Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Aug 5, 2016


This is not real its fiction please donate to nifty.

The feedback and comments i have got is overwhelming. Thank you for loving this series. Since it is so well liked instead of five chapters i had plan i will add more chapters. Hopefully it will still keep you reading. Thanks so much.

I went to school everyday and every night id spend with Sam. We couldnt go out to restaurants or shows or anything. If his label found out hed be dropped. In country music there is no place for gay singers. Once you come out, there done with you. But the fans (your true fans) always stand by you no matter what.

I love spending time with Sam. I wish we could go out and do what couples do. But that just couldnt happen. Not know. And im fine with that. Just as long as Sam dosent want this to end.

He had two more days left before he had to go back and prep for his shows and studio time to write and record new songs for his fans.

We both didnt want this to end. Weve been having so much fun. Such a great time together. There wasnt a place in this hotel we hadnt had sex. Bathroom, bed, table, couch. The ground, the walls. My ass had never been so much fucked in my life. Sam most of the time, wanted one and two and sometimes even three rounds. It was crazy. But i let him even though i was tired. Hed wake me up in the middle of the night of a quick romp. Most of the time i was half asleep. I would let him fuck me. Im pretty sure sometimes i would pass out and he would keep fucking me until he filled me up with his load. And when that happened i hadnt jacked off so when i woke up around seven i wanted action but i was also very tired.

