Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 6, 2023


Balancing a large soda, and a large basket of steaming french fires, Ryan worked his way through the crowd, finally arriving at the table where the still grinning Eric waited. He settled his things on the table, and sat down opposite the young cutie, and fixed him with a smile of his own, as he raised his palm, exchanging hi-fives with Eric.

"What's going on, little dude?" he asked.

"Nothing major....just sorta hanging out is all...what's up with you, Ryan?" replied Eric.

Ryan hefted the small plastic bag containing his newly purchased CD's, and answered,

"Just blowing my meager cash supply....picked up some new tunes."

Eric took the bag from Ryan, and removed the albums, checking the labels, and nodded his head, saying,

"Sweet.....I love this group.....um....don't know if I ever heard this one."

Ryan slid a french fry in his mouth, and washed it down with a pull on his soda, and said,

"Yea, they are still kind of obscure, but a friend turned me on to them, and I kind of liked it, so I figured, what the heck, trying new things is a good thing, right?"

Eric's cute, boyish face flushed slightly, as he nodded, his fine, soft hair sliding onto his forehead, as he swiped at it with his fingers. Ryan noticed how slender, small even, Eric's fingers and hands were as he made the unconscious gesture, as if from a long established habit. Eric dipped into Ryan's basket of fries, grabbed one, and slid it in his mouth, as Ryan watched closely, feeling a distinct tingle in his balls, as the long, slender strip of potato slipped between the boys full lips. Damn, he thought, this little hottie is pulling my chain simply by eating a freeking french fry!

Talking around the somewhat hot food, Eric rapidly fanned his palm near his mouth, and quickly grabbed his soda, drawing from the straw, as he muttered,

"Shit...hot, hot...!"

Ryan again watched closely as Eric closed his lush lips around the end of the straw, and pursed them, as he drew in a large, cooling mouthful of the soda, and thought, jeez, how sexy is that....and what a sexy little mouth...totally kissable....just like his big brother. Ryan felt his penis stirring as he watched Eric's sexy mouth, and he moved, trying to get it into a more comfortable position, and his jeans covered knee bumped against Eric's bare leg. He held it there, making no attempt to break the contact, and suddenly wished he had worn shorts too, instead of the Levis. Eric withdrew the straw from his soft lips, and made direct eye contact with Ryan, his smooth cheeks once again flushing sweetly, and added just a touch of return pressure to Ryan's knee, as he moved his thigh against the soft denim in an almost imperceptible way, and asked,

"So then, is that it.....the CD's....did that break the Bank of Ryan?"

Ryan chuckled, savoring the contact of the smooth leg against his own, and replied,

"Nope....actually, I just got started shopping...when I got really lucky, and bumped into my good bud's cute little brother....that, dude, would be you, by the way.....so, how come your hanging out all by your lonesome?" he asked.

Eric blushed slightly, a sweet, shy expression washing over his cute face, and stammered,

"Jeez, thanks....cute, am I.....cool....actually, I was hanging with some bud's, but they decided to go to the movie, over there, and I was...well....pretty much without funds, you know.....so.....here I am, lucky me....now hanging out with this intensely cute....um....older dude!" he grinned, his cute blush glowing slightly deeper.

Ryan chuckled, nodding, and said,

"Well, don't get me wrong....I mean, I think maybe fate arranged this chance hook-up of two cute studs like us, but, it kind of sucks that your bud's just, like, bailed on you that way."

Eric giggled sweetly, and replied,

"For sure....big time...that's what I thought at first too....but hey....now....well....now, it's, like, probably the best thing that has happened to me in like.....well....maybe ever." he blurted, his smooth cheeks flushing, and his long eye lashes fluttering rapidly.

Ryan watched the slightly embarrassed boy, thinking how totally cute, and boyish he looked in his shyness, but still managing the courage to flirt with him in a pretty open way. Well, cool, thought Ryan, cause I am definitely flirting right back. He grinned, and reached across the small table to ruffle Eric's baby soft hair, as his leg pressed more firmly against the younger boys, and said,

"Your sweet to say that, champ, really....and I'm glad they dumped you like that, anyway, cause now you're with me, which is, like, way better than before, when only me, was with me!"

Eric giggled again, giving Ryan a fake look of confusion, and replied,

"Huh....?....what....?....can you say that again.....maybe slower....or, like, in actual English?"

Ryan laughed, again reaching over the table to ruffle the boy's soft hair, and answered,

"Never mind, dude....you get it....and it's way too complex to repeat, anyway.....but...tell you what....if you want to see that movie, we can go....my treat... just to get to sit next to such a hottie for a couple of hours!"

