Rugger Russ and Wrestler Owen

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 7, 2022


russ checked the time: he was good. He'd get to Dr. Gabe's apartment on time. darien had called him a few times during the week. He had told him how much he appreciated russ giving up his Saturday to indulge Dr. Gabe, and promised he'd make up for it. russ wished it wasn't a Saturday when this was happening: trying to find time to be with Owen during the week was tough. The weekends were tough too, but if there were a match going on, russ could go and watch, and meet his boyfriend (dare he think of him as a lover?) afterwards, maybe get some sweaty kisses in, maybe even get into the shower and soap up that big slab of sexy beef before Owen told him "turn around," and fucked him while the water was going. It was "classic": russ had seen it in a million porn movies. The Top shoves his cock into the bottom's ass, and then reaches a soapy hand around, and edges, or maybe jerks, the bottom to climax. Owen usually teased russ: he had learned how russ' body reacted when he was just about to cum, and that's when Owen would stop and whisper something like "I want you to do what you're told, bottom boy," or "Who's the ONLY man who gets that hot ass?" Sometimes he'd tease russ with what he was going to do to him that weekend. All of that was going through russ' head as he got dressed. Darien had asked him to wear a specific outfit, and it didn't dawn on russ that it was exactly what he was wearing the night that Johnny Z had fucked him. "AH! So, this is the legendary russ: the last man my boy fucked." It was Dr. Gabe at the door. He was shirtless, and russ was just a bit stupefied by what great shape he was in. He had at least a four pack, maybe a six pack. His biceps were not as big as Owen's, but they were definitely "top 10%". "Your buddy darius is a little tied up right now," he pointed to a chair where darien was bound and gagged. "He needed a time out for being lippy this afternoon. Come on over. We're gonna get things started." He clapped a hand on russ' arm and led him over to darien. He shoved his knee in between darien's legs and pressed it against his crotch. russ could tell he was in chastity. "You gonna behave tonight boy? darien meekly shook his head yes. "Because if you don't, then I may take out your punishment on your boy here. You don't want that, do you?" Another meek head shake, this time no. "GOOD. Then we're all on the same page. You understand your role, russ." "I do," was russ' answer. Dr. Gabe leered. "I didn't propose to you I asked a simple question. Try again. You understand your role russ?" "Yes sir," he answered, and now Dr. Gabe went over to darien to begin untying him. "It always amazes me how you sub boys need constant reinforcement of what behavior is appropriate or not." He untied darien, who sighed and said, "Thank you Sir," before Dr. Gabe turned to russ and asked: "You ever see your boy get fucked up the ass before?" "No Sir," russ answered, stunned. From what darien had told him, that wasn't part of the scene. "Well, you're definitely gonna see him suck cock. Maybe get fucked too. Time will tell. "Now he turned to his sub. "darius, what are you standing around for? Get on your knees. My pants need to be taken off. So do my shoes. " "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. Please let me take care of your shoes and socks Sir. "As darien got to his knees to get to work undressing his Master, Dr. Gabe turned to russ: "you, boy. You get over here and start licking this chest. And make SURE you let me know how much you like it. "Yes sir," russ answered, thinking he'd do his best to try to imagine he was servicing Owen. It would be difficult: Dr Gabe was an arrogant bastard, but he was a HOT arrogant bastard, and russ was feeling "something" as darien got his Master's shoes and socks off and began giving him a solid foot massage. Dr. Gabe grabbed the back of russ' head. "Let's see if your tongue works as well when it's kissing. Open big as the dentist and your boyfriend would say." Dr. Gabe began Frenching russ and Frenching him DEEP. "Think of Owen, think of Owen" russ kept telling himself, but images of Dr. Gabe kept on flashing in front of him.