When i got to his room. I was so happy. But when i opened the door and saw his suitcases almost pack and his guitar by the door. I knew he had to leave. Hes sitting on the bed. He looks at me sadly. His light brown look at me. I see this big buy who stands at six feet three inches tall. Im only five feet nine inches. i feel short but i love it when he bends down to kiss me. Its ok i say sadly. I still have today but i have to leave really early tomorrow morning. Im sorry he says getting up. He hugs me tightly. I wish i could stay here forever with you he ads. I hug him back. Tears filling my eyes. Its ok i say again. He looks at me. Dont cry please he begs. He wipes away my tears with his big finger. He kisses me passionatly. Whatever you want to do we can says Sam. We can order anything you want. We can watch tv. We can fuck how many times you want he says happily. I look to the ground. Just hold me i beg. He takes me to the bed and holds me. My face laying on his big chest. I can hear his heartbeat. Ill come back as soon as i can i promise says Sam. I hold him tightly. I can see his dick getting hard. I want to fuck him so bad, but i hadnt mentioned it since he told me, nothing would ever go in him. I sit up and look at him. I get up and get the remote for the tv. I change channels until i see Will & Grace. I remember because i know they always do marathons today. I hear Sam laughing. I get back onto his chest. We watched tv and i laugh so much. Sam does too. When the marathon is over. I get up from the bed and ask him what he wants to do? I can see by his bulge what he wants to do. I told you, anything you want says Sam. Well we cant go outside so what do you wanna do i ask again. He hesitates. I know youve been rock hard for the whole marathon, so should i start taking care of that i ask? Sam laughs. Its yours... Says Sam. I look at him knowing its the last time ill be sucking him off get or getting by him for a while. I tell him to take off his t shirt. When it comes off, im still in awe of the shape his body is in. Tight. Muscles at the right place. Not too much muscles. Sams confident not cocky and thats a major turn on. I tell him to put his arms behind his head. He does happily. Exposing his beautiful armpits. I love his armpits. I take off his pants and briefs. His big cock springs free. I look at it in awe. I get undressed. Sam whistles. I laugh. I get on top of him and kiss his perfect red lips. I kiss my way down his chin, chest. I make sure to pay special attention to his already hard nipples. One by one i take them into my mouth and suck, lick and gently bite them. Causing Sam to stir wnd moan in pleasure. That feels sooo good moans Sam. I kiss my way down to his abs. I look back at him. I have his dick in my hand. Just by the look on his face. He wants me to suck it NOW. I gently stroke for a few seconds. Driving him crazy. He wants this. He needs this. I take half is cock in my mouth. He groans and then i take the other half. He screams louder. Holy fuck he growls. Omg... He ads. I suck his dick fast. He moaning, groaning and thrashing. Shiiittt stooppppp your gonnaa... Fuuuckkkk.... Moans Sam on the verge of cumming. He pushes me off his dick. I look at him. I was really close to cumming babe he says. I want to fuck you he says, more like begging. I look at him and say; go slow please. Anything you want baby he says. I get on my back and bring my feet up, exposing my not so tight ass anymore. He grabs the lube and apply a good amount on my puckering hole, then to his cock. My hands are roaming his pecs. Look at me begs Sam. I look into his eyes, and at that he shoves himself inside me slowly. My mouth flies open about to moan but Sam covers my mouth with his. Kissing me deep. His tongue in my mouth. I moan out loud in his mouth... I feel him pushing more and more of himself inside me. I groan louder the more he goes in. I pull his body even closer to mine. I wrap my legs around his big waiste. He kisses me neck and finds my spot. I moan louder and louder. Sammmmmm... Ahhhhhh... Sammmmmmm i moan... My hands are now cupping his beautiful toned ass. Hes still attacking my spot on my neck. Hes had my prostate for the past few thrusts. He keeps hitting it. Driving me insane. I want to jack off but he begs me not too. So i dont even though i badly want to. I want to cum with him still poudning me... Where do you want my cum? Mouth or ass asks Sam? My mouth... Duh i say with a huge grin. He smiles and goes back to my neck his thrusts are faster and a little harder. My cock is throbbing. Begging for release. Its close. Im close to shooting. I look into Sams beautiful brown eyes. His cock inside me feels so fucking good. Sammmmmmm... Feeeeeelssss sooooooooo gooooodddd i yell. He covers my mouth with his to shut me up. I keep moaning in ecstasy. This is amazing. My hands are still on his now sweaty ass. His lips on mine. His dick constantly stabbing my prostate over and over and over. My dick cant take it anymore and starts shooting big gobs of cum all over me. And Sam. Ummmmm... Ummmmmgghhh... ummmmmmm i moan into Sams mouth. Are bodies are covered in my cum. I can barely breathe. Sams still stabbing my prostate for another minute until he pulls out and i open my mouth and suckle the dick head. He jacks off a few strokes and shoots his big load down my throat. This time i dont choke. Im close too. Theres so much cum in my mouth. I swallow and swallow until theres only little spurts coming out. I make sure to drink every last drop and clean off his cock. He collapses beside me. Holy fuck me groans. I just lay there. Im still sad, i dont want him leaving me. Hey... Im coming back he reasures me. I go to lay on his chest. But he grabs my face and tells me again im coming back i promise. He kisses me slowly. I wanted to lay my head on his chest but this time he lay his head on my chest. Im surprised but i let him. We just lay there for a good fifteen minutes without talking. He finally gets up and asks me what do we do now? I laugh and say, i dont know. I look at his big soft cock. Eyes up here he says with a big grin. I get dressed. He looks confused. Where are you going he asks? Just get dressed i say. He does. I look at him. Round two i ask? He smiles happily. Then why are we dressed he asks confused. I look at him seriously. I want you to take advantage of me... Be really rought i say. He smiles and asks if im sure. Yes... Just bend me over the table and fuck the shit out of me i beg. This surprises him. Dont be gentle at all. Be really rough. Dominate me i order. Baby... He starts. Please i say cutting him off. I walk towards the table. Call me names, do whatever you want to me i say. Can we have a safe word he asks worridly. Im so happy that he wants a safe word, that if he hurts me i can tell him. Umm... Mercy i say. He agrees and kisses me deeply. He looks at me one more time to make sure im not changing my mind. When he sees i dont he bends me over the table, pulls my shorts down. He takes his off. Uses the lube on his dick and my ass. Your so beautiful he says. Do it i say, over and over until i feel him shoving his big cock deep and roughly inside me. He knows im about to scream so he covers my mouth with his manly hand to muffle my loud scream. My eyes widnened in shock. Uuummmmmmmmm i scream loudly again. For once its not a painful scream. Its a scream of pleasure. There is a little pain but its 99% pleasure, 1% pain. Ummmmmmm... Ummmmmmm... Mmmmmmmggghhhhh i scream... Are you ok he asks worridly. I shake my head yes over and over again. He pounds me so hard the only thing i can hear is his pelvis slapping against my ass. Tears of pleasure fill my eyes. Your so beautiful moans Sam. I smile... Your ass is amazing he moans. I make sure to flex my hole against his dick to give him more pleasure... Soooo tight he moans. Ever since ive met Sam ive been doing squats to keep my ass tight and firm and clenching my hole as much as possible to keep it tight for him. I take his hand away. Your amazing i moan in ecstasy. He laughs and pulls me up against his chest. He still fucks me. Were standing in a warm embrace as he fucks the shit out of my ass. I close my eyes and lean my head against his shoulders. Feels... Fucking... Amazing i moan. Sam then attacks my neck. Where my spot is. I moan, this time not too loud. I love you Sam i moan. He just keeps kissing my neck. I know he wont say it back, its fine. I grab a hold of my dick and begin jerking off. Fuck me Sam... Fuck this ass good i beg. He decided to hammer me faster. Taking no mercy on my ass. As im leaning against his shoulder his kisses me hard as he fucks me deep. I look at him and he looks at me. Ahhhh fuckkkkk Sammmmm i moan. You want me to shoot inside you huh? Cover your inside with my cum? Huh... Answer me bitch he almost yells. Yeahhhhhh... Cummmm inside this ass... Its your ass baby... Forever i moan louder. Yeahhhh you like this dick dont you, you fucking whore. Yessssss... I love your big fat dick i moan. This makes him smile. Your ass is soooo good. Im gonna shoot soon moans Sam. Get ready, its gonna be another big one promises Sam. Fuuuuuckkkkk yeahhhhh... Breed my ass i beg. I jack off as he hammers harder and faster. Stepheeeeeennnnn your gonnaaaaaa.... Aaaaarrrrggghhhhh yells Sam loudly and he starts shooting rope after rope of thick white creamy delicious cum. Feeling him shoot inside me sends me over the edge and i shoot my load all over the table. Fuuuuckkkkk i moan. Hes still cumming inside me. His sweaty head is on my shoulder and he moans and groans in ecstasy. Finally he stops cumming and his flacid dick leaves my hole. Im feel empty. He collapses on the bed. Holy shit... That was... Incredible moans Sam exhausted. I go to the bed and cuddle to Sam. Im glad i say. Glad for what he asks? To make you happy, to be able to make you happy sexually i say. He looks at me. You make me so happy Stephen. The sex is incredible dont get me wrong but you... Your smart, funny, beautiful. Your amazing and i know i cant be here for you always but, ill always come back to you. Im not gonna sleep around because i dont have you sleeping beside me every night. Im not a dog, i dont cheat says Sam. I kiss him. I know i say. I trust you i add.

