Rusty Grows Up

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Dec 7, 2024


Rusty Grows Up - Chapter 21

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Peep Peep Jeep Jeep - Chapter 21

We do our run, oh it feels great, the wind singing on my nips, my ass full of Woody, my load drying on my chest and abs. He's getting faster, we're near the top, I ran it in one today, no pauses.

Woody overtakes me in a determined run straight out of football training, he touches down on the rock, flexes and beats his chest as I cruise up to him.

I'm hard in my shorts at the sight.

`Looks like you got a problem mate', he says,

`I'll run it off on the way down', I say and we jog, exhausted back to Woodys.

We shower together, efficient, and drive to Healdsburg. First stop Tim at the Chrysler garage.

We see Tim and he wants to know our budget,

`mm nothing in that price range, how about a sedan?',

`I wanted a Jeep', I say, he ponders,

`I have got something, it might suit. I got an older Jeep Wrangler around the back, it's a 2008 model. 73,000 miles. An elderly couple traded it in against a Grand Cherokee, they almost wept when they left it.'

`I gotta say we've had it in a while now, I was thinking of moving it on to Wayne for what I paid for it'.

We walked around the back of the lot. I saw her. Tim was rabbiting on

`It's been butchered, so much is not Jeep standard parts, it'll cost a lot to replace them. Look they had the original hardtop replaced with this flimsy looking camping top, they were real proud of it, said they had it specially fitted in Chula Vista, It's got non standard shocks too, and a propane gas bottle mount, jeez, I'll never sell it'.

`Er how much were you thinking of moving it on to Wayne for?' Says Woody,

`Well usually its the trade in price plus 10%, to put it through our books and cover the tax, let me see, you can call him with the price, see if he wants it',

He walked back into the office. Woody says quietly,

`Fuck Rusty, that's a $4k Ursa Minor J30 camper top, sleeps two, those are $2k Terraflex Falcon shocks, Its an all wheel drive, high mileage but its been well looked after. It's even got a fucking fridge that they've made look like a stow chest, everything, no wonder the old couple cried',

Tim came out, `Look guys, we were pretty generous in our trade in, ya know, to reel them in, so I'll knock $5k off to shift it, it looks unsightly on our lot. That makes it $16k, oh make it $15k for Wayne',

I nearly kissed the guy. Wayne stamped on my foot,

I'll phone Wayne now, Hi Wayne, yeah, you too, I'm with Tim in Healdsburg, he says hi',

Tim nods, Woody walks away talking and comes back.

'Wayne says he's interested but at that price its a bit of a risk to get it back to standard, that roof will cost real money to restore',

`Yeah, he's right of course, look guys drive it away today for $13k, wire me the money and its yours, it's a kinda slow month and I just want the ugly thing off my lot'.

`Deal', I said.

I phoned the foundation and Tim faxed them the invoice. They explained that they'd wire the money on my receipt of the vehicle.

Here's my drivers licence', I said, can you arrange the insurance please?'.

`Let me call service, they'll do a pre-delivery check, fluids, gas, tires, make sure it's safe to drive', he called them and they had a slot at 12 today.

I signed a few papers and they faxed the insurance to the Foundation and my drivers licence and the Foundation wired the money.

`All done Er Mr Mason, thank you for your business', we shook.

`Great, we'll call back at five',

Wayne added `oh and please don't wash the vehicle, that flimsy roof looks like it lets water in'.

Tim nods.

We get into the truck and drive out of the showroom and hi five.

`Fuck Chris it's a steal. What a Jeep, she's perfect',

`Yeah Wayne's a tough cookie, getting another $2k reduction like that, I was so nervous Tim would say no',

`That was just me you dumbass, I didn't call Wayne, I just made it up thinking Tim would baulk at $13k and want $14k but he didn't. I'll bet he's still thinking he's got a good deal, shifting that old wreck, once the dust is off she'll look great, that's why I didn't want them to wash it'.

I hugged him, `you're so smart for a dumbass' I say,

`You're so dumb for a smartass' he replies and kisses my cheek.

We park up and walk the shops looking at clothes, Woody saw `Hardware', Sam Meyers old paint shop,

`Hey Rusty look at old Sam's place, it's been empty for years since Sam died, look it's selling fancy pants now. You'd look great in those, or these they'd show off your ass ets real well',

`Imagine sending in the receipts for these though, men's blue crotchless popper briefs with rear access flap'. I laughed.

