
By Dave Arnold

Published on Nov 28, 2021


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Runt Part 2

He put his arm around me and held me close to him. "Well I've heard your story, I guess it's time you heard mine..."

I was fortunate, my parents were good hardworking business people who owned their own business. They spent tons of time expanding it. They both worked an ungodly number of hours but they always found time for me. Their business was very successful so we always could afford the best of material things.

One of the things they did buy when I was born was a Doberman anthropet to grow up with me. His name was Bruce and he was born two days before I was. Of course by the time I was a year old Bruce was an adult already. But even though there was a huge maturity difference between us Bruce always understood who was the Master. Bruce adored me and protected me from anything that came along.

He was one part nanny, one part body guard, one part pedagogue, one part friend and 100 percent my hero. My parents never needed to worry about what I was up to because Bruce never left my side. When I was still sleeping in a crib, Bruce curled up on a blanket on the floor next to it to be able to keep an eye on me. After I was done breast feeding mom and dad never had to get up for 2 AM feedings, Bruce just took care of things like that.

When I finally was old enough to sleep in a bed of my own my parents had to get me a full size bed so Bruce could sleep with me. He would hold me protectively all night. I never had nightmares when he was holding me because I was convinced that he could protect me from anything. And I knew he would do whatever it took to keep me safe.

Part of the reason that I was convinced that Bruce could protect me from everything was his size and presence. Bruce stood six feet seven inches tall, with a barrel chest, broad shoulders and a wasp waist. He worked out until he had muscles upon muscles. He had tall cropped ears which drew attention to his piercing blue eyes, which could look right through you. He also had the cutest little stub of a tail.

My parents also loved Bruce and made sure he also had the best of everything. Before I was old enough to go fishing with him, Dad used to take Bruce fishing with him. Bruce picked it up quickly and soon was a better fisherman than my dad. Which didn't bother my dad at all. In fact he would brag to his friends about how good of a fisherman Bruce was. He learned to tie flies and Dad had him tutored by some of the best fly fishermen in the area. Bruce was the one that taught me to fish when I got old enough to go.

My folks also sent Bruce, at his request, to learn Krav Maga. I think the best way to describe it is it is militarized Mixed Martial Arts. Bruce was from a guard dog breed and his first thought was always about how to protect his master. He quickly became an expert in it and in almost record time he was invited to test for a black belt which he achieved. Despite his calm demeanor he was truly dangerous to anyone who would have the audacity to attack the ones he loved.

They had also let him learn to read, write and do arithmetic, all of which he picked up quickly. Very few anthrodogs were given educations, many people thought it would make them too independent and that they would not remember their place. But as smart and educated as he was Bruce had no higher desire than to serve his masters, especially his young master. He used his knowledge to tutor me, I was way ahead of my classmates when I started school.

By the time I was 13 years old I had started to sleep naked. At first it was because I loved the feel of Bruce's fur covered body against me. Eventually as I was approaching puberty (I was a very late bloomer, most of my classmates had gone into puberty several years earlier than I had) I was fascinated with sexuality and especially with my very sexy pet. He had taught me about sex whenever I asked him questions.

He also didn't rebuke me when I would explore his body. I would frequently get him to lie on his back while I fondled his penis or balls. As you know I'm uncut, but I was fascinated by his sheath and his huge cock. I would stroke him until he would start whimpering like a puppy as his knot started to form. I learned that if I gripped him behind the knot that he would cum all over his belly, and then he would lick it up.

He explained to me how the cum started in his balls. Then during the process of ejaculation the sperm passes through the ejaculatory ducts and mixes with fluids from the seminal vesicles, the prostate and the bulbourethral glands to form the semen. I found that interesting, but what I found much more exhilarating was that I could give him such unbelievable pleasure.

After the first few times I jerked him off, upon recovering he would take me into his muzzle and pleasure me. I wasn't old enough to shoot yet, but I had dry cums that were pleasurable enough. This went on several times a day, as I say I was fascinated by it.

