Rosetta Chronicles

By Zane Rosetta

Published on Nov 12, 2000


Title: Rosetta Chronicles (6/?) Author: Zane Rosetta Email: Rating: NC17 Content: m/m sexual inuendo and interaction. If this ain't for you then what the hell are you doing here Summary: Now that would be telling and spoil the fun :-) Disclaimer: The characters are mine and cannot be borrowed without permission. Distribution: I would be more than honoured. Just drop me a line first. Feedback: Criticism hits like a stake to my heart. Praise is very welcome Website: Kudos: Thanks to all the guys who have emailed me wanting more of this story. I'm sorry it's so late in coming. RL and work keep getting in the way. I hope this part was worth the wait. Thanks again guys ;-)

Rosetta Chronicles by Zane Rosetta

"I'm done." Oh no, far from it, I thought and then.

"Really, damn that was fast." He finished packing away his tools and turned to face me again.

"Well there are some things that I'm equally good at, but nowhere near as fast." He was close now and I could smell the sweat on his body as he almost glowed in the dim light of the basement. Now no more than a foot away he spoke again.

"Would you like a demonstration?" My mouth was dry and I found I couldn't swallow. My shirt was being opened and hot breath against my chest followed closely by the warm wetness of a tongue, Jake's tongue. He worked his way around each nipple making it hard at erect. It wasn't the only thing. As he worked on my chest I felt my jeans fall to the floor, his hands caressing my shaft inside boxers soon Jake was kneeling in front of me nuzzling at my growing member. The warm wetness of Jake's mouth followed. No pretence of asking if he could but I didn't care, he was working it like a pro. In a couple of moments I shot a load over his sweat covered chest. I was breathless leaning against a cool wall with my jeans and underwear around my ankles. Jake was wiping the come from his chest with a rag and then pushed me impossibly more into the wall and into a crushing kiss.

"But sometimes when I need it I can be very quick." He moved my hands to the buckle of his jeans and I was running on automatic my hands slipping into the warmth of his jeans and immediately felt a long piece of man meat, at least six inches soft and rapidly filling with blood.

"No underwear?" I queried.

"Cramps my style," he said, and then. "So you want it."

"More than you can imagine." He pulled away and I looked at him asking why.

"Anticipation heightens the lust," he said but before he could get too far away I was down on my knees and had his meat in my mouth. He seemed taken aback as I worked up and down his cock taking it all into my mouth. "Ohhh, woah, mmmm, yeah." He was getting more and more hard as I stroked at his balls, pretty soon I could tell he was as hard as he could get. I was sending him to the edge and he knew it. "Oh fuck yeah, I'm gonna come." I immediately stopped got up and kissed him with all I could muster. He looked at me the same way I had just done to him.

"Anticipation, remember," I flicked the switch and the building came back to life, a cheer could be heard upstairs. I got dressed and walked up stairs behind me I heard.

"Later?" I turned to look at him still standing there practically naked.

"You'd better believe it," I turned and walked back out of the basement and back upstairs.

The rest of the day went by without any further problems and by four in the afternoon the room had practically cleared out with only a few stragglers tapping away madly.

I sat in my office replying to mail and setting up the schedule for the week. Dean had been in fleetingly to ask quick questions about the PC setup and printing but otherwise I was left to my own devices. Which meant writing. Real dirty writing. I was a member of a few writing groups and my stories were always eagerly anticipated. The story I had in progress was just as trashy as all the rest with sexy aplenty but if that's what the boys and some girls wanted who was I to argue. It was four thirty before Dean came in and dropped into the sofa by my office door.

"Our last person just left," he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

I closed the story I was working on a leaned back in my chair.

"Welcome to the hell that is Computer Science," I laughed and he joined in. I felt so comfortable around him and was wondering if sex would ruin our relationship. This was a fleeting thought as he slipped his hand up inside his shirt again and then into his cargos for what had to be a quick grope/tug on his ample muscle.

"So what do we do now?" he inquired.

"Have hard, thrusting, wild, wet passionate sex," was my immediate thought but stupid commonsense overruled. "Just a general cleanup, the janitorial guys get the rest and then home to bed." Dean eyed me coyly.

