Roxys Discovery

Published on Sep 10, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Three

By Chris

When she got home, she took a shower and laid down for a short nap. When she woke up, she fixed herself something to eat and she got out her books to study. It had been a long time since she had done any homework and she had to figure out how to study all over again. She had an even greater respect for those people that had been out of school for twenty or thirty years and went back to school. She had only been out eight years and it was still a struggle for her.

She waited until later on that evening to call Diane just to make sure that she would be home and could talk. Still she had caught her just coming in from some function that she had to attend. Diane told her that she would call her right back after she had changed into something more comfortable. It seemed to take forever for Diane to call her back but she did. Roxy immediately told her about the game and her home run that she didn't mean to hit but still happy about it all the same. After that she told Diane about telling April all about their mother and dad's illnesses and how she had cared for them. They talked about all of this for a while before Roxy decided to tell Diane about her last bit of news of the day.

"I got asked out on a date..." Roxy told her sister.

"That is great, you need to start going out." Diane told her. "So when is April taking you out?"

"How do you know it was April that asked me out, it could have been a man that I met." Roxy asked surprised that Diane knew it was April and even more surprised that she didn't seemed to be upset about it.

"But it was, wasn't it?" Diane stated.

"How do you know that it was April?" Roxy asked.

"It's the way you talk about her and how she had befriended you," Diane told her.

"You okay with me going out with another woman?" Roxy asked almost afraid of the answer she would get but she had to know.

"Honey, you're not the first women in this family that has gone out with another woman," Diane told her.

"Are you.." Roxy asked more than a little surprised upon hearing this.

"A lesbian, no but I do like the company of women as well as men." Diane told her.

"Oh okay," Roxy said even more surprised about learning about this side of Diane. "well I am a lesbian, are you okay with that?"

"Yes my dear sweet sister, I love you," Dine assured her.

"I appreciate that," Roxy said.

"But remember if she takes you to a nice restaurant, it doesn't mean you have to let her into your panties," Diane told her.

"Diane! I can't believe you just said that!" Roxy said feeling her face grow warm and glad that Diane wasn't there to see it.

"I mean it, wait until the second date to let her get into your panties and then you got to tell me all about it," Diane said sounding serious.

"Diane, Shut up!" Roxy said now her face was a deep red hue.

Diane then let out a deep laugh that Roxy tried to resist but Diane had an infectious laugh and she couldn't help herself. They both laughed for a moment before Diane begin to ask more about April, what she was like and all that, much like Roxy would have imagined her mother doing. It was during one of their long talks that Roxy had with her mother that she told her about her feelings toward women that she had felt since she became aware of her sexuality. Her mother seemed to understood her feelings and supported her. Roxy didn't know if her mother's illness gave her a different perspective or not, she thought not but still she needed her mother's support then and she needed Diane's support now. It was a nice feeling to know that she had both of their support and understanding.

It was late before she got off the phone and by then she felt completely exhausted. Even with her short nap, she was tired so turned off the lamp and turned to her side for some much-needed sleep.

She thought a lot about April over the next couple of days but it wasn't until Tuesday that she realized that she didn't have April's number nor did she have hers. She thought about calling her at her office, that would be easy enough to look up but in a way, she wanted April to call her first though she wasn't sure why that was important to her. She was hoping that April would call her that evening as her phone number was in the student directory. However, April didn't call so by Wednesday she was beginning to worry that she would call at all.

Wednesday evening, she was at her father's desk studying when her cell phone rang. She looked at the number but she didn't recognize it but it was a local number. Normally she would just reject the call however she didn't want to take the chance that it was April but then she hadn't given April her cell phone number. After the third ring, she answered the call with a tentative "Hello."

"Hi there," a familiar voice said.

"April?" Roxy asked.

"Yes, are you busy, can you talk?" April asked with more than a little hesitation in her voice.

"Yes, but how did you get my phone number?" Roxy asked.

"From the form you filled out for the softball league, should I have not called you?" April asked and Roxy realized that this conversation wasn't going the way she had been imagining it would and she might have already ruined any chance she had with April and she really did like her.

"Oh god no! I have been waiting for you to call me and worrying that you wouldn't. I mean you don't know where I live. I mean are you coming here to pick me up Friday or we meeting somewhere. And now I feel like I have ruined everything...' Roxy said. "Oh shit I'm babbling aren't I?"

She heard April give out a soft laugh, "No honey, you haven't ruined anything. In fact, I was worried that you may be having second thoughts and I wanted to give you a day or two to think about going out with me, however I think I waited a day too long." April said.

"No it is fine but can I call you right back," Roxy asked.

"Sure is anything wrong?" April asked.

"Nope I just got to do something," Roxy said. "I'll call you right back I promise."

"Okay," April said.

Roxy hung up and then immediately called April right back. "there I got it done," Roxy said after April had answered.

"What did you get done?" April asked.

"I set you up in my contacts so that I will know it's you calling," Roxy told her.

