
By IDreamCanU

Published on Apr 19, 1998


The following story is a work of fiction written for the enjoyment of the reader. Do not download or read if you are offended by stories involving teens exploring their sexuality or stories about teen males engaging in sexual activity. If you don't mind stories of this type read on and enjoy.

I would like to thank two close friends for assisting in this work, one for the time and love spent in editing thus making this a better work, and the other for the love and support he gives me. Thanks guys-you know who you are.

RYAN by IDreamCanU

Part Four

Stopping midway down the steps I turned to my friend and new lover. "You wouldn't really say you did this to me would you?"

He laughed, "no I wouldn't. Sure would be fun to tell every one that."

We both laughed at that. His mom already had breakfast at the table and we sat down to eat.

Steven's dad was looking me over as I sat down. "Ryan, you going to be OK at school today? You can stay out a day if you want."

I smiled inwardly it was a great feeling to be cared for.

"No that's OK - I'll just say I got into a fight."

"You sure honey?" His mom asked.

I put on my biggest smile. "I'm fine - I can't hide inside forever."

"Your choice son," his dad piped in. "If there are any problems call us OK?"

"I will." I paused for a second, "um Mr. Matthew's? What happened with my mom last night?"

Mr. Matthew's put down his paper. "Ryan your mom has a problem. She wouldn't admit to it until last night when we sat with her to talk."

"Is she mad at me?" I was worried that somehow she would be mad or would stop loving me.

"She isn't mad at you, she is mad at herself. Ryan she has a problem controlling her anger. It will be OK. She still loves you - she loves you so much that it hurts her just to think about what she did."

"Ryan, she loves you so much that she is willing to lose you for a while." Miss Matthew's chimed in. "She is going to get some help and knows that if she doesn't she will lose you forever. Can you understand that it is not her fault - she needs help sorting out her feelings."

My mind was reeling. So much to think about.

"Will I ever be able to go back to her?" I asked.

"Of course you will dear." Miss Matthew's said. "Not today and not this week but soon, I can promise you that."


I joked around some with Steven and his father then headed off to the bus stop.

I got a few stares from the kids at the bus stop. I was feeling self conscious with all the looks and quiet comments but Steven joking with me kept my mind off of it.

"How's it hanging?" Ian said coming up behind me.

"Low and wide." I answered turning toward him.

"Yeah right like I'd...holy shit what happened man?"

Ian was looking at me with concern but when his gaze turned toward Steven he had a look of hate showing in his eyes. It was almost like he thought Steven did this to me.

"It's cool man, just got into a fight. You should see the other guy."

"You look like hell, hurt much?"

I sighed, "no Ian it just looks bad. I'm fine I'd rather not talk about it."

"Sure man."

I guess I should just brace myself, every friend is going to ask the same thing all day long.

When the bus arrived we climbed aboard and bullshitted on the drive to school.

The day was pretty much what I expected, questions and looks from everyone. I was able to get through it and when the last bell rang I sighed with relief grabbing a seat in the back of the bus.

I was bummed out because Steven got detention again and I had to go to his house alone yet I was glad to get away from all the questions.

"Hi Ryan," Ian said sitting beside me.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. You want to come by my house? That is unless you and Steven had plans."

"Sure would. I've nothing to do." His eyes lit up with my positive answer. "You get your room set up?"

"Yes and no," he laughed. "It's set up but a mess.

"Sounds like my room - two piles of clothes, one clean and one dirty."

"I've got my computer set up." Leaning close he whispered, "I know some cool X-rated sites."

"They real good sites?" I was hoping to see some hot dudes and if the sites were real good I should get my wish.

He smiled but said nothing. Ian had this ability to communicate with his face. A smile could tell you yes or express a full message. Top that off with a hot body and you have one nice package. What was I thinking? I love Steven yet I'm thinking of Ian in a sexual way. What would my lover think? That's not fair to him and if something ever happened with Ian how could I look Steven in the eye?

These thoughts were racing through my mind but no matter how I tried to rationalize I knew if I had the chance I'd jump on it. Guess my need for sex was stronger than my love for Steven.

Walking down the street I kept noticing how Ian was looking at me. Was he looking at my messed up face or was he checking me out The thought of him checking me out started Mr. Blinky throbbing in my pants. I hope that it was true - that he was checking me out, if not I still had my hand and now Steven.

Ian had one of the bigger houses in the neighborhood, three levels and a full basement. His parents weren't home so we had the house to ourselves.

"My room is downstairs," he said leading me down a flight of stairs.