Back at his apartment, Owen was in turn angry, depressed, sad, dejected, and ultimately, lonely. He hadn't realized how much he had come to rely on his weekends with russ. He felt a surge to his penis when he thought about russ' sexy ass and tried desperately not to think about what was happening to his boy right now. He decided that maybe going out for a few drinks would make him forget more easily. He slipped into a tight, white polo shirt and some faded jeans. The shirt showed his own muscles, and the jeans fit him tight. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought "I look good. More and more like a bear, but good." He caught the elevator, and when he got out, Johnny Z was standing in the lobby of his building. "WHAT THE." He saw Johnny's big toothy grin. "HEY BIG MAN. Where's rusty?" "His name is russ, and you don't need to know." "This is true. Because I DO know. I wonder if, just about now, he's taking my uncle Gabe's cock in his mouth instead of yours." "HE'S HELPING OUT HIS BEST FRIEND, SHUT YOUR MOUTH." "I bet it looks very hot. I know how particular you are about your blow jobs Owen." He snickered. "You're actually pretty good at giving them too." "SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU WON, I DID WHAT YOU WANTED, NOW LEAVE." "You're all alone tonight, big Owen, so am I. Why don't we go join a party somewhere?" "I think I'll decline." "Ha ha. Don't you remember the rule, stud, NO ONE says no to Johnny Z." "Well, I just did," "Then I guess, I'll have to change that." Johnny started walking toward Owen. Was he going to wrestle him in the lobby of the apartment building? To call it wrestling would be to overrate it. They did tussle. Owen knew that Johnny was aware of all his weaknesses, and he fought to keep him away. It worked for a while, until Johnny got a strong hand on the spot where the right side of Owen's neck joined his scapula. "OH SHIT" Owen yelled as Johnny began applying pressure. "To your knees, big bear. To your knees. Then hands behind your back." "FUCK YOU. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Johnny pressed down harder. Then he put his other hand on the other side of Owen's head. The pain was excruciating. "OK OK. You win. You win." Owen got to his knees. He put his hands behind him, and he felt the clink of handcuffs go around his wrists. "What are you gonna do? Take me upstairs and fuck me?" Owen asked, and Johnny laughed. "Hell no, we're not going upstairs. We're gonna go and join my uncle's party. Maybe we'll be in time to watch some serious fucking go on. Back at Dr. Gabe's apartment, darien was kissing his DOM's cock, and licking it like a lollipop. Doing that was getting him more and more aroused. A few minutes earlier, Dr. Gabe had instructed russ to take off his shirt so he could "see your gorgeous chest." Dr. Gabe wasn't the only one who wanted to see russ' chest, and darien was hoping that he didn't do something really stupid like climax even though he was wearing a cage. He did that once and it was the one and only time Dr. Gabe took the riding crop out of the toys he had locked in a cabinet in his "den," and used it on darien's ass 50 times. darien couldn't go to class for a week, and Dr. Gabe's attitude was that darien's bad behavior didn't mean he had to stop screwing his bottom. darien also knew that if he committed an infraction more than once, the discipline he received got more and more severe. Dr Gabe had warned darien, more than once, that he was seriously considering either having him get a Prince Albert or guiche piercing "or maybe both," he'd say when he was particularly pissed off. darien knew what a Prince Albert was, but he had to look up "guiche". When he saw it, he got very, VERY scared. It looked painful, and he knew that Dr. Gabe knew a lot of doctors very capable of doing it. So, he kept on telling himself to stop. He looked away from russ, but his mind couldn't unsee what his eyes had seen. He had to do SOMETHING. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY BOYS! Got room for another two people at this party?" Johnny had a key to the apartment, and he walked in, pushing the handcuffed Owen in front of him. "I went out hunting tonight and I caught me a bear. A REAL HOT one!" "OWEN! WHAT THE." russ saw Johnny push Owen's wrists up and he saw Owen wincing, trying not to give Johnny the satisfaction of knowing he was in pain. "No shit from you rusty. Not that there's much you can do. You wanna fight with Johnny Z? Bring it on! Maybe then I'll fuck YOU instead of your boyfriend." Dr. Gabe looked up from what darien was doing, after he put his hand on darien's head to push him to continue. "So, this is that big wrestler you brought down? Cutie pie's boyfriend?" "Heh heh. The one and only. Gunc, suffice it to say, I'm the only man who's had this stud's ass in the last ten years. Ain't that right sub bear?" He pushed Owen's wrists up again and Owen grunted. "Yeah, it's true." "PLEASE LET HIM GO! "russ screamed. "I'll do whatever you want, just don't... "Oh, you WILL do whatever I want rusty. And whatever Gunc wants and eventually, whatever this big stud wants you to do. Understand something: there are alphas, there are betas, and then there are gammas. You're a GAMMA pretty boy. A sub's