
By IDreamCanU

Published on Apr 9, 1998


The following story is a work of fiction written for the enjoyment of the reader. Do not download or read if you are offended by stories involving teens exploring their sexuality or stories about teen males engaging in sexual activity. If you don't mind stories of this type read on and enjoy.

I would like to thank two close friends for assisting in this work, one for the time and love spent in editing thus making this a better work, and the other for the love and support he gives me. Thanks guys-you know who you are.

RYAN by IDreamCanU

Part Three

It was dark when I awoke, I was a little confused about where I was until I saw Steven sleeping in the bed beside me. The memories of the last few hours hit me like a rush of water. My mom beating me, running away, Steven taking me in, and what we did together. I smiled to myself at that last thought. I got up slowly from the sleeping bag and headed to the bathroom, not wanting to wake my sleeping friend.

The bathroom light hurt my eyes, squinting I was able to get my bearings and use the toilet. My head and face still hurt but not as bad as earlier, hoping to find some aspirin I opened the medicine cabinet. I downed two tablets and examined myself in the mirror.

My face looked like shit, almost as if I was in a twelve round fight with Mike Tyson. Nothing I could do about it now, I shut off the light and quietly headed back to Steven's room.

Steven was on his side with most of the covers bunched up behind him. In the gloom I could just barely see his form. I sat on the floor waiting for my eyes to readjust to the darkness. I sighed as his body came into focus - he was wearing only his jockey's and looked so peaceful. I was getting hard watching him sleep, this was the first time I had really had a chance to look him over.

His left arm was draped over his side and the other was tucked under his head. I watched every breath he took - the rising and falling of his chest was accompanied by the sweet sound of his breathing. There was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead matting down a little bit if his hair.

As my eyes traveled over him I absorbed all. The wisp of underarm hair, the dark nipples, navel, and legs - I took it all in. I seemed to keep honing in on his crotch and with every pass my eyes lingered there longer. I could make out the outline of his dick through the cotton and wanted so much to see it again.

I reached out and tentatively brushed away the hair covering his eyes. "God he is good looking," I said to myself.

The longer I sat there the bolder I got. First a touch to his face then I'd feel his arm or back. I jerked back and held my breath every time he moved or gave some indication of waking. This went on for about thirty minutes and with each passing moment I got bolder. With my next move I took a major chance all the while praying he would not wake. I ran my fingers across the bulge in his jockey's.

When I was sure he sound asleep I made my next move. Slipping my fingers under his waistband I was able to work the underwear down to his thighs. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears while I stared at Steven. His penis was limp and lying across his loose nut sack. I could see each ball one on either side of his penis. It looked so different - not the massive tool I saw before.

He was maybe three inches long but I knew that with some excitement he would swell up to that hard six inch monster. I couldn't resist, looking at him I reached out and touched it. His crotch was so hot and soft.

As I fondled his penis I watched in amazement as it got fuller and longer. This was so cool - he was asleep but getting a boner just from my hand. I kept watching him looking for signs of waking and seeing none I kept feeling him up.

I stopped for a second, just long enough to remove my underwear - freeing my hard dick from its cotton prison.

I went back to his penis, rubbing it softly and feeling every inch. It felt just like my own but it was different, it was hotter and felt like a small iron pipe. I got my hand around the shaft and gave him a little squeeze.

"Hhhhmmmmff," he moaned.

I jerked back and watched him. Steven moved around a bit then rolled onto his back, legs spread wide. Fuck that was close - I almost woke him.

Waiting until I was sure he was still asleep I moved by him once more. His cock was still hard as I reached out to touch him again. I moved my hand across the tip then cupped his nut sack. The sack felt like a bag of water with two sperm filled rocks inside. I rolled them a bit then concentrated my attention on his hard tool.

I was getting so horny and wanting so desperately to try things I've only dreamed about, I took a chance. I moved close to his crotch and with the tip of my tongue I took a quick swipe of his cockhead.

I was surprised, it had no real taste. It was almost like licking your own finger yet was so erotic. Getting bolder by the second I took the head into my mouth and started sucking. After a moment I pulled back and looked at him. He looked so beautiful - I mean I guess that is strange to say about a guy but he really was good looking. My attention drifted back to his cock and I moved in again to taste him.

I opened my mouth and vacuumed him inside. I could only get about half inside before I felt a tickle in my throat. The last thing I needed now was him waking because I had to cough or gag. I worked him for a few moments - losing track of where I was or what I was doing. All I cared about was sucking him off. I backed off some to catch my breath.

"Why'd you stop?" Steven sighed.

Oh shit he was up - he knew what I was doing. "I'm sorry. Oh shit man I don't know what to say."

I felt his fingers in my hair pushing me toward his spit soaked cock. "Please." He pleaded.

