying on his bed jerking off. "Well... I... need some... release." He grunted. I moved over to the bed and watched Andrew pull himself while pinching his nipples. I couldn't resist grabbing his dick, I bent over and blew warm air across the tip. Andrew squirmed with excitement. I kissed up his chest to stop at his lips. I still had hold of his dick. "If you're not out there in two minutes," I whispered, then jerked on his dick "I will rip it off" "Oooooh, yeah stud, talk dirty to me." I batted at his dick. "Come on Andrew." I said. "Oh, alright but you owe me." He said sitting up and pulling on some jeans. "Tonight, after we go to bed I'll make you beg for more." "Now there's an invitation I can't resist." He stood and kissed me and I felt his warm bare chest against me. I had to pull away for fear of becoming lost in the moment." "I hate you." I said as I left the room. "No, you don't."

to be continued...

feedback more than welcome

Next: Chapter 4

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