Ruby Red


Published on Jan 2, 2019


Ruby Red by RJ

This story is a multi-part fiction about love between a college student and a recent post-grad. If you have any comments about my work, or even just want to chat, please don't hesitate to message me.

As always, please support Nifty in any way that you can.


At first, I wasn't sure of their plan (which they decided on after changing it a few times), but after a while, it made sense to me. Both Ty and my mom have been married once before and did the whole "expensive wedding in a church" thing. Now, they don't want to spend that kind of money, which I understand. So to celebrate, it's just going to be a horribly unromantic trip to the town hall before a wedding party at the casino about an hour away. For this, they pulled all the stops -- a DJ and a dance floor, excessive amounts of food, open bar, access to the casino that's adjacent to the hotel... Plus, attendees still have to dress up, which is its saving grace for me.

RJ and I planned on leaving together, so he meets me at my house an hour after Ty and my mom head out. He lets himself in and comes up to my room while I'm in the middle of getting dressed. I hear a wolf-whistle at the door and I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Can you not?" I say, only just in my underwear.

"Too tempting," I hear him say.

I glance back at him as I pull on my slacks. "Damn," I say, eyeing him. I lick my lips suggestively, and he blushes but laughs. "Give me a turn, big boy," I say, chuckling, and he does so, spinning around and letting me check him out in his suit. He got ballsy and bought a surprisingly tasteful color-blocking suit that looks incredible on him. Underneath the jacket is a simple black button up with suspenders, all topped off with a cute little bowtie. He looks fucking delicious. "Come over here," I say, smiling as he slides over to me and kisses me a couple times, his hand at the small of my back. All I have on are my pants right now, so feeling his hand on my bare skin gives me tingles. Even now, after all this time. He leans into me deeper and deeper, and I would have fallen over had he not been holding on to me.

He breaks the kiss and smiles at me, giving my ass a grab before leaning back. "Hurry up and get dressed. We're gonna be late."

"We'll be fine," I assure him, even though I know we'll be behind schedule because of me (as per usual). I grab my shirt and start buttoning it up. I went a slightly simpler route than RJ, going with a black-and-burgundy color combo, but my suit faintly glimmers, which will make me stand out when lights hit me. I'm glad Ty suggested people wear things less conventional to the party. Makes things way more interesting.

"So...?" RJ says, leaning against my dresser with his hands in his pockets.

I glance at him. "So what?"

"How'd it go?"

"How'd what go?" I ask, distracted, trying to hurry with my shirt.

"Your dad," he says.

"Oh." I pause for a moment as I look in the mirror. I was so focused on getting ready that I completely forgot about that. "It didn't," I say simply, tucking in my shirt and working on the belt.

I can sense RJ staring at me. "What do you mean it didn't?" he says with a slight bit of impatience in his voice. Which is understandable. I'm being incredibly vague.

I try to shrug it off. "He didn't show up."

I'd been thinking a lot about my dad lately, with the "wedding" getting closer and closer. We hadn't talked at all since... well, since the night I met RJ. Since the night he found out that I'm gay. It's both of our faults though. I haven't reached out to him, and he hasn't reached out to me. But, part of me has always wished we could find some common ground. Granted, we never really got along that famously even before the news broke -- but he's still my father. So in a moment of weakness, I reached out to him last week. He didn't pick up, but I left a message, and surprisingly, just a few days ago, he called me back.

"Dad?" I said skeptically.

"Hey, Jake," he said in his low, level voice. "I got your message."

"Yeah." I didn't know what else to say. Now it felt awkward being on the phone with him, considering how much distance we had worked so hard to put between us. All I had said in the message was that I'd love to talk if he was open to it. And that (in a weird way, admittedly) I missed him.

"You were right -- it's been a while, huh?" he said.

"Yeah, no kidding," I said. I didn't mean to sound so snippy, and I closed my eyes and cursed myself out for a brief moment.

"Yeah, well..." There was a pause before he spoke up again. "Guess that's my fault."

Part of me wanted him to take the full blame for it. It'd be the least he deserved. But I couldn't resist being nice. "It's my fault too, Dad." Even saying "Dad" felt weird.

"Don't say that," he said, sighing for a moment. "How... how've you been, anyway?" he asked. "We should catch up. Get coffee or something. You like coffee, right?"

"No," I said immediately. Didn't he know that already? I hate coffee. "But I'd love to meet up. We could go to that diner you like."

"Yeah. That sounds... that sounds great. Okay. How about... um... how about the weekend? Maybe Saturday morning?"

At the time, it was only a few days away, which would give me plenty of time to think about what I wanted to say to him (if anything). And it was the morning of the wedding, so, worst case scenario, I'd have that to look forward to. So I nodded to myself. "Saturday's perfect."

We made plans to meet up at his favorite diner (one he used to take me and my mom to nearly once a week). When I woke up this morning, I was surprised at how calm my nerves were. I expected to be an anxious wreck considering I was about to face my violently homophobic father after months and months of no contact. Maybe it's because of how he sounded on the phone. Not sad, per se, but soft. It gave me some piece of mind. A little bit of hope. Maybe he changed.

"Seriously?" RJ asks, and I glance over at him. He looks surprised. "And he didn't call you or anything?"

I shake my head. "Nothing." I got there and waited for an hour before I realized he wasn't coming. I was stood up by my own dad before we could even attempt to make amends. "It's okay, though," I say, pulling on my tie.

RJ sees me fumbling with it a bit and comes over to help. "Not to be that guy but... you don't think anything... happened to him?" he asks, taking the tie from me.


"Like an accident."

I laugh. I don't know why I laugh, but I do. "I'm sure. He was posting stuff on Facebook."

"Nice," he says sarcastically. He pulls the tie up to my neck and makes sure the length is appropriate. "It's okay to be upset about this, you know."

"I know," I say, feeling RJ adjust my collar. "I am, a little bit. I think. I don't really know. But I'm trying not to focus on him. I have Ty. And you," I add with a little smile.

He smiles too, leaning down to give me a peck on the lips. "That you do, baby."