Woodys looks at the brand and says `he certainly aint no Christian either'.

We walked on, looking at the shops. I got most stuff on the Avenue. I didn't overspend but didn't go for the cheaper end either.

We put the bags in the truck.

`Come on we got a couple of hours yet. let's cool off with a swim, the outdoor pool here is great', I said.

'I ain't got my suit bozo', says Woody.

`you can wear my shorts, they have a net and I can wear my new Speedo's. I got two pairs but I don't want them stretching with your massive club',

I pay us both in, it's busy in the holidays, we change in the crowded locker room. Woody just drops his shorts, his dick swinging around. A group of kids maybe 12 year olds just stared as he squeezed himself into my shorts, his bulge protruding, he squatted and pulled the mesh down, getting comfortable and stood up.

`You ready?',

I was, we showered outdoors first and dived in, oh bliss. The far side was laned off so we japed about a bit then I swam my 35, Woody did 25, we finished about the same time.

We hung around looking at the eye candy. We saw guys our own age trying to look cool attempting chat up lines on a few girls. Woody was getting attention, a girl came over and stood looking at Woody `don't you play ball in Cloverdale?', Woody nodded and stood up,

`Yes I do, how did you know?',

`I've been following your team, My folks are from Cloverdale but we moved here last year',

`It's Cindy, right?',

`Oh yeah, how did you know?',

`I never forget a pretty face, you were in the year below me, right?',

At that I groaned put my arms out, tucked my head in and fell into the water in a somersault, like a bomb. It couldn't get any cornier could it?

I watched from a safe distance, treading water, she had her hand over his arm, sorta stroking it as he talked and she laughed.

`Well I gotta keep in training, nice to see you', and he dived in.

He had her phone number written on his arm.

`It'll wash off, anyway SHE is not my type', nipping my ass and swimming under me, between my legs, grabbing my package as he sailed through them.

We lay in the sun drying off.

`I'm starving, let's eat', we had pizza at this Round Table servery place, as many slices as you like for $20. Woody cleaned them out.

`Lets go get your jeep',

We picked her up. I took the drive away 5 day insurance, and the wallet full of documents.

I was nervous so I drove it around the block with Woody in the passenger seat, advising me. It's so easy to drive being automatic everything.

Woody jumps in his truck, `let's stick together and we'll just keep to Healdsburg Avenue avoid the 101, swing around to Geyserville, then Asti and home, it's a winding road but better than the highway.

I nod and he sets off, I'm right behind him all the way home. I park up outside. Abel came out

`about time you got transport, Rusty, whatever that is',

he sneered. Then went inside, without a hi. To think I'd have cut my left testicle off for a kiss offa him.

Mom and Frank came out and looked shocked,

A Jeep!' said Mom aghast, all that money and you buy this'.

An old Jeep too' said Frank, what's with this fabric roof?'

`Yep, Woodys coming around tomorrow and I'll clean her up at Wayne's, they've got all the show and shine gear, you'll see'.

I had supper on a tray and stayed in my room, no contact with the lovebirds.

Next day, I picked up Woody, tooting the horn, and we got to work on the Jeep at Wayne's.

Wayne laughed when Woody told him about the extra discount and they high fived.

Woody steam cleaned the engine whilst I did the bodywork and then the interior.

Wayne checked the suspension and tires. The spare was low, never been used he said. The shocks are high travel for off roading and it has steering damping too, don't see many with that he said.

I vacuumed the interior getting rid of any sand and used Wayne's Show and Shine kit on the interior plastics.

I got the hang of operating the pop up roof, some bozo hadn't folded it correctly when they closed it ands that why it looked so odd. Now it sits flush and the 360 zipper compresses the fabric neatly.

She looks great.

`What ya gonna call her?',

`Her? Might be a him!', I say,

`Who is he?',

`A gentleman never tells',

Woody chased me around the yard, we ended up in the back of the jeep.

`Mmm, you can lie down in here, you're very own shag wagon', says Woody, stretching out, showing his tan abs and golden treasure trail, his cock nestled in his cutoffs.

`Yeah, I'm not taking the fridge or the burner and propane, straight away, I'm gonna keep it clear like this for my stuff. I can leave the accessories at home',

That did it, I sobbed again the enormity of the change to come was now a dark shadow looming.

Woody hugged me, the smell of him and engine oil even more sexy. I calmed and got a boner, Woody winked and hauled me out.

