Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 29, 2023


Arriving at the schools sport complex, Ryan guided the car into a parking spot, and the boys exited, walking across the large expanse of grass area toward the baseball field. The practice was apparently running somewhat late, as the game was still in progress, so Ryan and Jason found seats in the bleachers, and sat down to watch the rest of the action.

Not being the worlds biggest baseball fan, Ryan slumped down in his seat, his back propped against the back rail of the bleachers, and gazed idly at the junior varsity ball players that were dotted around the diamond at their various positions. He recognized a few of them from seeing them at school, or at the various local hangouts that all of the high school crowd frequented, but couldn't really say that he "knew" any of them, a result of the upper classmen generally pursuing the timeless tradition of pretty much ignoring the fourteen and fifteen year old freshmen, and sophomores. His passive attention changed suddenly, however, when a boy stepped out of the dugout, and walked the few feet to stand in the on-deck circle, and lift his bat above his head, swinging it back and forth to loosen up for his upcoming turn at the plate. Ryan's gaze slid over the boy, and settled on the bulging crotch of the snug, white baseball pants. Hmm, he thought to himself, now that, is an interesting package, especially considering it belonged to a kid who was probably only fourteen. He felt the now familiar tingling in his balls as he checked out the boy's ample equipment, and his cock began to firm up inside his shorts.

As Ryan continued to watch the boy, he brought the bat down, and set the barrel of it on the ground, settling the handle end against that bulging crotch, and removed his cap, and sunglasses, to swipe his arm across his forehead. As his arm cleared his face, Ryan's heart skipped a small beat when he suddenly realized that the boy he had been checking out was none other than Eric, Jason's younger brother! Holy shit, he told himself, suddenly looking at Jason's little brother in a whole different light, "little" bro doesn't appear to be "little" at all, at least not where it counted. His recently cock-crazed mind began immediately conjecturing what that very interesting array of bulges might look like when not so sexily concealed as it currently was in the tight little uniform pants, and he idly wondered if Jason's own interest in cocks might not be a bit of a family trait.

Ryan reached subtly into his lap, and adjusted his firm cock to a more comfortable position, as he watched Eric take one more overhead swing of his bat, then walk to home plate. As he stepped into the batters box, he set his feet, and shouldered his bat, facing the pitcher, and taking a few cuts across the plate. Damn, thought Ryan, the kid either is as hard as I am, or he is really packing! He watched Eric's setup movements, as the pitcher prepared to deliver the throw, and smiled, as he watched Eric wiggle his firm little butt back and forth, the twin globes outlined perfectly in the snug fitting uniform. Sweet, Ryan thought, as he instantly decided to make it a point to pay much more attention to Jason's little brother, starting immediately.

The inning ended on Eric's fly out to left, and the teams cleared the field, regrouping on the infield, as the coaches delivered a summary of the practice, then, dismissed the boys. Ryan and Eric had left the bleachers, and were now standing on the edge of the infield grass, waiting for Eric, and, as the players broke up, Eric went into the dugout, then, returned, carrying his sport bag in his hand. He walked across the infield toward Ryan, and Jason, and Ryan kept his gaze fixed on the nicely bulging crotch of Eric's uniform, the sight not doing much to relieve the burgeoning stiffness of his cock, and he was glad for the somewhat loose fitting shorts he was wearing. Eric walked up to them, and both Jason and Ryan slapped him a hi-five, telling him that from what they had seen, he had played well, and Eric grinned widely, his cute, boyish face lighting up with joy at the praise from the older boys. Shit, thought Ryan, he is a freeking hottie, how come I never noticed him before, he wondered, then, decided it really didn't matter, because he had surly noticed him now, and, he was intent on making a serious attempt to get to know him better, much better, and soon.