"You know you can do that and still talk if you put your phone on speaker," April told her. "See I just did it."

"Maybe you can but I can't," Roxy said.

"Sure, you can, I saw your phone, it is the latest model and you can do about anything on it," April told her.

"I'm doing good to answer the phone, text, and look up things on the internet. I don't get along with all this newfangled electronics' stuff," Roxy said with an embarrassed laugh.

"Well then I guess I got to teach you," April told her.

"That may take a while," Roxy said.

"I don't mind, gives me an excuse to see more of you," April told her.

Roxy found herself smiling when she heard April say that, "You don't need an excuse to do that," Roxy told her blushing a little as she did so.

"So, what time do you want me to pick you up?" April asked changing the subject much to Roxy's relief.

"Mmmm it doesn't matter to me... how about seven?" Roxy told her not wanting to make it too late or to early either.

"Sounds good, now where do I pick you up?" April asked.

"It doesn't matter, I can meet you someplace," Roxy said.

"No I mean, where do you live, I'm not familiar with that area of the city," April said with a little laugh.

"Oh yea," Roxy said with an embarrassed laugh. "normally I'm not this dense but I'm kind of nervous."

"You know there is nothing to be nervous about, you've already got me interested in you. Just be the person that I'm already getting to know and everything will be fine," April told her.

"I'll try," Roxy said.

"If it helps any, I'm a little nervous too. I want you to like me," April told her and from the tone of her voice, Roxy believed that she was nervous too and not just saying that.

"I already like you, you're so nice and kind," Roxy said.

"Yeah but remember I told you that I have a reputation of being a real bitch, I've just been hiding that part of me from you," April told her and Roxy remembered her saying that, the day she had the interview and April came and befriended her.

"Yeah right, you don't have any such reputation," Roxy told her.

"Ask my coworkers, they'll tell you," April told her.

"I already have and they all told me that you're sweet as sugar," Roxy said.

"You've been checking me out?" April asked more than a little surprised Roxy could tell.

", but if I did, I bet they would all tell me that you're a very sweet and caring woman," Roxy said seriously.

"Okay I'm not a bitch, unless you mess with me or any of my friends," April said.

"It's those times you need to be a bitch so it's cool," Roxy said.

"So how do I get to your house?" April asked.

"Oh yeah, I haven't told you that yet," Roxy said.

"No, you haven't," April said with a laugh.

Roxy told her the easiest way to get to her house so that April wouldn't get lost on some of the back roads that she normally took when she went anywhere. Roxy then asked how her day had gone and so they talked for another hour before they said their goodnights.

Even her classes and studying couldn't keep her from thinking about her date with April so Thursday and Friday seemed to drag for her. She got home about noon on Friday and she began to feel a little nervous. She knew that she would drive herself crazy over the next six hours if she didn't do something to occupy her mind. Even though she had just mowed the lawn on Monday and it had gotten hot outside, she fired up the mower and began to mow. The mowing did the trick as she tried to make the lawn look perfect while wiping the sweat from her brow. She had to frequent stops to down a bottle of cold water and drenching herself with one bottle to try and keep cool.

Once she was done, she put the mower up and went inside to take a long cool shower. She made sure to shave, though she was sure that on this first date, April wouldn't see any more of her than her legs and maybe her armpits depending on what she planned to wear. That in itself presented a problem as she had no clue as to what they would do that night so she didn't know what to wear. She went through her closet and the only decision she could make was that she really needed to shop more and get something other than jeans, shorts, and tee-shirts to wear.

She went through her closet one more time, finding her only pair of name brand jeans that she owned and a loose fitting blouse that would be cool in the early evening heat. She then went through her shoes finding a pair of flats that sort of matched her blouse, well close enough she hoped. She took her time getting ready spending extra time getting her short hair in place and putting on a little eyeliner and mascara. She actually worked her time out well as she only had to pace the floor for a few minutes before she heard a car pulling into the driveway.

She thought about being coy and make April wait at the door for a minute or two before answering but then she remembered the way their conversation had started out on Wednesday and she knew pulling coy off was a hopeless cause. So she grabbed her purse and keys and headed out the door just as April was opening her car door. Roxy waved April back as she went around to the passenger door and got in.

"Hi there, you look nice," April told her.

"Thank you, so do you," Roxy said glad to see that April had also chosen to wear jeans though she had chosen to wear a blouse that had an elastic band under her breasts making them stand out as the bottom hung loose.

"Anything special you want to do?" April asked her as she pulled on around the circular driveway.

"No, anything is fine with me," Roxy said trying to calm her nerves a little.

"Well I know this nice restaurant that we could go to and then we'll see what we want to do after that," April suggested as she turned onto the street heading toward the city.

Roxy thought about what her sister had told her and before she knew what was happening those words came out from her mouth, "You know my sister told me that just because you take me to a nice restaurant, that I don't have to let you into my panties."

"Is that so?" April asked serious like before she burst into laughter.