What I didn't know was he had permission from my Dad to have sex with me as soon as I started puberty. There were no age of consent laws when it pertained to anthropets, it was a loophole that had just never been addressed, probably because the Anthropet lobby was so powerful. Besides we were technically both the same age so most people just considered it sexual exploration.

But as I actually moved into puberty, Bruce was somehow able to detect a change in me. I don't know exactly how he knew, but somehow he knew that I was capable of cumming. Maybe his powerful sense of smell let him know, but whatever it was he knew.

He didn't let me jerk him off first, he just took me into his muzzle, getting me rock hard and all lubed up with his saliva. He grabbed a tube of Gun Oil out of his bedside stand and handed it to me. Then he rolled over onto his back and pulled his knees to his chest, his tight little pucker exposed to me and winking.

"Please Master, I've been waiting for this all our lives. Please make me yours." I knew what he wanted, we had discussed it many times. I knew he was asking for the only thing I hadn't been able to give him up to this point.

I put some of the Gun Oil on my finger and brought it up to his anus and when I circled around it his eager hole opened up, begging to be penetrated. I worked a finger in then a second and a third. And I knew he was more than ready.

I put some more lube on my hand and stroked it up and down my boner, getting it nice and slick. I only had about 6 inches at the time, so he had no trouble taking me. I peeled back my foreskin and placed it at his virgin pucker. He immediately opened up for me and I pushed it in gently. While his muzzle had felt great on my cock it was nothing like the feeling of being inside of him. I knew this was where I truly belonged. It was hot, warm, and slick, and I knew I wouldn't last long so I started thrusting.

I could feel his prostate and I knew his receptors were right there too. He moaned out loud, in spite of himself. His surrender to me was complete and unconditional as I continued to thrust into him. He was hard as Chinese algebra himself as I pistoned in and out. I could feel my balls tingle but there was a difference from when I was only having dry cums. My balls drew up and for the first time I could feel my seed coursing through my body to fill my lover.

When my virgin cum jetted out into Bruce he came almost violently, to the point that he passed out briefly. I held myself in as deeply as possible to give him as much of my seed as I could. He was only out of it for about 15 seconds, but when he came back around he was still spurting, his knot locked between our bodies. I held myself as deep into him as I could and my seed was still bathing his receptors, causing him to experience feelings he had never even dreamed were possible. I could feel his sphincter trying to milk every last drop of my load out of me.

He gripped me tight as he thrust his rectum up trying to keep me as deep in him as possible. It was the first time I had ever seen him in less than complete control of himself. He was completely at my mercy as his whole body was wracked with an orgasm that bordered on a convulsion. All he could manage was a piteous whimper as he continued to cum, until he finally just collapsed from exhaustion. I just came to rest on his chest and belly as I basked in the afterglow of my first orgasm, my cock still balls deep in Bruce as we lay there recovering from our ecstasy.

After resting for a few minutes I rolled off of Bruce and lay on my back still gasping for breath, my now softening cock laying on my belly. Bruce moved down and took me into his muzzle, cleaning me thoroughly. When he was finished he lay back on his back and said, "I needed to clean you so you won't get an infection Master."

I was proud of myself being able to bring Bruce such pleasure. At that age I could cum 3 or 4 times a day without much trouble and I made sure I made love to Bruce as often as I could. I won't deny that I got great pleasure from it also, but I got just as much satisfaction from giving Bruce pleasure as I did in getting off myself.

Soon we were experimenting with all sorts of stuff. The first thing we experimented with was oral sex. Bruce loved sucking me off almost as much as as he loved getting his tight little ass fucked by me. The first few times I tried to return the favor Bruce stopped me saying, "Masters don't have to suck off their pets."

But the third time he used this ploy on me I was ready. "So you think you're too good to share your seed with me?" I asked with a mischievous grin, knowing I had painted him into a corner. So I proceeded to give my first blow job.

I eased his sheath down with just my lips until it was a scrunched up by his balls as I bobbed up and down his shaft. I used my hand to keep his sheath down as his shaft hardened. Bruce had over 9 inches of hard cock and I hadn't learned to swallow yet so I had to back off. I cradled his huge balls with my left hand and stroked the base of his cock with my right hand leaving my mouth to slide up and down the top third of his monster.