Once I'm fully dressed and packed, we head out in RJ's car and make the hour-long trip to the hotel. I know most people who are attending the party and who live far away enough (and who are planning on drinking) have planned to stay a night here. That includes us. RJ graciously offered to cover the cost, and when we get to the hotel, the first thing we do is head to the front desk to check in.

He gives his last name to the girl and she looks for our reservation. "Only one bed?" she says skeptically, looking back and forth between the both of us.

I laugh slightly, but RJ just raises his eyebrow. "Yes," he says, reinforcing that fact by putting his arm around me and pulling me closer to him.

She seems to realize that she was rude, and she blushes, quickly focusing on checking us in and getting us two room cards. RJ's still polite and thanks her, but I can tell the comment irked him a bit. I just smile as we head towards the elevator, watching him glance at the little pamphlet the clerk gave us. "Oh shit," he says, smiling. "They have a hot tub on our floor."

I laugh. "Why are you so obsessed with them?" He talks about them all the time.

"They're amazing and you know it," he says, giving my side a light squeeze. "We're going in before we leave tomorrow."

"What if I don't want to?" I tease.

"Then I'll happily go without you," he says, grinning to himself before pushing the button to call the elevator.

He still has his arm around me, and I cozy up to him a little more. "You know what I love about you?"

He looks at me. "What?"

"You're never afraid to be seen with me."

He smiles a little. "I just like showing you off," he teases with a little grin, giving me a sweet little kiss outside the elevator. I'm well aware that there are a decent amount of people around, but there he goes again. Making it known.

We head up to our room and I throw my overnight bag onto the bed, sitting down with a sigh. It's a comfy little room, equipped with a large bed, a television, and what looks to be a very nice bathroom. I lie on my back with a sigh, feeling exhausted from the drive. "Do you think they've officiated it yet?" I ask, checking my phone but seeing no updates from my mom.

RJ shrugs as he pulls things out of his bag. I notice one of those things is a bottle of champagne. "By now, probably," he says. "It's been hours."

"They haven't reached out to me yet."

"They're probably consummating the marriage," he teases.

"Can you stop thinking about my parents like that?" I say with a laugh before catching myself. "God, that sounds so weird."

RJ arches his eyebrow at me. "What does?"

"'Parents'. Being together."

He smiles, forsaking his bag for a moment to come sit next to me. "You gonna get all emotional on me?"

"I might," I say with a little laugh, sitting up so I can lean into him. He puts his arm around me and rubs my side with his thumb.

"Go ahead, baby boy," he says softly, and I can hear the smile in his voice. He kisses the side of my head as I rest my hand on his thigh. "Although, to be fair, nothing's really changing."

I look up at him. "Whatcha mean?"

"They've been together for a while, and, well, you've always thought of Ty as like, a father figure, right?"

I smile and nod. "Yeah, you're right. Now it's just official, or whatever."

"It's still exciting, though," he says. "Don't wanna depreciate the moment here."

"Ooo, big word," I tease, smirking and leaning up slightly.

He rolls his eyes as he always does when I tease him about his intelligence (even though he's the most intelligent guy I know). "Don't be a dick," he says, but he bridges the small gap between our lips and kisses me. I lean into the kiss more, pressing my lips more firmly against his as we tilt our heads to get the most contact. His grip on me gets a little tighter, and I let out the tiniest hum as we make out slowly. Kissing RJ makes me feel so warm and comfortable. And, frankly, horny.

Him, too, apparently, because I feel his other hand slide into my inner thigh. I break the kiss slightly, laughing a little. "Mmm mmm. No," I say, grabbing his wrist.

"What?" he says with a grin, still kissing me.

"We gotta go downstairs and make sure everything's set up," I say, finding it hard to tear myself away from his mouth.

"Or," he says, kissing me deeply, "we can sneak a quick fuck in." His fingertips just barely graze against my bulge and I let out a little whine that makes me laugh.

God, I'd love to. But we shouldn't. "We promised we'd help," I tell him pushing his hand away and standing up in front of him before I get roped into fooling around more. I don't entirely trust myself to resist him.

"So you don't want me, is what you're saying," he says with a teasing smirk, standing up in front of me so that I have to look up at him.

I grin. "I want you, 24/7," I say, looking him up and down. "Trust me." I pat his bulge playfully, and he grunts in surprise and slaps my hand away before laughing. "But we have a job to do."


"I'll make it up to you later," I say, making sure I have my phone and wallet and extra room card, "if you behave tonight."

He cocks an eyebrow. "If I behave?" He grins, putting an arm around me before I can escape. "You know I can't do that," he says, sliding a hand down to my ass.

"Stop," I say with a laugh, pushing him away. "We're already super late," I tell him, poking his chest.

"One more kiss," he says, holding onto me.

I roll my eyes but lean up and kiss him deeply. It's a surprisingly sweet and tender kiss, and we just hold our lips in place and enjoy the feeling of our bodies close together before I pull back with a smile. I grab his hand and lock our fingers together. "C'mon."

I underestimate how much time it takes to say hi to everyone. All manner of aunts and uncles and cousins have come, as well as some of Ty's family (some are recognizable, others are totally foreign to me), so RJ and I take time to mingle with those who have arrived already. I introduce RJ to those I'm semi-close with before we realize we need to get down to business. We help assemble the last of the banquet tables before splitting off. He helps bring in the rest of the food and I assist with the decorations. More specifically, I micromanage the decorations. Whoever started putting most of them up did a terrible job, so I unofficially take charge and make sure every streamer, banner, balloon, and light is in place before properly reorganizing the tables, table settings, and chairs. I want everything to be perfect for Ty and my mom. It takes over a half an hour to be close to finished, and soon, I get the text from Ty: "We're on our way!!!"

I smile at it before I noticed I missed an earlier text. One from my dad. "Sorry. Got sidetracked. Raincheck?" What surprises me is that I don't feel angry. Normally, his behavior would piss me off almost instantaneously, but now, I just feel indifferent. Upset, sure. But mostly detached. I decide not to respond. Forget him.