"Oh god, I actually said that didn't I," Roxy commented feeling her face go from cool to warm to hot and she knew her face had to be a dark hue of red.

"Afraid so," April said still laughing a bit. "So your sister knows you're going out with me?"

"Yea, I told her all about you," Roxy said and she saw an almost surprised expression on April's face.

"With Diane being so much older than me, I never really got know her, that is until my father died and since then we have become close. I have really gotten to know her for the first time in my life," Roxy said.

"And she's gotten to know you," April told her.

"Yes, that too," Roxy replied. "It just feels nice to have a sister again, well really a sister for the first time."

"I'm happy for you, so what all did you tell her about me?" April asked.

"Oh just that you tried to pretend that you're some badass bitch but am really a sweet caring person." Roxy told her.

"Now I am a badass bitch, I've just hidden that from you so far," April said trying to be serious but not pulling it off.

They argued about that for a bit both having fun with it as they got closer to the city and that was when April suddenly turned to a fast food restaurant and pulling into the parking lot.

"I hope you're hungry, I think they are having a special on their specialty burgers, that way we get two meals for the price of one," April said seriously as she turned off the motor.

"We're eating here?" Roxy said surprised since April had said that they were going to a "Nice" restaurant.

"Well sure, you don't think I'm going to spend a lot of money on you if it's not going to get me into your panties do you," April said completely straight faced that Roxy had to believe her, disappointed in her but she believed her.

"Oh okay," Roxy said reaching for the door handle and opening her door before she felt April grabbing her arm pulling her back.

"I'm kidding," April said now laughing.

Roxy looked at her and she couldn't help but to smile, "that was mean!" she said pouting a little before laughing as April had gotten her good, using her own words against her, well at least her sister's words against her.

"I know but I couldn't resist," April said laughing a little more before turning serious. "My intention is not to get into your panties," she added and then she paused a second, "well okay, I do want to get into your panties but not tonight."

"Well you're definitely not getting into them tonight after being so mean!" Roxy said pretending to pout again but could only do so for a moment before laughing again.

"I'm willing to wait, I'm in no hurry," April said with a soft smile as she restarted the motor and prepared to back out.

"So tell me about your family, do you have any brothers and sisters?" Roxy asked.

"I'm an only child," April said.

"And?" Roxy asked wanting April to expand on her family.

"My parents are still alive and they are still married," April said.

"In case you haven't figured it out, I'm trying to find out about your family, what you were like growing up," Roxy told her.

April gave her a forced smile, "I know but I hate talking about myself, besides your life has been more interesting."

"Okay but eventually you're going to have to tell me about your life, including your parents and childhood," Roxy told her.

"I know and I will, just give me a little more time, okay." April told her.

"Okay but did something bad happen to you as a child?" Roxy had to ask fearing the worst.

April glanced over at her and then she gave her a smile, "Oh no, nothing bad but my parents were... I don't know... kind of stiff and I was always more outgoing and wanted to have fun. I grew up sure that I was adopted and disappointed to find out I actually came from them."

"I see," Roxy said getting a bit of an understanding of what April was telling her. "But just to warn you, I will ask again."

"I figured that you will and I will give you all the answers you want but I warn you, you might go to sleep in the middle of my telling of my life," April said with a laugh.

"Oh I believe there might be some interesting things to hear about your past," Roxy told her.

"Maybe one or two," April said with a bit of a grin.

"How about telling me about the women in the league, I mean things that you can tell. I realize that you're responsible for running it so there may be things you can't talk about, something said in private." Roxy told her.

"Oh... there is one thing you'll be sure to hear a version of sooner or later and it's no big secret. It's about Alice and Allison..." April was saying when Roxy interrupted her.

"Janice did mention that there was interesting story about them," Roxy replied.

"Shoot, she didn't tell you, did she?" April asked with her voice indicating her disappointment.

"Oh no. I saw them huddled together in the stands as we played and Janice just mentioned in passing that there was an interesting twist to their friendship and that was all that she said." Roxy told her.

"Good then I'll tell you all about it but it will have to wait until we get to the restaurant," April replied.

"Oh no, you can't tease me like that, you got to tell me now," Roxy said fussing at her.

"Nope, not until we get seated and am waiting for our dinner," April said firmly.

"Then I'm not going to say another word until we get there," Roxy said just to see what April would say.

"Oh good, a little peace and quiet," was April's reply.

"Now that was mean!" Roxy said hitting April on the arm.

"I thought that you were going to stay quiet until we got to the restaurant, it sure doesn't sound quiet to me," April replied with a big grin.

"I changed my mind, I'm going to sing until we get there," Roxy said.

"It that a good thing or a bad thing?" April asked.

"Oh very bad, I once went to a karaoke bar and everyone there collected money to pay me to not sing any more songs that night," Roxy told her and she saw April glancing in her direction.

"You really been to a karaoke bar?" April asked.

"No but if I was to go to one, all the patrons would pay me to stop singing," Roxy said with a laugh.