Eric giggled, again blushing, and Ryan decided that it was about the cutest thing he had ever seen, as Eric fluttered those long, curly eye lashes some more, and said,

"Jeez again.....cute....hottie....take me to a movie...sigh....I'm thinking, like, wow....this older dude is, like, actually hitting on little ol' me!"

Ryan felt another twinge in his crotch as he looked at the boy, again thinking how damn cute, and sexy he was, and decided to put it out there, as he answered,

"Imagine that....this little dude is not only cute, and hot as hell.....but perceptive, to boot....amazing!"

Eric laughed, his dazzling smile seeming to add illumination to the immediate area, as the cute blush crawled over his creamy cheeks once more, but failed to summon a quick reply, as he shyly looked down at the now slightly soggy basket of fries, extracting one with his delicate fingers, and sliding it between his lush, full lips.

Ryan, suddenly fearing that he may have pushed it too far, stood, and gathered up his food containers, and moved to the waste container, tossing them inside. He moved behind Eric, and gripped his shoulder, saying,

"Come on, little dude.....let's go check out the show times."

Eric stood then, and Ryan took the brief opportunity to let his gaze slide over his slender, almost petite, stature. The top of Eric's head reached only to Ryan's shoulders, and he guessed he probably weighed not much over a hundred pounds, and Ryan resisted the powerful urge to just gather the slim cutie in his arms, and kiss those lush, full lips. His penis surged in his snug jeans at the thought, and he quickly turned, moving off toward the cinema complex, with Eric quickly following. They checked the start time for the next showing of the movie, finding that they had about an hour to kill, and decided to browse around the mall until time for the movie. As they entered one of the large sporting good stores, Eric steered them to the baseball section, where he set about checking out all the latest tools of his personal passion. Suddenly remembering the intense little scene in the school bathroom, wherein Eric had given him an all too brief glimpse of his ample boyhood, while he removed his too small protective cup from his also too small jock strap. Ryan asked,

"Hey, little dude....did you ever get that new....and (vastly overstated wiggling of eye brows) bigger......jock, and cup?

Eric's smooth cheeks instantly reddened, and he giggled softly, mumbling,

"Um....actually, no....like I said....it's not something I want to discuss with my Mom, right?"

Ryan smiled, and, unable to resist, once more ruffled the soft hair, and said,

"Right....and, I totally get that....which, if you remember, is why I told you I would be happy to.....handle that...for you, right?"

Eric giggled again, and blushed some more, the implication of "handle that" not being lost on him, and croaked,

"Yea, I remember....you did say that....um....that you would....handle...it for me."

"Well, then....since we agree on that....and, this IS a sporting goods store, what better time, and place?" Ryan asked, smiling at the mix of shyness, and boldness, that seemed to be Eric's makeup.

Not willing to let the boy off the hook, Ryan steered him to the isle where the array of athletic support underwear, and traditional jocks were displayed, and stood by, while Eric pawed through the rack, selecting both a jock, and a plastic cup, that he deemed appropriate. He turned, slightly red faced, and handed them to Ryan, who glanced at the tags, smiling, as he noted the waist size of the jock to be "28," and the label of the cup stating, "youth, large." I'll bet, he thought, vividly recalling the adequate girth of young boyhood he had glimpsed in the bathroom, and the plump heft of balls that went with it.

He looked at Eric, and gave him a sinister wink, saying,

"Cool...seems adequate to protect the family jewels...and, as I recall, far less of a cheap hotel than the old setup."

Eric blushed sweetly some more, looking at Ryan with a questioning expression, and asked,

"Huh...?...."cheap hotel"....?

Ryan chuckled, nodding his head, and replied,

"Uh huh.....cheap hotel....as in.....no ball room!"

Eric cracked up, his melodic laughter music to Ryan's ears, and Ryan leaned close to the boy, reveling in the fresh, boyish scent of him, and said, nearly a whisper,

"You probably should try these on, just to be sure, don't you think?"

Slightly perplexed, Eric shrugged, and answered,

"My mom says stores don't let you try on underwear stuff before you buy it."

Undaunted, Ryan steered the boy, and his selections toward the changing rooms at the rear of the store, saying,

"And she's right about that....you can't, next to your naked skin, but, we can just put the jock over your undies, and then try the cup for proper fit."

As they approached an open changing room, Eric hesitated, and looked slightly wide-eyed up at Ryan, and squeaked,


Ryan gently nudged the boy inside the small room, and clicked the door shut, answering,

"Yup, we....unless you are suddenly shy, or something....I mean, I did see more of your awesome bod at the school that day, and at your house, than I am likely to see here."

