Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on May 10, 2023


Eric had thought of little else since Ryan had let it slip that his brother, Jason, was into gay sex, and had, on apparently more than one occasion, already fooled around with Ryan, and maybe even others. Wow, he thought, what were the odds that two brothers would both turn out to be gay?

Eric had a kind of crush on his older brother, frequently thinking of him in his masturbation fantasies, and subtly checking him out any time that he got the chance, especially if he was able to catch him naked, or nearly so, as he changed clothes, or showered. He was, Eric thought, hot as hell, and he was now determined to somehow lure his big brother into sex play with him, an event he had imagined countless times. Today, he decided, would be the perfect opportunity to put his plan into effect, since it was Sunday, and their parents would be out of the house the entire day as they were every Sunday, first to church, and then to their golf club for lunch, and eighteen holes.

Eric stopped rubbing his five inch erection, deciding to save his load for a better opportunity, and rolled out of bed, heading to the bathroom he shared with Jason. He stepped inside the bathroom, and skinned off the small briefs he wore, and stepped up to the commode to relieve his bladder. He turned on the shower, then, stood at the sink to brush his teeth. Finished, he scanned his boyish face in the mirror, idly wondering if the day was ever going to arrive when he needed to shave. At fourteen, his boyish features, and somewhat petite stature made him appear more twelve, than fourteen, and it nagged at him some, making him wish his maturity would get a move on.

He had entered puberty early enough, some smattering of pubic hairs appearing above his penis, and a light dusting of peach fuzz on his legs, but the rest of his lean body remained smooth as a baby's butt, including his plump scrotum which still was devoid of any signs of hair growth. His balls had plumped up over the past year or so, and definitely dropped lower, to hang nicely in the smooth sac, and they produced sufficient amounts of creamy cum when he got off. His penis was of adequate size, he thought, at least compared to other boys he peeked at in gym class, or at the public pool changing room. Not as big, or as thick, as Ryan's to be sure, but still nice, and Ryan was constantly telling him how "cute" it was, and how he loved the smooth, cut head. Well cool, thought Eric, if Ryan's into my dick, why shouldn't Jason be, too. He stepped into the steamy shower, and washed his lean body, again resisting the urge to tug at his tumescent cock, and pop a nut, hoping that before the day ended, that task would be accomplished by his older brother.

Eric padded naked back to his bedroom, and selected a fresh pair of the snug little briefs he favored. He had taken to wearing this type, called trunks, about three months ago, when he had noticed them during one of his frequent forages at the local mall. They were made of a smooth, almost satin, material, and were cut in a square shape at the waist band, and at the leg openings, and they clung nicely to his bulging package, accenting it, and showing a fairly clear definition of his tubular penis where it rested inside. They also molded perfectly to his cute little bubble butt, clearly outlining the firm globes, and the snug cleft that separated them. The pair he selected this morning was a shocking white shade, nearly transparent, and he giggled softly as he noticed how the dark swatch of his small pubic patch showed as a shadow beneath the gauzy material. Cool, he decided, that should at least make Jason take some notice of his swollen package, and maybe even spark the interest he was hoping for. He fluffed his soft, dark hair with his fingers, and left his bedroom, heading toward the kitchen in hopes of finding his older brother there.

As he crossed the living room, approaching the kitchen area, the delicious aroma of frying bacon caught his attention, reminding him that in addition to being horny, he was also hungry. He moved through the archway that divided the kitchen area from the living room, and smiled at Jason, who was standing at the stove, busily working on the source of the pleasant bacon aroma that wafted through the house. In a single glance at his handsome big brother, Eric noted that Jason was only slightly more dressed than himself, decked out nicely in a pair of cargo shorts that hung low on his slender waist, and offered the slightest hint of bulge behind the zipper fly. He was bare chested, and bare footed, and Eric let his eyes drift over Jason's smooth chest, and firm stomach, eyeing the thin treasure trail of fine hair that descended from his small navel to disappear into the shorts. Nice, he thought, I'd love to follow that cute little trail to its conclusion!

Still smiling, he offered a good morning to his brother, as he crossed to the refrigerator, and took out the orange juice carton. He moved sideways a little, and opened a cupboard, taking out a glass, as he again grinned at Jason, and asked,

"Smells awesome, Bro......cooking for two, I hope?"

Jason returned the smile, and Eric happily noted that before he replied, he ran his gaze down, then back up, over Eric's slim body, and lingered briefly on his bulging package in both directions. Eric turned back toward the counter top, providing Jason an unfettered view of his taut little backside as he poured OJ into the glass.

"If you pour me some of that juice, I'll toss in some more bacon, and, even make you some eggs, since you basically have no clue how to even crack one open.....and....um....nice skivvies there,'lil dude!"

