Sacred Rituals

Published on Sep 20, 2016


Sacred Rituals 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I wasn't sure that my time with Nimrod was a success until he returned a week later to take another load of my sperm in the ass. I had tried to be careful with him, but my tool is large and his hole was small. Eventually he came to get a fresh load every month or so. He married and had children. He attributed this to my sperm.

Almer had a final part of the training a month later. This was to see if we were ready for the major events which involved multiple offerings. He came with members of several artisan guilds of the city. Fisher took the Gold Workers guild, Weaver took the Wool Merchants and Potter took the Fruit Vendors guild members. He assigned the Blacksmith Guild to me. They made weapons and were the most important guild in the city.

The Blacksmiths were not delicate or small. They tended to be crude, hearty types. There were twenty men in each group and they would all make an offering. These would remain in our ass until was finished. Then the high priest would pick one of us for his offering. Using a sperm filled ass was regarded as a great honor.

The Blacksmiths were all muscular, big, impressive men. Used to heavy work some were big, others were huge. They were nude, but their cock heads were covered by foreskin. A little knot held the skin over the knob.

Due to the heat, men were often nude all the time. They were considered to be naked only when their knob and the sperm slit were visible. That was regarded as provocative. Some men would be careful to keep their cock head out of view. They could relax only when the cock head penetrated their partner. These men seemed to think this was less embarrassing than to expose the knob. That seemed strange to me since there was no question as to what was going on in the ass.

I looked at the Blacksmiths knowing we would soon be sexually connected and wondering what they would be like. I knew I liked man sex, but would it be different? I had been comfortable with three or four men in my ass. Would this be more of the same or bad, painful and demeaning? I was just an ox driver, so it would be hard to sink lower in status.

I did not think the men were uneasy about me. To them I was a priest who communicated with the gods, even if that communication was through sperm transfer. They wanted to please the gods, but the divine connection made them uneasy. What would it mean for them if they failed; if their cocks refused to unload; if their balls failed to produce suitable seed?

While the Blacksmiths big men, but their tools were varied. Some were big, most were average and some were small. It seemed to me that most of them had oversized balls and their organs tended to be thick. They started with the youngest man in the group. He began to spurt as soon as his cock touched my hole. He pushed it into me as he continued to spurt. While he shot off prematurely, his balls were full and drained them completely in my ass. I said the ritual words of appreciation and he pulled out. The second man was also young. His cock was long and thin and he pushed the first man's seed deeper into me and then managed ten or twelve strokes before he shot off deep in my ass. The third man had a thick, short organ. He lasted for ten strokes, but he ejaculated more times than he stroked. By then my ass was filled with slippery man cream and all was well.

I relaxed as I realized it was not going to be a problem to take most of the men. The eighth or ninth man was older and more experienced. It took longer to get them off and I had a chance to grip their cocks with my ass ring and play with them. One of the men had a much larger cock than the others. With my ass filled with seed, I had no problem taking him, and he went deeper into me than ever before. That was good. I had been getting tired, but that seemed to revive me as I felt new sensations.

The later men appreciated my skills and the slippery warmth of my ass. This was as new to them as it was to me. They enjoyed it. These were hearty men and they had no problem expressing their enjoyment. The final man was a near giant named Gilgal. He was the head of the guild and his cock was a monster. He pushed his organ into me without any hesitation. A wave of pleasure engulfed both of us. Both he and I had considerable stamina, and it took what seemed like an eternity for him to deposit his seed.

Fisher, Potter, Weaver and I had all done well taking the offering of their guilds. At the end, we stood and uttered the proper ritual words. I even managed to keep my ass tightly clenched so no offering drooled from my ass. The guilds were sent home. No one had failed to make an offering and no one had failed to enjoy the gift.

The chief priest of the Great Temple had been watching. He came to us and said that we were now all accepted into priesthood. He was with Nimrod's father, the Great Commander of the Army. The Chief Priest said he wanted to make his own offering, and told me to return to my bench. He must have been excited since he shot off quickly. Nimrod's father took his place. He too was big, but I was so open that wasn't a problem. It took a while for him to make his offering.

Nimrod emerged from a dark corner. He bent over and began to lick my ass, eating the seed that drooled from me. His father motioned to Fisher to come over. The Chief Priest held Nimrod's ass open as Fisher fucked the young man. He was taking seed in his mouth and ass. Both he and his father were happy.

While we were only seed takers, the lowest level of priest, we were happy. Fisher, Potter and Weaver had families who could now live well. I do not want to seem like a lazy man, but taking a few cocks up the ass a week seemed a great improvement over driving unwilling oxen to pull a plow or carry a harvest to market.