I used my tongue to go around the rim of his glans like he'd done for me. He was slightly gamy since he hadn't showered for a couple of hours, but it wasn't too bad. It just made him seem even more masculine than ever. He moaned as he let me have my way with his doghood. It didn't take long before his knot started to form and I gripped the base of it to bring him over the edge.

"Pull off Master! I'm gonna cum!" He cried out.

Of course I had no intention of pulling off, I just increased my jerking at the base of his knot making him grunt as he shot his huge rich load directly into my mouth. I had never tasted cum before, Bruce was always the one to lick us clean, but I realized I liked it immediately. It was salty and slightly sweet, but it also had an undertone that reminded me specifically of Bruce. So I savored it a little before I swallowed the essence of the one I loved more than anyone else.

I quickly realized that I liked his jism as much as he liked mine, although I had an advantage there since he produced much more spooge than I did. He continued to pulse his seed into my mouth as long as I gripped the base of his knot. I got five or six good swallows before I released his knot.

"How did you like your first blow job?" I asked.

"It wasn't my first blow job..." He said sheepishly. One of the things about Bruce was he could never lie to me not even little white lies.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well when you were really young your folks occasionally liked to have threesomes..." He continued nervous that I was going to be upset.

I sat there a moment waiting for it to sink in. When I thought about it it really didn't surprise me that much. I knew my folks were quite libertarian politically and sexually libertine, and had a view if it didn't hurt anyone it was acceptable to do. The fact that they bought me an anthrodog and didn't care that I had sex with him proved their sexual views.

Bruce had gone through puberty when we were only 7 months old, to expect him to not avail himself of sexual release until I was sexually capable would have been completely unfair. Besides my parents while technically not his masters were his defacto owners so a nice obedient dog like Bruce would not have been able to disobey them.

And now I was getting curious just how kinky my parents had been. Just what were their limits...

"So what kind of stuff did you guys do in your threesomes?" I asked as I positioned myself between his legs, an evil grin on my face and my boner pointing true north. I lubed up my finger and slipped it in, massaging his prostate. He moaned for a moment, then I pulled my finger out.

"Don't stop!" He begged.

"Then tell me what happened in your threesomes..."

"Well your parents are really cool. They considered a threesome with an anthrodog as a way to have sexual adventures without the risk of emotional entanglement with another human. Both of them liked to be fucked by me and we all gave and received oral..." He said and then moaned as I rewarded him by sticking my finger back in and massaging his prostate.

To my surprise this was turning me on even more. I pulled my finger out and said, "How long ago did these stop?"

He gazed at me with a mischievous grin. "Who said they've stopped."

"When was the last time you were with them?" I asked

"Two days ago when you were in class they came home early for a little as they called it 'Afternoon Delight'." He added with a giggle.

"And just what did you three do? I want details!" I said in mock seriousness, my raging leaking boner giving me away.

"Well they called me into their room, your mom was in a lacy black silk teddy and your dad was in a black silk robe with black silk boxers, so I knew I was in for some fun. Even though they are my owners, whenever we played around I was always the dom. Both of them dropped to their knees in front of me. I was still limp because I hadn't been expecting it. But Dad skinned my sheath back and Mom took me into her mouth. Between Dad fondling my balls and Mom's talented tongue I was hard in no time flat." Bruce began his tale.

"'On your knees up on the bed.' I ordered Mom, who quickly complied. This was Dad's favorite position. He crawled under her in a 69 position as I got behind her. I undid the snap at her crotch, opening up her snatch to my ministrations. I ran my middle finger up her slit and brought it to my muzzle. My teeth started chattering when I tasted that she was fertile. 'Tastes like someone's in heat...' I informed them."

"That's one of Dad's favorite fantasies, that someone is gonna knock Mom up. As you know he had a vasectomy after you were born so they don't have to worry about contraception. I have to admit it's one of my favorites too, but of course it can't happen since the chromosomes don't line up. But it really gets our motors revved to the redline. I licked her sex as she moaned out her pleasure. She had her head down working on Dad's cock."

