Roxys Discovery

Published on Jan 10, 2018


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Ten

By Chris

April was laying on her back with Roxy on her side with her head lying on April's shoulder. "I want to ask you something, it involves the story that you like so much," April told her.

"Oh god, you actually read it," Roxy said surprised that April would bring up the story after all this time.

"Several times," April told her.

"Oh god that's embarrassing, I was hoping that you had forgotten about it," Roxy said turning her head so that her face was pressed against April's arm and shoulder so April couldn't see her blushing.

"No I didn't forget about it," April said softly.

"Obviously since you read it several times, you must have liked it," Roxy said with her face still pressed about April's arm and shoulder.

"Well the first time I read it was just to see what it was about, the rest was to try and figure out why it means so much to you," April said softly. "Which leads me to my question."

"What's that?" Roxy asked not moving her face.

"Sit up for me, I want to see your face as we talk," April said and Roxy felt April gently pushing on her shoulder.

"Do I have to?" Roxy asked raising her head slightly.

"I would like for you to," April told her.

If April had asked her in any other way she might have argued but with the way April had asked her, she couldn't refuse though she was nervous about whatever April wanted to talk about. "Okay," Roxy said finally sitting up.

April sat up facing her and she waited until she had sat up opposite of her before talking. "Is this story a fantasy of yours or has it become that for you?"

"I told you it was just something I read before you came into my life, I haven't read it since that day," Roxy said.

"It's fine if you had, I don't mind but that isn't what I asked you," April said being patient with her.

"Why do you want to know?" Roxy had to ask not knowing where April was going with this line of questions.

"Just humor me," April said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Maybe," Roxy admitted.

"I will take that as a yes," April said still with that reassuring smile.

"But I don't..." Roxy was saying until she saw April's hand come up stopping her.

"What if I tell you that I might be able to make that fantasy come true?" April asked.

Roxy felt her heart stop for a split second and she hoped that April didn't see that reaction that she was sure that she showed. Roxy then quickly said, "No I don't need it to come true, I got you and that is all I need."

Roxy tried to read into April's eyes to see if she believed her and she feared that she didn't so she tried another track, "why would you even think about me wanting to do something like that?"

April didn't say anything, she just reached for her hands taking them in hers. Roxy felt the way April's was softly holding her hands and she felt the love and understanding she had in her hands and her heart.

April gave her a smile and then she said, "You know that I have had my wild times, I have told you about a lot of them. I had fun and I enjoyed them all but I'm past that now. However, when I see you and how you've never gotten to do anything until I came along. I want to give you this gift, I want you to do something that somewhere in the back of your mind, I believe you want to do."

"But that story has several women in it and the girl... well you read the story." Roxy stuttered out.

"Yes I did and I see a little of you in that girl," April told her.

"No I don't have her in me, not in the least so let's just forget about that damn story!" Roxy said to her forcefully wanting to end this conversation right here and now before it went any further.

"Okay baby, I won't bring it up again," April said to her and then she reached out pulling her in close.

Roxy was relieved that April was going to drop the damn story and she wished she had never read it in the first place. However, as April held her, she couldn't get the story to disappear from her thoughts. April held her tightly for a few minutes before they settled back down in the bed and turned off the lights. This left Roxy to her thoughts and she didn't like what she was thinking but she couldn't stop herself. What bothered Roxy the most was that April was right, the story had long since become a fantasy of hers, it had gotten her through a lot of long lonely nights.

The next day, with classes to attend, she managed to forget the conversation with April and get her mind straight again. April was true to her word and she didn't bring it back up however, somewhere back in her head, that conversation found a placed to hide not far from her conscious thought. A couple of weeks went by and everything was fine until a fateful Friday when Roxy had a hard day in school with her professors presenting her with surprise tests that she hadn't prepared for; she feared that she had flunked them both. April had an equally bad day, with students coming in all day with problems that they wanted solved right then.

Roxy decided that they both needed one of her father's special drinks so they changed into the shorty pajama sets that Roxy had found on sale. The tops were short sleeved with a button top and the shorts were loose fitting and comfortable. They sat on the couch relaxing, letting the drink take the tension from their bodies. They both just sat there not really talking, just enjoying the evening and letting the drink do its work. For Roxy, her father's drink worked too well and the place that her mind had hid her fantasy found an opening thus letting it back into her conscious thought.

