Ryans Intentions

By Boogie Boy

Published on Oct 17, 2022


*This story is fictional and isn't meant to imply that Ryan Phillippe is gay. If you are too young to read this, or if this material offends you, get out of here! If not, read on and I hope you enjoy the story (it's fictional)!

*Also, I don't know if the story is properly indented since Hotmail always changes it and it was too long for me to do it all myself, so if it's a little hard to read in some places, sorry.


"Having the dark blue vest underneath the jacket for your tuxedo looks the best on you out of the available options I think." Ryan leaned closer to Krystle and read her name tag. "Okay Krystle, thanks. How much will that be?" Krystle, mimicking Ryan's leaning action replied, "It'll be fifty dollars, Ryan." "You know who I am?" Ryan asked worriedly. "Don't worry Mr Phillippe, celebrity of the moment - I won't alert the ship to your presence and I won't bother you either." Said Krystle patronisingly as she took out Ryan's tux from the rack. "Uh, thanks.", Ryan said as he paid Krystle, took the tuxedo and walked back to his cabin. Glancing at the clock Ryan noted that he had one hour left until he had to meet Justin for dinner. "Well, I better shower and get myself done up for it", Ryan thought as her entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

I studied myself in the mirror. "Wow, Justin, you look pretty flash!" I thought, smiling to myself and feeling pleased with how I look. I took a step back and then slowly spun around checking how the rest of me looked. I was impressed. I looked at my watch and noticed I had fifteen minutes left.