I tell everyone that the newlyweds be here shortly. That's when I notice that I've lost track of RJ. I shoot him a text, but when he doesn't respond after a few minutes, I look around for him. It doesn't take long to find him. In one of the adjacent rooms (a large banquet hall practically empty save for a piano in the corner) RJ is messing around on the keys. I smile slightly. I was drawn in by the faint sound of music and am not surprised to find that RJ is the one playing. I watch him from the doorway for a minute before coming up behind him and putting my hands on his shoulders.

He jolts in surprise and looks back before smiling in relief. "You scared me," he says, reaching back to touch one of my hands.

"Don't stop," I say, leaning down to kiss his cheek before sitting down next to him, straddling the bench so I can half-hug him from the side.

"Well, now that you're here-- I just wrote this," he says. "Hold on." He searches his brain for the right starting chord, and when he finds it, he begins playing. And singing. I stare at his face as he closes his eyes and plays through a slow, stirring progression with soft vocal riffs. I still look at him with the awe I felt the first time I heard him sing and play with Charlie. He's still just as sexy and wonderful as he was in that moment. Watching him sing and play is magical and surprising and a total turn on, and I want him to play longer but he only seems to have a verse down. He stops abruptly and looks at me. "What d'you think?"

I smile, my hand on his thigh. "You're so beautiful."

He blushes slightly but laughs. "I meant the song."

"The song is beautiful and you're beautiful," I say with a chuckle. "Honestly, why don't you do anything with your music?" I ask. He's written more than his fair share of music. But he hordes his material.

He shrugs. "I don't know. I don't really wanna be a musician I guess," he says before smiling. "I just like playing."

"I like it when you play," I say.

"I only really ever play them for you."

His tone implies that that sentence wasn't intended to be romantic, but it sure as hell feels that way. I feel all tingly inside, and I bite my lip before leaning in for a kiss. He notices and leans down towards me, bridging the gap between us and holding his lips against mine for a few seconds. Reluctantly, I pull away, sighing slightly. "C'mon," I say, patting his thigh. "They'll be here soon." I stand up, offering my hand. "Once we say hi and everything, you can fuck me on the piano." He just rolls his eyes and laughs, letting me lead him out of the room.

We head back and wait with everyone, who are all just chatting and drinking casually. RJ gets two glasses of wine from the bar and gives me one, and we stand close to each other as we sip our drinks and wait. Finally, my mom and Ty (my mom wearing a borderline slutty white dress and Ty looking oddly dapper in a short-sleeved tux) round the corner stop in surprise when we all cheer "Congratulations!" just as the lights dim and the DJ starts playing music. I've never seen Ty look so happy, and my mom is practically screaming in excitement as she holds up her newly-adorned ring finger. Soon the crowd swells and the two of them have to go through the tedious process of saying hello to everybody, yelling over the music and excitement like they're at a club.

RJ and I have the right idea: wait. I don't want to get lost in the crowd, already feeling overheated in this room, so we stand by until an opportunity comes. After a while, Ty gets to me before my mom does, and his face softens as he looks at me before opening his arms. I laugh, hand RJ my drink, and rush over to Ty to hug him tight. "Congratulations," I say as we sway a bit.

He kisses the top of my head. "Thanks, buddy," he says, rubbing my back before pulling back. He looks flushed with pride and excitement, but as if he's attempting to hold it all in slightly. "I know it's not a huge deal, but--"

"I get it," I say, patting his arm and smiling. "I'm happy for you guys."

"Yeah, well." He laughs a bit. "Now we're officially family," he says, nudging my shoulder.

I just roll my eyes. "You've always been family," I say, which makes him blush a bit. That always makes me smile, when I can make this tough-looking man blush like this.

"C'mere," he says, and he pulls me into another hug. I just laugh against his chest as he holds me tightly in his arms. "I'm glad you're here. I'm already stressed out," he mutters in my ear, and I laugh. The idea of a party was a joint decision between Ty and my mom. How big of a party, though... there was a discrepancy. Mom won.

"Me too. I didn't think so many people would come."

"I was hoping so many people wouldn't come," he says with a slight grimace, looking around as he scratches the back of his head. "Ah, well. There's always the casino."

"Just don't lose too much money."

"Psh. I don't lose," he says with a little grin. Then he seems to remember something. "Oh! How'd it go with your dad?" he asks, leaning back slightly.

"Oh, that," I say, sighing slightly. "He, uh... He didn't show."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Then I bite my lip. "Listen," I start to say, and I grab his hand, pulling him away from the crowd and more towards the edge of the room where the music isn't so loud. "I don't think I've ever said this, and I've wanted to say this for a while..."

He arches his eyebrow, looking at me curiously. "What is it?"

"I... Well, after my dad was a no-show today," I say, "it made me realize how lucky I still am." I look up at him. "You've always been good to me. Like, really good. A way better father, even when you weren't asked to be. And, well... I just wanted to tell you -- y'know, to your face -- that I'm glad I get to call you my dad. And I love you."

He's trying hard not to cry, I can tell. But I can see his eyes watering up. And that's making me cry. I smile slightly as a couple tears stream down my face and he returns with an even bigger smile. Of course, just as his mouth opens, before he can say anything, we get bombarded by a few of his brothers. He gives me an apologetic look as one of them (rudely) grabs his arm and attention, but I just wave him off, telling him to have fun. He manages to tell me that he loves me before he's roped into a loud conversation that I'm casually being booted out of. It's like they didn't even see me.

I make my way back to RJ and he hands me my drink before noticing my face. "You okay?" he asks, wiping the tears off my cheeks with his thumb.

"No, yeah, I'm good," I tell him. "Just emotional. But in a good way."

"You wanna talk?"

"No," I say with a shake of my head. I look up at him. "Just kiss me."

He laughs before leaning down and planting a gentle but deep kiss against my lips, and I melt. He smiles when he pulls away and then downs the rest of his wine before grabbing my hand. "Time to dance."

I don't know how long we dance for. Our frequent trips to the dancefloor are only broken by making stops at the bar for refills or shots. Otherwise, we're just dancing our asses off and having a good time with those around us. Mom joins the two of us at one point and we both scream in unison when we see each other but don't stop dancing. She grabs my hands as we dance around, and the only words she says are "Fuck yeah!", which just makes me laugh.

