Rustic Chivalry

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 16, 2014


Rustic Chivalry

Chapter Nine

As soon as Red and Bobby were off to work the next morning, Timmy came over. The moment he was through the door, the two young men were all over each other. Robbie was naked, but he practically ripped Timmy's cargo shorts off. Timmy wasn't wearing any underwear, knowing what was coming. By the time they got to the bedroom, Timmy was as naked as Robbie.

Timmy wanted to tease Robbie a little bit, so he rimmed him twice as long as Robbie had rimmed him the day before, which prompted Robbie to say, "If ya don' fuck me soon, I'm gonna cum before ya get into me."

"Okay, okay. Man, yer impatient." Robbie's ass was so wet with Timmy's spittle, he barely needed lubricating, but Timmy greased him up liberally just the same, and then he lubed his own cock.

Robbie had a secret. When he realized that he was gay, he waited for his dad's to go to work one summer day. He searched their room, hoping to find some gay literature or video tapes, he might watch. He found a couple of DVDs, and in the back of Red's night table, he found a good size dildo. Red had stopped using it when he and Bobby finally got together, but he never discarded it.

It was stuffed in the back of the drawer, and had obviously not been used in ages. Robbie took a chance that Red would never miss it. Besides, the worst thing that could happen if his dads discovered that he had stolen the dildo, is that he would come out to them. He was right. Red never missed it.

Robbie did not disturb the DVDs, but he took the dildo into his bedroom, and bathed it with baby oil. It regained some of its flexibility, and Robbie decided to begin to use it. He applied lots of Vaseline to the dildo, and up his ass. The first time he tried, he could barely get a half inch into him. He was very disappointed, but he didn't give up. He reamed the dildo all around his opening like he had seen some older men reaming a pipe. Before he gave up that day, he had taken about one third the dildo. His cock was in a very happy state, so he jerked off, and his orgasm, with the dildo up his ass, was outstanding.

It took about two weeks of practice every day, and Robbie was taking the entire huge dildo up his ass. He would stroke it in and out. At first it hurt, but when the pain subsided, he would whack off and stroke the dildo at the same time. His orgasms were getting more and more intense. Occasionally he came while he was working the dildo and he wasn't even touching his cock. The lad knew nothing about the prostate gland, but he was obviously stimulating it.

This was one secret he could never tell Timmy, because it was during the time they were both hiding their true feelings from each other. So when Timmy inserted his cock into Robbie, he slipped in so easily, Timmy wondered how many men Robbie had been with. He actually said, "Ya sure have an educated ass there buddy."

Fortunately Robbie answered by telling Timmy that he had been opening himself up with a dildo just for him. They were fucking doggie style, and the much relieved Timmy kissed Robbie on the back of his neck. They didn't cum simultaneously, but when Robbie came, he constricted his ass involuntarily, and Timmy came seconds after.

They separated and lay wrapped up in each other's arms. "I sure would like to spend a whole night with ya, and fuck and suck the whole time," Timmy said.

"If we come out to our parents, I'm positive my dads wouldn't mind what we did in their house. They found out years ago that I jerked off, and they told me it was fine with them."

"It's easy fer ya. Yer dads are gay, but I'm scared to think of tellin' my folks."

"Well, I'd bet they suspect already. Besides they have three other kids to make them grandparents. My dads'll never be that."

"I'll have to work up my courage."

Robbie figured that Red still had the DVDs in his dresser, so the next morning when Timmy came in, they sat naked in Robbie's bed and watched both disks in their entirety. It was quite an education. They learned they could fuck in a variety of styles, and they saw a few more positions they doubted they could ever twist into. They also learned they could suck each other in a number of weird positions. Robbie had never seen his dads attempt some of them.

By the time the viewing was finished, Robbie had to get ready for work. "I can't wait to try some of that stuff," he said.

Timmy said, "How about at the lake this weekend?"

"It's a date."

After Labor Day, Robbie and Timmy would be starting their senior high school year. Unlike most teen agers, who didn't give much thought to the future, they spoke about it constantly. Neither family could afford to send the boys to college. Although their grades were a little above average, they were not good enough for an academic scholarship. Neither boy was on any athletic team, so an athletic scholarship was out as well.

They planned on moving to Birmingham, to seek work in the big city. They would room together, and never again need to seek stolen moments to be alone. They would be together for the rest of their lives. But the old fickle finger of fate intervened once again.

Jimmy's restaurant was now the only one on Main Street. The other had closed down years ago. He was open from six in the morning until nine at night. Jimmy and Sue-Ann, along with a small staff, including part-timer, Robbie, worked their butts off. A space became available up the street which was perfect for a restaurant, and would be twice as large as the present location. Jimmy did his homework, and discovered that the city would grant him permits to convert the space to a restaurant. He got plans from an architect, and with the plans in hand, he went to his bank. He spoke to the loan officer, and was informed that he had the best credit rating of any other bank customer, and he pre-approved a construction loan.

There was only one thing left to do and that was to speak to Robbie. He told his step-son about the expansion he had in mind. "We'll have to hire more help o' course, and I'll really be needin' ya, son. Your momma can only work when she's not nursin' at the hospital, so I wanna make ya my partner, and ya can help me out by sharin' the long hours. And, Robbie, someday the whole kit and caboodle will be yers, and yer brother and sister's, if'n they want it."

