Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jun 15, 2005


Sad song of a gay teen.............Part three by Paul Walker

This story is copywright 2005 by Paul Walker and you may not copy or post it to another website without my permission.The story is a complete work of fiction and so any resemblance to persons either living or otherwise is purely coincidental.The story will contain scenes of a sexual nature between teen males,so if you are underage to be reading this,please leave now.Also,please excuse any mistakes that may have occured n the previous chapters as a)I don't have anyone to proof read this and b)I'm only human.

Please e-mail all comments to......... include the title of the story in your e-mail or it will be deleted without being read.

Also, thanks to David Lee(Zeke) and Timthestoryguy for encouragement.


The next morning grandad came to pick me up at the hospital.He had brought some of my favourite clothes for me to go home in and the new adidas trainers that I had got the previous weekend.In a way, it felt good to be leaving the hospital but I wasn't exactly leaving to go home.After all, home was the house that I had shared with my parents until two days ago......and I wouldn't be going back there anytime soon.That made me feel really down.After I had finished getting dressed,a nurse came into my room with a wheelchair to take me to the car.

Before leavng the hospital,we stopped at the nurses station.This was so that I could give them the box of chocolates that grandad had bought for me to give to them as a thank you presant.They all thanked me and said that it had been nice to have looked after me

The drive from the hospital would take us along Oxford road and Wilmslow road,as we headed towards Didsbury,where Gary lived with his parents.As we drove along,I began to panic and started to cry again.

"Is everything ok?"Grandad asked me

"Not really,"I said ,in answer to his question."Is there another route that we could take?You do know that we are going to have to pass the school by going this way.I'm not sure that i can really face having to drive past where this all started."

Grandad took a left turn at the next set of lights and then turned right at another set of lights.This made me feel relieved.At least I felt as if Grandad had some idea of how I felt.The rest of the drive passed by pretty much in silence ,as I don't think either one of us knew what to say to the other.After all,grandad had lost his daughter and son in law.Not only that but his only grandson had been assaulted,raped and left for dead.On top of that,I had to find out that my parents where no longer alive.As a result,neither of us knew what to talk about.It wasn't as if grandad could ask me how things where at school.I hadn't been there for two days and it was unlikely that I would return in the near future,if at all.I knew this would disappoint my parents,had they still been around,as it would mean I was throwing away my music scholarship.The school was quite exclusive and the fees very expensive.It wasn't as if my parents couldn't afford to send me there but I know that they had been really proud of me when I won the scholarship.I suppose it was a kind of pay back for all the money they had spent on my guitar and piano lessons.

We arrived at Garys house.It was a large detached house,not too different from where I had lived with my parents.In the garden was a huge sign saying"welcome home Jason!"

"Grandad,"I said,"please, will you just take me to your house.I really don't want to be here."

"Why not?"He asked.

"Thats why fucking not,"I screamed, pointing at the sign."This is not my home, so why the hell have they put that up?"

"They're just trying to be nice."Was about all he could think to say.

Phil,Jane and Gary where stood there waiting to greet me.Gary had left me last night as he said there where some things he wanted to do before I arrived.If this was one of them,then it was a big mistake.

I got out of the car and screamed at them"Is this some sick joke?I know you want to help me but you seem to have forgotten one thing.

THIS IS NOT MY FUCKING HOME.And it never will be."Before i ran off,I remember Gary bursting into tears and saying to his mum,"please,mum,make Jason stop doing this.He's really making me frightend now."

I don't know how long I had been running for before I reached my house but I was exhausted when I got there.It was only two days ago that i had undergone three hours of surgery and I still had bruises on my face and stomach,along with a few cracked ribs.How I even found it in me to run like I did,I have no idea.Before I passed out,I remember banging on the door and shouting,"mum,please let me in,its Jason and I lost my key."

Sometime later I heard a voice whispering to me,"Jason,are you ok?"

I must have been a bit dazed and confused, as I responded by saying,"mum,please help me?"

"Its Carol ,from next door.Are you alright?"

Carol had been our next door neighbour for years and used to look after me when mum and dad had first set up their sportswear manufacturing company.She had always been a very kind and considerate person.

"No,I'm not alright.How can anything ever be alright ever again?It never will be after everything that has happend."

Carol held me tightly for about five minutes and as she did,I began to wish it was my mum.Then she softly said,"will you be ok to walk to my house and then I can call your grandparents."

"It may hurt quite a bit but i think i can make it."I was begining to wonder if i had done more damage to myself by running off like I had. I was inwardly cursing myself for being so stupid.We made it to Carols house and she laid me down on the sofa in the lounge,while she went to call my grandparents.I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew,my grandparents where sitting on the other sofa.

I looked over at them and could tell by their expressions that they where worried about me.

"I'm really sorry that I ran off like that.I just hadn't expected that sign when we got there,"I said."Are you angry with me?"

"I really don't think that getting angry with you at the moment would help much,would it?"Grandma said.

Carol had re-entered the room and said,"well look who's finally woken up.So how are you feeling?"

"I feel really sore and i'm not sure if I haven't burst a couple of my stiches."I said in reply.

"Will you be able to turn over so that I can take a look?I used to be a nurse."

I did as Carol had asked and she had a look at where they had performed the surgery."Everything seems to be ok here but it may be an idea to go back to the hospital and let them take a look."

"We'll take him right now,"said grandad."Maybe it was too soon for you to come out."

"You can take me back to the hospital on one condition.First, I need to go and appologise to Phil,Jane and Gary.I just hope I haven't messed things up with them."