"I'm not interested in doing anything but I am curious as to how you would make my fantasy come true," Roxy told her.

Roxy saw a knowing smile flash across April's lips and she knew why April had so easily agreed not to bring the subject up again, April had known all along that she would do so on her own.

"You remember me saying that I had help in getting a job at the university? You know the women that I met when I helped out on an alumni dinner" April asked.

"Yeah, I remember you mentioning that," Roxy said.

"Well over time I got to know these two women very well... very well," April said with a grin.

"You had sex with them?" Roxy asked now really curious.

"Yes I did, but not the way you are probably imagining," April said. "I met them there and one of them gave me her number to call her sometime. I sort of knew what she was wanting but she fooled me. I did go to her house and it was a beautiful house and both ladies were there. Anyway, we didn't just jump into bed, we had dinner and talked and then I went home. I was in my wild stage so I was actually disappointed nothing happened because they both were beautiful women. I ended up having dinner there several times over the next several weeks and I got a real education but not about sex more about life and careers. It got to the point that I forgot about sex but wanted to go as the conversation was great and they would let me argue with them if I disagreed with what they were saying. What I didn't realize until later was that they were seeing if they could trust me. Once they realized that whatever we talked about never got beyond their home did our conversations progress to the bedroom. And let me tell you that they knew what they were doing, they taught me how to make love and how to truly love someone as they obviously did with each other."

"And it is these two ladies who will be a part of my fantasy?" Roxy asked without realizing how she had asked the question revealing more than she had intended.

"Yes, they will because I know that we can trust them, that you can trust them to do what we ask of them and it will never leave this house," April told her.

"So, would I'll have to meet them so that they can learn if they can trust me?" Roxy asked.

"No, I don't want you to meet them until the night that we play out your fantasy," April said.

"If we do," Roxy corrected her. "And they would do it without knowing that they can trust me?"

"Yes, because they know that I would never put them in a position that they could get hurt," April told her.

"And how do I know that I can trust them?" Roxy asked.

"Because they have more to lose than either one of us do, if it got out that they were helping a coed to play out a fantasy, it could ruin their standing with the college, not to mention their businesses," April told her.

"Then why would they do it?" Roxy asked.

"Because I asked them to and secondly because I think they would be as excited about doing this as you are... as you are right now just from talking about it" April said with a knowing smile.

"I'm not excited right now, not in the least," Roxy lied.

"So if I was to put my fingers into your panties, they wouldn't find you wet?" April asked.

"Fuck you!" Roxy said and April laughed.

"I thought so," April said.

Roxy did laugh but then she turned serious, "I got one more question for you."

"What's that?" April asked.

"Why would you let them touch me and... well whatever else will happen. I mean if I caught you in bed with another woman, I'd kill you," Roxy said.

"And I'd do the same to you," April said. "However, this is different."

"How so?" Roxy asked.

"For one thing, they'll never enter "OUR" bedroom and I'll be the one directing what happens. But to answer your real question, it's because I want to give this to you. I want you to feel the things that you've only dreamed about feeling. I can't just make you feel the things in the story, we've build a different type of relationship and I don't want to change that. I just want us to be sitting on the porch fifty years from now and be giggling about the night we..." April said leaving the rest of her thought unsaid but then it didn't need to be Roxy had that image in her head.

"I admit you got me wanting to do this but I'm scared that it will change us, change our relationship," Roxy admitted.

"It won't and we'll both have to power to stop it. I'll give you a safe word to say if something goes too far or you decide this really isn't what you wanted after all," April told her.

"Won't your friends be disappointed if I decide to stop the fantasy before it even begins?" Roxy asked.

"If they are, they'll never tell us. Besides even if nothing happens, we will have a pleasant evening with two wonderful women who have lots of interesting things to say," April told her. "Like I said when I first met them, we had a lot of long discussions and I hope that you too will see that side of them."

"If I decide to do this, how will it happen?" Roxy asked.

"You'll let me know and I will start things going but it won't happen immediately. I have a few things to do to get everything in place and I won't start that until you say so. That way you'll have time to change your mind." April told her.

"That might not be a good thing, I might get cold feet," Roxy told her.

"I want you to have time to change your mind, that way when the time comes, you'll be doing it because you truly want to." April told her.