We take a break after another song though, because my mom and I are exhausted. I need a moment to sit because I'm very tipsy and hungry, so we make our way to the buffet area, fill our plates with goodies, and then pick a table to sit at. I thought RJ was behind me, but it looks like he got roped into a conversation with a few of my cousins that he's gotten along with before. "Heels are one of the worst inventions ever," my mom says with a groan, kicking her shoes off and practically falling into her chair.

I laugh, sitting next to her. "You chose to wear them."

"Yeah, because I look hot in them," she says with a little grin before guiding a strawberry into her mouth. "I can't believe you set all this up," she says, gesturing to the room.

"I can't take ALL the credit," I say with a laugh, even though I did a ton of the set up and scheduling.

"Learn to," she says with a little grin before we're interrupted by my cousin Tabby. She's already clearly drunk, her face flushed and a bright smile stretched across her face.

Tabby collapses on the chair next to me with a heavy sigh and says "Hello ladies" to the both of us, leaning over to kiss my cheek. "This is hands-down the best wedding I've ever been to."

My mom just laughs. "It's hardly a wedding."

"Okay, well this is the most fun wedding-party-reception-thing I've ever been to," she says with a slight hiccup, which just makes me chuckle to myself. "I didn't realize your man's family is so cool," she adds before turning to me. "And you! I just met your boyfriend, like, in the flesh, finally."

"Yeah?" I ask with a grin.

"Mhm. He's much cuter in person."

I laugh, nodding. I forgot most people here have only seen him via pictures on social media. "That he is." We all turn our attention towards the bar. RJ is standing with a couple of my male cousins and a girl from Ty's side of the family, chatting away with a drink in his hand. Somehow, we manage to make eye contact. He notices me looking and then smiles in my direction, which gives me those persistent little butterflies that still haven't seemed to die down after months of dating. "Mmm," I say dreamily, laughing slightly.

"I love that boy," my mom says, popping another strawberry in her mouth. "He's the sweetest thing. And he's perfect for you."

"Yeah, I've heard you're pretty uh, compatible," Tabby says, and the both of us fall into a slight fit of giggles.

"God, he's so hot," I say, biting my lip as I look at RJ. "I mean, look at him. All oblivious. He doesn't know how good he's gonna get it later."

Tabby and I laugh but my mom just rolls her eyes with a slight smile. "I'm leaving you sluts," she says with a slight smile, standing up.

"No, don't go, I'm sorry," I say, grabbing her hand.

"Relax, babe, I'm just going to the casino," she says. "Time to get my gambling on. Wanna come?"

I open my mouth to speak but I notice RJ coming directly over. "Maybe," I say, smiling. "I'll ask RJ."

"Well, come find us later if you decide. I think me and Ty might try to sneak away," she says just as RJ makes it to the table. She gives him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek before slipping away.

"Hey you," I say, holding out my hand.

He laughs, taking it and coming closer. "Hey." Then he leans in, whispering in my ear. "I wanna talk to you," he says. But then he gives the softest nibble on my ear lobe, and I get the hint. My body shivers. Suddenly I'm very, very horny.

"Oh?" I look over at him, grinning. "Back to the hotel room?"

"No, that's too far," he says. "There's a bathroom right down the hall, though."

I snort. "Are you serious?"

"C'mon," he says, tugging me to my feet. "Excuse us," he says to Tabby, and we both laugh as he sets down his drink and rushes me out of the room.

"Slow down, you're making us look suspicious," I tell him, the alcohol making me giggle over and over.

"Good," he says with a grin, tugging me down the hallway and into the nearest restroom. He bumps the door with his shoulder and pulls me inside, immediately pressing me into the bathroom wall and kissing me hard. He breathes in deeply as well, and I have to grab onto him so that I don't fall from the sudden lightheadedness.

I muster up enough strength to push him back slightly, laughing. "Check if anyone's in here," I whisper, and he laughs before pulling away.

He glances under the row of stalls before looking at me. "We're good," he says, holding out his hand. I take it with a smile and laugh as he picks the stall at the end, ushering me inside and closing it behind us. I look him up and down, biting my lip. My dick is already hard, I realize. I feel it straining against my slacks.

"You're gonna get me in trouble," I say.

"Never," he says with a grin before kissing me. Again, he pins me against the wall, and when he notices my boner poking against him, he reaches down to grab it over my pants. I let out a sharp moan that makes us both laugh before he uses both hands to start to undo my pants.

I grab his wrist, having second thoughts. "RJ--"

"What?" he whines. "Let me get you off."

"We'll get caught."

"I'll be quick," he insists. "Please?" He says that in such a soft, pleading voice that I can do little else to resist. Plus, I'm drunk (as is he) so all I can think is "Fuck it." When he makes another grab at my belt I don't stop him. I just smile as I watch his face concentrate on undoing my belt and fly before I feel his warm hand slide over my bulge. I moan a bit, feeling his hand touch me eagerly. RJ then leans in and kisses me gently before saying "Can I?"

I grin a bit. "Can you what, exactly?"

"Don't tease me," he says, already pulling my cock out into the open air.

"I'm not teas--"

"Babe," he says in a whiney voice again, and I laugh. He's so cute when he's drunk and horny.

"Fine," I say, acting like it's the last thing I want him to do right now. But he just smiles happily before getting down on one knee to comfortably guide my cock into his mouth. My eyes close when his tongue makes contact, and I groan. "Fuck, RJ," I laugh out, licking my lips as he gets right to work. He gets so into sucking cock. I look down and watch him, seeing that his eyes are closed as he holds onto the base of my dick and smoothly bobs his head back and forth, his tongue going crazy. My toes curl in my shoes. God, this feels so good. It's that strangely relaxed feeling I get while getting head mixed with the excitement of doing it in public. And he's so damn good with his mouth.

Soon though, I hear whistling just outside the restroom before the door swings open and someone enters. RJ pulls off and looks up at me, and for some reason, we both burst into a silent fit of laughter. RJ holds his finger up on his lips, signaling me to keep quiet, before leaning forward again. "No!" I whisper, putting my hand on his forehead to stop him. I had whispered somewhat loudly, and we both laugh again, snorting slightly when the whistling stopped. No doubt the mystery man across the restroom can probably tell there are two people in one of the stalls up to some funny business. I'm surprised that I don't feel worried. I just find the whole situation hilarious.

