Ryans New Friend

By Ethan B.

Published on Nov 27, 2015


"Ryan's New Friend, Chapter 3"

e-mail: littlefriend500@gmail.com

I followed Ryan's orders and didn't change my underwear. I didn't take a shower either.

I sleep in my underwear. So that night I was laying in bed, wearing only my briefs that were filled with my cum and Ryan's cum. There was a crusty cum stain on the front of them.

The next day was Sunday. I woke up with a boner, just like I usually do. I checked to see if Ryan sent me an e-mail telling me when to come over to his house. Ryan didn't send me anything yet, but this e-mail was in my inbox:

-- hi ethan.

this is ryan's friend jake. he told me about you. i think it's really cool that you're ryan's little friend. i have a little friend named brandon. he's cool too. i want you to be a good boi and always follow ryan's orders and make him feel good when he gets horny. that's what little friends like you and brandon have to do for jocks like me and ryan. later. jake --

At around 9:00, I got an e-mail from Ryan saying to come over at 11:00. He also sent me Brandon's e-mail address. This is what I wrote to Brandon:

-- hi brandon. my name is ethan. you don't know me, but i got your e-mail address from someone named ryan. he's friends with jake. you're jake's little friend, right? i just started being ryan's little friend. i think we might be a lot alike and i have a lot of questions for you about being a little friend and other stuff. so e-mail me back if you want to talk.

ethan --

I arrived at Ryan's house at 11:00. We went to his bedroom and Ryan gave me his first order.

"Get naked except for your underwear."

I took off all of my clothes except for my stained white briefs.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I knew what Ryan wanted me to do. I got down on my knees in front of him and kissed the bulge in his sweatpants.

"Good boi. You're wearing the underwear from yesterday, right?"

"Yeah. You can tell cause there's a cum stain on the front."

"Good. Jake told me that he sent you an e-mail. Did you read it yet?"

"Yeah. He said it's cool that I'm your little friend and I should follow all your orders."

"Did you write back to him?"

"No, not yet."

"When Jake sends you an e-mail, I want you to reply right away. I should punish you and give you a smack on the ass for not replying to him."

I remembered how much it stung when Ryan smacked my butt yesterday.

"You don't have to punish me. I'll send him an e-mail as soon as I get home."

"Good. Don't forget or I'll give you two smacks on the ass tomorrow."

"I won't forget."

"The football game's starting soon. Let's watch it."

I don't watch sports because I think they're really boring. Ryan's a jock, so he likes to watch and play lots of different sports. I followed Ryan to their family room, and he turned on the TV. I was wearing just my stained white briefs, and Ryan was wearing socks, sweatpants, and a t-shirt just like the day before.

"I'm thirsty. Go to the kitchen and get me a soda from the fridge."

I got Ryan a can of Mountain Dew. He opened it and took a sip.

"Hey, Ethan, guess what?"


"I'm horny. You know what a little friend has to do when his jock friend is horny, don't you?"

"Make his dick feel good."


Ryan was sitting on the couch watching the football game. He pulled his sweatpants and boxers down. His horny jock dick was hard and pointing up in the air.

"Make it feel good."

I kissed Ryan's dick through his sweatpants before, and he rubbed his boner on my face, but this was the first time I had to make his dick feel good. I never did this before, but I sorta knew what to do. I got between his legs, so my face was right in front of his boner. I started licking it because I thought that would make it feel good.

"Yeah. Keep doing that. That feels good."

I kept licking Ryan's dick all over while he watched the football game.

"Suck on it."

I put Ryan's jock dick in my mouth for the first time and started sucking on it.

"Ahhh... yeah... Stop sucking for a sec and get my phone. It's on the desk in my bedroom."

I took Ryan's boner out of my mouth and got his phone for him.

"Ok. Suck it some more. I'm gonna send Jake a text message."

I put Ryan's dick back in my mouth and started sucking on it again.

"ethan's sucking me for the first time. it feels awesome."

Ryan read me Jake's reply.

"i told u it would feel awesome. tell ethan i said he's a good boi."

I continued being a good boi and sucked on Ryan's horny boner. I wanted to make it feel real good. After about a minute, I tasted something weird in my mouth. It was precum leaking from Ryan's dick.

"I'm gonna cum soon, Ethan. And I'm gonna squirt it in your mouth. Ok?"


"What do you think my cum will taste like?"

"I don't know. Maybe it'll be gross."

"Yeah, maybe. But that doesn't matter. You have to let me squirt it in your mouth, and you have to swallow all of it. Just like Brandon swallows all of Jake's cum."

"Ok. I'll swallow it."

"Good. Keep sucking and make me cum."

Ryan watched football and I sucked. I could taste more precum and knew that I was making Ryan's dick feel good. I kept sucking and sucking until...

"I'm gonna cum."

A few seconds after Ryan said that, his dick started squirting cum in my mouth. My mouth filled up with jock cum. It tasted sorta gross and slimy, but I swallowed all of it. Ryan pulled up his boxers and sweatpants.

"That felt awesome. I hope you like being my little friend cause I want you to suck me like that every day. You like being my little friend, right?"

"Yeah. I like it."


After that, I got my clothes from Ryan's bedroom, got dressed, and went home. The first thing I did was respond to Jake's e-mail. I didn't want to get two smacks on my butt the next day.


hi jake. i just got back from ryan's house. i sucked him and he cummed in my mouth. i swallowed all of it. ryan said that he wants me to suck him every day.

ethan --

Jake replied back right away.


good boi. brandon sucks me almost every day too. jake


And then a few minutes after that I got my first e-mail from Brandon....

That's the end of Chapter 3. Maybe I'll write Chapter 4 if I can think up some new ideas. Thanks for reading about my fantasy about Ryan.

Send me an e-mail if you like this story: littlefriend500@gmail.com

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