"You know given enough time, I'll talk myself out of doing it," Roxy told her fearing that would be the case if she decided to go through with it.

"Maybe... maybe not," April said with a smile. "but enough talk about your fantasy, we got a bigger problem to deal with tonight."

"What problem is that?" Roxy said not knowing of any problem she had at the moment other than the one that they were just talking about.

"What we're going to do about those wet panties that you have on," April said with a devilish grin.

Roxy was going to argue however April was slipping off the couch and was now crawling on her knees toward her so she kept her mouth shut. Once April was in front of her, she bent forward putting her hands to the waist of her pajama shorts and began to pull them down. Roxy raised her ass up while moving it to the edge of the couch as April pulled on off legs.

"Oh, I believe that I was right about the wet panties you have on," April said grinning from ear to ear.

Roxy had to smile, "Yes you were right, I was getting excited talking about my fantasy."

"I thought so, but how excited did you get?" April asked and as she leaned forward, Roxy knew that April didn't need or want for her to answer.

She watched as April kissed her pussy through her panties and she let out a moan. "Oh, I believe that you got very excited thinking about two very beautiful women touching you, doing as they please to you, and there is nothing you can do about it" April whispered to her.

"Oh fuck!" Roxy cried out feeling her pussy spasm as that image came to her mind. It was just like what happened to the girl in the story.

April leaned in again and she placed her mouth on her pussy sucking against her damp panties. "I bet it will be so embarrassing to have those strange beautiful women touching you."

"Fuck!" Roxy cried out and then April put her mouth over her clit sucking hard through her panties. "Oh got I'm cumming!" And she did, her orgasm hit her hard taking her breath from her body.

When she recovered, April was smiling at her while using her hands to caress her thighs. "April, please take me to the bed and fuck me,'" Roxy said to her with a thick lust filled tone of voice.

"Stay right here," April said getting up to her feet. Roxy started to reach for her pajama top but April reached down grasping her hands, "Let me do that."

Roxy groaned wanting to hurry and get naked for April but she dropped her hands to her thighs. April leaned down and gave her a kiss, a brief light kiss before leaving. This left Roxy to think about what had just happened, April's words rang in her head and they spoke of her hidden dreams and she knew that she would eventually tell April that she wanted to play this out.

April returned a moment later, naked except for the cock that she was wearing. She came over to her, first placed two throw pillows onto the floor in front of her. April got down on her knees between her legs using her hands to open her legs further. Roxy watched April's hands come up to begin to unbutton her pajama top slowly exposing her breasts and slipping her top off of her shoulders. April then leaned forward giving a kiss to her right nipple. Roxy also felt April's fake cock rubbing against her pussy through her panties. April kissed her left nipple pausing to suck on it for a prolonged moment. She pulled back putting her hands to her panties. Roxy raised her hips up allowing April to pull her panties off her hips and down her legs.

Once off, April placed her hands on her thighs and she leaned to give her pussy a long slow lick up to her clit where she sucked on it for a moment. When she raised back up, Roxy watched as April placed the head of her fake cock to her pussy. She slowly pushed her hips forward and Roxy felt her pussy being filled with April's fake cock. She let out a contented moan as she wrapped her legs around April's hips pulling April's fake cock even deeper into her pussy.

April put her hands onto Roxy's breasts making Roxy moan when she squeezed them. April kept her hips still until she gave a kiss to her right nipple and only then did she feel April pull her hips back and begin to fuck her. She started slow but soon she was fucking her harder and deeper while she continued to kiss and suck on her nipples in turn. Roxy gripped April's shoulders while April fucked her pussy and she sucked on her nipples with her hands squeezing them as she did so. Much sooner than she wanted, she felt her clit getting very sensitive and she used her heels to push on April's ass urging her to go faster and deeper and April did. Roxy felt her orgasm build until it exploded inside of her and she let out a loud moan. This orgasm was just as intense as the first one and it too left her trying to catch her breath.