Since I was ready I figured that I could go for a nice stroll on the deck, maybe while it was still light before heading down to the dining hall where I was going to meet Ryan. I made sure I had my wallet and keys with me before I left then walked down the hall and turned out of the door where the cool evening air was refreshing. I walked along the deck and noticed the beautiful coloured light in the dusk sky, casting unique shadows over the deck chairs, benches and against the walls. I stopped and leaned against the fence, looking out at the darkening ocean and the twinkles across the surface of the water before following the trail to the sun, partially covered by some dark clouds casting magnificent purples, pinks, reds and oranges across the sky that had yet to be darkened. I stared at the sunset, admiring its beauty and the relative calmness of the ocean. The peace overwhelmed me, and made me feel relaxed, and content. I then began wondering about what I would talk abut at dinner tonight. Should I mention 54? Would he feel awkward talking about that? Maybe I could ask some questions about him, his life? I could ask him about Reese, I mean, they are married and - hold on, if he's married to Reese, and he's cheating on her, if we become anything will he cheat on me like this? What if she finds out?' These thoughts ran through my head as I began to panic. I looked out to the horizon again and the sun had set. I saw a solitary star and decided to make a wish, as silly as I thought it was. I looked at the star, and made my simple wish: I don't want to be alone ever again. My watched beeped as I realised it was 7:00 pm, time to go. I turned around and continued left on the way I was walking prior to my viewing of the sunset. As I walked I heard some thunder. Sounds like it could rain tonight,' I thought to myself, as astute as I can be. I then turned right and right again as I went through one of the entrances to the food hall, which was up ahead. There were two more entrances to this foyer like area, one up ahead and one on the left side but the hall which was connected to it was ahead. I looked at the entrance opposite where I entered and saw Ryan walk through the door in a tuxedo with a dark blue vest and bow tie to match. He took my breath away, he looked amazing, like a dream. He walked towards the food hall and I don't think he saw me and then when the group of people in front of me turned left at the corridor, our eyes met. I'm not the greatest eye reader but I think he was as happy to see me as I was to see him. The eye contact made me smirk and I moved my head to the right, at the entrance to the hall, in doing so breaking the glance. I stood stationary as Ryan approached me a couple of seconds later. "Ryan, wow, you look great! Amazing!" I told him, gesturing to his tuxedo. The blue vest and bow tie brought out his eyes, which were even more beautiful now. "Justin, are you kidding? Look at you, you're looking good enough to eat." Ryan told me seductively, in a voice just above a whisper. I blushed (I didn't exactly know what to say to that!). "Well, I'm afraid that dinner is waiting for us in there." I said as I pointed to the tables. "Well, I'm pretty hungry, I'm not sure if that food can please all of my appetite!" Ryan said smiling. I laughed at his joke. God, I love his smile. We walked through the entrance and a waiter approached us. "Are you two joining a party or is it just you two?" the waiter asked. "Just us two." Replied Ryan. "Okay then, follow me to a table." I nodded and we followed the waiter through the mass of people surrounding the larger tables which were in the centre of the hall to the tables that were smaller in size which were around the edges of the hall, close to the walls. The tables had white table cloths on them and two candles were in the centre, while forks and knifes and napkins were already prepared. Ryan and I sat down as the waiter handed us menus. "Is ten minutes enough time for you to make your order?" "Plenty thanks," I replied. The waiter walked off and Ryan and I sat there, waiting for each other to say something or to start a conversation. "You know, usually when I have dinner with someone I like, it's difficult for me to make conversation... or to say anything at all. I can usually make a few vowel sounds, but by then I'm really embarrassed and I walk off. Well, I'm contradicting myself by telling you all this now, so I think my nerves are making me talk a lot rather than not talk at all." Ryan smiled at me trying to make sense of what I had just said, before he burst out laughing. "Okay, I'll shut up now." "You make me laugh like no-one else does." "Doesn't Reese make you laugh?" Ryan's smile faded slightly, and a look of surprise spread across his face. "Look, Reese and I are married in the technical sense, but we're not in the romantic one." "Huh? Now you're the one making no sense!" I pointed out. "No, I mean we don't love each other, we're good friends, not lovers. The marriage is just a publicity type thing, it isn't real. Reese isn't even pregnant with my child. I don't wear a ring on my finger, we sleep in separate beds, and we hardly see each other." "Oh. Wow. Did you want to marry her? I mean did you guys decide this?" "No, our managers did once they found out Reese was pregnant. I dated her, trying to convince myself I wasn't gay, and I tried to love her but I couldn't. She's great though, she understood, and agreed that the idea of us being married was a good thing for the future of our careers and us. Basically, our marriage in a nutshell." "I'm sorry to bring that up, I just would have hated to think I was seeing a married person - and a damn sexy married person!" "Darn tootin!" Ryan said. I laughed at his cowboy accented remark and felt that the mood was suddenly lighter. I looked down and saw the menu. "You know, we should order before the waiter comes back." Said Ryan, reading my mind. I opened the menu and said, "He's a waiter, he can wait." Ryan chuckled at me and then opened his menu and began looking through it. I looked over the meals in mine, and realised that I didn't even know what half of the choices were. All those fancy foreign names should be replaced by what it is! What if I order frog? The waiter returned just as I made up my mind. "Have you two reached a decision?" asked the waiter. "Yes," Ryan answered, "I'll have the medium rare steak with a side of the Ceaser salad. "Very