S Club Secret

By S Club Boy

Published on Jan 30, 2000


The S Club Secret - Part 3

This story contains gay themes and some gay sex scenes. If you are not old enough or it's against the law for you to be here please go now. Also, if you are offended by gay relationships then you might want to think about getting out of here.

DISCLAIMER: This story is pure fiction i.e. NOT based on real events. As far as I know Paul Cattermole and S Club 7 are straight as rulers and NOT AT ALL homosexual.

This story is part of a series, so if you haven't read Parts 1 and 2 I suggest you do that now or you will have no idea what I'm on about. Thank you so much for all the great emails I've been getting, I'm glad you're all reading my story and enjoying it! If you wish to contribute to the fantastic collection of supportive emails I've already received, then please do so by emailing me on sclubboy22@hotmail.com. That's all for now, enjoy Part 3 of The S Club Secret.

Seeya next time, The S Club Boy.

The S Club Secret - Part 3.

I rolled over, into Paul's waiting open arms. After some fumbling, my lips met his and we locked in a passionate kiss. I could feel his hands on my back as I ran my own through his short dark hair. I felt his hand reach between us. He traced lightly with his finger down the centre of my body, pausing at my bellybutton to give me a quick tickle. His heavy hand rested on my aching erection. He then began to kiss my nipples sending explosions of pleasure racing through my body. His head moved slowly down, caressing my stomach and bellybutton. He paused, then launched his mouth over my dick. I quickly yelped in pleasure as his head began bobbing up and down. I nearly lost it there but managed to hang on, until 5 minutes later, when he began to lick up and down the shaft. He swirled his tongue around the pulsing head and I began to shoot my seed all over his face and chest.

"Sorry about that sweetie!" I cried in surprise.

"Haha," he laughed "I don't mind. Oh, cutie, you really made a mess."

"I know. I really am sorry. Shall I get some tissues?" I asked politely.

"Tissues?" he scoffed "I thought that's what tongues were for." I began to giggle, and he began to lick off all the sperm I'd shot on myself. I then did the same to him.

"I think I'm about ready to go to sleep, baby." He said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Mm me too" I growled softly.

"Have I told you in the last five minutes how cute you are?" he asked quietly.

"Umm no. I don't think in the last five minutes." I replied.

"Then I will tell you again. You are the cutest thing I've ever laid eyes on and I love you to bits. You probably think I'm insane, and I'm moving too fast, but I'm out of control."

"I think that's the way it's supposed to be" I replied, giving him the wide-eyed look I'd perfected years ago.

"You're dead right!" he said. "I love you, goodnight cutie."

"I love you too. Goodnight... umm... I don't even have a pet name for you."

"What about umm..."


"Hmm. It's a tough one baby."

"How about honeybear?" I said in my cutest, most innocent voice.

"Perfect!" he exclaimed. "Honeybear it is! Goodnight cutie."

"Goodnight honeybear."

With that I curled up in his arms and fell fast asleep.

I was woken the next morning by what I thought was a dog licking my face. I opened my eyes sleepily to find Paul giving me huge sloppy kisses on my cheek.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"7am. Time to get up!"

"Paul, don't think me rude, but what the fuck do you think you're doing waking me up at 7am?" I asked, still groggily.

"I'm sorry, but you know what watching you sleep does to me" he answered.

"Then, if I go back to sleep, and you keep watching me, we'll both be happy." I snapped back.

"Oh, someone's Mr. Cranky Pants in the morning, hey? I have a cure for crankiness."

"Oh yeah?" I replied "and what is that?"

"Tickling!" he cried. With that he leapt onto me and began attacking me, tickling my feet and tummy, where I am most sensitive. Out of breath and no longer in total control of my bladder, I cried out for him to stop.

"What was that?" he said between tickles "You want me to WHAT?"


After another few minutes of relentless tickling, Paul pinned me down and kissed me hard on the lips.

"Are you awake now, baby?" he asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Yes, I am." I replied, still cranky.

"Great! Let's go watch cartoons!" he cried and sprang out of bed to the living room. I was not a morning person, but I managed to stagger out of bed, taking my pillow and the quilt with me. I found Paul already sitting too close to the TV watching Rugrats, eating some Coco Pops.