When she recovered, April was slowly pulling her fake cock from her pussy leaving her empty but satisfied. "My turn baby," April said already taking the harness off. April was obviously very aroused and she needed to be fucked. Roxy took the harness from her and began to put it on while April turned around putting her ass up in the air as she lowered her head down on the floor. Roxy got down on her knees behind her putting the head of her cock to April's very wet pussy. Before she could even push her hips forward, April pushed her hips back burying the cock deep into her pussy. Roxy then knew what April wanted so she grasped April's hips and began to fuck her hard pulling back on April's hips as she pushed her hips forward. April began to grunt and moan as Roxy fucked her deep and hard. Roxy began to sweat knowing that at this pace that April wouldn't last long and she didn't, she soon let out a loud moan as her orgasm hit. April fell forward on the floor pulling the cock from her wet pussy.

Roxy removed her harness so that she could pull April up off the cold floor and hold her until April regained her ability to talk. "How about us getting up off this cold floor and into the warm bed."

"Sounds good to me," Roxy said giving her a kiss before getting up and helping April to her feet.

Roxy turned off the lights as April made their bed ready. Roxy slipped into bed sliding in close to April. They kissed and then cuddled warming their bodies as they pressed in close to each other. The room grew silent except for their gentle breathing and that allowed Roxy to think. Everything that April had said went through her head. She couldn't deny the effect that April's words had on her. She knew that those words would stay with her until she told April that she wanted to go through with her fantasy. She knew that if she didn't she would regret it or at the very least, she would wish that she had the guts to do it when she had the chance and she knew that April would make sure that no one would ever tell about what they did. She took a few minutes to gather her thoughts and only then did she speak.

In something barely over a whisper, she said, "I want to do this, I don't want to be thinking twenty years from now that I didn't do it when I had the chance and I know that I cantrust you to do it right. I just fear that when the time comes I will back out..."

"I don't believe that you will baby and I promise to try and make it all you've dreamed it to be. I'm not going to go exactly like the story but I have thought a lot about what you might want this to be and hopefully I will get close to that." April told her.

"You've really given this a lot of thought haven't you," Roxy stated.

April gave out a little laugh, "Probably as much as you have, I just want to get it right."

"Does doing this excite you any? I mean I want you to enjoy it too. I don't want you to be left out," Roxy told her.

"Yes, it does excite me and don't worry I won't be left out," April said giving her a light kiss.

"Just how will you be involved?" Roxy had to ask.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see, won't you," April said with sheepish grin.

"I figured you'd say that," Roxy told her smiling at April's response.

"Let me ask you, do you really want to know?" April asked.

"No not really, that will just take some of the excitement," Roxy conceded.

April pulled her in closer giving her a kiss, a lingering kiss. "Now stop worrying about what will happen and just look forward to it when it does happen. I got a little work to do but I'll let you know when the time comes," April said before giving her another kiss. When this kiss ended, April turned onto her back and Roxy laid her head onto April's shoulder already feeling the pressure ease off and she fell asleep with a smile.

They slept in late and after breakfast, April left to visit her mother, something she was long overdue doing. Roxy on the other hand, went in to her study and began to work on a paper that was due the following week. She had all the work done, it was just a matter of putting it into the form that her professor wanted. That took most of the day and when she finished it, she did a little laundry and cleaning before finishing up her studies for the weekend.

When April came in, she appeared a little down as she usually did after spending that much time with her mother. The relationship between her and her mother had vastly improved but still April wanted to be free to talk about her relationship with Roxy without making it seem more of a friendship than what it really was. But as Roxy pointed out to her, she was at least talking about her and that in reality her mother had accepted her lifestyle and one day she would be able to talk about it freely.

Roxy did greatly improved April's mood when she suggested that they get dressed and go to April's favorite restaurant and then so see the movie that April had been dying to see. After a quick shower, they got dressed to go out for the evening. The dinner was great and the movie was even better. It was one that Roxy didn't think she would like as it was supposed to be a tearjerker and it was. But she came out feeling good as it ended the way that Roxy had hoped that it would.

When they got home, they each took a bathroom to pee and then April came into the bathroom where Roxy was just finishing brushing her teeth. She rinsed her mouth and stepped back. She waited until April had begun to brush her teeth and then she stepped in behind her. She wrapped her arms around April who gave her a smile through the mirror. Roxy kissed the back of her neck and April smiled again but then that smile began to change when she began to pull April's sweater upwards.

April pulled her toothbrush out asking, "What are you doing?"

"I'm undressing you so that I can make mad passionate love to you," Roxy whispered into her ear.

"Let me finishing brushing my teeth babe," April said obviously liking the idea of making love.