Thirty minutes later we where back at Garys house.This time there was no one waiting to greet me.Grandma helped me out of the car and we made our way to the front door.I really was in alot of pain.

Gary opend the door and took one look at me."Sorry about the sign,it was a really stupid idea."

"Its ok,you're not the only stupid one.I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and i hurt like hell."

Gary took hold of my arm and led me into the house.But not before he had kissed me on the cheek.That embarrassed the hell out me in front of my grandparents but Gary just said"I need to make you go bright red one more time and we'll be even."

I really couldn't argue with that.We all sat down in the lounge and I looked around the room at everyone who was sitting there.As no one seemed to be talking ,I decided that I had better say something."I really do want to say how sorry I am about how I reacted.It was a really stupid thing to do.I just wish my mum was here."

Jane looked at me for a moment before she said"Jason,what you did was stupid,considering thet you had to undergo some surgery two days ago.However,no one here is angry with you.What you have been through is just impossible to imagine but you have to face up to the fact that your parents are not around anymore.Thats the worst part for you.When you need them the most,they're not here to help you and I can imagine that hurts like hell.We just want to treat you as if you where our own son and it really is ok for you and Gary to be boyfriends."

"Thank you,"I said."Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Jane stood up and announced thet she was going to get the refreshments from the kitchen.When Jane returned Gary said"Mum,is it ok if I show Jason our room?"

"I don't see why not?"

Gary took a hold of my hand and led me upstairs.I must have looked puzzled as I asked him,"what do you mean,our room?"

"You'll see," he replied.

We got upstairs to the first floor and walked through the door.I was amazed to say the least.The room was huge.It had a widescreen tv with a surround system,along with a top of the range hi-fi system.There was a big desk with his computer system on it.Icouldn't help noticing the kingsize bed."Excuse me for asking but where do I actually sleep?I mean there is only one bed."

"With me ,in that bed you see.I promise you that I won't do anything that you don't want me to."

"Gary," I said,giving him my best smile,"thank you for being around for me.I really am in love with you."I pressed my lips against his and kissed him.As i did,I could feel my cock begin to twitch.I felt his tongue enter my mouth and thought to myself,"mmm.this feels really good."

After about five minutes he pushed me away but only in a gentle way."Why did you do that?"I asked

"Because I don't want to rush things with you.After I found you,I was really upset.I love you too, but I am two years older than you and I have had a few other boys in my life,which means that I have probably done a few things that you have yet to experience.Anyway,I have something else I want to show you."

He took hold of my hand and led me upto the attic room.When we got there,I was amazed.Somehow,they had brought all my keyboards,guitars and other music stuff from my house and set it all up.I cried,yet again but this time they where tears of happiness.

"So,what do you think?"He asked.

"This must have taken some organizing!Its just so cool of everyone to have done this."The way Gary was smiling at me,I must have looked like tha happiest kid alive.

"So,what are you going to play for me?"

"Wouldn't you prefer me to play with you?"I asked in reply.

"Maybe in a few days,when you feel better.Now are you going to show me what this awesome set up can do or not?"

"Yeah,ok."I replied.

I had a quick check around to make sure everything was connected properly.As I was doing that,I thought to myself,"yeah,this is some great set up you have here."There where four keyboards,two computers,various guitars,a rack with various fx devices and a 16 track Yamaha hard disc recorder.The computers where loaded with all sorts of music production and creation software,such as Cubase,Reason,FL studio and Live three.On top of all that,I had a whole host of sotware instruments.All in all,it was one fucking amazing set up.I switched eveything on and loaded up a couple of programmes on the computers to provide the backing(mainly bass and drums).I decided that I would play my Fender Stratocaster but when I tried to lift it,I was in alot of pain,so I settled for playing the keyboards.Suddenly the room was filled with the sound of choirs,strings,deep,droning bass sounds and soaring lead lines.

"Wow,thats amazing,"I heard Gary say .

After about five minute I stopped playing and looked at Gary,who was totally mesmorized.He also looked damn sexy.

"So how come you have all this stuff?"

"It comes with the territory.You know,being an only child and a musical genious."I said, with a slight laugh.

"And a big head,"Gary responded.

"You leave my head alone,you have seen it yet!"

"How do you know I didn't take a look when you where out cold in the hospital?"

"Ok,point taken."

We both had a good laugh at our filthy talk.It certainly made me feel alot better.

When I had managed to stop laughing,I made a few Changes on my gear and began to play one of my dads favourite songs

which went;


By this time, I had an audience in the shape of my grandparents,Phil and Jane.They where all claping and cheering.

"Hey,"said Phil,"I know that song you where playing.That group are playing at the Manchester evening news arena in a few weeks.Would you like me to see if I can get some tickets?"

"That would be great,"I told him."As long as I can invite Chris and Steve?"

"I'll get on the internet later and sort them out."

It was grandad who had to kind of spoil the fun by mentioning that he was gonna take me back to the hospital for a check up.I handed him my mobile phone and asked him to call Paul,the doctor we had met the day before.Paul said he would be here within the hour.When he arrived,he gave me a good check over and said that everything was ok from a physical point but asked if it would be ok to prescribe me a low dosage of anti depresants,to help control my mental state.All the adults agreed that it sounded like a good idea.

The rest of the day passed fairly quietly.At about 9.30,I told everyone I was going to go to bed,as I was feeling tired.Not long after,Gary joined me.He leaned his head against my chest and put his arm around me.We kissed for a little while,before drifting off to sleep.

That seemed like a good point to stop.See you in chapter four.Thanks to anyone who has e-mailed me and by the time you read this,I should have sent you a reply.Lol Paul.

Next: Chapter 4

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