"I could hear her really moaning now, I knew she was really ready for it. I positioned myself and Dad reached up guiding me in. Dad's cock is bigger than average, but not near as big as mine. He gets off on mine being so much bigger. He positioned me and I pushed until the head popped in. She is always so tight when I first try to put it in. I have to take my time, I thrust in a couple inches and pull out an inch, two out and one in again and again until my balls come to rest against her mons."

"Dad reached up, made a v with his index and middle fingers and slid it up against Mom's snatch so he could feel me sliding in and out of her. I gripped her hips and slowly slid in and out of her half a dozen times until she was nice and lubed up by her own secretions and my copious precum. As soon as she was slick and loose enough I started hammering away at her."

"'You want bred by a real stud, don't you!'" I demanded.

"'Yesssss...' Mom hissed her agreement as I hammered it deep, right against her cervix."

"I let go of her hips and flipped her tits out of the teddy. Despite her age Mom has a great body and hooters that just don't quit. I squeezed her tits in time with jamming my cock deep in her and whenever I tweaked her nipples with my claws it was like a jolt of electric went through her body and her twat would milk my doghood like it wanted bred."

"'Looks like you like being bred by the big strong Dobie! Who's the best you've ever had?' I asked knowing the answer."

"'You Bruce!' She moaned and then let out a series of 'Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah...' As I continued my assault on her tight twat. 'Who does this pussy belong to?' I asked as I gave an extra hard thrust to emphasize my ownership."

"'Mmmmm... You Broooooce... Mmmmm...' She moaned as she went into an orgasm."

"The contractions on my cock had my knot starting to form. I started to give the short sharp thrusts to seat myself as deep as I could before locked myself in. Dad squeezed his hand around the base of my knot, making Mom feel even tighter."

"'Give it to her Bruce!' Dad cried out as I was on the verge of cumming. He removed his hand and started to lick our junction as I started to unload into Mom."

"'Aaarghhhh!!! As my seed jetted through my cock right onto Mom's cervix. We all imagined I was knocking her up as my seed erupted into her womb. I continued to empty my balls into Mom's eager cervix, for about 3 or 4 minutes, then I slowed down to the intermediate gentle spurts that would last for the remainder of the tie.

I rolled onto my back with Mom on top of me, her back still to my chest. That's when Dad got into the act. He knelt between our legs and put our legs over his shoulders until our junction was right up in the air. He laid his seven uncut inches right up against our junction and started thrusting. Each thrust stimulated the base of my knot and slid across Moms stuffed camel toe. That was all it took for Mom to start cumming again and between Dad's cock and Mom's orgasm I was soon spurting hard again.

Dad didn't thrust too long before he shot his sterile cum all over our junction, Mom's camel toe and my balls. Like he was giving our breeding his blessing. Then Dad collapsed on top of us and we all rolled over on our side in a heap.

We lay there for a half hour all gooey from Dad's spooge before my knot finally came down. It came out with an audible plop as I dislodged from Mom and we both lay on our backs as we rested from our exertions.

Dad went right into action. He was soon on his knees between Mom's legs even before my massive load of cum started leaking out of her. He dipped his head and started lapping at her slit. He was already ahead of the game when my spunk started flooding out. But he didn't miss a drop, licking up my seed and savoring it before swallowing it.

After he was completely finished with Mom, he turned his attention to me. I was three quarters soft by now but my sheath was still caught behind the remnant of my knot. He took me into his mouth and used his tongue to clean me off. He then started to clean my balls where he'd cum on them. First he took one of them into his mouth as he ran his tongue around it. Damn did it feel good.

"'Damn! You are such a stud Bruce, I can barely fit even one of your nuts in my mouth.' Dad said right before he took the other one in and gave it the same treatment. His tongue felt so good that I started to get hard again. Dad noticed and was soon bobbing up and down on my cock again. I was soon hard and ready for action again.

"'Well it's time you found what it's like to get fucked by a real stud. If you're going to be raising my pup you outta at least get to feel what your wife got to feel... Get on your fucking back right now!' I ordered."