"I can't wait that long," Roxy said taking advantage of April having her toothbrush out of her mouth and she finished pulling April's sweater off. April quickly rinsed her toothbrush out though she wasn't finished brushing her teeth, in fact she had barely begun. While April was rinsing her mouth, Roxy unhooked her bra letting it drop down April's arms.

April straightened up and Roxy put her hands under her breasts lifting them and holding them in her hands. "Let's go to the bedroom baby," April said with her voice coming out in a deep throaty tone.

"No I want to see you as I make love to you," Roxy said and she could see April blushing. She used her thumbs and fingers to roll April's nipples causing them to harden and rise up.

"You know I hate to look at my body, I feel embarrassed doing this in front of the mirror," April said looking downward.

As soon as April said that, Roxy knew she had a way of making sure April knew what she wanted from her fantasy. Roxy used her hand to lift April's chin so that she had to look into the mirror, "I want to feel that same way only a hundred times worse in my fantasy."

April turned around in her arms and she looked directly into her eyes, "I know and I promise you will but in a safe way," she said softly.

April then gave her a kiss before turning back around and looking directly into the mirror much to Roxy's surprise. Her cheeks were red and grew redder when Roxy put her hands back onto April's breasts squeezing them and teasing her nipples.

"You know you weren't so bashful when I took those pictures of you," Roxy whispered to her before kissing the side of her neck.

"We were just playing and you were using your tablet; besides you only took a few pictures," April replied.

"The next time and there will be a next time, I will be using my father's camera and take lots of them," Roxy whispered making April's cheeks turn a deep red hue along with her neck.

"Oh no," April said.

"Oh yes," Roxy said smiling into the mirror for April to see.

She continued to caress and tease April's breasts as she watched and then she moved her hands down to April's jeans. She undid the button and begun to push them off her hips. She had to go down on her knees to push them on down and help April step out of them. She stayed on her knees putting her hands to April's ass cheeks caressing them over her panties. She hooked her fingers into the waistband of April's panties pulling them down giving a kiss to each of April's ass cheeks while moving her panties down to April's ankles and helping her step out of them. She slid her knees back pulling April's hips with her. She then placed her hand on April's back pressing on it to get her to bend over. April could no longer see herself in the mirror but that point had already been made. Now was the time to do what she came in here to do.

She used her hands to get April to open her legs which that didn't take much urging to get her to do. April now had her arms folded on the sink with her head laying upon them. Roxy used her hands to part April's cheeks exposing her cute pink asshole. Roxy leaned in giving her a light kiss there.

"Oh fuckkkk..." April moaned loudly as Roxy knew she would, she knew how much April loved having her asshole touched and played with.

Roxy leaned in again, this time she used the tip of her tongue to rim her asshole going around and around it with April moaning all the while. She really began to moan when Roxy began to use the flat of her tongue against it, licking it a moment before running the tip of her tongue to the top of April's ass crack and then back down to her asshole where she licked it again. She did this again only this time she pushed the tip of her tongue into April's asshole bringing forth a loud moan.

Roxy pressed her face into April's ass so that she could use her fingers to tease April's very wet pussy. She caressed them at first before she used her right fingers on April's clit and her left ones to push into her pussy. She had barely begun to fuck her pussy when April's legs locked up and she cried out as her orgasm hit.

Roxy held onto April keeping her from falling when her legs relaxed as the orgasm coursed through her body. When April began to come back around, Roxy coaxed her to turn around and she helped her to sit on the edge of the sink counter. Roxy got back down on her knees in front of April opening her legs wide. She began to lick the juices oozing from her pussy before April could protest. She licked the outer labia staying away from her clit to get April aroused again.

A minute later she heard April say, "Damn you," and then she felt April's hands at the back of her head holding her to her pussy. Roxy used her fingers to open April's lips so that she could get her tongue in deeper, licking up the juices flowing from her. She sucked on her lips before going back to her pussy and licking in deeper. It was only when April urged her head upwards did Roxy go to April's hard clit licking it and then sucking it into her mouth. She sucked hard making April moaned loudly and when she began to lick her clit April let out an even louder moan and she came again, this orgasm just as intense as the first one.

Roxy licked April clean and only then did she stand up pulling April into her body. "Let's go to the bedroom," Roxy said to her once April had recovered.