well, and are you ready to order?" the waiter asked me. "Could I have the stir fry noodles along with the vegetable soup?" I asked him. "Very well. It should be between ten to twenty minutes. Do you want any beverages?" "How about a bottle of red wine?" I asked. The waiter studied me for a moment before asking "Do you have any identification?" "I'm 22 years old!" I replied as I took out my wallet and showed him my drivers license. "I'm sorry, you just look young. Consider yourself lucky." Said the waiter before he left with the menus. I put my wallet on the table as I placed my drivers license in the pocket I kept it in, and Ryan suddenly put his hands on the wallet, his fingers pointing to the pictures I had in there, a small on of my father and mother. "Are they your brothers and sisters?" Ryan asked me. "Uh, no, they're parents." "You're kidding me? Really?" Ryan seemed in disbelief before he continued. "But they don't look much older than you at all! Your dad looks like a brother, and your mother like an older sister." "Um, thanks, I think." I said, closing the wallet after Ryan had one last good look at the picture. "Oh shit! I didn't mean to bring up your father like that - " "It's okay." I told Ryan. Ryan looked at me with an are-you-sure facial expression. I nodded back at him, assuring him I was. "So you and your mum came to America together did you?" Ryan asked me and I nodded in reply, wondering why he seems so interested in my mother all of a sudden. "Is she on the cruise?" A slight panic began to spread across me and Ryan must have sensed it through the changes of my face. I looked down at the table. "Um yeah, I'll introduce you to her sometime." "Oh, okay." Ryan face showed signs of curiosity. "So, what do you do when you're not acting?" I asked, desperate to change the subject. "Oh, well Seth, Breckin and I have created a film company." "Seth Green and Breckin Meyer? Wasn't he with you in 54?" "Yeah, that's them, and he was." "Wow, that's cool. I'd really like to be the head of some huge company, or at least if I did anything with business then to have a really cool job title. Ah well, its a dream that I'll achieve when I'm old like those high ranking business people." "Well what about your music? I mean, are you going to pursue that at all?" "I don't think so. They wanted my songs, not me, saying it wasn't the right time for someone like me to enter the industry, and I wasn't willing to sell them my songs - I wrote them for me, from me. They're direct extensions of what I was feeling when I wrote them, or what how I perceived certain events. I'm not too disappointed though, writing songs for me makes me happy, it's like a medicine, putting what you feel down in music which you can then share around with." "You'll have to play me your songs for me one time." "I base some songs from experiences. If an experience from you inspires me, then I'll write a song about it!" I said cheekily to Ryan. "What do you mean `if'?" Ryan asked. "Whoops!" I laughed. The waiter brought the wine and two glasses and then returned almost immediately with my soup. He told us that it would be another five minutes until our meals were ready. We thanked him and he left. Ryan opened the wine and poured some in his glass and then into mine, but I then began to eat (drink?) my soup, before it became cold. I quickly finished the soup while Ryan stared at me silently. He had been staring at me while I ate my soup and continued to stare at me since I had finished. I looked up at him again and blushed, trying to figure out what he was staring at. "Ryan, what are you looking at?" Ryan didn't reply but continued to stare at me. "What?" I asked, beginning to laugh and noticing how my face must be turning really red. I'm like a light bulb, I embarrass easily. I saw the waiter approach the table and give Ryan his dinner and then he handed me my stir fry noodles. "Have an enjoyable meal." He said, wearing a smile that lasted a whole second. Once the waiter had gone, Ryan said how nice it was to have cheerful people around. "Okay Ryan, now you're abusing sarcasm!" I laughed as did he. I took my fork and knife in hand. "Wow, this looks delicious." I said looking at my stir fry. "Good enough to eat!" Ryan said, raising an eyebrow. "Ugh. Spare me, please!" I said as I took began to eat my dinner. "I was talking about you." Ryan said, staring into my eyes the same way he had been staring at me just a couple of minutes ago. My throat tried to come up with a noise, or even a small laugh, but it froze - keeping my stir fry stuck. I looked at Ryan and then covered my mouth with my hand when I began to cough. Ryan realised I was choking and as he leaned over the table to grab a glass of wine for me, I coughed up the food into my mouth and then swallowed it. The taste of that was extremely unpleasant. "Hey, it's okay, I swallowed." Ryan looked at me devilishly. "That didn't come out the way it was supposed to." I said. "Then how was it supposed to come out?" Ryan teased. "Look, Mr Dirty - eat your dinner." "Mr Dirty?" "Eat." We ate in silence, obviously enjoying our meals and I caught Ryan glancing occasionally at me and he also caught me staring at him. Neither of us had to say it - sex was on our minds. Ryan had almost finished his meal, I had a bit to go. Then I leaned back a bit and moved my leg forward. My foot brushed against Ryan's foot and suddenly he swallowed his last mouthful and finished his meal. He looked up and stared at me while I gradually moved my foot from his foot, up his leg to his knee, then onto his thigh where I then reached it. You know what I reached. "Why hello Mr Dirty!" I said as I began moving my foot around. A smile spread across Ryan's face. He let out some sort of moan. "You like that?" I asked in a teasing tone. Suddenly, Ryan saw our waiter and clicked his fingers. "Waiter! Check please!" I couldn't help but laugh as Ryan hurriedly paid the bill then practically leapt out of his seat and pulled me out of mine, then pushing me in front of him by giving my butt a little smack. Once we quickly walked out of the dining hall, I told him he was funny when he was frisky, and that is the only time he should show people his sense of humour. "You mean I'm not funny when I'm not frisky?" "In a nutshell!" I said. "Well, tonight I'm not funny..." he said as we reached Ryan's cabin and he opened the door. He lowered his voice sexily, saying "...I'm yours."