sub. Even gunc's boy fucked you. What a goddamned SLUT." "DON'T CALL MY LOVER A SLUT," now Owen was pissed. Johnny laughed, reached around and grabbed one of Owen's nipples and began to squeeze it. "I bet ya didn't know that wrestle man's tits are as sensitive as yours, rusty. Look at this." Owen began to moan, and his jeans were so tight that everyone could see his growing bulge. "Gunc, you think it might be time to have a little fuck fest?" Dr. Gabe smiled. "I think that's a perfect idea. How's about..." He looked at darien. "You, darius, get on the bed. Face down. "darien gulped. "Yes sir. "Then he turned to russ. "Gamma man, get his wrists tied down. I'll spread his legs. " "Please, don't hurt anyone PLEASE." Dr. Gabe and Johnny Z looked at each other and laughed. "No one is getting anything they don't want. Trust me bitch," Johnny answered. "Now YOU. Get the chair and move it in front of the bed. I want you to see your friend get fucked. And... your boyfriend. Cause I'm gonna fuck him on the floor. "Owen fought the handcuffs. Johnny laughed. "Let's assume you got out, stud. You think anyone's gonna let rusty go, or darifuck? No, you're gonna stay nice...and calm." He began playing with Owen's nipples again. "WE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER, MY CAPTIVE BEAR." "Yes sir, we do." Handcuffed, Owen couldn't do anything when Johnny went over to russ and bound him in the chair. "Gunc, you got some clamps around, just for good measure?" "Top drawer." Johnny pulled them out and smiled at russ. "Point em out rusty. It's either you, or big boy, but someone's wearing clamps tonight." russ looked at Owen, and then he pointed out his chest. "Now just sit there while the MEN get to work." Dr. Gabe had already stripped darien, and he got to work. He held out his cock, which was rigidly hard, and began sliding it into darien's ass. It produced a long, deep moan from darien followed by a cry of "OH YES. OH YES SIR. OH, IT FEELS SO GOOD." "He's a moaner gunc. I didn't know that. "Johnny was slipping Owen's jeans off. "DAMN STUD. You ass looks as good as the first time. I think fucking it is gonna be even better the second time." Owen pressed his lips together to try not to make any sounds while Johnny fucked him. He didn't succeed, and his moans got louder when Johnny slipped his hands under Owen's shirt and began squeezing his nipples in the middle of fucking him. "You like that big boy, don't you?" Johnny whispered to Owen. When he didn't get an answer, he pushed harder and squeezed mor forcefully. "I ASKED YOU IF YOU LIKED IT BIG BOY. LET YOUR SWEET GAMMA BOY HEAR IT!" "Yes sir. I like it. It feels good. "For russ, it was a moment he'd never forget. He had been topped by both of them -- in fact, by THREE of the men in the room, and now, his current top and DOM was being taken. He wanted to do something, but he also wanted to trade places with Owen, or with darien. He was very confused. "As sweet as always, darius." Dr. Gabe was pumping darien's ass with his gizz, as darien moaned. "Thank you, Sir, thank you." "Maybe I'll have you suck off your buddy. Ever do that before?" The last thing russ wanted was for his former TOP to suck him in front of his current one. "First time for everything. " "Hey, Gunc, just have him get rusty hard. Let's have big Owen finish him off. Make it a REAL party." Dr Gabe smiled. His nephew was as devious as he was. "So it will be he said." He untied darien. He saw the pre-cum. "You're awfully wet down there. What did I tell you?" "To control myself Sir." "Doesn't look like you're doing a good job." "I'm sorry Sir. I just got too excited. " "I'll let it go this time, if you entertain me well enough. Get russ' zipper opened. Get to work." "Yes sir." darien had plenty of experience with opening Dr. Gabe's zipper, and opening russ was just a little more difficult, since his pants were so tight. Once he got them opened, he got his mouth around russ' short, but hard cock. He began massaging russ' cockhead just as they heard Johnny explode inside Owen. "WHO ARE THE ALPHAS HERE TONIGHT, BITCH?" Johnny yelled. "You are Sir. You and your uncle. " "DAMN RIGHT. And don't you ever forget it. Now let's get you over to russ. Maybe a protein shake will do your big muscles good." Owen felt the vise like grip on his arm. He was still cuffed and russ was tied up. Dr. Gabe seemed to have darien under control. He moved over to russ and got on his knees again. He mouthed "I'm sorry." Johnny saw it and laughed loudly. "He's apologizing for blowing his boyfriend. GEEZ gunc, what is this world coming too." "It's good for us JZ. Means true tops are gonna be able to strut what they've got." He stroked darien's nipples and whispered "the more I think about it, the more I think you need a pierce down near your cock. Tomorrow, you let me know when school is in spring recess. "Yes Sir, I understand," was darien's response. Everyone looked up when they heard the moan come out of russ, as Owen went down on his cock. The combination of the tongue work, and the bristle hairs from Owen's beard resting on his balls, put russ in a state he didn't experience that often. "OH SHIT SIR OH SHIT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. " "He's a pretty good bottom isn't he rusty? Ha ha. By