Samanthas Journey

By queerturtleneck

Published on Feb 9, 2024


CHAPTER 4: The First Time

Samantha has started her transition and is four months into her hormone replacement therapy. Aside from the physical changes, Samantha has another surprise in store for her!

Obviously this story is completely fictional and no resemblance to actual people is intended. There are elements of my personal fetishes involved in this story. I have written several stories before regarding my fetish for turtlenecks and turtleneck sweaters as well as various styles of socks. I understand these are niche fetishes and I hope that, even if they aren't your thing, you will humor me and appreciate the story as a whole. Additionally, there are going to be elements of intentional pornographic homoeroticism and eroticism throughout the story. Naturally, if this does not appeal to you or is not legal for you to access by locality or age (18 and over!) please stop reading here.

I hope that you enjoy my story, dear reader, and I am open to feedback and criticism to improve as a writer. Positive feedback is always welcome! If you feel so inclined, please email me at:

Laying on the bed wearing nothing but a hospital gown and a pair of slouch socks and my legs in stirrups was about as uncomfortable and vulnerable as I had felt in probably my life. And here I was doing it a second time. The first time was for the surgery. This time is the post-operation checkup.I stared at the ceiling panels as he inspected me, counting the dots to avoid eye contact. This must be how women feel at the gynecologist. The doctor ran his finger gently along the light scar on what could generously be called a scrotum. "This is looking good, just the way it should," he said. "Any soreness?"

I shook my head, still staring at the ceiling. "No, its fine." Actually it was more than fine. It was perfect.

A pretty significant advantage of working in a large hospital like I do is that you can see a doctor conveniently at work but still have the appropriate distance. Dr. Bains was one of the urologists on staff and was happy to set me up for my bilateral orchiectomy. I had decided to keep my scrotum in case I decided to have a vaginalplasty and wanted penetrative sex. Unfortunately my insurance wouldn't cover it because it was an elective surgery but I think it was completely worth the $4,000 it cost me.

I wanted it for a few reasons. Most pressing is that if I got the orchie, as it is commonly called, I could stop taking spiro and that was one less thing to have to deal with. I wanted that because then I wouldn't have conflicting hormonal medications which would hopefully flatten my mood swings. Spiro also made me a thirsty bitch. Like, I was constantly feeling dehydrated. Also, I guess logistically speaking, getting my balls out of the way permentnatly would make the tucking a lot easier for me and I wouldn't be anxious to wear something a little more close fitting and an unfortunate slippage ruining my more feminine outline. Plus, after a month my skin is even softer and I love it.

I had spoken to Dr. Walton about getting one after reading about the benefits of having my testicles removed. I see her once a month now, but I don't think I need to continue regular appointments with her. Nothing against Dr. Walton, she's amazing but I am so happy with my decisions and the way things are going so far. Anyway, we went through the possible downsides, most significantly the fact that I would be sterile with no possibility for reversal. This didn't bother me because I had never wanted to children. But Dr. Walton is a professional's professional and we talked about my potential future relationships and the consequences of sterilization. I found myself agreeable to that, while I didn't want children of my own, if my future partner had children then I would happily be their stepmother and I was never against the idea of adoption. Satisfiied with my state of mind and my But anyway it was pretty impractical because I have become more convinced that I am probably bisexual now, and with a stronger preference for men.

Dr. Walton told me that it was not unusual for this to happen to transwomen though the mechanisms are not fully understood. She reassured me that I was most likely not a repressed homosexual as a man but there is likely an effect from the loss of testesterone in my system and the way I am reacting and adjusting to a much higher level of estrogen. Or it could be something entirely different. That led to a whole session on being careful with male partners as a transwoman with a penis and that being open and honest is the safest way to enjoy a romantic and physical relationship.

"Okay, I guess we're done here," said Dr. Bains as he lowered the stirrups and allowed my feet to slip out. He then rolled back to the desk by the door and clacked away at the computer to finish his notes. "If there's any change, any discharge or discomfort call my office but I don't expect to hear back from you. All the best to you, and happy new year." He stood up, shook my hand and left.