"Oh... now you want to go to the bedroom," April told her.

"Yep," Roxy said with a laugh.

"That figures," April said giving a kiss to Roxy's cheek.

Once they got to the bed, April made Roxy lay down first and she lay on top of her giving her kisses that Roxy so welcomed. Roxy would have been content to just kiss however there was another part of her body that wanted to be kissed too and that part won out.

"Baby I need you..." Roxy was saying after April had given her a long lingering passionate kiss.

April began to slip down her body stopping for only a moment to kiss and suck on each of her nipples. When she got down between her legs, Roxy already had them spread wide for her. Roxy was thankful that April didn't bother to tease her; she just dove in licking and sucking on her pussy. Roxy moaned very loudly pushing her hips up into April's mouth. A moment later she felt April using her fingers to spread her open feeling her tongue going even deeper inside of her. April's tongue moved around just inside of her entrance making her even more aroused and producing more juices that April seemed to be content on licking and sucking up.

Roxy was becoming so aroused and she felt the need to orgasm rise within her soul, April seemed to have read her mind as she felt a couple of April's fingers entering her pussy and her tongue going to her clit, using the flat of her tongue to lick it hard and fast. Roxy knew she wouldn't last long nor did she want to, she needed to feel the release and April brought forth that release very quickly. Roxy heard herself crying out as the pleasure she was seeking overwhelmed her body and soul.

When she had recovered, and was thus able to open her eyes; she looked down to see April looking up at her from between her legs while she tenderly licked her pussy. "Come up here and cuddle with me," Roxy told her as she reached down to April's cheers urging her to come up in the bed.

"No I still owe you another orgasm," April said with a big smile.

"Come up here and cuddle with me first," Roxy told her using her fingers to pull a little more urgently.

April seemed to think about it for a second before she smiled and gave in moving up to lay beside of her. Roxy pulled her in closely using her fingers to caress April's cheeks and then she began to let her fingers run through April's hair.

"You keep doing that and you'll put me to sleep," April said softly and Roxy could already see April's eyelids getting heavy.

"Then go to sleep my love," Roxy said kissing April lightly on her forehead.

"You know I've long since fallen in love with you," April said in almost a whisper.

Roxy felt her eyes getting moist upon hearing April say that she loved her. "I've fallen in love with you too," she said just as softly.

"You have?" April asked moving her head up so that she could look at her.

"Yes baby I have," Roxy said giving her a kiss, a soft lingering kiss.

"When did you know that you loved me?" April asked.

"I don't know, maybe the day that followed me out of that interview with your boss," Roxy said seriously.

"You couldn't have fallen in love with me then, you didn't even know me," April told her.

"No I didn't but I knew there was something about you that made me want to see you again," Roxy said knowing that April wouldn't accept that answer no matter how true she felt that it was so she gave April an answer that was just as truthful. "but I knew for sure that I truly loved you when you said that you had fallen in love with me."

April seemed to think about this for a moment and then she smiled, "I knew for sure when you saw that I was a feeling a little down and you did everything you could to make me feel better, even going to a movie that you knew was a tearjerker."

"I hate to see you sad," Roxy said giving April another kiss.

"I'll never be really sad when I got you to come home to," April said before putting her head back down on her shoulder and soon she was asleep and Roxy wasn't far behind her.

The following Wednesday, April called her telling her that she had an errant to run on her way home and that she'd be late. This wasn't all that unusual as sometimes April did have work related things to do either at work or on the way home from work. She would always tell her what she was doing and how long it was going to take, the unusual part this time was that she did neither. Roxy knew she could trust April but she was curious as to why she didn't tell her what she was doing. She thought about this for a bit going over anything April would need to do and not want to tell her. She was just about to call April back when it hit her what April could be doing.

She had remembered that April had told her at the beginning that she would have time to back out of her fantasy as she had some things to do to get ready. This just made Roxy all the more curious, this time trying to figure out what those things were. Her first thought was that she was going to see her friends that would be a part of her fantasy. But that thought was proven wrong when that Sunday April told her that she had to meet with some of the colleges donors about an upcoming event. She also put on a conservative pant suit that one would wear when meeting with someone rich and important.

Over the next couple of weeks, April had several more errands to do and another Sunday afternoon spent with the donors of the college. April never mentioned what these were about and Roxy didn't ask. But eventually April had to run out of errands to do and the last one happened on a Friday about three weeks after Roxy had made her decision to go ahead with her fantasy.