RJ keeps trying to get at my dick, and eventually he grabs my wrist to move my hand away before nuzzling his face against my crotch. I bite my lip hard to keep quiet, feeling an urge to both laugh and moan as RJ runs his tongue over my shaft and balls. Soon we hear a flush, and then the whistling continues as the sink starts running for three seconds. Thankfully, he leaves without saying anything.

"I told you we'd get caught," I say once we're alone.

RJ just laughs. "But we didn't. I was right," he says before opening his mouth to take the head of my cock.

I stop him again, moving my dick out of the way. "No. You don't deserve it."

He pouts a little. "Please?"

I shake my head with a slight grin, hitting his chin with my cock. "No."

He licks his lips, eyeing my dick before looking up at me again. "Pleeease? Let me finish," he says, leaning his head forward so that my dick is resting on his face as he peers up at me.

"Make it quick," I say eventually, and he eagerly returns to blowing me. He works at a slightly faster pace, and I swear, gripping his hair as my cock slides so easily into his throat. He grabs my ass and pulls me into him more as he bobs back and forth, making sure I get nice and deep in his throat. He takes it like a fucking pro, and has me on the edge in no time. He can tell when I'm close by now, and he pulls back to the head, stroking me as he sucks until finally, I reach climax. I tense up as I cum in his mouth. He doesn't miss a single drop. He slurps and swallows, his tongue running repeatedly over my sensitive head as my own fingers tug hard on his hair. Once I relax a bit, he slows down, focuses just on the tip as he squeezes my cock and makes sure he gets all he can out of me. He gives the head another lick before letting go of me and then leaning back slightly with a sigh.

He looks up at me with a shy little smile, and I just want to fuck him right here and now. "Did you mess up my hair?" he asks.

I laugh again. "A little." I reach forward and comb his hair with my fingers so that it's back in place before he stands up and kisses me once.

"We should get back," he says, putting my cock away for me -- something I've always found erotic.

"What about you?" I ask, nudging his crotch with my knuckles. Now I want to return the favor, ten-fold.

"Later," he says with a grin, zipping me up.

Instead of heading back to the room, we decide last-second to head directly over to the casino to drink, maybe gamble a little, and link up with Ty and my mom. Even though the place is huge and my mom doesn't answer her texts, it doesn't take long to find them. I can hear my mom screaming in drunken joy from across the busy room. When we find them, turns out Ty is getting seriously lucky at one of the bigger slot machines. We join them, laughing with them in surprise at the hundreds of dollars Ty is making before we sit at the machine next to them. I place myself in RJ's lap and of course lose the five dollars I gambled with, but RJ at least makes an extra thirty. Once he feels like he's pushed his luck far enough, he slips the coupon into my waistband like a stripper and tells me to buy something nice, which just makes me laugh for some reason. I'm enjoying myself with RJ and my parents, sipping on free drinks and cheering Ty on when he yet again makes more money.

I find myself kissing RJ repeatedly at one point. Nothing too inappropriate for public -- just soft, laugh-filled pecks on the lips. That's when my mom says something. "You two are so cute together." Then she slaps Ty's chest. "Aren't they cute together?"

"Super cute," Ty says with a hiccup, which makes all of us laugh.

"You guys should get married already," my mom says. "Then we can all be married and live happily ever after."

I tense up. I know she's just drunk (we all are), but she crossed a line. She doesn't see the face I'm making at her, though, because Ty manages to make a little more money, and that captures her full attention. I turn my face towards RJ, who's just smiling softly. "Sorry," I say on behalf of my mom.

He laughs. "What?"

"She's pushy when she's drunk."

"She's fine. She's not being that pushy," he says, running his hand up and down my thigh. "We never talked about that stuff, you know."

"Yeah, I know," I say. Because I'm afraid he'd never want to get married. The only thing he's ever said about marriage is that it's stupid.

"Do you see yourself getting married one day?" he asks.

Bastard. He said it vaguely enough to keep him out of it. "It'd be nice, wouldn't it?" I ask, trying to put him on the spot a little.

He shrugs. "You know me. I think marriage is dumb." There it is again. I know he's not the biggest fan of it, considering his whole family is riddled with divorces or otherwise bad marriages. Which is honestly understandable. But then he says something else. "I'd marry the shit out of you though," he says, giving me that slack, drunk, adorable smile of his.

Even though I know I shouldn't put too much stock in it just yet considering the amount of alcohol in both our systems, I can't help but beam at him. "So you're saying I'm dumb," I tease, poking his chest.

He laughs. "I'm saying I love you," he says, nipping at my shoulder through my shirt. "I'm ridiculously in love with you."

"Shut up," I say, feeling my face get hot and my cheeks starting to strain from smiling.

"No," he says with a little grin, biting his lip briefly before pulling me down for another kiss. I hum deeply, shifting on his lap so that I'm straddling him, giving us better access to each other. I feel his hands slide around to my back and pull me in, and I slide my hands up from his chest to his shoulders before my fingers itch to grab his hair on the back of his head. The kissing admittedly gets a little more passionate and intense, but I don't care that I'm practically grinding my hips into RJ. I'm drunk, and happy, and I'm in love.

I break the kiss, finding myself panting slightly against his lips. "Let's get out of here," I say softly.

He grins a bit, his hands moving to my waist. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" I say, sitting up in his lap. I hit his chest. "Now you wanna play hard to get?"

He laughs, rubbing his pec lightly. "I was kidding. Jesus."

"Sorry," I say with a little chuckle, playfully patting his cheek before I grip his suspenders and hold onto them. "C'mon, daddy," I say, grinding into him slightly.

He grunts a bit, blushing slightly but smiling. "Get off."