I sat on the bed for minute and cried, as per usual when I get overly happy. It's getting kind of annoying but it feels so good to do it. I have to be careful about what I watch now unless i have a box of tissues at hand. It's getting a little better but damn its annoying!

I rolled up and stood up and started to get redressed. I put on my navy ribbed turtleneck, a pair of maroon trousers and slipped my black Doc Martens shoes on. My wardrobe is growing and growing. I have a 100% feminine wardrobe now and it is just incredible. It's such a feeling of a new life right now whenever I open my closet or my dresser and there is not one single masculine article of clothing. Even my sports bras, panties and socks are super feminine now, as in lots of pinks and purples.

It's been a couple of months since coming out as mostly heterosexual to Laura. Is that even the right term? Does anybody actually come out as straight? Anyways, I cannot believe I went 24 years as a man. Well, let's be fair, ten years really. Still, I have never felt so good about myself and so confident in myself until these past eight months. I think, for the first time ever, I actually love who I am.

It was funny how much I've changed in the last, well, almost twelve months. Physically: I have boobs, I have hips, a nice but and my face has feminized and my hair. I love my body now. I really feel like I look like a woman. I pass as a woman. Emotionally: yes I get annoyed how easily I can get overwhelmed by emotions. I am less single minded in things and I definitely have gotten more empathetic. But I love how I can feel and be free to express my feelings. Sexually: well, it takes some effort to get aroused but when I am oh my gosh it feels just insane! Like my whole body is super charged with eroticism. Orgasms, when I can get there are just spectacular. The funny thing is, I don't need to get there to enjoy myself sexually. I can plateau and feel the warmth radiate through my body and bask in the glow. Of course once I go over the edge its a whole-body experience. I'm really dependent on turtlenecks for my arousal now, not just thinking about them but to feel one on my body, I have to wear it. I love my socks too but I guess my fetish isn't strong enough for that. When I know I have time and no interruptions, give me some erotic literature, a turtleneck I can make an afternoon of it.

Socially I'm more open to it, but I'm more or less the same. Like, if I get involved into a conversation, even on `girly' topics, I'm all in. But I don't go to clubs and I'm not much into bars. I got involved with a transgender support group and made a good friend with Yvonne. The other girls are nice but Yvonne and I just click together. She's the kind of transwoman I want to be: confident, feminine and a woman who happens to be transgender. She's a bit older than me, at 32 and she was in a long term relationship with Shawn. We meet regularly as we can, usually at Yvonne's house and she has been so great at helping with her subtle things to enhance my femininity like my walk and how I use my hands and so on. We also like to play card games, cook or just be together.

My hobbies are pretty much the same. I still love my role playing video games, I love classic movies and 60's and 70's music and high fantasy fiction. I still love biking, though I find that I'm a lot more risk averse than when I was a man. I bruise a lot more easily and I don't want to live my life black and blue. I still like shooting, and I think I look super cute on the range. I'm looking at buying a shotgun actually because I think Mike is tired of me hogging it when we shoot clay pigeons. I want to start playing golf this spring but I think money's going to be a little tight for a little while. Rebuilding a wardrobe is super fun but horrifically expensive.

Mom is still not okay with everything, which has been the only major negative of my transition that is lingering. We talk on the phone occasionally but she gets so emotional and that leads to her saying something awful and then we don't talk for several weeks. My voice has feminized quite nicely, still a little bassy I think but everyone at work and a small group of transwomen that I've met through a local organization have complimented me on how much better my voice is now so I'm happy with that. It jars mom though and she is having a real disconnect between who she thinks I am, or was, and who I am now. I know I have to be patient with her but every time I think about going to see her, she says something horrible and I think of nasty names for her and hang up. I makes me really sad actually and I don't want to go through the rest of our time on Earth together not being mother and daughter.

Patty has been the opposite. She told me over Christmas on the phone that she loves bragging about her younger sister helping cancer patients and being an awesome mountain biker. We haven't had the chance to see each other in person yet, but I want to go down to Lexington and visit her there. The pictures she shares with me on Flickr of Lexington and the Kentucky countryside are beautiful, even if it is a total redneck state. Not that Ohio isn't so much better but us Ohioans can disguise our redneckiness with our neutral accents. She's found a very nice townhouse and has managed to snag herself a boyfriend already, James. He seems like a nice guy.

