
By IDreamCanU

Published on Oct 4, 1998


The following story is a work of fiction written for the enjoyment of the reader. Do not download or read if you are offended by stories involving teens exploring their sexuality or stories about teen males engaging in sexual activity. If you don't mind stories of this type read on and enjoy.

I would like to thank two close friends for assisting in this work, one for the time and love spent in editing thus making this a better work, and the other for the love and support he gives me. Thanks guys-you know who you are.

If you missed parts 1-6 they can be found archived at The Nifty Archive and at the ASSGM web site.

RYAN by IDreamCanU

Part Seven

We continued to lie together nude after our first fuck. Steven was on his back and I was snuggling up next to him with my head on his shoulder. He smelled so nice and I was sure that in a room blindfolded I could find him by his scent. I knew it was getting late and his parents would be coming home. "We need to get up soon, your parents are due."

"I know, he sighed, "just wish we could lie here forever."

I felt the same way but was glad to hear him voice what I felt. Getting up we silently dressed - Steven cleaned up his room and I went to the bathroom to straighten it up.

While cleaning up the evidence of our shower together my mind was moving a mile a minute. I was thinking about how much fun I was having with Steven but was worried about the future. I knew the days living here were going to end and I wondered how I would handle being separated from my love.

I sat on the toilet to think. I was scared about the meeting with the Social Worker and wondered if my mom could control herself. I vowed not to tell on her again, I mean I loved living with Steven but she was my mom and I needed her around almost as much as my boyfriend.

"You fall in?" Steven was at the door pounding on it like he was a cop on a drug raid.

He pushed past me as I opened the door and plopped down on the toilet.

"Jesus man, let me get out of here before you start doing that.

He smiled at me while unloading his bowels of my cum and some other choice things. "You filled it up you can stay for the emptying."

"No thanks." I went to his room and sat on the bed waiting for him.

We finished cleaning up his room and headed downstairs to watch some TV. We were snuggling together on the couch content in each others arms when his parents came home.

We both straightened our clothes trying to hide our hard-ons. Steven dashed to the chair while I spread out on the couch using a pillow to cover my groin.

"What have you two been up to?" His mom asked coming into the den.

Steven smiled up at his mom, "not much, played some ball and came home to fool around some."

"I see. Break anything?"

"No ma, just watching TV."

She was surveying the room to see if there was any damage. "OK boys, you need to get yourself ready for bed soon."

"Mom!" Steven whined.

"Drop it," his dad answered from the doorway, "it's a school night."

Knowing it was a losing battle we got up and headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Can I ask you something personal?"

He watched me as I closed the door, I guess trying to size up what was on my mind. "Ask away, shit you had your dick in me what is more personal than that?

There was something that was bugging me, something that he said earlier. "You said you can talk to your parents about anything right?"


"Well..." I paused trying to form the question properly.

"Come on man, what's bugging you?"

I sat beside him on the bed and took a deep breath. "You said you are open with your parents and could tell them anything, but you haven't told them you are..you know..gay."

"I can't," he sighed. "It's not like I haven't thought about it but now there is more to it. I want to tell them but I can't, I just can't now."

He was looking distressed like I opened a wound he was nursing. "Let's just talk, like friends. Why can't you tell them now?"

Looking me in the eye he answered "because of you."

Now that took me by surprise what did he mean? "I don't get you, what are you talking about?"

"Ry, I've wanted to tell them for a long time. They love me and all and I know they will understand. Dad will be more upset but he will not kick me out or anything."

I watched as he stood up and moved to his dresser.

"I even have this." He pulled out a drawer and removed an envelope that was taped to the bottom.

I took it from him and read:

Mom & Dad,

I know this may be the cowards way out but I've tried for almost a month to tell you. I just don't think I can do it in person and do it right.

I have been hiding who I am and lying to myself as well as you. I've been hiding from and trying to ignore my true feelings. Maybe this is mistake leaving a note for you to find while I'm at school or for even bringing it out into the open that I'm gay.