Ryan's Intentions 8(ii)

"You mean I'm not funny when I'm not frisky?" "In a nutshell!" I said. "Well, tonight I'm not funny..." he said as we reached Ryan's cabin and he opened the door. He lowered his voice sexily, saying "...I'm yours." I jumped into the room and slammed shut the door. I stood there facing Ryan. He stepped to me and I put my hands around his neck and face as I kissed him and he put his hands around my back as he kissed me back. The kiss was fast, it was passionate, it felt needed. I needed to kiss Ryan, I needed it to be full on and long lasting. And boy, it was. We kept kissing, so fast I thought that perhaps when we broke it our lips would have melted off our faces! My hands moved around his neck and the back of his head quickly as his roamed my back and then fell still on my butt, firmly squeezing it for a few seconds before letting it go and squeezing again. I don't know how long we had been kissing and I didn't care, it felt good. Eventually I had to breathe though, as much as I didn't want to! I pulled my head away from Ryan, shallow breaths escaping my mouth. Ryan's hands let go of me as mine let go of him. "Wow!" I gasped as I took off my jacket. "Is it just me, or did it suddenly become hot in here?" I asked laughing, even though it had begun to rain. Ryan smirked at me and took his jacket off as well and stepped to me and brought his mouth right to me right ear. "The bedroom's even hotter." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. I realised that that whisper had been the most erotic moment in my life - that was, until, Ryan began to lick the edge of my ear with the very tip of his tongue, from the top to the bottom where he then nibbled gently on my ear lobe, before running his whole tongue over all of my ear and breathing out a hot breath that made me melt. Then he licked my ear lobe before kissing the side of my neck under my earlobe, very slowly moving down to the side of my neck where he kissed a little faster and then started on giving me a hickey.

I think I've mentioned before that my neck is my weak spot, sexually speaking. To say that I could have died happy right then and there would be an understatement! Ryan really got me going, if you know what I mean, so I then moved my hands to his blue bow tie and tried to undo it although I cold only see it with my hands. I eventually got it and pulled it out from under his collar and threw it behind me, and then Ryan did the same to my bow tie.