"I doubt that but what if I say that we don't have much further to go; would that satisfy you?" April asked.

"I would give you a pass but it better not be too far or I will start singing," Roxy said laughing again.

It was about another twenty minutes to the restaurant but Roxy didn't mind as April filled the time taking about her day and her meeting with the old battle axe that was her boss who Roxy was beginning to see in another light. She still didn't like her but she did treat April well and April did have respect for her and the job that she had to do.

Once they got seated at their table which was very nice at least from the appearance and how nice their waitress was. Once they had gotten their drinks and ordered their food did April begin her story.

"This is what I think is the correct version of the story as both Alice and Allison told me one night when we went out for dinner, actually in this very restaurant so I guess it is appropriate that I tell you it here." April said pausing for a prolong moment.

"And the story is?" Roxy finally had to ask.

"Alice was married to a man named B.J. who is the manager of Westwood Fashion Outlet in the Uptown Mall. From what I hear, B.J. is quiet the ladies' man or at least thinks he is and how he and Alice ever got together I don't know. Anyway B.J. being a ladies man, began to go out on Alice with one of his sales associates." April said pausing to take a sip of her tea.

"Allison I presume," Roxy said.

"Yes, I believe that would be correct," April said with a laugh.

"So how did they become friends?" Roxy had to ask.

"I'm getting to that," April said. "Anyway Alice got wind of B.J. wandering and she appeared at Allison's apartment door hoping to catch them together. However, B.J. wasn't there as he was with another of his woman friends. Alice not to be deterred announced rather loudly that she was there to kick Allison's ass. Now while Allison is blond, pretty, petite and rather well build, she knew she wasn't any match for Alice who was very pissed and itching to kick her ass. So Allison asked Alice in for coffee and they would talk before Alice kicked her ass. For some reason, even Alice isn't sure why, she accepted the offer. Allison made the coffee and brought out some liquor to spice it up a bit as they talked. They did talk and with each refill of coffee Allison made sure that there was more and more liquor added to their cups. By the end of the evening, Allison with Alice's help had dumped all of B.J. things over the rail and into the parking lot several stories below. They then both got on the phone and called B.J. telling him that his things were in the parking lot of both of their apartments and he was to come and get them."

"He got what was coming to him," Roxy said.

"He did but I'm not done with the story," April said. "By this time a kinship had developed between them however honor called for Alice to do what she came there to do, that being beat the shit out of the woman who was sleeping with her husband."

"But they were friends by this time weren't they?" Roxy asked.

"Not just yet," April's said with a grin. "Any way they managed to clear out a space in the living room so that Alice could put the ass whooping to Allison."

"They actually fought over that asshole B.J. he wasn't worth it." Roxy said.

"No he wasn't but Alice felt like she had to; however, you need to remember how Allison had liquored up the coffee they were drinking?" April asked with just a bit of a grin.

"Oh yes," Roxy said with her own grin now anxious to hear about the fight between them.

"They were both so drunk by this time that they were doing well to stand much less throw a punch. Neither remembers all that much about the fight except that they both began to swing at each other. Alice says that she does remember that Allison did her best to stay in close so she couldn't throw a punch and she basically had her in a death grip. They fell to the floor and rolled around a little before they both passed out from the liquor and exhaustion. They woke up the next morning on the floor and somewhere in the fight or the fall to the floor Allison had gotten a black eye. But neither is sure if Alice actually manage to connect with a punch or Allison got the black eye when they were rolling around on the floor." April told her.

They both took another bite of their food before Roxy resumed the conversation by asking, "Okay they woke up on the floor, what happened then?"

"Well Alice was too hungover to drive so she took a taxi home, when she returned two days later to get her car and with a much clearer head. Allison welcomed her back into her apartment and they talked some more. Both had a good laugh over what had happened and both were through with B.J. Alice had already found a lawyer who was going to file for divorce for her. B.J. had fired Allison and now without a job she couldn't afford the apartment she had since B.J. was helping her out with the rent. Alice promised to help her find a new cheaper apartment and also a new job and she did make good on that promise." April said pausing to take another bite of her food.

Roxy could tell by the look on April's face that there was more to tell and she of course asked, "And...?"

"Since Allison's rent was due, Alice offered to take her in until they could find some place to live so they moved her into Alice's apartment. She then talked one of her friends into hiring Allison at a new boutique where Allison quickly became their best salesperson." April said.

"Good for her, I'm glad it worked out like it did," Roxy said.

"It did but there is one funny thing that I have never figured out about the end of the story." April said and Roxy could tell April still had something up her sleeve.

"What's that?" Roxy asked.

"Alice never seemed to have gotten around to helping Allison find another place to live..." April said with a shy grin upon her lips.

"Oh I see..." Roxy said letting out a little laugh. "I wonder if the spare bedroom has even been used?"

"I wonder..." April said with a little laugh.

"At least a bad situation turned into a happy ending," April said.