Eric felt a small jolt hit his balls, responding to the knowledge his brother had, indeed, taken notice of his attire, and, more importantly, what it barely concealed, and he turned toward Jason, nodding, and extending the full glass toward him, as he said,

"You got a deal, big brother......and.....um.....thanks!"

Jason reached for the offered glass, and his eyes dropped to Eric's crotch once more, and Eric felt his penis thicken slightly inside the snug briefs. Jason glanced into his eyes, then, dropped his gaze once more to the distended briefs, as he replied,

"Thanks for what....cooking.....or the compliment on the...sexy....undies...?"

Eric felt his face warm suddenly, and he knew he was blushing, so he tried for his most boyish look, dropping his chin to his bare chest, as he blinked a few times, and mumbled,

"Um....well.....both, actually..."

Jason chuckled, his own cheeks flushing slightly, as he once more dropped his gaze, and nodded, saying,

"Right...yea, well....your welcome....and....well, hell Bro....you've done some growing, it seems to me....in all good ways, too...."

Eric felt his face grow warmer still, and he was suddenly feeling nearly naked, as he stood there absorbing his older brothers comments, and the now somewhat smoldering gaze that he had fixed squarely on his growing crotch. Hoping to recover his composure, he turned back to the counter, and began filling another glass with the juice, making no reply to Jason's direct comment regarding his body.

Jason seized the opportunity to check out Eric's firm little butt as he turned his back to him, and the smoothness of the well displayed skin of his back, and legs, and decided that Eric was indeed a hottie all of a sudden, and he idly wondered why he had failed to register the fact before this. He seemed to be packing a nice bunch of goodies in those hot little briefs, Jason thought, front, and back! He felt his own penis thicken as he openly scoped out his nearly naked little brother, and he surprised himself some with the thoughts that flowed through his mind. Jesus, dude, he told himself, get it together here, he is your freeking brother, and just fourteen at that! Still......

Jason forced his attention back to the frying bacon, adding several more strips to the sizzling pan, as his mind continued to conjure up images of just exactly what treasures lurked behind that small swatch of satiny material his brother wore, causing him to need to subtly reach down, and adjust his now erect cock, as he said to Eric,

"Hey bro....grab some eggs out of the fridge, will you...and try really hard not to drop them, okay?"

Eric opened the fridge, and returned the OJ to the top shelf, then, bent at the waist to dig into the small pull out drawer that housed the eggs, giving Jason a gut wrenching view of his cute little ass as it poked directly at him. Oh shit, thought Jason, check that out....nice....really....fucking....nice....! Eric stood then, turning toward Jason with four eggs balanced in his cupped hands, and as he completed the turn, he gasped slightly, as he felt his nearly fully erect penis catch in the small y-front opening of the briefs, causing it to seriously tent out the tiny garment in a totally obvious way, and he was totally unable to adjust it, given the hands full of eggs he gingerly held on to. He froze in his tracks, cheeks once more growing hot, and extended his hands toward Jason, needing desperately for him to take the eggs from him, so he could better conceal his burgeoning erection. Jason made no effort to bail him out of the predicament, but rather openly stared at Eric's hardness, as a sly smile crossed his face. He let his very obviously interested gaze drift slowly upward over Eric's smooth body, finally meeting his eyes, as he widened the smile, and nodded his head, saying,

"Yup....definitely done some growing, for sure....and....like I said.....all of it.... good!"

Eric giggled nervously, once more feeling naked, as he searched his mind for some appropriate reply, finally landing on,

"Well....I'm glad you like what you see.....I mean....its not like you get to hog all the family good stuff forever, you know....about time I started kinda catching up with you...."

Jason chuckled, finally taking the eggs from Eric's still outstretched hands, as he replied,

"Kinda, he says.....dunno bro.....seems to me you might have caught up more than just.....kinda...!" and he once more settled his gaze on Eric's tented briefs.

Eric felt himself blushing furiously, and he felt his cock twitch under the intense gaze of his brother, but he was determined to stand his ground, and see just how far this would go. Moving closer to Jason, he edged around the corner of the stovetop, and uttered a small squeaking sound, when he saw Jason's very erect penis poking at the front of his shorts. Jason blushed slightly, realizing that his little brother was staring, open mouthed, at the rigid pole in his shorts, but turned his body toward the younger boy anyway, so that their two rock hard erections nearly came in contact.

"Jeezo!" squealed Eric, his still puberty driven voice cracking, "that looks really big, Jase!"

Jason took his eyes off Eric's equally tented little briefs just long enough to glance at his own crotch, then, returned his stare to his brothers little underpants, and he unconsciously licked his lips. He wanted desperately to just reach out, and grasp his little brothers cock, to feel its hardness, and pulsing, in his hand, but he was afraid he might freak the kid, and ruin the whole scene, if he ran off. He lifted his hungry gaze, and looked into Eric's soft, dark eyes, and said, softly,

"Not a lot bigger than yours, I bet..." he told the flush faced boy, "Um....tell you what, Eric.....how about we do a little show-and-tell here....you know....like, compare...?"