I soon discovered that my experience with the King's Uncle, the Archer, Nimrod and Nimrod's father, the Great Commander, changed my life. For them I had converted duty into pleasure. They recommended me to some of their friends. Some wanted only to make an offering at first, but usually they liked my approach to fertility. They thought taking a cock in the ass was undignified, but when I provided the service, it was intensely pleasurable.

The Archer wanted me to introduce some of his favored friends to the pleasures of man sex. He wanted me to break them in for his use later. Being favored by the Archer was guarantee of advancement, so I was doing them a favor. The King's Uncle seemed to have many relatives and friends who needed help with manly functions. Some of these men were older, and were taking the seed for another member of the family. Some of these men came with great regularity. I wondered if these men needed that much help with fertility or if it was for selfish reasons. I soon realized this was a foolish worry. I seemed to have an almost unlimited supply of seed, and I was always willing to help a man of rank.

I eventually realized I was equally willing to help men of low rank too. I helped the servants and workmen who served us. Officially there was a belief that the gods only loved the seed of important men. I had noticed that there was no difference in my pleasure between high ranking sperm and low ranking sperm. I wondered if the gods could tell the difference.

I maintained a relationship with the Blacksmiths and became the official priest of their guild. Gilgal introduced me to the head of the Carter's guild. They were big, muscular men too. They appreciated my skills and I found them attractive. Gilgal had recommended me as a friend and a sexual partner.

I was now living in the accessory buildings next to the secondary city temple. I was with Fisher Potter and Weaver and we shared a room. It was attached to a somewhat larger offering room. that was for taking sperm offerings and gifts of gold.

We could take offerings without the need for gold in our own rooms. The High Priest believed gold made the offering more pleasing to the gods. He was from a humble background and believed common men could also make offerings. Since the four of us were new, we took care of the goldless offerings.

Luckily, all of us had a great capacity to accept sperm offerings. While we were all good about that, Fisher and I had exceptional tolerance. We made friends with the ordinary folk. The priest who had served them before did it reluctantly. We were quite enthusiastic.

I also discovered an unexpected benefit. Most assumed sperm injected in a priest ass was sacred to the gods. Poor people would rarely be allowed to make an offering. Some believed if they were able to lick the sperm drooling from a priestly ass, they would benefit. Taking five or ten loads in the ass is messy. Some drooled out anyway, but a man such as Gilgal had large, flared cock head. When he pulled out of me the edges pulled some sperm with it. I enjoyed it when men licked up the drool.

Gilgal and Dongdal, the head of the Cart Driver's Guild, were big and important men. While they weren't priests, they were all man. Men seemed to think their manly juice and cream were extra manly. It became even better after it had been in a priest's sperm receptacle. Gilgal like me as his personal priest. Dongdal liked Fisher. His cock was bigger than Fisher preferred, but he excited Fisher greatly and he was willing to take a little discomfort for the pleasure Dongdal gave him.

Nimrod continued to visit. He was never a very impressive man, but he was smart. He talked to many people and visited many parts of the city. I notice he liked to visit me when the Blacksmiths or Carter's were visiting. He also seemed to enjoy pleasing common men. Not everyone could see a priest and he entertained the unlucky men. His hole was available for pleasure. It was said he was a favorite of the King.

This seemed to be odd behavior for an aristocratic man. I thought he might just be a naturally curious man, then I realized he was probably a spy. Unimpressive men were forgettable and could move around without being noticed. He could ask questions without suspicion.

His fondness for blacksmiths and carters was easily explained if he were a spy. Blacksmiths made weapons, knives, spearheads, swords and axes. Carters knew who was moving and where they went. I wouldn't say that was the sole reason for his interest; he clearly enjoyed sexual encounters with men. He wasn't pretending he was interested. Nimrod knew that repeated sexual encounters encourage men to relax their guard and loosen tongues.

His interest in the more ordinary men in the guild was sensible. Powerful men see the same things as lesser figures. The powerful man may be on guard and careful in his speech. The simple cart driver would not worry about what he said; he was too unimportant.

The secondary city temple was well located in a large building, but we were on a lesser street. The Great Temple was at the end of a large processional way. That was an ideal way to show off your piety and wealth.

Not all of the men wanted to show off and many weren't wealthy. We were well located for them. I am a sensible man. I realize that sex with the priests is not always for reasons of piety. I think men are all sexual creatures. While many are solely interesting in breeding and making children, others simply enjoy sex with men.

I am that way myself. I seem to have no limits as to how many times I take a cock or spurt a load into a man's ass. Needless to say, that maked me a popular man. I also appreciate every men's gift. I liked the men and their sperm. All was well in our temple.

Gilgal's father died and Gilgal went deep into mourning. His father had been a good father, but wasn't a good man. He was argumentative and sometimes cheated his customers. He was not religious and had never made an offering to the gods. This worried Gilgal.