He was still working on my neck and I was finding it difficult not to faint or scream! Then my hands found his vest and slowly unbuttoned it, button by button. I couldn't exactly take it off because Ryan's arms were holding me as his hands had moved back down to my butt while he STILL kept on going with my neck. I pushed Ryan away from me very slightly, enough so his mouth was off my body. The hickey that I felt was there tingled a bit. His hands let go of me and I then slowly pulled off his vest, not breaking my stare with him before I threw away the vest. "What were you saying about the bedroom?" I asked smirking. "Why don't you come and see it for yourself?" Ryan replied and with that he picked me up! One hand beneath my knees and the other just below my shoulders and my left arm was wrapped around his shoulders. "Wow!" I giggled. "You know Justin, you're not as light as you look." Ryan smirked as he dropped me on the king size bed. I kicked off my shoes and socks and lifted one leg and then bent my elbow and leaned on my hand. "I may not be, but I'm sexier." I said, in the sultriest voice I could make and began to unbutton my shirt, one by one from the top to the bottom. Ryan stood at the corner of the bed staring at me, with his beautiful smile. "Ryan babe, you don't have to undress me with your eyes," I said as I stopped unbuttoning my shirt and leaned towards Ryan and took his hand in mine and slowly leaned back, forcing Ryan to get on the bed and position himself over my body. I then continued, "you can use your hands." And with that I had layed on my back and Ryan was sitting upright and on me, or cocks grinding together as his legs surrounded my waist. I then kept hold of his right hand and brought it to my mouth and kissed it, before I took his index finger into my mouth and sucked it, gently. Ryan used his free hand to take off his shoes and socks while I then covered my mouth with the palm of his hand flicked my tongue from side to side while my mouth moved higher and lower until I reached his middle finger then I turned his hand so the outside of it was in front of my mouth and then I put my tongue out on the base of his finger, then my lips covered it before moving up to his fingernail while I kept the same motion going. Then when his finger was quite damp, I blew across the top of it. Ryan's body soon tingled like his hand. Ryan then moved his hand away from my mouth and began to continue unbuttoning my shirt. He untucked it from my pants and then spread my shirt open, looking at my chest before placing his hands on my nipples. "Come for the body that loves you." I said to Ryan, encouraging him to touch me although I don't think he needed any encouragement. With each of his hands on my nipples, he circled my nipples with his thumbs, and then gently pinched my nipples with his index fingers and thumbs. Then he moved his hand across my chest and down my six-pack, firmly grabbing me. Ryan leaned over and then kissed the middle of my chest before licking his tongue along to my left nipple which he sucked and flicked his tongue over before he moved to my right nipple and repeated the procedure. Then he kissed the centre of my chest again before he slowly kissed down my chest and along the muscles on my stomach until he reached my navel, where his tongue swirled around it. Just as Ryan was about to continue his descending journey I moved his head and brought it closer to mine, then I leaned him upright where I then began unbuttoning his shirt, slowly. I tried to unbutton the top button but my hands were shaking, whether it was from excitement or nervousness - or both - I couldn't tell. Ryan's hands then held mine as he manipulated my fingers and unbuttoned his shirt. When completely unbuttoned he threw it aside, and revealed to me his wonderful torso. His beautiful chest, perfect stomach and amazingly sexy eyes turned me on even more. I thought if I kept rubbing it (you know what) against Ryan's, it was going to split into two! A ferocious passion ran through my body as I suddenly sat up and rolled Ryan over so now my body was above his, as I spread my legs over him and mounted him as he previously did to me. Ryan's muscles rippled as they stopped moving and the smirk on his face began to grow. My hands were on Ryan's chest, and I moved my fingertips in different directions all over his chest and stomach. My fingers were barely touching him, before I leant down and kissed him. The kiss was much slower than our kiss at the doorway, but just as pleasurable. I spread my lips against his sweet lips and slowly probed my tongue into his mouth, sharing his breath. Then my hands which had still been caressing his body found his nipples, and I began to circle them and rub them between my fingers. Ryan made some sort of noise through the kiss and I continued to play with his nipples and did it more quickly. I broke the kiss but kept my tongue on his lips, moving it down to his jaw where my mouth then closed over my tongue and kissed him, then I repeated the technique when I got to his neck, but this time I began to give him a hickey, kissing, licking, sucking and gently nibbling on it while my hands kept rubbing Ryan's nipples and his moving hands firmly gripped onto my back. Then I moved my head down to his chest and