Eric's heart pounded rapidly in his chest, his excitement nearly boiling over, as his long held dream moved steadily closer to reality, and he almost just went ahead and jerked down his little briefs, so eager was he to finally see, and touch his brothers cock, and explore his entire naked body. But, he didn't want to be obvious to Jason, as he struggled to keep this a spontaneous event, not something he had actually planned as he dressed so skimpily this morning, so he looked down at the floor, once more going for the boyish expression that said, "Gee....I'm not sure about this....but....well...." He held the pose a beat or two, letting his eyes steal brief glimpses of his big brothers rigid boner poking at his shorts, and finally, he replied, very softly,

"Um....like....show our dicks, you mean...?"

Jason was all but overwhelmed with lust for his cute little brother now, desperate to see the young, inexperienced boy meat that so nastily filled the tiny panty, and he nodded his head, smiling as reassuringly as he could manage, as he replied,

"Yea....exactly.....sorta like....show me yours.....and....I'll show you mine.....want to...?"

Eric blushed sweetly again, and batted his long eye lashes a few times, glancing demurely between the floor, and his big brothers rigid penis, and finally mumbled,

"Well yea...sort of, I do...just....well....it would be kinda....nasty....right...?

Feeling the wetness drooling from his throbbing cock, Jason decided to press the issue, and to hell with the torpedoes, as his lust welled up inside him. Sucking in his breath, then, exhaling, he replied, as his hand snaked out, and gripped his little brothers pulsing boyhood,

"Yea, Eric....its nasty as hell....and.....that, little bro, is what makes it so freeking hot.....hot like you are, little bro....totally....freeking....hot.....oh, God!"

Eric was sure he was going to explode the second Jason wrapped his hand around his leaking boner, and fill his little undies with hot boy cum, but he gritted his teeth tightly, and fought off the urge. His dick jumped in Jason's grip, then, jumped again, as Jason began a gentle up and down motion, stroking his rock hard cock, as he said, somewhat pleadingly,

"Oh man, Eric.....nice....really....really....nice.....come on, bro....please....I really want to see you.....and....touch it....bare.....ok...?"

Eric was all but trembling, a million sensations, and thoughts, coursing through his young body as his big brother, finally, groped his young cock, and he looked up into Jason's pleading eyes, and nodded his head, as he slowly extended his hand, and closed his small fist around Jason's thick tool.

"Ok.....oh man....yea....me too, Jase.....seriously....lets, ok...?" he chirped.

That came as music to Jason's ears, his sudden lust for his brother growing by the second, and he took no chances on Eric changing his mind. He gave Eric's boner another quick stroke, then, released his grip, and quickly popped open the snap, and zip of his shorts, then let them drop to puddle around his ankles, as he quickly moved his hands to Eric's sexy little skivvies, and tugged them down his smooth legs.

In a matter of mere seconds, the brothers stood totally naked, facing each other, their bobbing erections very nearly touching as they swayed before them in sync with their racing heartbeats. Jason focused on Eric's very pretty, and totally adequate hardon, and he felt his mouth flood with saliva as he stared at it. God, he thought, that is so perfect....cute as hell...all smooth, and sculpted....only a little hair....and his balls look....perfect, too....hairless, and plump....man....oh, man! Similar thoughts raced through Eric's mind as he stared at his older brothers thick meat, and he let out a small groan, as he witnessed a pearl of Jason's drooling precum ooze from the slit in the mushroom cap of his cock. Jeez, he thought, it IS freeking big....maybe not so much longer...but, wow....way thicker than me....and....jeez....check out his balls....awesome....all hanging down....and....like....those eggs I got from the fridge.....jeez....must be, like.....tons of cum in there....!

The silent show-and-tell continued for another minute, both boys seemingly in awe of the other, until finally Jason could resist no longer, and he reached out to grip Eric's pretty boyhood in his fist. Eric jumped slightly, emitting a small squeak, as his big brother at last touched him, and he felt a spasm run through his cock that went straight to his balls. He shuddered, as his own hand moved forward, and gently gripped the throbbing cock of his brother, and he squeezed it, then, slid his hand over it in an up and down motion, causing Jason to moan loudly, as he muttered,

"Aggg.....fuck, Eric.....oh man.....sweet......fucking.....sweet...!"

Eric jumped again, as Jason mimicked his moves, sliding his tender hand over the length of his erection, as he slipped his other hand between his smooth thighs, and gently cupped his plump balls.