One of his close friends, Arrod, came to me and asked if there was anything I could do to help him. I didn't know what to do, but his friend had a thought. We know the gods loved sperm and there was some history of using substitutes to provide sperm when the man who needed it was unable to make a creamy offering. Arrod thought that no one is more obviously unable to provide sperm than a dead man.

He asked if I could take the sperm of Gilgal's friends to make up for the sperm Gilgal's father did not provide. That made some sense to me. I went to the High Priest and asked for his opinion. He wasn't sure.

"It would cause must more work for you," he said. "I suppose some fee might make up for the extra work," he said, thinking aloud. There was a twinkle in his eyes. Potential income often caused that twinkle.

"If we were to try this experiment, do you think you could tell if the offerings were acceptable to the gods," the High Priest asked.

"I am quite sure I would know," I replied.

"I think you would. Those who have made offering in you have been most pleased," the High Priest said. "They feel their offering have been welcomed by the gods."

After some conversation we agreed to try an offering for Gilgal's father. It would not be in the temple itself in case if didn't work. I told Arrod, and he said he would make the arrangements. I didn't know how this would turn out. Gilgal was a demanding man, and he might have made enemies.

Gilgal was demanding, but fair and generous to those in need. I knew he had eight wives and 18 children. I hadn't known that seven of his wives were widows of blacksmiths and 12 of the children were the widow's children. He raised these as his own. This arrangement avoided destitution. Soon some thirty-six men were willing to make offerings. Thirty -six is a most auspicious number.

We met in the Smithy. Like most businesses it was located in a walled yard. The outer yard contained the work area, a second yard was a garden area with a pool of water, a vegetable garden and fruit trees. This was unusual, but his wives gardened and sold the produce. Even odder, they kept the profit from the garden as their own. The gave his widow wives their own money.

It was cool as pleasant. There was a pillow covered couch for me. I was a little afraid that thirty-six men would be a problem, but they were most varied. There were several of Gilgal's adopted sons, some of the widow's brothers, as well as guild members and old friends. If I were to make a collection of all the shapes and sizes of cocks, all would have been represented.

I had served some of the men before, but many were new. For some it was their first offering. Others were experienced, although not in the ritual offering. I must admit I could tell not difference between the ritual and the recreational use of cocks. I kept this information to myself and did not mention it to the High Priest.

They started with the youngest and lowest ranking men. Most of these had never participated in this sort of an event. They were excited and uneasy about taking the role of adult men. Two of them shot off the second they entered my ass. Youth has nothing to do with the amount of sperm they ejaculated and they lubricated my ass well. One was nervous, so I sucked him to an erection. Once he was in, he had a good thrusting rhythm. He lasted for a minute or two. The fourth man was young, heavy set and hung. He seemed to have a special skill for fucking and he had an extended ejaculation period.

The second group of men were older and were laborers and helpers to the Blacksmiths. Perhaps some had fucked before, but they weren't that experienced. Most had no experience with a man who was eager to be fucked. They were greatly pleased at the ease of entry, and warmth of my cum-filled ass. Most of these men shot off quickly, and were pleased by the experience. Most had never thought they would be included in the rituals. This was an honor and a pleasure for them.

We then progressed to the guild members. They were experienced and used to me. By then, 12 or 15 men had already made their offerings. I thought my ass muscles might have lost their strength, but no one mentioned that. My ass was still tight, and I think they enjoyed the feel of their friend's man seed.

The final group was made up of Gilgal's family and friends. Fisher joined this group. He liked Gilgal and his presence impressed the family. Gilgal's sons and step sons were all good. I wondered if Gilgal had trained them to please me. Two of his brothers and several neighbors also participated. Gilgal was the final man. His oversized cock pushed the 35 loads deeper into me before he added the 36th offering.

I was tired but happy, almost mellow after Gilgal pulled out. I told them that I had enjoyed them all, and the gods had sensed my enjoyment and it had pleased them. The men dispersed, leaving me with Fisher, Gilgal and his oldest two sons. We talked. Fisher and I were to spend the night in the courtyard. Gilgal returned to his wives. His sons remained with us for protection; they were almost as big as Gilgal.

"Are you tired?" one of them asked. "You took 36 offerings?"

"I am tired but I feel good," I replied. "After all that activity, my ass feels empty."

He looked me in the eye. "I could fill you again," he whispered.

"You enjoyed that?" I asked.

"I cannot take any more official offerings," I said. "I enjoy you. Would you be willing to have a little fun?"

He smiled. "My balls seem heavy, even after my offering. Could you help me lighten the load?" he asked. "My brother is getting married. We have heard that your sperm was a guarantee of fertility. My father told us you were good."

"Has any man entered you before?" I asked.

"Several men said they liked it. I think we would like it," he replied. We spent the rest of the night trading man seed and juices. The men were inexperienced at the beginning of the night, by dawn the were skilled practitioners of the sexual arts.

Next: Chapter 3

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