"So, this is what it looks like before 10am." I said as I collapsed onto the couch.

"It's when the best cartoons are on!" he exclaimed. I shot him a look of mild aggression.

"Oh, I'm sorry for waking you, baby. If you're really still tired, come cuddle with me and I'll hold you while you sleep." My heart melted, and I found myself moving the quilt, and pillow, in front of the TV. We both got under and I snuggled up to him.

"Umm, this might not be the best time to tell you this but..." he began.

"But..." I continued.

"But... We're going out today. I promised the guys they could meet you properly, approve of you, that sort of thing." he finished.

"What was the big but about then?" I said suspiciously.

"Well, we're meeting them at 9:00 at Jo's place." he said slowly, then waited for me to blast him. To my credit, I manage to control my anger at him arranging for me to go out before 3pm.

"We'd better get showered and dressed then." I said calmly.

"I love you, David."

"Oh, I suppose I love you to... but only a bit." I said. He shot me a look of absolute hurt and for the second time that morning, my heart melted. "Ok, ok. I love you a lot." He was still giving me that look. "I love you more than chocolate!" I said with enthusiasm as he wrestled me to the ground and planted a large kiss on my forehead.

"We should get ready soon," he said, "but we can snuggle for a bit".

"Yay! Get me some Coco Pops!" I yelped.

"Time to get going" yelled Paul from the other end of the apartment. I was still in the bathroom, checking that I looked presentable. After about 5 minutes I emerged from the bathroom.

"You look fantastic!" said Paul.

"Funny you should say that actually, that's the look I was going for." I said back, grinning at him. He gave me a quick kiss and we walked out the door, down the stairs and into his car. I was slightly nervous. I was about to meet these people for the second time, but this time they were 'approving' of me. They were all really nice last time I met them, so I didn't expect any real problems.

When we arrived at Jo's apartment, I was surprised to see another 3 people that I didn't recognize.

"David," began Paul, "You've met Jon, Tina, Rachel, Bradley, Hannah and Jo." I nodded as they all said their good mornings and gave me handshakes and hugs.

"Well, this is Hannah's boyfriend Mark, Tina's boyfriend Craig and Jon's boyfriend Tom." I said a quick hello to all of them. Then the awkward silence set in. Eventually, Jo was the one to break it.

"So, who's for breakfast?" she said, causing Tom to jump slightly. He looked nice enough, and Paul had whispered to me earlier that he was a rapper. 'Interesting choice in guys' I said under my breath to myself. I looked at Mark, Hannah's guy, and he was really hot. Not as hot as Paul, but pretty close. He actually resembled him in a way, except that he had deep blue eyes. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I then looked to Craig, who looked like he was Asian. He was quite cute. He had bleached blonde hair and a really good body. Paul pulled me from my daydream by grabbing my hand and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"So, David," began Tina, "I've seen you perform at the studio a couple of times. You're really good. Do you write those songs yourself?"

"Yeah, I do write them all myself. There's nothing else to do when you're home alone for most of the week."

"They're really great," said Mark, "I was there the night before last and you were really good".

"Oh, thank you" I replied.

The conversation steered away from me slightly and I stayed out of it most of the time, trying to keep a low profile. It's not that I was intimidated by these people, I was more worried I would say something stupid. I had a habit of doing that. Eventually I excused myself and went to the bathroom, running into Tom on the way there.

"So, David," he began, "You're the guy Jon was telling me about."

"Umm... yeah. I don't really know." I replied.

"I just want to warn you that it's not easy to date a celebrity. They're always busy and it's hard to keep it together when they're overseas or on tour."

"Thanks for the warning" I said as I walked past him. He seemed nice enough but just a little scary. Well, maybe I didn't know him well enough yet.

Paul and I left around 11:00. It had had a great time and everyone had been super nice to me. When I got home, I was strangely tired, probably due to the fact that Paul had woken me up so early. I led Paul to the couch, curled up on his lap and went to sleep.

End Part 3

OK, that's it for this chapter. I'm trying to get Jon and Tom involved in the story due to popular demand. I also introduced some new characters because I don't want it to get boring for you all!

Please keep the fantastic emails coming, and I'll try to have Part 4 out soon.

I hope you enjoyed Part 3,

The S Club Boy


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