As the three turned to go, another boy approached Jason, and the two began a discussion about some history assignment they had been given during their mutual history class on Friday, and Eric used the delay to inform his brother that he needed to go to the john, and would be right back. As Eric started toward the nearby bathroom building, Ryan followed, saying that he needed to go also. He didn't really, of course, but the hope that even a brief glimpse of the cause of those intriguing bulges might be in the offing made the walk well worth the effort, Ryan decided. The two boys entered the small block building, and the door banged noisily behind them, as Eric quickly glanced around the otherwise empty space, and Ryan stepped up to a urinal, going through the motions of relieving himself. Eric quickly tugged at the belt of his uniform pants, and slid down the zipper, then, just like that, pushed the pants, and the under-armor shorts he was wearing underneath, down his thighs. Ryan's breath caught in his throat, as Eric's small, naked butt swung into view, so tiny, and perfectly formed, a stark white, in contrast his tanned legs. Ryan almost moaned out loud, as he feasted his eyes on the sexy little butt, so sexily framed by the straps of the snow white jock that Eric wore, and he struggled not to openly leer, when the boy turned, and reached down to pull the pouch of the jock away from his groin, exposing his sculpted boyhood to Ryan's hungry gaze. The cock appeared smaller than Ryan had surmised from the straining bulge in the pants, and he soon understood why, when Eric drew his hand back, holding the hard fiberglass protective cup that he had been wearing. Eric reached over to his bag which he had set on the sink, and dropped the cup into a zippered pocket on the side, giving Ryan another few seconds to scope his dangling boyhood. It was, Ryan instantly decided, cute as all hell, pretty, even. Soft, the penis hung maybe three inches in length, and thin, maybe an inch in diameter, perfectly cut like his brothers, and topped by a smattering of dark pubic hair. The balls dangled below, and appeared hairless, and plump, the crinkled scrotum hanging fairly loose between his thighs, and Ryan's mind flashed a brief image of the pretty penis in full erection, as he slowly slid it into his mouth. He shuddered, and forced himself to stuff his rock hard cock back into his shorts, suddenly realizing just how long he had been standing there idly rubbing it, under the guise of taking a leak. Eric glanced over at him, showing no real signs of modesty as his cute cock remained on display, and he said, chuckling,

"Sorry, Dude....just needed to lose that F'-ing cup....damn thing crushes my balls after while." he offered, his hand briefly cupping, and massaging the firm pouch, causing Ryan to gulp the flowing saliva that suddenly flooded his mouth.

Ryan managed a chuckle, his eyes staying riveted to the delectable sight before him, and nodded, saying,

"I bet...that thing looked, like, way to small to be dealing with all....um....that!" he said, a wave of his head indicating Eric's exposed boyhood.

Eric blushed slightly, as if realizing for the first time that he was fully on display to his older brothers buddy, and quickly moved to restore the uniform that hugged his smooth thighs, as he mumbled something about the cup being last years model, and he probably needed a larger one, but he hated to ask his Mom about it, cause it was, like, embarrassing as hell. Ryan chuckled, agreeing, and went to stand next to Eric at the sink, saying,

"Yea, that sux, for sure, but hey Dude, you don't wanna be crushing those beauties, either....so if you, like, need the bucks to get a new one, let me know, and I'll cover it for you."

Eric blushed a little deeper tone, his cute face all but glowing in the dim room, and squeaked, literally,

"Hey, Ryan.....really....that would be, like, totally cool of you, Dude!"

Ryan smiled, nodding his head, and, suddenly feeling a burst of bravado from somewhere, replied with a chuckle,

"Won't be a problem, little dude, but I might want you to, like, model it for me....looks pretty damn hot on you, actually!"

Eric giggled, his boyish face going one shade deeper red, but nodded, and again squeaked,

"Yea, huh....I mean...like... well....just that jocks look all sorta....wicked...like....just by itself, I mean."

Ryan reached out a hand, and ruffled the boys soft hair, and answered,

"Exactly.....wicked....sexy as hell....so then, no sweat, I'll get you one....what size do you need, little Dude?"

Eric blushed some more, and looked down, as Ryan saw his gaze settle on his own still tented crotch, then, looked back up, meeting Ryan's smiling gaze, and replied,

"Well....maybe not as....big....as you....but, like....prolly youth, large, and like, 28 size waist."

Ryan chuckled again, and wiggled his eyebrows in a sinister fashion, saying,

"Large.....yup....sounds about right to me, Dude....consider it handled....um...taken care of, I mean....and....we will....settle up....later, OK?"

Eric grinned widely, his cute face fairly glowing, and his perfect white teeth gleaming in the dim light, as he nodded his head, and mumbled,


The boys exited the bathroom then, and walked back to join Jason, then, headed over to Ryan's car, and climbed in, Eric struggling his way into the small rear seat, once more displaying his firm little bubble butt sweetly in the process. The older boys climbed in front, and Ryan drove out of the parking lot, heading back to Jason, and Eric's house. During the drive, Ryan found several opportunities to check out the cute boy in the back seat, and, on a few occasions their eyes met in the rear view mirror, and Eric blushed, smiling sweetly at his new secret pal. Of all his older brothers friends, Eric had always been partial to Ryan, mostly because Ryan had always treated him like a part of the group of older boys, not constantly shooing him off like Jason, and some of the others, and also because he had always thought Ryan was really cute, for a boy, that is.