the time he's done, you won't need any lube." Johnny was telling the truth: russ found himself getting wet all over, not just his cock. He knew he shouldn't, but he began pushing and he wanted to give orders like Owen did: "TAKE IT BOTTOM. TAKE IT ALL," or to pull his hair forward the way Owen did it to him. While Owen was sucking russ, Johnny's mind was racing. "This really IS a new dynamic. I'm at the top, Owen in the middle, rusty on the bottom. FUCK. We really DO have an alpha/beta/gamma. "OOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Owen I'm close. I'm so close I'm. AGGGGGGGGGGH" russ wasn't big enough for his jizz to slide directly down Owen's throat, so Owen was tasting it as russ came. After russ had stopped spasming, Johnny came in. "Alright. We're all gonna get outta here and leave my uncle with his boy. But first, we're gonna understand something you two. From now on... since I've topped both of you, and I know what makes you both surrender, I'm the TOP. ALL THE WAY AT THE TOP. Bear boy, you're in the middle: you can fuck rusty, but I fuck YOU. And rusty, poor rusty. Or lucky rusty. You're gonna be getting it from both of us. Whenever we want it. That's the rule from now on, got it." Owen and russ looked at each other. Owen had thought that he had managed to avoid Johnny after that first time, but it was clear, he hadn't. Johnny still knew how to handle him and how to arouse him. HIS cock hadn't gotten relief that night, and it was HARD. Really hard. And as for russ, well, he adored Owen. If Owen proposed to him that night, he would have said yes. But he wanted Johnny's cock too. He had always had a thing for "bad boys," and Johnny was the ultimate bad boy. "We have to do it Owen, what choice do we have?" "None. Really none." Owen looked at Johnny: "we understand Sir. Completely. "Two new stallions for my stable. Now, THAT's a good night." He uncuffed Owen and untied russ. "Get your collective asses outta here. I'm gonna have a chat with my uncle. Who knows? Maybe we can get a group discount on THREE piercings, heh heh heh."

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In the cab, Owen took russ' hand. "I'm really sorry about that babe. I didn't expect Johnny to show up, and... well, he got me. I didn't think he'd be interested or that he could but... he got me." Owen got a hand squeeze back from russ. "Did you know that Dr. Gabe was his uncle?" Owen asked him. "Believe me, I had NO IDEA. I don't think darien knew either." "Hey, how come you call him darien and Doc Gabe calls him darius?" russ gave Owen a look. "His real name is darius, but he changed it because to him, darius sounded like a slave name. What he told me is: when Dr. Gabe learned that he said "well, I'll call you darius because boy, you ARE a slave." Owen laughed. "You know, when I hear things like that, I'm not proud to be a TOP." That provoked a smile from russ. "Well, you weren't one tonight, big stud." Owen reached out and tickled his ribs. "You know, rusty." He grinned. "The night isn't over, and my scorecard says I didn't bust a nut and you didn't get fucked tonight." He looked at russ: "my place?" russ smiled. "Was there any question, Sir? And you can call me rusty if you want. It seems to be my sub name." "Nah, I've got a sub name for you: bitch bottom." "OH, I like that. " Owen took russ' hand and put it on his crotch. "You're gonna like that even more." They were in Owen's apartment in about fifteen minutes. Owen wrapped his arm around russ' middle. "You're gonna get fucked bitch bottom." "Yes sir, I know it. But...can I return the favor you gave me tonight. Let me get on my knees, Sir. Let me suck you." "OH, I'd love that any night but tonight, rusty. I'm so hard that, if that magic tongue gets my cock, it's not getting in your ass. And I want that more than anything in the world right now." "Yes sir. As you will have it." They got undressed for the second time that night. There was some serious Frenching before Owen gave out a bear like yell and rolled on top of russ. "You are just SO FUCKING HOT. I understand why everyone wants you. But I'M the one who's got you." "Yes sir. OH GOD YES SIR." He felt his legs go onto Owen's shoulders, and then he felt the beast's rough fingers pulling his ass cheeks apart. "This is MY territory. My submissive butch's ASS." Then he began shoving his cock into russ, who was thinking: "you know, the two of us. It's better than the three of us. I wonder: could Owen get another job somewhere? I can work anywhere. There's no law that says a sub can't be the one to propose." Then he regained focus and felt the full force of Owen's hard, desperate cock. "You're fucking ripping me in half SIR" russ yelled, and Owen responded with "then I'll fuck both of you." It was true: Owen was so desperate for release; he came faster than he ever had. He smiled at russ. "You want to order in dinner, babe?" "If you do, that's fine Sir. But I'd like to just sleep on that big chest of yours. We can get a big breakfast tomorrow. "He gave Owen a look. "I'll start with banger sausages." "You got that right," Owen answered, and pulled russ into him. The last thing russ thought before he fell asleep was "start shopping for a ring."

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