`We're gonna take it for a test drive, that OK Wayne?',

`Yep she's a beauty, have fun you two'.

Busted, he must've seen us cuddling. I drove to Russian River on the old road north out of Cloverdale and high up the hill, Woody showed me how to use the gear ratio's and AWD settings and that's not all. With the roof up and the door open the breeze wafted through, it's cooler up here.

`Fuck, you need a mattress in here, save my butt, this floors hard',

`It's not all that is hard' I said.

I took him and him me, as we usually do, I listened for his throat click and he unloaded up my chest, kissing me and cleaning up, sharing his load. We lay in the afterglow, close, warm.

`I got my move in date, it's September 12th, it's getting real now',

`Wow, a whole new life ahead of ya, I can't begin to imagine what that feels like, heck all I know is that I'm rooting for ya, my best buddy, and more',

'I love you Chris, always have from our first meeting when you burst into my life with your weird accent and weirder dick, and you know what, I always will. Whatever's gonna happen to us, my love is steadfast',

I cried a little, I'm doing a lot of that lately. Woody held my face gently and kissed the salty tears away.

We lay still, both thinking, but nature overcame me,

`Come on, I need a pee and let's sit in the front and watch the sunset',

We stood on the peak, on the boulder sticking out, we held our soft dicks, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close, I gripped his shoulder tight and held his cock, I felt the gristle vein and his stream pour out as I readied myself, Woody peeled my foreskin back so I don't splash and I let my stream flow.

We exhaled and stared at each other as our streams poured onto the rock.

We sat in the front, me in the drivers seat, watching the sun sink behind the hills, the river darkening, only the rapids showing white.

`We should've slept over',

`Let's plan a night before you leave, you got a whole week yet, I'll help you pack your bags if you like?' Says Woody.

`They're almost done, I haven't got that much really, just clothes and books and my new laptop',

`What about your, er, toys and porn collection and don't forget your lube pump?' laughed Woody. I hit him on the shoulder,

`come on let's get back'. I said.

I dropped Woody off and parked up at Moms. Abe was polishing his car.

`She shines up well', he says to me,

Walking over, he held out his hand and we shook,

sorry for being an asshole', he said and good luck at Stanford',

`Thanks, and I wish you well in your Pa's business', I said.

Our shake turned into a hug and I smelt him, his sweat, his musk, my first love, the smell I had craved for years, secretly lodged in my smell bank, the smell that now, means absolutely nothing. Just two old pals saying goodbye.

Woody says I can stay with him until I go, but I stayed at Moms, I had to, I had to give her chance to feel something for me before I left,

I`m like a stranger in my own home. Frank everywhere, stealing the oxygen of love between Mom and I, all those little looks of love we used to share, glances, a touch, all evaporated. Now I'm just a gooseberry, in the way.

Woody and I did camp in the Jeep, one night, on top of the ridge, surrounded by trees. Beers in the fridge, steaks and onions chopped up and cooked on the tiny stove, hanging off the rear door. We slept some of the time, lying on the popup roof bed, hearing the suspension squeak as we made love, then waking, horny, doing it all again, watching the dawn sun light up the hills.

Is this to be our last night of love together? Will I have changed so much? Will Woody change, get a girl, settle down whilst I scribe away for years?

Is my fate to be alone?

I packed the Jeep,

`She sure looks bettern now than when I first saw her', says Frank,

It's better' I thought. Yeah I'm gonna have some fun in this',

`Don't neglect your studies Chris dear', says Mom,

`I won't, I don't and I shan't start now.', I said firmly, exasperated.

I kissed and we hugged, I shook Frank the usurpers hand and drove off. They didn't stay to watch, I saw him chase Mom into the house, Mom all flirty like a girl.

I stopped at Woodys house to say goodbye. His Ma, Pa, Woody and JoJo came out and we hugged, his Ma pushed JoJo and Pa inside as me and Woody chatted.

Woody hugged me tight, silent, we separated and he held my hand, gripping it until I had to pull away.

`It's time' I said,

I started the Jeep and drove off, I looked back in the rear view mirror, I saw Woody crumple and his Ma run out to hug him. I wanted desperately to turn around, to go back, to hug him, to tell him it will all be alright.

Tears streamed down my face as I picked up the 128 out of sleepy Cloverdale and drove the Jeep to Stanford.

My new life starting.


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