I hop off of his lap, scoop up our suit jackets, and take his hand, making him stand up before I turn my attention to my mom and Ty. Earlier, I envisioned myself getting emotional while I said goodnight and congratulations to them, the three of us hugging tightly to commemorate our new familial bond. But now, all I want to do is hurry back to the hotel room with my man and have the lights fucked out of me. So my goodnights are reduced to quick hugs and kisses on the cheeks. They're distracted anyway, still on the slot machine, so we all say is that we love each other before I'm speed-walking out of the casino, dragging a laughing RJ behind me.

I rush to get back to our hotel room. As RJ wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck, I hurriedly swipe us in, shoving the door open and pulling him into the room by his suspenders. I kiss him hard once we're finally inside, throwing our suit jackets on the floor as he takes my face in his hands, kissing me deeply. I can feel his bulge radiating heat against me and I moan a bit, our tongues working sensually against each other's. Fuck, I want him.

Then I hear it. Music. It's somewhat faint, but clear enough for me to think it's coming from our room. I pull away, confused. "Do you hear music playing?"

"Oh shit," RJ says, pushing away from me. He flips the lights switch on and disappears around the corner into the room. I follow, not thinking much of it until I stop in my tracks. I notice the rose petals on the floor first (most likely he dropped them) before my eyes fixate on the bed. Dozens of petals are arranged in a big heart across the top of the blanket. On the nightstand is a bottle of champagne in what looks to be a little tin cooler. Unlit candles have been set up all around the room. As I watch RJ hasten to light them, I notice my favorite band is playing quietly in the background from one of his Bluetooth speakers. It looks straight out of a romantic comedy.

I almost laugh in surprise, my heart swelling. "What... what is all this?"

"I know how much you like sappy shit," he says, finishing with the last couple candles before disposing of the matches. "Wanted to do something all cushy and nice," he teases, but he's smiling widely at me.

I'm a little stunned. It's so pretty, and romantic in a terribly corny way, but he's right. I live for this kind of shit. And to think, it's all for me. There's no real reason to do this either. It's not our anniversary, or anything special. RJ just went out of his way to do this. Suddenly I want to cry. "I hate you," I say, feeling my eyes watering already.

"Aww, baby," he says with a slight laugh, coming over. "Don't start crying on me."

"I won't," I say, sniffling and laughing as he turns the lights off and wraps his arms around my waist. I lean into him as I look at the bed, which is now only illuminated by soft candle light. This is just a simple reminder of how good RJ treats me. The lengths he'll go through to make me smile. How lucky I am to have a guy like him.

I feel him stroking my hair lightly before he speaks. "So... just to be clear... you like it?"

I snort. "Yes, you big lug," I say, squeezing him tighter.

RJ laughs. "I couldn't be sure. You pussied out on me."

"It's perfect," I tell him, smiling widely as I lift my chin and rest it on his chest as I look up at him. "You're perfect."

He smiles softly at me before lifting my chin up higher and kissing me softly on the lips. Slowly, the kisses get deeper. I hum against his lips and he offers up a few moans of his own, our hands getting more and more grabby by the second. I slide my hands to his shoulders and pull the suspenders off of them before breaking the kiss and focusing on undoing his tie and his shirt buttons. I run down his torso until most of them are undone and then I open his shirt more to expose his chest a bit. My mouth feels so wet right now as I expose a little of his skin. I want to devour him. I play with the bit of chest hair he has for a moment, getting so lost in it that it takes me a moment to realize that he's undoing all the buttons on my shirt. My eyes follow his happy trail to his pants. Time for me to return the favor.

As I work on his belt, he manages to get my shirt open without taking my bowtie off. He slides the shirt off of my body and then tosses it to the floor as I unzip his fly, open his pants, and rub his bulge through his tight underwear. He moans softly, moving one of his hands to the back of my head. I feel his fingers in my hair as he kisses me deeply, letting me feel him up. He's so fucking warm there. I want to taste him so badly that our kisses are becoming incredibly wet.

As if he knows, he takes initiative and guides me down to my knees. I lick my lips before nuzzling my face into his crotch and rubbing myself into his bulge. He grunts a little as I open my mouth and start lapping at the fabric, even sucking on it until it's soaked with my spit. I want him nice and hard for me. I glance up at him as my fingers hook into his waistband and then pull his underwear down until his cock swings free. I let out a little whine of pleasure and RJ chuckles a bit. I take hold of his hot member before lapping at it once, twice, three times, and then wrapping my lips tightly around it. The way I'm moaning, you'd think I'd been starved before this. I slide him deep into my mouth, into my throat even, and I still can't get enough. I want it all.

RJ holds the back of my head and pumps his hips a bit, making me choke but I don't care. I take it. I drag my nails down the front of his torso a bit, and he responds with face fucking me a little harder, adding force to the back of my head to make sure he gets in my throat with each push of his hips. I move my hands down to my crotch and hasten to undo my belt and pull my cock out. It was aching in my pants and now that it's free, I know why: I've been leaking precum this whole time. My cock is damp with it.

After another minute, RJ pulls his cock from my lips and I gasp for breath. I have little time to compose myself though because RJ pulls me to my feet and kisses me tongue-first, his hand going into my pants as he does. He notices my cock is already out and he makes a little humming noise against my lips as his fingers wrap around my sensitive, wet head. I mewl a little, leaning into him and clutching his arms. He gives my cock a teasing squeeze before pulling away and bringing me towards the bed. He stops me and then starts trying to strip me out of my pants and underwear. "No clothes in the bed," he says as he gets to his knees to deal with my socks and shoes.

I hold onto his shoulder for support, smiling slightly. "Is that a new rule?"

"It should be," he says with a little chuckle, tossing my left shoe away, taking my pants and underwear off my left leg, and then moving to the right foot. I grab my cock and smack the top of his head with it. He looks up at me with a confused expression before laughing. "Do you mind?" he asks.

"No." I slap his face with it this time, and he flinches only slightly before gripping my arms and pushing me into the bed. I fall onto the sheets, laughing, my legs hanging over the edge of the bed. RJ stays kneeling between my legs, grinning up at me before he playfully bites my inner thigh. Then he kisses and licks up towards my crotch, taking his time -- which only makes my cock twitch and throb in anticipation.