"Ohhhh shit, Jase....man.....that feels.....shit.....awesome....!" grunted Eric, his balls pulling up to his groin, as Jason fondled them, and continued stroking his rigid cock.

Eric's breathing was that of a marathon runner, and his body was alive with electric pulses, as he stoked to the head of his brothers cock, and slid a finger over the velvet soft skin of the mushroom cap, sensing the wetness that he found there, as Jason continued to pour forth steady precum.

`Oh man.....damn, Jase...your so....big...thick....fucking hard as rock.....man....ahhh....!" chanted Eric, his balls rapidly reaching the boiling point as his big brother stroked him, and toyed with his balls. He shuddered again, a deep moan coming from his chest, as began unconsciously humping his slim hips into Jason's hand, matching the rhythm that was driving him rapidly to orgasm.

Eric felt the precum drooling from his throbbing cock, and at the same moment, he felt his balls tug sharply upward, and he mumbled Jason's name, as his cock lurched strongly in Jason's hand, and erupted. His first jet of cum ejected strongly, leaping across the small space between their trembling bodies, and painted a long streak on Jason's firm tummy, followed instantly by the second, third, and fourth, each emission nearly equal in volume, and force, as one after the other they slimed Jason's heaving torso with the creamy, warm semen of his little brother.

For his part, Jason was astonished by the suddenness, and force, of his little brothers ejaculation, and surprised by the volume the boys young balls had produced, and he continued to stroke the pumping tool in his fist, watching in awe, as each thick rope of milky fluid landed on his stomach, and drooled downward to matt into his thick pubes. When Eric's cock finally stopped shooting, he eased up on his movements, and gently milked the wilting shaft with his fingers, as Eric shuddered once more, then, slowly sank to his knees.

Eric's head was spinning, and he gulped in large doses of air, as his heart hammered inside his chest, as the intense orgasm finally passed. He looked up, and gulped, as he focused on Jason's thick cock waving in front of his face, and he knew instantly that he wanted to suck it, wanted it more than anything. He reached out, and gripped the rigid shaft between finger, and thumb, stroking it, then, leaned into it, and lapped his tongue over the drooling head. Jason groaned, and leaned back on the counter, his hands moving behind him to grip the edges for support. Eric's smooth tongue slid over the wide mushroom again, and Jason moaned loudly, then, hissed,

Oh fuck, Eric....fuck, dude....suck it....please, babe....oh God......suck....me......PLEASE....!!

Eric couldn't have agreed more, and he quickly moved his finger grip to the very base of Jason's thick cock, then, opened his mouth in an "O" shape, and, inch by inch, slid his brothers thick cock inside. He gagged slightly, as the bulbous head dug into the back of his throat, and he withdrew slightly, adapting to the thick meat filling his mouth. He withdrew more, holding only the wide head between his lips, as he savored the fullness, and the flavor, of his big brothers cock in his mouth, then, slowly engulfed the entire length once more. He settled into a rhythm then, deftly sucking Jason's rigid cock, as his free hand slid up Jason's muscled thigh, and cradled the hanging ball sac in his fingers. Back and forth he went, sucking, and relishing the non-stop flow of slick precum that oozed over his tongue, and his fingers toyed with Jason's heavy balls, driving the older boy wild with multiple sensations. IN what seemed like mere seconds, but was probably more like a couple of minutes, at least, Jason uttered a deep moaning sound, and suddenly rolled up on his toes, his hips driving sharply forward, as Eric felt his cock swell inside his mouth, and spasm strongly. Jason lurched again, and released a loud yell, as his thick cock exploded, spewing his warm, slippery cream into Eric's sucking mouth, volley after volley flooding into Eric, as he gulped rapidly in an effort to keep up with the massive ejaculation. Try as he might, Eric simply was not capable of handling the copious eruptions, and as Jason continued pouring cum, thick streamers of the stuff escaped the corners of Eric's stretched mouth, and drizzled down his chin, falling onto his bare chest.

At last Jason was spent, and slid his back down the face of the cupboard until he joined his panting brother on the kitchen floor, his softening penis slipping from Eric's slightly bruised mouth. Jason looked at the flushed, and grinning face of his brother, and chuckled at seeing the cum trails at the corners of his mouth. He reached out a finger, and dabbed at the remnants of his fluid, then, offered the slimed digit to Eric, who giggled, then, meekly sucked the finger into his mouth, as Jason stroked his soft hair, and said,

"Good boy, bro.....don't want you missing any, right?"

Eric giggled again, his cute face flushing slightly, as he replied, "Right.....don't want to be missing any....any more...took too long to get it....!"

Jason nodded his agreement, again ruffling his little brothers hair, as he added, "Definitely, most definitely....but, now we can get into a serious game of catch up, right...?"

Eric grinned, nodding his head, as he replied, enthusiastically,

"Ya think?"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 26

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