"It usually doesn't end up like that does it," Roxy said.

"No, I wish all the conflicts within the league solved themselves like this one did," April said with a sigh.

"You got your hands full keeping the league going don't you," Roxy said.

"Yes you get that many women together in one place and competition added onto it then sometimes feathers are ruffled," April said.

"How do you do it?" Roxy asked.

"The first thing I did was to find three strong but caring women to be the other managers, they help me manage things. We also made sure that women could swap teams if need be so that we can stop a conflict before it gets out of hand." April told her.

"Do you have to do that often?" Roxy asked.

"No not really, we can usually get things settled down rather quickly but once or twice a summer, we do move a woman or two to new teams," April replied.

"Well if you need to move someone, you can always move me,' Roxy told her.

"Don't you like playing for me?" April asked and Roxy could see that she might have hurt April's feelings a bit.

"Who would want to play for a woman who readily admits that she is a badass bitch?" Roxy said with a big grin.

"And don't you forget that," April said now grinning at her.

"No, what I meant to say is that if you have to move someone, you can move me. It's not like I won't be able to see you and talk to you." Roxy said making sure April knew what she was really saying though she did have to add, "Besides I want to see the look on your face when you get to first base and see me with the ball already in my glove."

"You'd love that wouldn't you," April told her.

"Oh hell yes," Roxy said laughing a little.

"You know that works both ways, I could accidently stick my foot out as you start for first," April told her giving her a devious look.

"You'd do that too wouldn't you," Roxy said.

"Oh hell yes," April replied and they both laughed at that.

They talked mostly about the league and they women that they played with as they ate. Roxy liked learning about all these new women and what they were like. Some of the things April told her only confirmed what she had seen the previous Saturday when the season began. She knew who was the most competitive and who was there just to socialize and get some exercise while doing so. She also loved hearing about the time that Jessica was running down a ball and hit the fence. Her mother was playing on second and immediately started running out to her. Jessica quickly jumped up and dusted herself off and told her mother to get back to her base, she was just fine. April told it so that Roxy could just visualize Ann wanting to run to her baby and her baby who was a teenager not wanting to be seen as a child by her teammates. However, that didn't stop Ann from being a mother when they got back to the dugout as she checked out Jessica and cleaned up the scrap on her arm and knee. April said that the two did tend to argue but you could also see just how close they were and how playing together helped them get through the daughter's teenage years when she was wanting to pull away but still needed her mother at times.

"So, what do you want to do now?" April asked as they exited the restaurant with the sun just beginning to set.

Roxy hesitated for a moment before she said what was in her head, "we could just go back to my house and relax and have a cup of coffee."

"Are you going to add anything to my coffee?" April asked in jest referring back to the Alice and Allison story.

"Are you planning on kicking my ass once we get there?" Roxy asked with a laugh.

"Well no," April said laughing.

"I might just add a little something just in case you get any ideas..." Roxy told her laughing shyly.

"Well that sounds like a nice way to end the evening," April said with a smile as she took ahold of Roxy's hand giving it a squeeze.

Roxy felt her heart skip a beat when April took her hand and she blushed a little but she didn't let go until they got to April's car where April held the door over for her to get inside.

Roxy had to remind April how to get back to her house as she confessed that she was never good about directions and remembering how to get somewhere, at least until she had traveled it a few times. Once they got back to Roxy's house, Roxy showed April where the guest bathroom was as she went to the bathroom that was just off from her bedroom. She finished first and went to the kitchen to get the coffee going, as she did so she pulled out a bottle of whiskey, a brand that her father kept for special occasions and Roxy figured that this was one of those occasions.

"What you making?" April asked as she come over to where she was standing by the coffee maker.

"A special coffee drink that my father taught me to make," Roxy told her.

"Cool, what's in it?" April ask as Roxy knew she would and she was prepared for that.

"It's a family secret, so secret that we all had to swear a blood oath never to revel what's in it. So, you my dear, need to turn around so my father won't come back and kill me." Roxy said seriously as she turned April around so that her back was to her.

"You seriously had to take a blood oath?' April asked.

Roxy laughed, "No but my father did show me how to make it and every once in a while I would make it for him even though he wasn't supposed to drink with all the blood thinners he was on," Roxy told her.

"Wasn't that dangerous for him?" April asked.

"Not really, there really isn't that much alcohol in the coffee, it just gives it some flavor, my father's version had more but I use a lot less and make up for it with more of the other ingredients." Roxy explained.

"What other ingredients?" April asked.

"I can't tell you, remember the blood oath I took," Roxy said with a grin.

"Oh yes, I forgot about that," April said not mentioning that Roxy had already said there wasn't any such oath.

"But I can tell you that you will be begging me to make this for you again, it's that good," Roxy promised her.

"Anything that you have to take a blood oath has to be good," April said.

"It is, now go over to that cabinet over there and get us a couple of coffee mugs, the big ones," Roxy told April pointing to the cabinet she wanted her to go.