We stay silent for a while...

I didnt know you liked it this rough and being called name says Sam. I didnt either i laugh. I just wanted to try something new i say.

Next time how about we try bondage i ask? Anything is fine with me says Sam happily. I smile. I had a lot planned for Sam. I cuddle to Sam.

I cant believe it but its nine twenty pm. Sam needs his rest and we fall asleep.

At midnight. I feel Sams hard cock piercinf my asshole slowly. My eyes fly open. Hes kissing my neck... I had to says Sam. I let him do whatever he wants to me. This time he didnt use lube and i can feel it. The first few minutes are painful. But his cum inside me soon finds his hard dick and it lubricates my hole and his dick. The pain is lesser. My dick is hard. I grab a hold of it and Sam begs me not to cum. So i promise him i wont. Even though i know ill need too with his dick inside me. As he fucks me slowly and kisses my neck. I know its a quickie. Sam manages to last fifteen minutes before erupting his load deep inside me. I need to cum i beg. He pulls out and gets between my legs. I look at him confusingly. He sucked my dick once. He begins to slowly stroke my cock. Then his lips envelop my dickhead. I shudder. My eyes never leave him. He slowly takes more and more dick into his mouth. Im almos half in when he begins to choke. I tell him to go slowly. He jacks off my dick and goes for my balls. My head falls back onto the pillow. Ooommmgggg i moan. Sam bathes my balls with his warm spit for five minutes. Paying each of them equal attention. Then goes back to sucking my dick. He sucks and sucks. The i feel two of his fingers slip into my cum hungry hole. I moan louder... By my moans he knows hes found my prostate. He jams his fingers inside me roughly, whe still sucking my dick. Sammmmmm i moan trying to remove his mouth from my dick as i know im about to cum... Sammm... Immm.... Aahhhhhhh i yell shooting my load inside Sams warms mouth. Sams begins choking on my semen, but swallows all he can before he pulls off. The rest of my cum fall on my pubes. I look at him as tears fill his eyes. He swallowed my load. When he recovers he goes and cleans my dick and pubes of the left over semen. I look at him in shock. I wanted to pleasure you he says. Your always sucking my dick and ive never really sucked dick before but i had too... I wanted to make you feel good says Sam. Im sorry i choked ads Sam. Heyyyy... Its fine i assure him. You did great i say. I promise when i get back ill start sucking you more often ok promises Sam. I smile and we then go back to sleep.

It must be four am. I cuddling to Sam. My dick is hard once again. Lying between Sams muscled cheeks. I hope he dosent feel my hard cock, i know hell get mad.

Soon sleep once again finds me. Sams eyes are opened. He knows my dick is hard and laying between his cheeks. He looks at the clock and goes back to sleep..

Its five am.

Sams getting ready to leave and im still sleeping. Sam writes me a letter. He looks at me. He smiles. Im sleeping soundly. Im off tomorrow and get to sleep in. I need the sleep. He leaves the letter on my bedside table. He kisses my forehead gently. He leaves...

When i wake up around eleven thirty am. I look around and see Sam is gone... Why didnt he wake me i ask angrily. I see the letter on the bedside table and read it.

Im sorry baby, you looked to peaceful to wake up. I wanted you to sleep. I know ive been keeping you awake. The sex is just incredible and i cant get enough of you. Please dont be mad i didnt wake you. I know you needed your sleep. Im on the road now and thinking about you. Thank you for making me feel loved. Thank you for making me feel amazing. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I trust you Stephen. The room is paid for until tomorrow morning. So please stay over. Watch tv and relax. I know you have school tomorrow morning. I will call you around two pm. Please answer. Im saving myself for you. I wont touch my dick until i see you. I hope you can do the same. :)

Sam. Xoxoxo

I smile but im also sad hes not here. I go back to sleep and wake up around one thirty. I take a shower and order room service.

As Sam promised he called at two thirty. We spent two hours on the phone, talking about the future, weather and sports even though i dont watch sports.

I did stay over the night. And went to school in the morning...

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 6

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