There was a wall dividing the basement. Half was storage and junk and I guessed he had an area behind the wall.

He opened a pocket door revealing a large room. "This is my domain."

"Holy shit! This all your space?" He had half the house. Part of his area was a queen-sized bed dresser and closet. The rest was set up like a den - computer table, a second desk, sofa, and a few chairs.

He was smiling and seemed impressed by my reaction. "My parents thought I should have some privacy and this is what they came up with. I think they just wanted me out of their hair and this was their solution."

"I could learn to like this. They leave you alone down hear?"

"Sure do. They come down every now and then to get a box or put something away - that should stop when we get settled in."

I still couldn't believe how much room and privacy he had.

"The computer needs to boot up," he turned on his computer then started to undress. "You want a coke or something?"

"Huh?" Shit I was watching him take off his shirt and didn't hear what he said.

"You want a coke?"


He walked over to the corner and opened a small refrigerator. "Enjoy," he said tossing me a cold can.

"Fuck! What else are you hiding?"

Chuckling he walked over to the curtains by his bed, "this." Hidden behind the curtains was an entertainment center. TV, VCR, and stereo.

"Damn, you win the lottery?"

"No saved up and used birthday money to set myself up like this. You like?"

Did I like? Did I like? Ask a drowning man if he wants a rope. "It's great - I don't like it I love it."

He beamed with pride, "thanks."

I watched as he continued to change. I was hard as a rock by the time he slipped out of his pants. He was talking normal to me like changing and standing almost nude was nothing strange at all. Unfortunately the show didn't last forever, all too soon he was in a T-shirt and sweat pants.

"Take a look at this." He typed a few keystrokes and went to a cool sex site. "I found this last week -- it's full of great looking chicks. I saw this one last week where a chick was getting it in the ass from this dude - he must have been 12 inches."

"They do everything?" I was hoping to see some nice looking guys.

He pointed the screen, "that answer your question?"

There were 5 guys all with this one woman, she was getting it in every hole while sucking one off and jerking off the other two. We went from picture gallery to picture gallery. Ian was sporting a major hard-on but the pictures weren't doing anything for me. They were cool to see but looking at the bulge in my young friends pants more than did it for me.

We looked at the computer for a while but his mom coming home put an end to it.

"Ryan, my mom always wants to meet my new friends. Sorry if that puts you on the spot but household rules."

"No sweat."

We went upstairs and talked with his mom for a few minutes. She seemed nice but kept looking at my face. I wish it would heal up so no one would have to notice.

"What happened to you?"

I knew I'd have to explain sometime just was hoping she would let it pass. "My fault really, I got into a disagreement with a friend but instead of admitting I was wrong like a man we had a fight."

"I see," she said. "This go on much?"

I guess she was feeling me out some or trying to get a gauge of what kind of area she moved into.

"This was my first fight, I was a fool and took the cowards way out by fighting. I can admit when I'm wrong."

She smiled, "that is very mature of you, too bad you didn't think about that before the fight. You want to stay for dinner?"

I guess I passed the mom test, "thanks but I need to get home."

"You're welcome anytime."

I told her thanks and headed to Steven's after saying bye to Ian.

Steven's mom greeted me at the door when I arrived.

"You doing OK?" she asked as I came into the house.

"Fine, just tired of making up stories to cover up my face."

Smiling she rubbed my hair "looks better already - in a day or two you won't even notice."

I knew she was lying to make me feel better but even so it did.

"Steven has detention again." I told her heading up the stairs.

"I know, third time this week. Ryan?"

I stopped and turned around, "that's me."

I could see worry on her face. "Steven trusts you and you two get along..what I'm saying is that he seems to be getting into trouble at school more and more. I guess I'm just worried about him but he seems distant. Ryan is he doing any drugs?"

It was my turn to laugh, "Miss Matthews that is not even like him. To tell you the truth he stopped me from buying some pot last year."

"He did?" she seemed both relieved and proud.

"Sure did, he told me if I got into that stuff I could count him out as a friend. I made the right choice."

I was getting a little emotional both from my love of Steven and the good fortune of having his parents take me in. "Miss Matthews thanks for taking me in."

Coming up the stairs she gave me a hug. "Your welcome dear - call me Cathy OK?"


My books hit the floor about the same time as my pants. Being with Ian all afternoon had gotten me horny. I laid back and started stroking my rod. Mr. Blinky for his part was standing at attention in no time.

I closed my eyes and pictured Ian in his underwear, smooth lean body, small nipples. As I stroked my cock I thought of the firm roundness of his ass as he bent to get me a coke. I squeezed my cock with increasing pressure and sped up striving for relief.