April brought them over and Roxy very slowly poured about an half inch of the mixture that she had made into each mug and then she slowly poured the freshly made coffee on top and very, very slowly mixed the two together. She really didn't have to do so slowly but it did add to the dramatic effect.

"Now we have to let it sit for a moment before we can drink it," Roxy added again very seriously.

"How long?" April asked.

"Long enough for us to get to the living room, kick off our shoes, and sit down," Roxy said with a little laugh.

"Me thinks someone is enjoying being a drama queen," April told her grinning.

"I am but it really does taste great," Roxy said with a smile.

"It sure smells great," April said.

"Just wait until you taste it," Roxy said leading the way back to the living room where they did kick off their shoes and got comfortable on the couch with each folding a leg under them so that they could sit facing each other.

Roxy let April take a sip, watching as April let the coffee sit in her mouth for a moment before swallowing, which she could do as some of the ingredients Roxy had used came from the fridge so it cooled the coffee down.

"Oh this is delicious, what did you put in it?" April asked.

Roxy this time didn't mention the oath but told April everything that she put in and what each ingredient did to all flavor to the coffee. They talked about the drink and some of the different drinks that she liked.

"So, tell me about yourself," Roxy asked of her.

"I was wondering how long you would go before asking," April said with a soft smile.

"You know all the main things about me, I told you all of that but I know so little about you except you have a caring heart and that your parents aren't very affectionate." Roxy said.

"But I hate talking about myself, I never know what to say," April said and Roxy could sense that April was being honest about this.

"I know but give me something," Roxy asked.

April sat there for a moment and Roxy wondered if she was going to say anything about herself when April give her a smile. "How about you ask me anything and I will answer it," April suggested.

Now Roxy was silent for a moment as she thought this over and she came up with her first question that she hoped would open April up a little and make her feel comfortable or at least she would know if she could ever be open about herself, "When did you realize that you were gay and do your parents know?"

"Oh, you go for a tough one first," April told her without smiling but not frowning either. She paused for a bit and Roxy wondered if Roxy was going to answer her.

"I don't know..." April said pausing giving Roxy some concern about whether she had asked too hard a question right off.

But April just took a sip of her drink before continuing, "I guess I knew early on that I was different. I mean when I was young all my friends hated boys but as we got older, they begun to like them and I still thought that they were gross. I meant some were nice enough to be friends with but the thought of kissing one held no appeal. On the other hand, some of my friends I wanted to be more than friends with but they all soon had boyfriends. So, by the time I got to high school, I knew that I was gay, there just wasn't anything I could do about it, I didn't know any other girls like me until I got here. Then I admit I went a little wild but by then I knew that being gay was fine and I wasn't alone."

"No, you're not alone," Was what came to her mind and that is what Roxy said.

"Now as to telling my mom, well that was something completely different." April said with a sad smile. "I was smart enough to graduate before I sat my mother down to tell her the truth and get her to stop setting me up with friends of her. At first I don't think she believed me but when I sat there being perfectly serious, she let me have it saying that no daughter of hers could be a queer. Then she switched off on saying how all their friends would talk about her having a daughter that was queer. I let her go on for a bit before I told her that her daughter was indeed queer and she needed to get over it and then I got up and walked out of the house vowing never to return." April said.

"I'm sorry," Roxy said putting her hand on April's knee giving it a squeeze.

"It's okay, I wasn't as hurt as I thought I would be, it's not like I was ever close to my mother or her close to me." April told her.

"Still it had to hurt," Roxy said.

"It did but I had my own life to live and I was intent on doing so," April said.

"So, what happened after that with your mother? I know you mentioned wanting to talk to her after I told you about my mom," Roxy asked.

"Well that is where the story becomes a bit confusing," April said with a smile.

"How so?" Was Roxy's obvious reply.

"After I graduated, I had a friend who was able to assist me in getting a job in the admission's office," April said giving Roxy a bit of a shy smile.

"A good friend to have," Roxy said.

"Yes she is," April replied which made Roxy wonder just what kind of friend she was but she had a feeling that April wasn't to tell her that just yet and she didn't.

"I now had a job, an apartment I could barely afford and a lot of student debt to pay off but I was happy," April told her. "Anyway, about two years after I walked out on my mom, she appeared at my door. My first fear was that something had happen to my father but after she assured me that he was fine, I invited her in out of curiosity more than anything else. She really had me confused as to why she was there as she just began to talk about things at home, but as she did so, she questioned me about my life and things and I got this feeling that she was just seeing if somehow, I had changed my wicked ways and found a man to settle down with. I let her talk and waited for my opportunity to tell her that I was still gay and was always going to be gay however fate had something else in mind for us."

"I'm almost afraid to ask," Roxy said thinking that maybe April had a friend staying with her or something like that who walked in on them.