He lets go of my arms once he's at my cock so that he can lift it up and guide it into his mouth. I moan out, my hips raising to meet this pleasure. "Fuck, RJ..." I groan, my hands immediately going for his hair. He bobs up and down with his eyes closed, going slow but giving me sensual, deep oral like he always does. My body feels much warmer than usual, and I squirm, feeling the rose petals shift under my back.

But he doesn't focus on my cock for long. Suddenly I feel him grip the back of my legs and lift them up. My pants and underwear still hang off my right ankle, but he ignores them as he leans his head down towards my ass. I tense in anticipation until I feel his warm breath near my hole and then a long swipe of his silky tongue. "Fuck!" I groan. Why do I feel so overly sensitive? I moan, clutching the sheets slightly as he does it again, and again, and then goes all in. I can't even tell where his tongue is. Between his passion and the alcohol in my system, his mouth is providing this vague, constant pleasure against my hole. I'm moaning loud and egging him on way more than I usually do, but I can't stop myself. He needs to know how good he's making me feel.

He pauses to take off my shoe and get me completely naked, a smile on his face. "You're so vocal when you're drunk," he says, glancing at me as he stands up and gets naked as well.

I'm probably blushing, but I'm so warm all over that I wouldn't be able to tell. "Sorry," I say meekly.

"Don't be," he says, kicking off his pants and then climbing over me. "It's hot." He starts kissing up my body slowly, getting to my neck and then giving me a long swipe of his tongue across my throat and chin until he gets to my mouth. I feel his cock poking my stomach and I hum against his mouth as we share a brief, lewd kiss while he undoes my bowtie and tosses it to the floor. "I like making you loud," RJ says with a little grin.

I bite my lip slightly. "You're gonna have to force it out of me," I tell him.

He cocks an eyebrow before smirking. "Don't tempt me," he says, kissing my bottom lip. I drag my nails down his sides but he stops me, grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head. "Bastard," he says, licking his lips and kissing me a bit.

I hum against his lips, smiling. "Yeah, talk down to me," I say playfully.

He snorts a little. "Yeah, you... dirty slut," he says, and we both burst out laughing. Dirty talk is something we've always found to feel forced or silly. Right now, it's just comical.

"Yeah, daddy?" I say, putting on my little boy voice and barely able to keep myself from laughing. "Am I your dirty little bitch boy?"

He laughs before trying to make a stern face. "Yeah you are. Always thinking about daddy's big--"




"Mammoth--" he says, and we both burst out laughing, but he tries to keep going. "My big mammoth daddy cock."

I try pushing his face away, giggling like a kid. "Uh huh."

He laughs against my palm before grinding into me slightly. "You want my... my..."


"Perfect, thank you," he says, and I snort. "You want my colossal horse cock in your... I don't know. Ass pussy?"

"Ew," I say, but I'm practically cackling. "It's either ass or pussy, please do not combine them."

"Yeah, that just sounds really gross," he says, chuckling to himself.

When I finally regain a little composure, I just smile at him. "But yes, I would like that."

He grins a bit before shifting between my legs. He looks down as he spits onto his fingers to coat his cock. I can tell from the tiny pool of precum on my stomach that he's good to go, though, and I feel him grab himself, search for my hole, and then push forward. I groan softly as I feel the head slip in. RJ leans in and kisses my forehead and then my cheek as he sinks in deeper before whispering in my ear "Receive me."

I laugh so hard that I can't breathe. It's one of those laughs that gets caught in your throat and your body is put on pause for a moment. He's laughing hard above me, holding onto my face and apologizing until I finally can breathe and let those laughs out. God, it hurts but feels extra good to laugh right now. I hold onto him tightly, burying my face in his neck. "No more," I say, trying hard to compose myself.

"I'm sorry," he says again, laughing and kissing the side of my head. I let go of him enough for him to be able to tilt his head and kiss my lips. We both hum and giggle and smile against each other as we kiss, and eventually, RJ starts working his hips. I almost forgot we were fucking. I let out a moan, but I'm still giddy from the stupid dirty talk and still lightheaded from the alcohol that my sensations are all over the place. All I know is that I'm feeling good. I'm feeling very fucking good.

I rut back against RJ gently in time with his thrusts, and he breathes a little heavier against my mouth as I hold onto him. He kisses me repeatedly as I let out little moans. I don't think we intended to move at this speed -- we're more so making love than really going at it like I thought we would have. But it feels appropriate. Like it's just what I need.

I close my eyes and let out a mewl when RJ gets extra deep, my fingers digging into his back and in his hair. I bite my lip, focusing on the sensation of my hole stretching for him and his cock reaching deep inside me before I realize he's staring at me. I can feel his eyes on me, and when I open my own, sure enough, he's looking right down at me with that goofy, adorable half-smile on his lips. "Hey," I say, smiling.

He says "Hey" back, and I giggle slightly. I'm in such a damn good mood. And then he says "I like you."

I let out a short, harsh laugh. "You're drunk."

"Yeah but I like you."

I smile and comb his hair with my fingers before leaning up to kiss him. "I like you too."

I feel his hips start to work a little more insistently, and he lets out a soft, airy moan as his eyes close. He's almost there. I bite my lip, watching his face as he gets closer and closer to his orgasm. It's hot to watch RJ's face while feeling him cum inside me. He tends to clench his left eye closed much more tightly than his right eye, as if something got in that eye. His eyebrows also raise high in the middle, and his lips part just slightly enough for his teeth to show. Then he gives me deeper, harder thrusts as he empties his load in me. Everything feels so warm all of a sudden, and I smile, running my hands on the side of his face, his neck, and his shoulders, touching him as he comes down from his high.

He opens his eyes after several moments and smiles down on me. "I like watching you sing, but I love watching you cum," I say, tapping his lip with my index finger.