Eric flushed at the reference, clearly aware of the reference, then, giggled softly, and mumbled,

"Yea.....well, ok....sure....it's cool....and, jeez.....cute....hot...and an awesome bod.....dang....I really am special today...!"

Ryan sat down on the small stool that stood in the corner of the small room, and gave his full effort to acting cool, and disinterested, while his heart hammered in his chest, and his penis inflated inside his levis, as Eric slid his shorts down his hairless legs, and stepped out of them. He stood there in a pair of small, dark blue underwear, in a newly introduced style known as trunks, a kind of a cross between traditional boxers, and briefs. The garment was very brief, cut in a square shape, snug fitting at the leg openings, and cut low at the waist, and as Eric nervously fumbled with the hem of his tee shirt, it rode up some, exposing the cutest little "inny" belly button Ryan had ever seen. The trunks clung sexily to an impressive lump of youthful boyhood, and Ryan felt his own cock pulsing inside his jeans as he looked at the tempting package, and his eyes quickly scanned the smooth, hairless legs, and the flat, smooth tummy before him.

Blinking rapidly, he opened the box, and removed the snow white jockstrap, untangling it, then, bent down, stretching the scanty contraption for Eric to step into. Eric put his hand on Ryan's bent back for balance, and shifted slightly, a move that centered that delicious boy bulge scant inches from Ryan's gaping mouth, and he fought the temptation to open his mouth, and capture the entire package in one fell swoop. God, he thought, I can smell him.....awesome....an aroma not totally unlike freshly baked bread! Eric lifted one foot, and Ryan worked the heavy straps, as Eric stepped into one leg opening, then, the other. Ryan gulped, working the jock up Eric's well shaped legs, and focused his gaze on the straining crotch of the small underwear directly in front of his eyes, thinking, almost sure, that the bulge had definitely increased in plumpness over the last couple of minutes. He managed to get the awkward garment pretty much where it belonged, and he dared to adjust the tight pouch over the bulge of Eric's boyhood, letting the back of his hand gently press against it, savoring the firmness, and thickness he found there.

Ryan sat up straight then, and took a good long look at the highly erotic sight before him, as Eric blushed furiously, his eyes diverted toward the ceiling, as Ryan took note of his rapid, and shallow breathing. He picked up the plastic cup, and leaned closer, his slightly trembling fingers fumbling at the opening of the pouch that the cup was designed to slip into. His fingers probed Eric's firm boyhood in the process, and he strained to not just grip it totally, as Eric jumped slightly, and emitted a small squeal.

"Um....sorry, little dude....don't mean to be fresh....just....this thing is....weird, kind of...." he said.

Eric glanced down, another small squeal escaping, as he saw Ryan's fingers all but holding his rapidly growing erection, and muttered,

"It's cool.....I know it's sorta hard to do....especially with a......"

Ryan paused, not moving his hand from the glorious contact, and glanced up at the flushed boy, saying,


Eric shuddered, as if suddenly chilled, and made a soft groaning sound, as he once more looked away, staring at the ceiling again, as he answered, barely above a whisper,

"With....a woody!"

Ryan smiled to himself, thinking, awesome, exactly what reaction I was hoping for, and said,

"Ah....don't sweat it, champ....happens to the best of us...hell, all of us.....when some dude is, like, practically groping your stuff like this....ok.....here we go....got it....how does that feel, little dude?" Ryan asked, adding a tad more pressure against Eric's stiff boyhood, before sitting back slightly, and looking up at him.

Eric glanced down quickly, his eyes going slightly wide, as he realized how obvious his erection was, and how totally erotic the whole odd getup had turned out to be, with the jock arrayed on the outside of his small underwear, and the now very full cup being distended from his crotch by his stiff dick. Without thinking, he moved his hand to the bulge, and shifted the cups position slightly, very nearly causing Ryan to spurt in his shorts, as he stared at the young cutie fondling himself. Oh fuck, he thought, how hot is that....that would have to be something to see, him naked, and jerking off his cute meat.....damn, but this kid makes me think wild shit, really!

"Um....yea...it's all cool....this will work, I'm sure," stammered Eric, and Ryan snapped back to the present, saying,

"Ok, cool....so then....you, um....get squared away then, and I'll be outside, Ok?' And he stood, his own rock hard erection totally visible where it throbbed against the fly of his snug jeans.