kissed each of his nipples before sucking them and then I kissed down his chest, and kissed his abdominal muscles before I reached his belly button and then I pulled away from Ryan and sat upright, and began to undo his belt buckle, and quickly slipped off his belt and threw it away and heard it hit the wardrobe. Ryan and I both chuckled and he then undid my buckle and yanked out my belt and threw it to the side. I then undid the top button on Ryan's pants as he did the same to me. I then wriggled down Ryan's thigh just a bit so I could unzip Ryan's pants. Then I removed myself from him and turned my head so it was at his legs and then I pulled off his pants. Suddenly, I felt a hand around my ankle and Ryan then began kissing my toes, and sucking them. The pleasant tingling sensation from this made it hard for me to remove Ryan's pants smoothly. I almost fell off my knees! Eventually Ryan's pants were off and as good as the underside of my foot felt from being licked, I had to turn back to face Ryan. As I turned I felt a tug at my pants, and I then held up my legs while Ryan removed my pants. Ryan and I were now almost revealed to each other. I turned and leaned beside Ryan facing him as he faced me on his side. His silk black boxer shorts tented quite obviously and this rubbed against me in my dark green boxer shorts. Ryan then kissed my cheek, before whispering into my ear lustfully and quietly, "I wanna taste you." Before I could give him a response of any kind he moved over me and wrapped his legs around mine. He held my waist and brought his head down to my boner, and covered his mouth over it, through the material. I gasped. Ryan's mouth was very wet and left a stain which could not be told whether it was pre-cum or saliva. Ryan then leaned off me for a brief moment as he ripped off my boxers before sat on my legs again. My cock sprung up from the confines of my underwear and was revealed to Ryan in full glory. He gasped briefly and stared at it. "Hello? Ryan? What? What is it?" Ryan broke off his daze. "It's, it's, so straight, so...big. It's like perfect!" I blushed like probably had a face the colour of a tomato. That's an ego boosting compliment if there ever was one! Just as I was about to reply I felt a breath on the head of my cock. Suddenly I felt Ryan's tongue over the head before it began swirling the edges, and then I felt his lips close over it. I moaned. He then moved his head down, very slowly over my cock until he had about half of it in his mouth. It felt great, so hot, and his tongue kept swirling and slurping it needfully. Suddenly Ryan removed his head from my dick and then ran his tongue from the head to the underside of my cock just to where the top of my ball sack was and he began to flick his tongue. I began to moan louder. Then Ryan spread my legs apart further and began to lick my balls and then took one and sucked it while one hand very slowly stroked me at the base of my cock and the other caressed my thighs and very gradually moved closer. The moans I had been making became increasingly louder as Ryan continued this, and then without warning he was on my dick again, sucking it very well I have to say! Ryan moved his head down lower over my dick and was about three quarters way down with his tongue flicking and swirling when suddenly, I felt his finger enter my asshole. "Oh my god!" I shouted as the finger slowly entered me while Ryan almost had deep throated me. Then I felt Ryan's other hand on my nipple and it began to pinch it and rub it before moving to the next and then back again. Ryan's mouth had completely enveloped my cock, his finger was about halfway into me and slowly wriggled and his hand continued to pleasure my nipples and then I put my hand on Ryan's head, playing with his hair and holding him there. I think he liked me playing with his hair because I felt him grow even harder against my lower leg. Suddenly, the feeling of orgasm began to build up inside me. Ryan's head was bobbing furiously up and down over my cock and his finger wriggled more vigorously in my ass. I began to feel tingly around my neck, my toes, my hands, my arms. The feeling seemed to spreading through my entire body. I knew I couldn't hold out for long - I had been keeping it in for so long and the things he was doing to me now really took me close. "Ryan." I managed to say between my moans and noises. I could feel the tingling and the goodness and knew it would be moments, and I was sure that this would be the most ferocious orgasm of my life. Ryan then began to work even faster and more passionately and I think he was prepared for it. I reached the point of no return and tried to hold it but screamed out Ryan's name in ecstasy as I had the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. I closed my eyes and arched my head back. Wave after wave of bliss spread through my entire body and culminated in my dick which felt like it was going to explode! I don't know how many loads I shot - five, maybe six. I seemed to be orgasming for eternity. When the feeling slowly began to fade away, I was still tingling throughout my body. Beads of sweat appeared over my body, and as I opened my eyes, I saw Ryan's face, with my cum dripping down his lips and chin and onto my leg. I guess he couldn't swallow it all.