"Dad complied immediately, pulling his knees up to his chest, exposing his pucker. I got between his knees and started stroking until I dribbled a large dollop of precum on his anus. I rubbed it around with the head of my cock. Then I worked in a finger and a second one before I replaced it with my doghood. I put pressure on it and Dad grunted in a little bit of pain as I popped in and with one slow steady thrust buried myself balls deep in him."

"I eased my way in and out of him a few times, but I didn't waste much time doing it since I've been fucking him for years and he's pretty used to my length and girth. Soon I was pounding into him with gusto as he begged for it. 'Fuck Bruce! Make me your bitch!'"

"I put my muzzle over his mouth and French kissed him, my big tongue probing his mouth just as my cock was probing his rectum. I was completely dominating him but at the same time showing him that I loved him."

"I pulled out of him and ordered 'On your belly bitch!'"

"He immediately rolled over and tilted his ass up to the perfect position. I slipped right back into him and started to pound away from this position of dominance. My big balls beat a steady rhythm against his as I urgently sought to make him mine. It wasn't long before my knot started to form and I jammed myself in as deep as I could, grinding up against him as my knot locked us together. He clamped down on me as he came, his spooge spraying onto the bed while mine jetted into him, marking him as mine."

"I was locked in him and I rolled us both on our sides and nuzzled his ear. 'Damn Bruce I never get tired of feeling you locked in me.'"

"I chuckled and said 'I never get tired of being locked in you. I love you Dad'" Bruce finished his tale.

"I have some kinky folks." I replied to his story.

"Yes you do. But they are some of the best people I know." Bruce answered.

"Of course by then I was about as horny as a boy could be so I crawled in between Bruce's legs. I grabbed both of his ankles with one hand and pushed them back until his ass was just where I wanted it to be. I grabbed my cock with my right hand and guided myself into the ass that belonged only to me. He moaned as my young cock ran over his prostate. As I worked myself in I could see Bruce gazing up at me worshipfully. He made no bones about how much he adored me. Soon I was oozing precum over his receptors and even though it wasn't the same as semen, it still made him shudder and spurt precum of his own."

"Please Master, make me yours!" Bruce begged and I hammered away intent on doing just that.

I was young and I knew I wouldn't last long but that wasn't necessary. Bruce craved what was in my seed, and I was on the verge of giving him just what he wanted. My balls drew up and my cock spat its seed onto Bruce's receptors causing him to orgasm with an intensity that I would never experience. He knotted up and shot seed all over himself as I looked down on him, proud that I could give my best friend this kind of pleasure. But in the back of my mind I started to wonder just what it would feel like to be on the receiving.

But Bruce was much more than a sex outlet for me. He taught me most things I ever learned. He taught me to play sports, especially basketball. When he turned a year old Dad had gotten him an exemption so he could join the YMCA (he needed an exemption because anthros generally were not allowed to become members). He made an impression there like he did everywhere with his cheerful personality and strong work ethic.

He was much better than I was but practicing against him every day was a real challenge and I soon became the best player in our conference. Part of that had to do with my size and athletic ability, but a great deal of it had to do with how well Bruce taught me the game. By the time I was in high school he was an unofficial assistant coach, (anthros couldn't have any type of job like that, so he didn't get paid for it) but the head coach liked him just like anyone that came in touch with him.

There really wasn't any part of my life that Bruce wasn't a part of. But there was one thing I hadn't let him do, and I decided that I wanted it to happen. So on his birthday I decided I would give him something to remember. Mom and Dad took us out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and when we got home Bruce and I turned in early for the evening. My folks knew that Bruce and I were sex partners and were OK with it, so they weren't surprised. But this time when I took Bruce up to our room I had plans for something different.

"So Birthday Boy I have something special planned for you." I said as I started to get undressed. I shed my clothes quickly, I wanted to give him his present as quick as possible. Although maybe it was more of a present to myself, if you look at it that way. While I was finishing undressing, Bruce was getting on his knees in front of me. As I stepped out of my boxer briefs I asked, "What are you doing down there?"

"He grinned and said, 'I'm getting ready to worship my Master of course!' As he moved his muzzle toward my rampant erection.