He laughs softly before rolling off of me. "Speaking of which..." He cuddles up against my side but I stay on my back because his hand slides right down to my cock. He lifts it up gently, slowly wraps his fingers around the shaft, and then starts stroking me. I bite my lip, raising my hips a bit, feeling those tingles whenever he touches me. I have a better idea, though. I move his hand away from my cock and nudge it towards my inner thigh. He seems to get the signal quickly without me having to use my words and slides his fingers across my taint and towards my hole. As his index finger makes contact, I moan a little louder and take over stroking myself. I feel his finger enter me slowly and I open my legs a little more. He sends kisses across my shoulder and I shiver a bit, my toes curling and my legs aching from being so tense. I'm so close though. He eases his finger a little deeper, working it back and forth at the pace I like, and I cry out when I finally cum. I shoot a thick load all up the front of my body, surprised at the amount.

I pant and try and catch my breath, eyeing the mess on my torso. RJ eases his finger out of me and rubs his palm casually over my front, working the cum into my skin. "Now I'm gonna be all sticky," I tell him, tilting my head towards him.

"You're welcome," he says, smiling and kissing my lips before cozying up to me even more. He rests his face into my shoulder and drapes a leg over one of mine. I smile, loving when he gets all cute and little-spoon on me. I look down and just enjoy the slight of his strong hand and arm draped across me and the feeling of his warm breath against my skin.

"I don't think I've been this happy in a long time," I say out loud. I only notice because of what happened with my dad this morning (or, rather, what didn't happen). And how I'm somehow at peace with it. I must have slowly started to get over this without me realizing and now, I'm just happy I can move forward. I have a family. One that RJ is practically a part of. I look over at him. "RJ?" He doesn't respond. Bastard fell asleep already. I smile a little, leaning over to kiss the top of his head, and then resting on my back. I'm sure I'll wake up at some point because I'm not under the blankets, but for now, I'm perfectly fine.

Turns out I wake up because of RJ. I feel him shifting heavily, and then he whispers in my ear. I groan, my eyes fluttering as I see the time come up on the clock. It's 4 in the morning. "What?"

"Let's hit the hot tub."

I snort slightly. "Are you kidding?"

"I'm dead serious," he says, and I notice him sitting up.

I turn my head, my eyebrows furrowed. "Are you drunk still?" I ask. "It's four in the fucking morning."

"C'mooon," he says, seemingly full of energy. "Please?" He leans in and kisses me on the cheek, then my neck, then my collarbone, saying "Please?" after each kiss.

I laugh a little pushing him away. "You're so fucking annoying."

"Is that a yes?" he asks with a cheeky little grin.

I just roll my eyes and force my legs off the bed. RJ's already up and heading into the bathroom, and I watch his ass disappear around the corner. After just a few seconds, he comes back with towels, ready to go. I roll my eyes, grabbing my bag that has my trunks. "Get your suit."

"We don't need that."

I look at him. "Seriously? Get your damn suit on," I say as I pull my trunks on. Clearly he's reluctant, but he relents when I give him another look, rummaging through his bag for his swimming trunks and quickly pulling them on.

"This is America, you know," he says as he grabs the towels again. "I have rights. And freedom."

"Good for you," I say, laughing as I push him towards the door.

It's a short walk down the hallway to where the pool and hot tub are. Thankfully, the whole area is empty, so RJ and I step in without anyone here to bother us. Or vice versa. I'm setting my towel down near the edge of the hot tub when I hear "Oh fuck yes." I turn my head and see RJ is already sinking himself down into the hot tub, smiling happily to himself. He wasted no time.

I laugh slightly and then come over to join him in the tub. As I sink lower into the water, my body vibrates with pleasure. I understand why he gets so excited about these things. Even though it relaxes me, it wakes me up a bit. I look at RJ for a while, who has his eyes closed and a soft little smile on his face as his arms rest on the edges of the tub. I come over to him, climbing into his lap and planting a little kiss on his lips. My hands rest on his thighs, and that's when I notice he's not wearing any trunks. "Are you naked?" I ask, trying to see under the surface.

"Yeah," he says.

I roll my eyes. "I told you to wear your trunks for a reason."

"What reason is that?" he asks, playing stupid.

"This is a public hot tub, dumbass."

"It's 4 in the morning. No one else is here, so relax," he says with a little grin.


"You gonna sit on my lap and patronize me all morning, or are you gonna shut the fuck up and kiss me some more?"

I bite my lip, trying hard not to smile. As my answer, I lean forward and continue kissing him. We share soft, playful kisses, often giggling against each other, only using just our lips. In the back of my head I'm praying no one else interrupts us.

When we stop kissing for a bit, I lean down and rest my head against his shoulder, lightly touching him. We sit in silence while I think about yesterday, smiling about the wedding. I was just running through the events when RJ speaks up. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

I look up. "Yeah?"

"What say you and I hypothetically got a place together?"

I perk up. "Really?"

He holds up a finger playfully. "Hypothetically."

I grin a bit. "Hypothetically, I might be interested. Is there a catch?"

He shrugs. "You have to sleep next to me every night."

"How terrible," I say, laughing and resting my hands on his sides. "We basically do that every night," I comment, returning back to a serious tone.

"Well yeah, I know," he says, smiling. "But imagine a place of our own. No roommates. No parents down the hall. Just you, and me. And maybe a cat," he adds, which makes me laugh. "I've been thinking about this for a while."


"Yeah. I mean, we could really play house. But with your mom and Ty getting married, I wasn't sure if you'd wanna stay with them and do the whole happy-family thing, or, y'know, live with your boyfriend, love of your life, all that," he says playfully, smiling slightly.

I laugh, sliding my hands up to his shoulders. He didn't have to waste his time worrying about what I'd say. It doesn't take any extra thought. I would have jumped at the opportunity months ago, just as I'm jumping at it now. "Yes."

He raises his eyebrows. "Yes?"

"Yes," I repeat, smiling. "You and me."

"You and me," he says with a nod, smiling widely. "And a cat. Don't forget."

I snort a little before leaning in to kiss him, getting as much body contact as I can. The thought of having our own space... God, that sounds great. We wouldn't be in anyone's way, and no one in ours. Any mess we made would be our mess. We could have sex at any time and in any part of our apartment. That sounds heavenly. And

I start to tingle with excitement. I mean, this is just the first step, right? Especially if his drunken words last night were coming from a sober part of his headspace. After all, once a couple moves in together, only one thing is next...

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