Eric nodded, his soft eyes dropping to scope out the swollen penis at Ryan's crotch, and mumbled a reply, as Ryan turned, and hustled out of the small, suddenly very warm room. Back in the main store, Ryan wiped the bead of sweat from his upper lip, and shuddered, trying to recall the details of his recent dental appointment, in the hope of subsiding his pulsing erection before somebody noticed the obvious bulge. He was partially successful in the effort, as Eric joined him, and they silently walked to the register to pay for the purchases. Back out in the mall proper, the boys walked back to the food court, both of them suddenly very thirsty. They got cold soda's, and sat again at one of the small tables, passing the remaining minutes before the start of the movie, and when their legs once again came in contact, neither one made any effort to move, as they gazed into each others eyes, making silly small talk that had absolutely nothing to do with their actual thoughts.

They tossed away their drink cups, and walked back to the cinema complex, and Ryan purchased their tickets. Inside, they located the theater they wanted, and went into the dimly lit stadium, where Eric suddenly gripped Ryan's hand, tugging on it, as he moved toward the stairway that led to the second tier of seats. With Ryan in tow, he climbed the stairway, and moved into the last row of seats against the back wall of the theater, dropping into the last seat of the row, next to the wall. Ryan glanced around the sparsely populated complex, and noted the absence of any other patrons on this upper level, and smiled down at Eric, saying,

"Excellent choice, little dude.....nobody to interrupt our full concentration....um...on the movie, I mean."

Eric smiled sweetly, and probably blushed too, though it was now much too dark to tell for sure, and nodded his head, as he replied,

"Exactly....that's what I was thinking, too."

Ryan settled himself in the seat next to Eric, and Eric lifted the arm rest between them, stowing it between the two seat backs, removing the only obstacle between their slightly touching bodies. He glanced quickly up at Ryan, then, moved slightly, tucking his lithe body in close to Ryan's side, and laying his head against Ryan's shoulder. Ryan lifted his hand, and let it settle on Eric's bare thigh just above his knee, and the contact with the smooth, firm flesh sent a jolt straight to his balls. Eric sighed heavily, and snuggled his head tighter against Ryan, so that the boyish scent of him, and a mingled aroma of shampoo, wafted up, and filled Ryan's senses. As the house lights went all the way down, Ryan began slowly moving his hand over the creamy smooth skin of Eric's thigh, his fingers gliding back and forth between his knee, and the hem of the shorts he wore. Eric sighed again, and whispered,

"That was, like, so awesome back there....in the store, I mean."

Ryan continued to lightly stroke the boy's thigh, letting his fingers slip just under the hem of the shorts, as he asked,

"What was awesome...buying the jock, and the cup?"

Eric shook his head, moving it against Ryan's shoulder, and replied,

"Well, that too....but I actually meant....um...you....um....touching me....like that....you know....the woody.....and....everything."

Ryan leaned into him, giving his shoulder a small bump, as his hand moved slightly higher on the boy's smooth thigh, and he said quietly,

"Uh huh, it was, for sure....I thought it was awesome, too......and....it's just so cool it gave you a woody, too...I'm actually flattered by that."

Eric chuckled softly, and squirmed slightly, as Ryan's probing fingers slid higher, fully under the hem of the shorts now, and replied,

"Cool....it, um, like went away after....but....um....well....(tiny giggle) it's......um....back....big time!"

Ryan paused, holding his breath, hoping that he was reading this correctly, and slowly let his hand glide across Eric's thigh, and into his lap.

"Really.....oh man, little dude....that, is so utterly cool!"

Eric flinched slightly, reacting to Ryan's hand groping his well tented lap, and nodded his head again, once more flooding Ryan's fully alert senses with his sweet aromas, and opened his smooth legs slightly wider, as Ryan closed his hand around the very rigid erection he found there, as Eric released a long, low, groan of pleasure.

Pausing, his grip opening, and closing on the pulsing rod, he leaned his face close to Eric's small ear, and asked, very quietly,

"Is this, OK, little dude....?"

Eric nodded rapidly, thrusting his small hips slightly to add pressure to the contact that had his small balls tingling like crazy, and croaked,

"Oh man.....oh yea....totally!"

His courage climbing at a rate equal to his lust, Ryan increased both pressure, and pace, his fist working the rather impressive length of the boy's penis, as he felt the skin sliding over the rigid tissue beneath. Eric slid lower in the seat, and spread his legs widely, allowing Ryan full access to his overheated crotch, as he once again moaned softly, expressing his excitement, and pleasure at the older boys intimate touching.

Ryan glanced around, ensuring the privacy of their position had not been impeded, and once more pressed his mouth to Eric's ear, saying quietly,

"Raise up a little, buddy....lets let this bad boy out for a bit..."