"'I think not! Today is your day to be the Master!'" I said as I pulled him to his feet and got on my knees in front of him. I started to fondle his package as I gazed up at him adoringly. I had been regularly been blowing him by now so he still didn't have any idea what I had in mind. I had gotten pretty good at pleasing him orally, knowing exactly what tricks really got him going and I hit every one of them. But before he got too involved in the blow job I got on the bed, rolled over on my back and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"'What the hell are you doing Master?' He asked, confusion in his voice."

"'Getting ready to lose my virginity.' I told him."

"'I can't do that to you Master!' He said."

"'We've already been through this before with oral sex. Or do you like Dad better than me?' I asked."

"'What do you mean Master, I love you more than life itself.'"

"'You're willing to fuck Dad, but you're not willing to give yourself to me?' I asked. 'I want to feel the dog I love thrusting deep in me showing me how much he loves me...'"

"The great thing about having an anthro fuck you is they have so much natural lube that you don't have to bother with the bottled variety. He crawled up between my legs and started to lick my pucker with his big Dobie tongue. It felt wonderful. And what also felt wonderful was surrendering and letting someone else take charge. Soon his big tongue was worming its way into my body. I was writhing on my back, a puddle of precum pooling on my belly."

"Bruce took advantage of this and dipped his index finger into it before moving it to my already slick pucker. He slowly penetrated my tight little ass. It hurt a little at first and I grimaced."

"'Am I hurting you Master?' He asked with great concern."

"'It hurts a little, but I don't want you to stop. I shouldn't have waited this long to give myself to you.' I countered."

"He got it about half way in when he hit my prostate, and at that point I knew that despite the pain I was still experiencing, I was going to love getting fucked. He continued to work it in and out of me until it was no longer painful at all. Then he added his middle finger to spread me wider. Again there was pain but he took it slowly and soon that pain was gone also."

"'Are you ready?' He asked."

"'More than ready!' I responded. One of the things about us was we never took from each other, we always gave to each other. I never "took" his virginity, he had eagerly given me his virginity and now I gave him mine."

"And with that he positioned himself to give me what I wanted. I felt him rub his leaking dickhead all over my pucker and then I felt pressure at my entrance. My first response was to tense up, but Bruce moved his free hand up to my belly, rubbing it then said, 'Relax Master...'"

"And with that I surrendered to my lover. I relaxed and he stretched me enough for the head to pop in. I saw stars for a moment, but Bruce held still with just the head inside of me as I adjusted to his massive girth. It soon passed and he slowly worked the rest of his doghood in until his huge balls were resting against my ass. As he held it there I pulled his muzzle down to my mouth and let him have his way with my mouth. I was his today, I was going to give myself completely to him because wasn't giving yourself what love was really all about?"

"By the time we broke our kiss I was ready for him to get on with fucking me. Even though it hurt a little, feeling my hero deep inside me was the most intimate feeling I'd ever experienced. As he gently started to make love to me, I loosened up and the pain just turned to a feeling of fullness and a tingling at my prostate. I had lost my erection at first but now it was back with a vengeance as Bruce picked up the pace. I could feel the urgency of him driving himself up into me. His urgency to give himself to me in the only way he hadn't before given himself to me. And I wanted him desperately!"

"Soon we were working together like we had been doing this our whole lives, like we were meant for each other. Destined to belong one to the other. It was like everything else ceased to exist, just the two of us trying to become one. And that was when I started to feel his knot start to form. He was no longer pulling out and thrusting in, just thrusting deeper and deeper as his knot engorged and we were just that... One..."

"I felt his great load pulse through his shaft deep into me, marking me as his. Even though I was his Master, he had always been my hero and I reveled in feeling him give me his seed deep in me. His knot grew bigger than my fist, and although there was pain there was also almost unbearable pleasure as I clamped down on him. I could feel his heart beating in his knot. The same heart that beat every beat to serve me... The same heart that would give his life to protect me... It was like a second heart in me and I knew I needed him as much as I needed my own heart..."

"I never realized that I'd even cum until I noticed the wetness on me..."

Next: Chapter 3

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