I could feel sweat on my upper lip and I was panting and thrusting my hips to meet my down stroke. I pictured in my mind Ian naked and hard - begging me to suck him off. His hard dick sliding into my mouth, the taste of his pre-cum on my tongue.

My balls pulled up tight in my sack and I could feel the start of my orgasm. I held my breath and arched my back lost in the feeling my body was producing. I felt my cockhead swell up as I shot four strings of cum onto my chest and stomach. I lowered my ass back to the floor and laid there catching my breath.

I was pulled fast from my post-orgasmic haze by Steven voice at the door.

"Bet that felt good."

"Oh man, shit...how long have you been here?" I was so wrapped up in cumming that I never heard him come in. Thank god it wasn't his mom who came in.

"Long enough to get one hell of a show," he answered with a wicked grin.

"I see. You learn anything?"

"Sure did, you are one horny fuck."

We broke out laughing at one of the truest comments I've ever heard.

Steven walked over to his closet and started to undress. He turned around and I could see a major bulge in his underwear. "My turn," he grinned.

Moving over I made room for him beside me. I watched as his fingers slid under the elastic of his briefs and they were slipped off.

"You were so hot Ry - I couldn't believe you didn't hear me. I thought you were putting on a show."

It was so cool to know I turned him on. "Tell you what, why don't you give me a show."

He didn't answer in words but his smile was all that was needed. It was strange that we felt so comfortable with each other. I almost died when my mom walked in on me but having Steven come in while I was pulling my pud was a fuckin' turn-on.

He worked into a rhythm with his left hand, pumping at a lightning pace. "Oh yes," he sighed as I cupped his nuts.

I was playing with his balls - rolling them around while stroking his stomach and chest with the other hand. I wanted nothing more than to give him a killer cum.

Steven's eyes rolled back into his head and he thrust his hip one last time into his hands.


It was wild watching his purple head spew forth its hot seed. Three strong jets shot across his stomach landing on his chest. He sighed one last time and I saw a small river of cum run down his cock, over his hand and puddle up in his pubes.

"I love you," I said quietly while running my fingers through the puddle of cum.

"I love you too."

Steven rolled over and locked me in a bear hug pressing into me so hard I felt as if we were one.

"Want to go to a movie?" he asked as we untangled.

"OK, what you want to see?"

Smiling shyly, "how about The Man in the Iron Mask?"

I caught onto the smile at once, it was one of lust with a trace of awe added. "I bet I know why you want to see that flick."

"I know - the same reason you do, Leonardo DiCaprio!!"

It was true, I was in love with Leonardo. He was without a doubt one of the hottest guys I've ever laid eyes on. I had spent hours in my room cock in hand wishing he was in bed with me. The cool thing was I was going to a movie with someone who also liked him and really understood my soft sighs whenever he took off his shirt. If anything I loved "The Basketball Diaries," Leo was shirtless almost every scene and one lucky dude got to blow him in a subway station.

"How will we get to the mall?"

"Dad will give us a lift," he laughed, "and if he is in a good mood he might even pick us up."

"Very funny."

We went downstairs and talked to his parents. Tomorrow not being a school day they agreed and piling into his dad's Explorer we headed out on our first "date."

"I'll be back at 11:30, meet me right here." With that he pulled away leaving me alone with my lover. OK so we had gone to the mall a million times but this was sort of like a date.

"$16 for two tickets? That illegal?" he asked the girl at the ticket counter.

"Just enjoy the movie boys." She retorted.

Ouch, |"boys," didn't she know we were men? I started cracking up at that little mental comment all the while gaining strange looks from Steven and the others around.

"You OK?

"I'm fine man, just happy to be with you."

"Shit Ryan! Keep your voice down."

"Sorry, guess that wouldn't be cool.

We paid another $20 at the snack bar and headed to the theater with two 40oz cokes, a large tub of popcorn, and enough chocolate to give us zits for a month.

"How about hear?"

Steven was pointing to the back row in the corner. I scanned the room and saw that he had excellent taste in seats, dark and no one near by.

Clowning around and laughing like two nut cases brought an usher to our seats.

"OK boys, settle down or you'll be asked to leave."

"Sorry," we both answered in unison.

I turned to Steven as the usher walked away, "do you hate to be called a boy as much as I do?"

"It's a pain I know - what the fuck can we do?"

Well he was right, adults would still see us as boys even if we felt like men. This age is shitty that way I guess.

We settled down and watched the previews, both of us lost in thought.

(End Part Four)

Next: Chapter 5

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