Robbie was flabbergasted, and he started to cry. "I can't say yes, just yet, Jimmy. Ya see, Timmy and me, we've made plans to move to Birmingham after graduation, and share an apartment there. I gotta bounce it offa him before I can give ya a final answer.

"Sure, Robbie. I unnerstand, but don't take too long. I got everythin' in place to start the construction."

Robbie rushed over to Timmy's house, and filled him in on Jimmy's offer. Jimmy's folks were in the room, listening intently. They knew about their son's plan to move away, and they were heart broken. Paul Malloy was a foreman in a textile mill, which was the only industry in Carterville besides the lumber yard Robbie's parents worked in. When Timmy told him about the plans he and Robbie were making, Paul told him that he could get both of them jobs in the mill, if only they wouldn't move, so when Paul heard what Jimmy had offered Robbie, he piped in. "Robbie, that's an offer ya can't refuse."

"We can do it," Timmy cried out. "My dad said he could get me a job at the mill."

"I still want us to move in together in our own place," Robbie reminded Timmy.

"O' course," Timmy said, and he engulfed Robbie in a bear hug.

"I think you guys should be tellin' us somethin' about now, that we already know, but it would be nice to hear it from y'all."

"Whatever yer thinkin'" Robbie said, "it's true. I love yer son, Mr. Malloy, with all my heart and soul. I'll always be there for him, I swear." Timmy was shaking. He hadn't expected to come out to his parents like this.

Mr. Malloy continued. "If y'all expected me to condemn you both on moral and religious grounds, y'all can forget about it. If I did that, you two would go to Birmingham anyway, and two families, no three families, would lose two sons. I prefer to keep my son in my heart and close by. I love ya, Timmy. Don' ever forget that."

He turned to Robbie and said, "Welcome to the family, son." He put one arm around Robbie and the other around Timmy, and held them tight.

"Timmy, let's go to my ma's house, and we'll tell Jimmy the good news?"

Timmy jumped up, "Let's go," he said. They were out the door in a streak.

On the way over, Robbie said, "I'll give Jimmy my answer, but I gotta come out to them. I sure hope he won't change his mind."

"Ya worry too much. I think everybody in town knows about us."

"Ya think?"

"Darn tootin'"

Jimmy couldn't be happier at the news the boys brought him, even after they came out to him.

"Oh Christ, kids, everyone knows," was all Sue-Ann could mutter. "Now I think ya should go home and tell yer dads about all this good news."

They got home to find Bobby and Red watching TV in the living room. They were naked. The men jumped up to cover themselves and the boys laughed. "Carry on gentlemen," Timmy said, "I seen y'all before."

"Sorry guys. We weren't expectin' company."

"I'm glad yer sittin' guys. Timmy and me, we got big news."

"If ya'll gonna tell us yer gay and yer a couple, save yer breath. We caught ya guys, just like ya caught us years ago, son."

"What? Where?"

"At our lake."

"Anyhow that's not the news." Robbie then related everything that had transpired that evening. "So we ain't goin' to Birmingham," he concluded, "but we are gonna get a place of our own."

"Yippee," Red yelled, and both fathers embraced both boys.

"Listen boys," Red said. "Don' rush to get a place of yer own. Timmy ya can move in with us. Save yer money. There's more to movin' than getting' an apartment. Ya gotta buy furniture, pots and pans, dishes, linens and all that stuff. Ya should gather a little nest egg before ya'll jump in. How does that sound Timmy?"

"Ya just made me one happy dude. Do ya think I could move in before graduation?"

"O' course."

"Do ya' think I could sleep over tonight?" he added.

"O' course."

Timmy called his dad, and told him that he was having a sleepover at Robbie's like when they were little kids. Then he added seriously, "we'd like to celebrate our good fortune."

"I unnerstand, son. Have fun and I'll see ya' tomorra."

That night both couples closed their bedroom doors. Bobby and Red could not sleep. They were desperately trying to hear sounds of love coming from Robbie's room. After realizing that sleep wasn't coming, Bobby said, "Remember when he was little, and Robbie used to spy on us makin' love?"

"I sure do. I still get embarrassed whenever I think about it."

"How'd ya like to turn the tables on `em?"

"Yer on." They both jumped out of bed naked, and crept slowly toward their son's room. Now, standing outside the door, they certainly heard moaning and groaning and a few choice expletives, which thankfully the boys reserved for the bedroom.

Red cautiously turned the handle and cracked the door ajar. He quietly continued to open the door slowly and silently until both men could see into the room which was illuminated by the outside street lamp.

The boys were playing a hot game of sixty-nine, and both fathers got instantly hard. They ran back to their bed and without thinking about closing the door, they fucked each other into paradise.

"It's goin' to be fantastic when the boys are livin' with us," Bobby said just before they fell asleep.

"Yer so right. I get turned on just thinkin' about what's goin' on in their room. Do ya think we do as much for them?"

"I have no doubt, sweetie. Now let's get some sleep and dream about what wonderful things the future holds for all o' us."

The End

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