Ryan and I stared at each other. I didn't know what to say. I had never cum like that before, and I couldn't think of anyway to describe it. A peaceful smile spread across my face as Ryan then licked the cum off my legs and then leaned over me and brought his face to mine. I went for his chin and licked my cum off of it and around his lips. It was the first time I had ever tasted it, and it was salty, kind of bitter and very sticky. Then I closed my eyes and kissed Ryan. His mouth tasted of my essence. He shared with me what I had shared with him. This kiss was very passionate and hard, but slow. As Ryan broke away from the kiss he leaned off me and then removed his boxer shorts, revealing his monster hard cock and very well hung balls to me. My mouth gaped open. "Do you like what you see?" Ryan asked, on the bed kneeling above me. I replied by leaning forward and touching his dick with my finger, at the head. I had never had sex with a man before until now and all of this was new to me. I ran the finger up the shaft and then wrapped my other fingers around it. "Why hello Mr Dirty!" I smirked and Ryan chuckled in response. Very slowly, from the base, I began to jerk Ryan off. Then I moved so I could lick his balls while I gripped him. Although I had never done this before, it felt very good, especially in knowing that I was making Ryan moan like he was. Suddenly I realised that I wanted to go all the way. I stopped sucking his balls and let go of his member. I sat upright and grabbed Ryan's back and pulled him onto me as I layed back on the bed. His dick was pressed against my thigh and it felt wonderful. We kissed some more, tasting the sweetness and then Ryan began kissing my chest while I played with his hair, until I brought his face right up to mine, and told him in a voice no louder than a whisper, "I wanna feel you move inside me." Ryan looked at me with an unsure expression. I nodded before I whispered to him, "Make love to me." Ryan kissed me very slowly, and then leaned off me and reached the bedside draw, where he pulled out a condom and some lubricant. I grabbed the condom from his hands and opened the wrapping, before I brought the condom over Ryan's cock. Feeling courageous, I placed it in my mouth, upright as my teeth held it in place, and brought it down over Ryan's dick. My head went lower and lower as the condom covered Ryan's cock. I made it about halfway down until I couldn't go any more, and made a mental note to myself about learning to give good head so I could go all the way down on him. I lifted my head from his cock and then just pulled the condom over it completely (or as completely as it would go) with my hand, before I layed down on my back and Ryan took a little lubricant and rubbed it over and around his cock. Then he took some more and told me to relax. I did, looking at the ceiling and laying down and spreading my legs with my knees bent and up. I was surprised when I felt a blow on my asshole. Looking down I saw Ryan's head at my butt. Then I felt his warm, wet tongue quickly touch it and then swirl around the hole. I moaned, (I guess you could call it that, it was a noise I had never made before!) as Ryan continued to rim me. I could not believe how good this felt. I was shivering slightly trying not to let my body shake too violently. Then Ryan stopped and I felt a cold finger enter, slowly but not as slow as it did earlier. The lubricant's coldness contrasted greatly from the warmth of Ryan's mouth and this felt very incredible. Then another finger entered, and a third. The fingers moved only slightly really just being there to spread my hole for Ryan's dick. Suddenly, the fingers exited and Ryan said to me "This might hurt but it shouldn't for too long." I nodded and suddenly felt the head of his cock against my asshole. It was larger than his fingers, that was for sure. The head slowly tried entering but I don't think it had much luck. Suddenly, the head ripped into me. My face contorted with pain, I let out a few sighs. The head was inside and Ryan slowly moved himself further in, inch by inch. The pain was still there and had diminished only slightly. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked as I nodded in reply. Suddenly, I think Ryan's cock was in there as far as it could go and I remained stationary. My sphincter became used to the size slowly, and suddenly the pain dissipated into a tingling sensation. I nodded, urging Ryan to continue. Suddenly I felt his throbbing dick move inside me. He slowly moved it out and then with a bit of force he rammed back into me. "Oh fuck Justin, you're so tight." Ryan said with a lustful look appearing on his face. I swear to God Ryan is the definition of sexiness. He held my hips and brought his face to mine. My cock began grinding back to attention between our stomachs. As Ryan rammed into my prostate, the pain completely vanished and I felt very whole, with Ryan inside of me. Ryan continued this for a few minutes and then stopped briefly, to kiss me neck, cheeks, face and mouth and whatever he could get to. The feeling in my ass had become less intense while Ryan stopped to kiss me. "Don't stop Ryan." I whispered to him as he again continued to make love to me and we shared very passionate kisses. I felt Ryan's cock begin to pulsate with more force and realised it wouldn't be too long. My cock was feeling very good, grinding between our hard stomachs and I felt Ryan slow down. "Go deeper baby, deeper." I told him. I wanted him to complete me, to fill me. Ryan obliged and began entering himself all the way to the base of his cock. I almost screamed in delight as the action felt amazing. The incredible sensations coming from Ryan's pulsating cock in my ass, my cock getting it's own attention between our sweat covered bodies and Ryan's forehead against mine almost made me faint from delight. Suddenly, Ryan's cock throbbed violently when it was all the way inside me and Ryan arched his body back as he screamed out my name in his orgasmic bliss, before he fell down, laying on top of me. We were both silent as Ryan recovered and when his cock had substantially softened, he withdrew from me. He pulled off the condom and threw it into the small bin beside the bed. Our heavy breathing eventually turned normal as we both layed down beside each other underneath the covers. "Ryan," I started but then stopped. "Yeah?" Ryan asked me. "I don't know what to say. That was my first time with another man. I'm glad it was you that lost my virginity." "Justin, thank YOU, that was incredible. Holy shit! It's almost midnight!" "You're kidding, right?" I asked as I turned over to see the clock. Midnight was five minutes away. "You know Ryan, I think I have a new favourite thing." "What's that?" He asked. "You." Ryan leaned on his left side and we faced each other smiling and he then put his hand on my face. "Wait, what was your old favourite thing?" Ryan asked me. "Chocolate ice-cream." "You know," Ryan began with a dirty look spreading across his face. "You hush your mouth mister!" I laughed as I turned him on his back and laid my head on the left side of his chest. "Goodnight." "Goodnight Justin." I don't know where it came from but suddenly waves of sleepiness spread across me. "I love you Ryan." I whispered, listening to the hard pouring rain before I fell asleep.