Arriving at the house, the boys went inside, and Eric dropped his sport bag on the foyer table, then, bounded upstairs to his room, while Ryan and Jason sprawled onto the large sofa in the living room, and began checking out the current action on the big screen TV. They settled on some game show, and, after a while, Jason wandered off to the kitchen to round up some sodas, and snacks. Ryan stretched his legs out, and propped his feet on the coffee table that fronted the sofa, and concentrated on the TV program, until he detected some movement from his peripheral vision. He turned toward the distraction, and his cock instantly went fully erect, when his gaze focused on Eric, who had come downstairs, and was apparently retrieving his sport bag from the table where he had left it. The erection inducing part of the scene was that the delectable young Eric was wearing only his snow white jock strap, and, at the moment Ryan had looked his way, he had bent slightly from the waist to retrieve the bag, and his perfect little bubble butt was openly on full display, framed in a very sexy way by the rear straps of the jock. Ryan gulped, his eyes glued to the boy's pretty butt, and his hand reflexively dropped to his lap, as gripped his rock hard erection. Eric turned then, pausing as he noticed Ryan staring at him slack jawed, and he blushed vividly, emitting a nervous little giggle, as he croaked,

"Oops.....sorry, Ry....just needed my bag....!"

Ryan blinked several times rapidly, and choked down the huge amount of saliva that had suddenly flooded his mouth, as he now stared intently at the bulging pouch of the little jock strap, and the lean, lithe, torso of the totally smooth boy. Recovering slightly, he smiled, and gave Eric an exaggerated wink, and mumbled,

"Not a problem, little dude, uh, my pleasure, actually....and, you know, your right too, that.....really is....wicked!"

Eric glanced down at his near naked state, and his blush deepened considerably, as he meekly nodded his agreement, while muttering,

"Oh jeez....yea, but....oh shit....nothing!" and he quickly went back up the stairs, bounding them two at a time, as Ryan grinned widely, his eyes never leaving the incredible sight of Eric's cute, naked butt, until he disappeared.

Ryan shuddered, his eyes blinking, as if to determine whether or not he had actually just seen what he had, and his hand gave his burgeoning erection another tweak, just as Jason returned to the living room, carrying a tray of drinks, and snacks. He set the assortment on the coffee table, and looked at his friend quizzically, and asked,

"What, dude....you look like you just saw the freeking cookie monster, or something...?"

Ryan struggled to get himself collected, coughing, and swiping a hand at his extremely warm face, as he mumbled,

"Naw...I just was laughing at the show, and I sorta choked on my own spit, is all....it's all cool."

Jason nodded absently, briefly glancing at the upstairs landing where Ryan had been so intently looking when he came in the room, and seeing nothing, he shrugged, and dropped onto the sofa, then, handed Ryan a soda. Ryan accepted the can with a slightly trembling hand, and Jason noticed, giving him another wondering look, but saying nothing, as he resumed watching the game show. Ryan slowly exhaled the breath he had been holding, his eyes glued to the TV screen, but instead seeing Eric's silky smooth body, and that incredible bulging jock pouch, and the delicious little butt. He shuddered again, as he wondered just how "accidental" Eric's little display had been, then decided that, accident or not, it had, indeed, been wicked, wicked as hell!

A few minutes later, Eric came down, this time dressed in some silky basketball shorts, and white gym socks, his smooth, and tanned torso bare, once more capturing Ryan's full attention. He dropped onto a large bean-bag chair next to the coffee table, and helped himself to a handful of the chips Jason had provided, and sat flipping them up in the air, and catching them, mostly, with his wide open mouth, as he idly watched the TV show. Ryan tried not to stare, but the lush, full lips on the cute boy held his rapture, and after a few minutes, he had to excuse himself, and head home, eager to attend to the throbbing erection that pulsed almost painfully in his crotch. As he steered with one hand, the other feverishly groping his crotch, he reflected on the afternoons events with Eric, and thought, damn, he is definitely a hottie, and, I think, down with it, too....and, oh man....how freeking hot would THAT be....actually sucking both brothers! Ryan stepped on the gas harder, feeling the leaking wetness in his straining underwear.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 14

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