"Mom mentioned that she was a bit hungry from the trip and if I had some coffee and something for us to munch on as we talked. That presented me with two options, offer to take her out somewhere to eat but I was broke so that option was out or fix her some noodles and a cup of hot water as it was near the end of the month and I didn't have anything in the apartment to eat, not even any crackers." April said smiling at the memory now but then Roxy could almost see the panic in April's eyes.

"What did you do?" Roxy asked.

"Well I had a friend that worked as a waitress at a diner nearby and I figured I would take my mother there and pray that she was working and that she would help me out without my mother finding out. But mother being my mother declined that offer and got up heading into the kitchen to see what I had to fix." April said.

"What did you do?" Roxy asked.

"I let her discover what I knew she was going to discover anyway, that I was broke and had nothing to eat. I told her that the school paid me once a month and it took all I had to pay the rent and my school loans." April said with a frown and Roxy was embarrassed for April as she knew that is how she would have felt.

"What did your mother do?" Roxy asked.

"She looked me straight in the eyes and said and I quote, "I'm not going to let my daughter starve, I won't help you pay for your school loans to go to this school, that was your decision but I will make sure you got something to eat." And then she marched back into my little living room and got her purse and told me to get my ass in gear that we were going to the grocery store." April told her.

"Did you go with her?" Roxy asked wondering if April would let her pride prevent her from letting her mother help her.

"I so wanted to tell her that I was happy just as I was and that I could make it without anyone's help but to tell you the truth, I was slowly getting to the point where I knew I would soon be in over my head with no way out. The school really doesn't pay that much, at least not in the position that I had then. I had tried looking for another job but the only part time job I could find was in a convenience store working late at night and that scared me but I was close to doing that anyway. Then she appeared and offered me a way out so I swallowed my pride and I went with her." April said and her eyes were almost tearing up.

"I would have done the same thing, hell I am doing the same thing. I am going to school from money my father left me and my sister got me into school. And this house my father also left me, you see I am also taking help from my parents in a way." Roxy told her.

"But look what you did for them first," April said as the tears did start to flow.

"You know one day, your parents will grow old and it will be you taking care of them and you will won't you," Roxy stated.

"Of course, they're my parents," April said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"So finish your story with your mother," Roxy told her knowing that here was more to come.

"Well she took me to the store and she filled both mine and her buggy full with food, including some things I didn't like as a child and still don't," April said finally smiling at that and Roxy had to smile with her.

"Anyway, when we got back, we put up the groceries and she fixed us something to eat and a pot of coffee. As we ate, she made me get my checkbook and all my bills for each month. She then set out a budget for me and she figured out what I needed to make it through each month and have food to eat. She then got out her checkbook and wrote me out a check making it clear that this money was to go for my living expenses and nothing else, anything left over was to go into the bank." April said.

Roxy wasn't sure what to say except for, "You know she could have told you that it was what you deserved for being gay but she didn't, she helped you out."

"Yes, she did and still does even though I don't need the money as much now as I did then but I am still poor." April said.

"Now I feel bad about letting you take me to such a nice and expensive restaurant," Roxy told her.

"Don't be, I'm not that poor. I can afford something nice every once in a while, but on our next date, we may be eating at the first place that I stopped at," April said with a laugh.

"That's fine with me or I could cook for you," Roxy suggested.

"Can you cook?" April asked arching her eyebrows in jest.

"I'm a very good cook," was Roxy's quick reply as she really did enjoy cooking.

"Well I'll be the first to admit that I hate to cook, it's just easier to just fix a sandwich or warm something up in the microwave," April told her.

"I've been cooking sine my mom got sick, at first she would sit at the kitchen table and tell me what to do until I figured out what I was doing," Roxy told her. "Then I began to play around trying to think of different ways to fix things, mainly just to keep it interesting."

"Did anything you fix turn out bad?" April asked her.

"Not according to my mother or father but there were a few things I learned that didn't go together," Roxy said with a laugh.

"Like what?" April asked.

"Mmmm... I was afraid you'd ask that," Roxy said with a laugh.

"I did, I'm just curious as to how your mind works," April told her.

"Let me think..." Roxy said taking a sip of her coffee drink and then she began to tell April some of the things that she was sure would go together however they didn't. Roxy saw April wrinkling her nose at some of the things that she tried and Roxy had to smile as she now realized wouldn't ever taste good together but at the time it sounded good. Roxy also took this opportunity to find out what April liked to eat just in case she got the chance to cook for her.

They talked for a while going from food to other things and then when Roxy was coming back from the bathroom, she walked in front of April only to feel April taking ahold of her left arm just as she got past her legs. Roxy felt herself falling back and she gasped as she found herself sitting on April's legs. She looked at April's face and she saw a strange look in her eyes. It took her a moment to realize just what April's face was telling her and then she knew in her heart what April wanted.

"What you doing?" Roxy asked hearing a tremor in her own voice.

"I hope that I'm about to kiss you," April said and Roxy saw April's hand come to her left cheek and feeling April's fingers lightly caressing her there.