April didn't get home until about eleven in the evening and Roxy was pacing the floors worrying about her as she had never gotten in that late before. In fact, she was getting a bit pissed at her for not calling. Roxy heard April's car pull in and she went into the kitchen wanting April to have to come looking for her. She began to fix the coffee maker for coffee in the morning when she heard April entering the kitchen. Roxy didn't say anything keeping her back to April as she wanted April to say something first so that she could let her have it for not telling her that she was going to be coming home that late.

April come up to her, wrapping her arms around her waist. Roxy didn't move waiting for April to open her mouth and she would light into her. She felt April's warm breath against her right ear and then April whispered, "Tomorrow night at seven, your fantasy will begin."

Suddenly Roxy found that she had no ability to talk, her throat tightened down yo the point that she could barely breath much less get the words out that were swirling around her inside her head. After what seemed like forever but was just a few seconds, she was able to let her breath out and she regained her ability to say the words that were on the tip of her tongue.

"I thought you said I would have time to back out," Roxy said as she felt her knees becoming weak and she was having trouble just trying to stand. She felt April taking ahold of her and then she felt April helping her to move backwards. When April stopped, she felt April pulling her down so that she was now sitting upon her lap. She slowly began to recover from the shock of knowing that after all this talking, it really was going to happen.

"Honey, didn't you know what I've been doing for the past few weeks? Since you never asked, I figured that you knew." April asked with concern in her both her eyes and words.

Roxy looked at her and saw that concern and she found comfort there. "Yes I knew... I knew exactly what you were doing." She confessed. "But as long as I knew that you were still trying to make it happen that there was always the possibility that it might not happen, like if your friends wouldn't want to go through with it. It wasn't until you told me that it was going to be tomorrow night that I knew the time had come to decide if I wanted it to happen."

"Do you want to back out? You know you can do so at any time, right now, tomorrow night before we start, or even after we have started. All I've done is to put the pieces in place. It's up to you if any of those pieces ever gets moved." April told her.

She looked into April's eyes wanting to ask her what she should do but she knew April wouldn't and couldn't tell her, this was her decision to make and hers alone. Roxy had only to look into those kind loving eyes to know that everything was going to be okay with whatever she decided. She smiled and said, "I want to do it."

"You sure?" April asked.

"Yes, this is something that I've secretly dreamed about doing for so long and I will forever regret if I don't at least try," Roxy said with a smile but then she turned serious. "But I have a condition that you have to agree to or it'll never happen."

"Sure, I'll agree to anything you want," April said.

"No you have to hear me out and then either agree or disagree," Roxy told her firmly.

"You know you're painting me into a corner, if I don't agree your fantasy doesn't come true and I want more than anything to make it come true for you," April told her honestly.

"I know I am but you have to be honest with me or you can call your friends right now and tell them that it is off," Roxy said and then she got up off April's lap thankful that her legs were able to support her now. She went to the other side of the table where April had put her purse and she got April's phone out. She came back across the table and sat back in April's lap only this time she faced her with her legs to each side of April's legs. She handed April her phone, "If I don't think you are serious, I'll make you call them and call the whole thing off."

"Okay I promise to give you an honest answer," April said.

"You've given me control to end this at any time but I want you to promise me that you'll end it at any time you're not comfortable with what is happening. I will not have my silly fantasy end our relationship, it cannot end it." Roxy said staring straight into April's eyes.

April smiled back at her, "I figured that was what you were getting to and believe it or not I have thought long and hard about what is going to happen. I have already told them that no kissing is allowed, your lips belong to me. And as we talked before, if I ever catch you with another woman... well it won't be pleasant. And I will tell you one more thing about tomorrow night, while they will not be touching me, you will. So yes I agree to your terms and if once the evening starts and I feel the green monster of jealously arise within me I will end it."

"Okay your safe word is 'Get your fucking hands off my bitch!'" Roxy said in all seriousness.

April laughed, "Well that'll get the point across, but I thought you were going to give me a safe word, not words."

"Well I have always been known to use several words when only one is needed," Roxy said laughing at herself and that brought forth a laugh from April.

"So are we on for tomorrow night or do I need to use my phone?" April asked of her.