"Why Mr. Rosetta I hardly know you," he laughed and I thought how much I'd want that to be true but instead I laughed with him.

We went back to my place to crash, after the day we had we'd deserved it. Andrew had left again. A hastily written note on the kitchen table said that he was sorry he couldn't stay had hoped that everything was going to be okay. I sighed, it was like Andrew to just up and leave quickly but that meant that Dean and I were alone.

Alone, with the object of my most erotic desires in I don't know how long. I'd only know him for two days and already I wanted him. Wanted to explore every part of him, from his gorgeous chest to what I only held fleetingly in my hand. I wanted to take his dick and immerse it in the warm wetness of my mouth. I wanted to taste the sweat on his chest as I run my tongue around an erect nipple

I must have been miles away because Dean's hand was on my shoulder and shaking me slightly.

"Zane, man, are you okay?" His hold was firm but gentle at the same time. I could only imagine what it would be like if he had held more than my shoulder.

"Umm, yeah, I'm okay. My mind just went for a ride," I smiled and he gave me that killer smile again, dimples and all. I melted, more to the point; I wanted to melt into him. "I guessed I'm just out of it from today," I leaned my head back and stretched my hands over my head.

"I know that you need," the smile was still there and now it was the most erotic thing that I had ever seen. He moved behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. At first I wasn't sure what he was going to do but then his fingers pressed into my shoulders and the muscles of my neck. If I couldn't melt into him this was the next best thing.

"Ohhh my God," I moaned. "You have the most amazing touch of any man I've ever felt," I could hear him chuckle slightly behind me as his fingers melted away the tension of the day.

"I've heard that many times, trust me."

What?! What was that? Was that an admission that he'd done this to a guy before, that he'd made a guy feel this good before or was it just mindless chat?

I didn't really care because he was making his way down my back using the thumb of his right hand or more importantly the knuckle of that thumb and pressing into my back under each shoulder blade in turn through my shirt. If I were not sitting I would have pooled on the floor like a puddle of goop.

"Ooooh, yeah, that feels so good," he pushed just a touch harder and I gasped in pure ecstasy. How was he doing this to me? He was making me feel like I'd just been fucked up the ass by a footballer for fifteen minutes with only his thumb.

The thumb left my back and the feeling was like a guy pulling his dick out of my ass.

The fingers returned at my shoulders and were pushing again into the muscles of my neck.

This went on for another five minutes before he patted my shoulder and pulled away from me

I was totally exhausted. I sat in a chair for fifteen minutes and I was totally exhausted.

"That was totally amazing," I gasped. "I mean, woah, I…" Words escaped me. Nothing could describe the feelings he'd just given me. He smiled again and turned to go and get ready for bed.

"Oh no, don't think you're going to get away with turning me into soggy pudding without letting me get back," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Your turn now," he looked at me with what had to be a passionate longing that I'd never seen on any other man, ever.

"I do full body massage though. Are you game?" He nodded his head slightly and then in one fluid movement his shirt was off and I gazed upon his gorgeous body. My breath caught slightly but I covered it with a cough.

"We'll have to go into the bedroom to do this properly though," the though didn't seem to phase Dean as he walked past me and into the bathroom which adjoined both Andrew's bedroom and mine.

My heart was thumping so hard in my chest it must have been audible. I entered my room and quickly got the massage oil I kept in my bedside table. I fumbled as my hand, by reflex went for the tube of lube, which was also in there. Somehow that fumble made me feel bad that I would be fucking Dean. That changed in a second.

Dean entered the room with nothing more that a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist.

"Flergble," was the unintelligible word which entered my head, it was shortly followed by "Holy fuck!"

"I hope you don't mind but this was the only towel that was in the bathroom," he walked over to the foot of my bed.

"Gakflerkal," was the word that my mind was spitting at me as he stood there wearing my towel. My towel. My towel was against his naked flesh. My towel.

"Lay face down on the bed please," I was more than sure that my voice wavered slightly as I spoke but if it did it didn't register with Dean who crawled onto the bed.

I poured a small amount of oil onto his back and then began rubbing it in... be continued :-)

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