Roxy felt her heart begin to pound and she wanted to say something but she found that she couldn't form any words not that she had any idea as to what she wanted to say. All she could do was to smile shyly and her tongue wet her lips without her mind telling it to do so.

She felt April's hands move from her cheek to the back of her neck putting gentle pressure to bring her in toward her. She looked into April's' eyes as her head moved toward hers all so slowly, almost too slowly for Roxy as she wanted April to go ahead and kiss her. When April began to tilt her head to the right, Roxy closed her eyes. She felt April's warm breath against her lips and then she felt the gentle pressure of April's lips against her giving Roxy her first real kiss.

The kiss, though it was for only a brief moment in time, seemed to have lasted for years to her, all those years that she spent taking care of first her mother and then her father. All those lost years disappeared in that kiss and the kiss was worth the wait. She had long dreamed of such a kiss and April had given it to her.

When the kiss ended, Roxy could still feel April's lips against her, she felt her lips tingling from the kiss and the only way that she could express her feeling was to let out a sigh, a deep sigh that took the air from her lungs almost leaving her breathless.

"I've wanted to do that all night," April said to her softly.

"Me too..." Roxy replied realizing at that moment just how much she had wanted April to kiss her.

April gave her a moment before Roxy felt the pressure against the back of her neck and this time she moved her head forward tilting her head just as April did for their lips to meet for another kiss. Roxy moved her hands to April's sides gripping her there as April kissed her. This kiss lasted a little longer before April ended it giving Roxy a chance to catch her breath and get her heart to slow down enough that it didn't feel like it was going to burst. But April's next kiss got her heart to pounding again and when she felt April opening her lips, she knew that her heart would burst. Roxy opened her lips feeling her emotions burst as the kiss became even more passionate.

April kissed her again and again before Roxy felt April easing her back off of her lap. At first Roxy thought that April was going to end their kissing but then she saw the look in April's eyes as April laid her back against the end of the couch and she moved up over her.

"Now you can't get away from me," April whispered to her.

"I don't want to," Roxy replied putting her arms around April. She loved the feeling of April laying on her, her weight felt so comforting. Roxy put her arms around April's body as April's head moved downward until their lips touched once again.

This time when April's lips parted, Roxy felt April's tongue against her lips and she tentatively extended her tongue to touch's April's tongue. If her body wasn't already on fire, it was now, she was so excited and hot that she knew she would faint but she didn't want to stop feeling everything she was feeling. Slowly she became braver with her tongue moving it into April's mouth as their tongue's kissed. Roxy felt her pussy becoming moist from the feeling of April's kisses and the contact of their bodies with April laying upon her.

April's kisses became more passionate and Roxy felt herself getting more and more aroused with her panties feeling like they were soaked with her juices. Roxy found herself starting to open her legs when she realized where her passions were leading her. As much as she wanted to go there, it also scared her.

"Stop a minute," Roxy said as she pushed up on April's shoulders.

"Did I do something wrong?" April asked as she looked down at her.

Roxy had to catch her breath before she said, "no you were everything right, too right."

April gave her a smile, a smile that told Roxy that April knew exactly what she was telling her.

"Maybe now is the time for me to make a graceful exit," April said getting up off of her.

"No I didn't mean for you to leave," Roxy said as April put her hand out to help her up and she was truly wishing that she hadn't stopped April now.

"It's best that I do, if I stay I fear that maybe we will go further than either of us are ready to go," April said giving her a light kiss to her lips. "Come on and walk me to my car."

"I know you're right but still..." Roxy said not sure what she wanted now except she wasn't ready for April to leave and the night be over.

When they got to the front door, April reached to open it and Roxy made what even she thought was a rash decision, she reached to the door, closing it before it got more than a couple of inches open.

"Why did you do that?" April asked more than a little surprised by Roxy's sudden move.

"Because I don't want you to leave yet, I don't want the evening to be over," Roxy said feeling nervous but now sure of what she wanted.

"I don't want it to end either however..." April was saying and Roxy knew what she was going to say so she put her fingers to April's warm soft lips.

"Then stay for a while longer," Roxy said and she paused for a second before adding, "it's just that I'm not ready..."

"I understand," April said while giving her an understanding smile, "How about we just cuddle a little, no more kissing."

"Okay but maybe a kiss or two won't hurt..." Roxy said in something barely above a whisper.

April grinned, "Two more kisses is all you get tonight."

"Just two?" Roxy asked grinning back at April liking how she was taking the tension away with her humor.

"Yep, just two so don't take them lightly," April warned her.

"I won't," Roxy said trying not to laugh.

"Oh, I don't know you seem like the type of girl who steals more kisses than she deserves," April told her.

"Then I guess it will be you're job to keep me from doing so," Roxy said letting out a giggle.

"I'll keep that in mind," April said giggling with her.

"Come on," Roxy said holding out her hand for April to take which she di giving it a squeeze as she took it.

End of Chapter Three. To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments whether they be positive or negative. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 4

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