"Then we are on," Roxy replied with a nervous tremor showing in her voice.

"It will be fun, I promise," April said giving her a hug, a comforting and badly needed hug as far as Roxy was concern.

Roxy let her hold her for a few minutes with neither of them saying anything but then Roxy had to break the silence. "So how exactly are we going to do this anyway? I don't want it to go exactly by the story." Roxy said and she saw a smile come to April's lips that told her that April, as always, was ahead of her on that one. "You have a plan in place, don't you?"

"No it won't go exactly like your story and yes I do have a plan in place with the help of my friends." April said.

"You had them read the story too didn't you?" Roxy asked feeling herself blushing a little.

"I had to have them read it so that they knew what their roles would be and what I was wanting them to do," April said. "And by the way, they loved it."

"So you going to tell me what my role is?" Roxy asked.

"Don't be mad but I can't tell you tonight, I want to wait until tomorrow right before they arrive before I set the scene," April said.

Roxy thought this over for a moment wanting to be mad at April yet she liked the idea of not knowing. "Okay I can live with that but I don't want to be clueless as to what I am supposed to do."

"You won't be but I want this to be as real as possible and if you know what will happen then it won't be. If I told you all that I have planned then you just become an actress in a play. I will give you enough to start and then we will see where it goes. Is that okay?" April asked.

"Yeah, it's fine. I think that is the only way it will become my fantasy," Roxy admitted.

"Good now let's go to bed," April said.

"And make love?" Roxy asked hopefully as she was becoming more than a little aroused.

"I'm afraid that I am cutting you off until tomorrow, tonight we just cuddle with our pajamas on," April told her.

"You're no fun," Roxy said with a pout.

"I dare you to tell me that tomorrow night," April said giving her a knowing smile.

"I know better than to say that," Roxy said getting up off April's lap.

Once they were in bed, with their pajamas on, Roxy still wanted to make love however with April holding her close, she felt content to just lay there in April's loving arms. Roxy was sure that she would never be able to fall asleep and it did take her a while but with her head resting on April's chest, hearing the steady rhythm of April's heartbeat and her gentle breathing, she did eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Roxy knew better than try to study, nothing she read or worked on would stick in her head. But then April needed her help to rearraign the living room. Roxy didn't ask why they were doing it, she knew that April wouldn't tell her and besides it gave her something to think about as she tried to figure out just what April was setting up for her fantasy.

They first moved the two sofa chairs to one side of the room and then they brought in the couch that was in her father's study putting it opposite of the one already in the living room. Roxy could figure out that April's two friends would be on one couch and she and April on the other facing each other. Next came a couple of quilts that they put onto the seats of the couch, which wasn't hard to figure out what they were there for. When April had her move the coffee table from between the couches to the far end of the couches so that it closed off that end leaving the other end open left her more than a little confused. She then had her bring it in a little which would shorten the couches in a sense with no one able to sit on the far ends. She knew better than to ask, she wouldn't get an answer.

April studied this for a bit and when she turned on the small chandelier in the center of the room, she decided that everything had to be moved back a couple of feet so that the light was now directly over the space between the couches. Once she was satisfied with the arrangement of the room, they cleaned the whole room making sure that it was spotless, this was more for Roxy's sake as she figured that April's friends lived in houses that were always spotless without a speck of dust to be seen.

It was late afternoon by this time so Roxy fixed them lunch and then she was sent off to take a long bath to get herself ready. April did throw her a curve in that she was only to put on a robe once she was done, April was going to do her hair, makeup and also dress her. Again, Roxy didn't question her though it was killing her not to do so.

Roxy went on to the bathroom, filling the tub with water as hot as she could stand. She was surprised that the hot water actually did relax her as she was hoping that it would. She figured that as the time to started wound down, she became more nervous but she didn't, she was able to keep her nerves under control but that would not last forever, when it began she would be as nervous as hell.

When the water finally began to cool, she bathed herself and let the water out only to refill it about halfway so that she could shave her legs, pussy and armpits. She wasn't really in need to shave but she wanted to be very smooth and soft to touch. Once she finished, she called out to April who came and got her but not before making her close her eyes as they walked from the bedroom to the kitchen. They sat at the table drinking a cup of coffee and just talking but nothing about what the evening would bring.

End of Chapter Ten.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 11

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