My eyes were closed but it wasn't very dark beneath my eye lids. I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw that it was morning, with the window on my side of the bed. I layed still for a moment, allowing my eyes to get used to the brightness. Ryan was behind me, still asleep judging from his breathing. He was on his side with his arms around me. I could feel his dick against my lower back. I slowly turned to lay on my back and Ryan stirred as the sunlight now reached his face. His face made such a cute `go away' facial since he was so tired. He moaned as he turned around to face the other side of the bed. "Sleep Ryan." I said in a sultry voice, hoping he wouldn't wake up. I didn't want to wake up either, I could have stayed like this forever. I stroked Ryan's hair, I loved the feel of it - curly and short, and surprisingly thick too! Ryan turned back over and the sunlight spread on his face. He moaned again and then slightly opened his eyes. His head was now on my chest as I continued to play with his hair. I think he liked me playing with his hair if what I felt against my leg was anything to go by! Ryan lifted his head off my chest and faced the window a brief moment before he turned to me and smiled. Seeing his face glow was the nicest of all greetings. I smiled back at him, with my eyes. I had stopped playing with his hair now, and then Ryan said, "Good morning," before he leaned to my face and kissed me. The kiss was nice, even if there was a little morning breath from both of us! "I wanna stay in bed with you all day." I said as Ryan again leaned his head on my chest. "I can hear your heart beat." Ryan told me. "Really?" I said as I suddenly realised no matter how much I wanted to stay in bed, I had to leave the cruise in hours. I had to leave Ryan. The realisation hit me like a bus. "Hey, Justin, you're heart's going into overdrive!"

To be concluded...

*Well, I hope that the wait was worth it. I'm going to end the series on the next chapter, and I'd like to thank the people for writing to me and telling me what they think of the story. I can't guarantee when the next part will come but the wait won't be as long as it was for this one. Any comments could you please send to: boy_boogie@hotmail.com

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