Rough Trade

By moc.loa@gnoSniR

Published on Jun 12, 2001



Rough Trade PWP with 98 Degrees and Nsync. By Rin

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Lance Bass/Nick Lachey

Dedicated to Kyla, Steph, and Kis. All three of who have enjoyed these immensely and encouraged more to come. You can thank Steph for this pairing. Oh, and special thanks to Matthew, the one person who seriously twisted my mind with RPS of the best form.

Rough Trade

Darkness and light.

That is all he could see. There were no shades of gray here. The only colors his eyes could make out was the black shadows and the white lights of the street lamps shining through the curtains in the room.

Movement. "Hello?" He calls out to the shape moving through the room. He can tell that it is moving loser. "Who's there?"

Before he could say anything else, he felt himself lifted off of his feet and thrown onto the bed. A sure weight settled on top of him as warm lips found his own in a raw kiss. He felt the burn of coarse facial hair scrape his neck as the lips moved down.

Losing himself in the sensations, he moaned and grabbed the head of his silent assailant. Pulling it closer to his face, he kissed him, and felt the strong push of a tongue against his lips, demanding entry. He opened his mouth with a sigh and lost himself to the bliss.

Reaching down over the back of the man on top of him, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, breaking the kiss for a moment. As soon as the shirt was gone, his lips were claimed again with a throaty growl. Normally seen by the world as the nice boy of the group, Lance kissed him back roughly, feeling his lips bruise with the pressure.

It was in that moment that his partner broke away and tore off the t-shirt Lance was wearing. Tossing it over his shoulder, he leered down at the blonde man beneath him. "Much better. Now, the pants."

"Nick! I just bought that," Lance protested as Nick Lachey lifted him off of the bed and removed his pants, underwear and all.

"Sorry, I'll buy you another," Nick said distractedly.

"Yeah, right. Just like all of the other ones," Lance said grinning at him.

"C'mere," Nick said.

As Nick picked him up, he noticed that somehow, Nick had also lost his pants as well. Wondering vaguely where they had gone during the brief tussle that they had moments before, Lance looked around the room. "Now, where were we Lance? What are you doing?"

"Where did your pants go?"

"Wha? my pants?!"

"Yeah, I wanted to take them off of you," Lance said. Nick grinned and then closed his eyes as Lance reached out and began to stroke him in quick, smooth strokes.

Not missing a beat, Lance moved in for the kill. Nick groaned as Lance replaced his hand with a quick lick of his tongue up the shaft and over the head, tasting the bittersweet taste of Nick's precome in the process. He stood and reached up and pulled Nick into a kiss.

Nick, moving down to nip at the tender skin on Lance's neck, right in the crook of his jaw, picked him up and carried him back over to the bed. Somehow, they had ended up on the other side of the room. And right now, in bed was where Nick wanted him.

He broke the kiss and let Lance drop onto the bed. Lance gazed up at him, his green eyes glazed over with desire, reminded Nick of milky jade. Reaching over to the night stand, he grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed some into his palm.

Closing the top, he tossed the bottle over his shoulder and began to stroke himself. Lance reclined back against the pillows and spread his legs, anxious for what was to come. Nick, however, had other things in mind .

He reached out and pulled Lance to him, grabbing him around the waist. Once Lance was in position, his legs wrapped around Nick's waist. Nick reached down and guided himself to the quivering ring of heat and pushed into Lance in one quick thrust.

Gasping, Lance arched his back off of the mattress and reached for Nick, who swept him up and held him close as he began to quickly thrust in and out of him. Lance, threw his head back and lost himself in the sensation.

Nick had never done this before, but he loved it. Not caring who heard him, Lance cried out, begging for more. "Oh God! Nick, that feels so good!"

The sounds of their sex filled the room. Grunts and low growls from Nick. Gasps of pleasure and small whimpers of need from Lance. Lance could tell that Nick was getting close, he was becoming merciless in his need for release. Lance knew he wasn't far behind either.

Reaching up and wrapping his arms around Nick's neck, he leaned in and pulled the other man into a kiss. Not a moment later, Lance realized that he couldn't wait any longer. Throwing his head back, he shouted Nick's name and came in quick long bursts.

Nick leaned forward and captured Lance's lips in a rough kiss and thrust deeply into him, letting himself flow, while continuing to thrust softly as his orgasm ebbed.

Afterwards, they lay entwined in each others arms, asleep.

Meanwhile, outside in the hall, two figures were seen walking down the corridor toward one of the other rooms. They were laughing quietly and talking to each other about the show they had just heard.

"See? I told you that Lance would get a nice welcome from Nick," said the shorter of the two men. He reached over and patted his partner in crime on the shoulder, revealing a marking of black ink encircling his arm.

"Yeah, I guess you were right," the other man replied. He grinned as they walked under an overhead light, that glinted off of a gold medallion hanging around his neck, earning him is nickname.


Let me know, I might write more ficlets with more than the Lance/?.

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