Well I don't need to be hit with a brick to get the point, he liked what I was doing. Looking up into his eyes I again slipped his meat between my lips. Now not worrying about him waking I did exactly what I had fantasized.

As I worked up and down his cock he was bucking and wiggling. I could feel his hands moving and realized he was slipping out of his underwear. I could hear him trying to keep quiet as not to wake his parents but every so often a moan would escape.

His dick filled my mouth perfectly and with him helping and getting into the blowjob I was able to get all but a little bit into my mouth. I was in a dream world, my every fantasy coming true one by one.

"Oh fuck!! Ry, I'm going to blow!"

I was torn as to what to do. I wanted to taste his cum but was unsure of how he would react. In the split second it took me think this out it was too late.

"OH! OH! Oooohhh!!!!" He panted

My mouth was filled with his spunk. I could feel three powerful jets hit my throat and was aware of his hands holding me while he pressed his shooting tool deep into my mouth.

I gagged a bit and tried to swallow what he gave me. It was not bad but nothing great. I guess knowing what it was bugged me some but because it came from the person I loved I could handle it.

Steven let go of my head and I was able to release him from my mouth.

I sat back on my heels looking for some sign from him. I was unsure of how he would take it. He was embarrassed after we came together earlier and this was a major step above that.

"That was awesome." He said breaking the silence.

My heart started beating again with that.

He sat up and placed his hand on my knee seeming to sense my discomfort. "Ry, that was so cool. How did you know what to do?"

"I didn't," I answered. I just did what I thought would feel good."

"It sure did."

Steven was looking at me and was quiet for a moment. I could tell he was deep in thought. I gave him a moment not wanting to mess up anything. I watched him and he was taking glances at my lap every few seconds.

"Um Ry, what was it like? You know..."

"It was neat. I mean it wasn't the best taste in the world but I really got off knowing you were feeling good."


"You're not going to tell anyone are you?" I was worried that he would have me labeled as queer and I'd lose all my friends.

"No way. We would both be in a world of shit if our friends found out." He paused for a second, "Ry, I'm not sure I can but can I try?"

I missed what he meant for a split second but his eyes locked on my crotch answered that question. I couldn't believe it he wanted to suck on my dick.

"Would you? I mean I'll tell you when I cum so you don't have to taste it." This was too much. I had gone limp while we were talking but now I was hard as a rock just from thinking about his lips on my dick. I laid back and Steven slid down beside me.

"Tell me when," he said.

"I will."

With that he moved his face close to my dick. I felt his tongue touch the head and let out a moan. Soon his tongue was licking me like a lollipop.

"Oh man. Please suck it." I moaned.

I nearly passed out when I felt my dickhead slide between his lips. It was on fire - hot and wet. I'd never felt anything like it. He stayed like that for a few moments then slid down farther. He had all but an inch in his mouth and was looking up at me. I could feel his tongue touching the underside of my cock.

"SHIT!!" I gasped. He vacuumed up to my cockhead and plunged back down real fast. It was fucking intense - I almost came then.

Taking his cue from my outburst he repeated that move over and over with a quickening pace. My hips were bucking in time with his mouth and I was on the fast track to an intense orgasm.

The wet heat was too much. "Fuck man," I hissed. "I'm going to cum in a second."

To my surprise he didn't pull back but sped up. The sucking and hot wet tongue on my cock was almost unbearable. I had really enjoyed jerking off in the past but this had it beat by a mile.


I grabbed his head and filled his mouth with my cum. Usually I can feel several spasms but this felt like one long one. After what seemed like a few minutes he let go of my penis. The cool air hit it and added to the sensation.

It was wild going form such a hot wet place to a cool one.

I couldn't control myself, I sat up and placed my arms around Steven. He was limp for a second then hugged me back. We fell back asleep like that - it was if this was the most natural thing in the world. I reveled in the feeling of love I was getting. A feeling of love I'd longed for, love I've needed for so long.

"Time to wake up guys." His dad said through his door.

"We are up dad." Steven answered and with a wicked grin pointed to his piss hard-on.

I choked back my laughter and showed him I had the same problem.

He got up and hit the bathroom; when he was done I went also and took a shower. We dressed in silence but I caught him checking me out as much as I was him.

"Man you look like hell."

Shit, I'd forgotten that my face was mush. "It really that bad?"

"Well you wouldn't win any beauty contest, it looks like you got into a fight and lost."

That could be a good cover story. "I'll tell anyone that asks that I got in a fight. You think they would believe it?"

He laughed, "they sure will, and by your face they will also know you can't fight worth a shit."

"Asshole." I said throwing a punch at him.

He easily dodged my slow punch and slapped my side. "Watch out or I'll tell everyone I did that to you."

"You would wouldn't you?"

"I sure would."

We grabbed our books and headed down for some breakfast.

(End Part Three)

Next: Chapter 4

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