Please don't think it is a phase or that I'm confused. I know I'm not, I know in my heart that I'm this way. I just don't want to hide from my feelings anymore.

I guess that my biggest fear is coming home and finding the locks changed and my stuff on the porch. I guess if that happens I can live with it, what I can't live with would be rejection from the two of you.

Dad, I know this must be killing you but you always told me to be my own person. Well this is who I am, this is me, this is Steven. I hope you both remember that I'm still the same person who walked out the door this morning and the only thing that has changed is letting you into my life more.

I'm so sorry to do this in such a way but I hope you understand that this has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I'll see you after school and I hope we can talk.

I love you so much


I looked up at him with tears falling down my cheek. "When did you write this?" He had poured out his feelings and expected to be left out in the cold. On thing scared me, the part where he said he couldn't live with rejection. Would he hurt himself?

He shrugged his shoulders, "a few months ago."

"I can't believe you were going to do this." I got up and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you. Man you are braver than I could ever be."

"Not really. I can't give them this now, I can't tell them."

"Why not?"

"Are you that fucking dumb?" He hissed at me.

What had set him off? What was I missing?

"Ry, if I tell them now I'll lose you."

"I'm not going anywhere. No need to worry there."

"Listen and think will you? If I tell them we will never be allowed to be alone. They will watch us like a hawk, we wouldn't be able to do what we are doing."

Damn, I was dense. He was right, by opening up to his parents he would sacrifice what we have. "Steven, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking."

We sat on the bed talking and mulling over this aspect of our relationship. If either one of us came out our parents wouldn't let us spend the night with each other or be alone together for more than a few minutes. I guess in some way they would be right, Mom would never allow me to spend the night with my girlfriend (if I had one) so this made some sense.

I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I said goodnight to Steven's parents and headed to his room.

"Whoa! Sexy!!" He was on the bed stark ass naked stroking his hard cock. "Save some for me."

I struggled with the door lock before getting I'd right then bounded to his bed stripping all the way. We locked arms and started kissing like we were in heat. I could feel him hug me tight pressing our hard cocks together.

"I love you," I said breaking my lips from him.

Before he could answer I was between his legs pouncing on his cock. I could hear his intake of breath as I sucked it all the way in and started teasing it with my tongue.

I could feel him move around a bit and through my passion figured out what he wanted. Moving to a 69 position I went back to his cock while he took mine into his mouth.

We were locked like that for some time, keeping pace with each other. He would lick my cockhead and I would do the same in turn. We were matching movements fighting for the orgasm that was sure to come.

I loved how his rod fit in my mouth and while giving him head I felt exactly what he felt. I guess in some strange way it was like sucking your own cock.

"Oh god!!" he moaned taking a breath.

I could feel his ass tensing and reached up to feel him. I ran my hands over the twin globes then went for that brown pucker. He started sucking me harder when I hit his anus - this was making me so hot.

"Fuck man!!" I panted feeling his finger slip into me. We laid there sucking and finger fucking each other each trying to keep the noise down.

I felt the pressure build in my nuts and new my seed was not long for my body. I grunted sending several spurts into his sucking mouth.

I heard him grunt also and felt his ass squeeze my finger as he also started to cum.

Sliding down form that cum I moved back up and kissed my lover hard.

"That was great," he said breaking the kiss.

I smiled back at him and laying my head on his chest. "Steven?"


"If you really want to tell your parents I'll understand, I'll even go with you. I love you and if you need to do this I'll - no we'll work out something." I sat up looking at him, "I'll do anything for you no matter what."

He was quiet for a few moments and I knew he was thinking about what said.

"Not now - maybe when you get home and settled. Then we will talk. Let's just have fun for now."

"Cool," I said laying back down on his chest.

Soon nothing mattered as sleep took us both to the land of dreams.

(End Part Seven)

Next: Chapter 8

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