Quickly, Eric hoisted his small butt upward, as Ryan released the throbbing boyhood, and moved his fingers to the elastic waist of Eric's shorts, tugging at them, so they slipped down his thighs about half way. He worked his fingers into the waist of the small underwear, as Eric tugged the shorts the rest of the way down his smooth legs, and shook them to the floor. Ryan maneuvered the undies down Eric's thighs, and again Eric took over, removing them completely, before again lying back, low in his seat, his rigid penis weaving in the dimness. Ryan stared, his mouth flooding with saliva, as he focused on the sculpted boyhood, rock hard, and smooth as though carved from glass. A good five inches, he estimated, and perfectly cut, the mushroom shaped cap full, and glistening slightly with wetness. His eyes followed the inch thick shaft to it's beginning, and he moaned softly, as his gaze noted the small growth of silky pubic hairs that darkened the smooth groin at the base of the pretty penis, then, settled on the plump, smooth scrotum that swelled fully with two good sized eggs.

"Oh God, Eric.....what a great cock....it's beautiful, dude, really....damn!" croaked Ryan as he ran his fingers over the granite hard erection of the younger boy, and gently probed the plump scrotum.

Eric shuddered, a low moan escaping his clenched jaw, as his groin felt like it was being subjected to a series of strong electrical shocks.

"Jeez.....oh man.....feels so.....awesome....!" he hissed, desperately trying to control the incredible urge to cum that boiled inside him.

Ryan leaned his face close to Eric's cheek, again savoring the sweet boyish scent of him, and the sight of his hand cradling the pretty penis, as he rubbed the smooth, pulsing shaft, and worked the glistening head with a fingertip. The boy was pumping precum like a veteran, and Ryan desperately wanted to taste it, to just drop his head into the boy's lap, and suck those plump balls dry, but he was fearful of going that far in what was, mostly empty or not, a public place. Instead, he swiped a finger over the drooling little slit, and captured one of the pearls of the slippery fluid that continuously flowed there, and quickly brought the finger to his mouth, and sucked it hungrily, as Eric watched, wide eyed.

Quickly returning his hand to the boy's crotch, he again gripped the throbbing young erection, and resumed stroking it, as Eric bucked his hips in sync with Ryan's motion, a steady series of small groans coming from the very excited boy.

"Shit, Ryan....you licked my stuff....damn, dude...!"

His face still very close to Eric's ear, Ryan chuckled softly, and said,

"Yup....sweet, too....wish I could suck this beauty....taste the real deal...damn theater!"

Eric groaned deeply, the very idea of Ryan wanting to suck his prick, and let him shoot off in his mouth, driving him over the edge, causing his young balls to draw up inside his scrotum, and release, spewing his youthful load into his lap, and coating Ryan's stroking hand with repeated jets of his pearly semen. Ryan watched closely as the pretty penis spit it's creamy essence, the first burst arching into the air, then pooling on Eric's tee shirt, then several rapid spurts following, that drizzled over the back of his hand. Eric continued to hump his small hips, as he emitted several small squeaks of pleasure, his orgasm washing over him, causing him to feel dizzy, and faint, from the intense pleasure that racked his young body, greater by far than anything he had ever experienced in all his fourteen years.

As Eric's cock began to soften in his hand, Ryan moved his fingers lower, and gently seized Eric's scrotum, and worked the plump balls, urging the final spasms from the panting boy, then, brought the slimy hand to his mouth, and extended his tongue to lap at the warm, creamy fluid, savoring the slick texture, and the fresh, youthful flavor. Eric sagged down low in his seat, spent, and watched, as Ryan used his tongue to clean all traces of his discharge from his hand, and giggled softly, slightly incredulous at the obvious zeal with which the older teen seemed to relish the task. Intrigued, never having actually considered tasting the fruits of his frequent jack off sessions, he slid his fingers through the pool of semen that had landed on his tee shirt, and tentatively fed them into his own mouth. His taste buds reacted, sending a small achy feeling along his jaw bone, as his mind decided that the stuff was mostly ok, just kind of salty, maybe, and kind of like a nutty taste. He looked at Ryan, and saw him watching him lick his fingers, smiling broadly, and blushed deeply, as he croaked in a slightly hoarse voice,

"Oh man....wow....that, was, like, SO.....amazing!"

Ryan reached over, and again fingered Eric's now rather small member, and nodded his agreement, then replied,

"Yup....totally....and, from here on, little dude.....it only gets better!"

Eric grinned his dazzling smile, slowly shaking his head as if in disbelief that it was possible to be better than it already was.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 18

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