Tom I would say is coming around a bit more. He's not one to reach out and text a whole lot but he did ask me if I was supposed to be Aunt Samantha or Aunt Sammie. I have no idea about how his wife, Kim, was taking it but I'm glad that Tom at least seemed to take me seriously. For once.

Workwise, nothing's really changed. Almost everyone has gotten more or less used to me as Samantha. Derrick is still distant and I think he's I did have once incident just before Christmas with a patient who unfortanetly had a relapse and was back for further treatment. Apparently I had worked with Mr. Hughes, an elderly man, some years before. I didn't remember him at all. I hate to sound crass but the reality is that we have a lot of patients come through and we have to keep ourselves distant from them because of the nature of cancer treatment. We play a delaying game, unfortunately. I love the chance to give them a little more time to be with their families or do something they'd always wanted to but at the end of the day cancer wins a whole lot more than it loses.

I was doing a consult with him. He was a widower, but his son was there with him. I think it had an entire month where no one had misgendered me so I was flying high that day. I was wearing my usual navy scrubs with a white turtleneck and slouch socks and black Crocs. As I was going through the procedure, I kept noticing Mr. Hughes was eyeing me. Actually, and its probably because its a new phenomenon for me, but I kind of like being looked at. I haven't been catcalled and hopefully that won't be too common for me, but I kind of like guys paying attention to me. It makes me feel kind like I'm really a woman, not just on the inside. But the way Mr. Hughes was looking at me was unsettling. I even thought about calling on the male nurses in or somebody.

"I know you," he said suddenly, pointing his wavering finger at me. "You, you used to, aren't you that young fellow, uh, uh, Steve. No, not Steve, Sam!"

I balked and I felt my face flush with anger and embarrassment. His son looked at me quizzically and the accusingly for some reason, like I did something wrong. "It's alright dad, just calm down," he said, though his eyes never left me.

I had no idea what to do. I was on my own in the room so I said, rather lamely, that I had to take a call and I'd be right back. Fortunately Derrick was coming out of the room next door. I handed him Mr. Hughes' chart and said, "Let's trade." It was all I could do to keep it together till I could get to my secret stairwell and cry my embarrassment, anger and frustration out.

But that was the past and I'm living in the present now. Funnily, or maybe ironically, enough, it was Patty that helped me get into this mindset. "There's no point of looking in the past and living your life for that, Sammie. You have now, you have tomorrow and you have the next day." I think Patty is too smart and talented to be doing ministry. But at least she's touching a lot of lives positively. I just refuse to let some transphobic asshat get to me, because I'm better than them and I won't let them ruin my happiness.

Having allies makes it easier. But I need something more than friendships and my sister in my corner. I want, no, I need love. I want a boyfriend more than than anything right now. Of course this could be my libido coming on strong and my new hormone, pregesterone, taking affect. Aside from rounding out my B-sized boobs, I think its making me a bit randy and I like this new kind of sensuality. Oh come girl, you just really want a dick!

The Friday after my appointment with Dr. Bains, I actually had the opportunity. Last week I put an ad for myself on OkCupid. I was honest about my transition status and was sure to include that I am pre-op. I don't really like the term, but its better than saying a chick with a dick or a lady boy or some other pornographic title. Of course it didn't take long to get a long line of messages and likes. I was so disheartened by the creepiness, the open direct creepiness of these men. It was clear some had a serious femboy fetish or something like that. But I noticed one message that actually had a reasonable subject line: "Hi."

His message was not particularly well written but it was so much more thoughtful and honest and kind than the others. He didn't even mention sex! Amazing! He just simply wrote that he appreciated my bravery to put myself out there on a site like this and that he thought it'd be great to have coffee sometime. He wasn't the most handsome guy in the world but he was a 28 year old sandy haired man with a mustache that actually looked quite good on him. His nose was crooked, probably from being broken before. I wrote him back and asked if the next Friday would be good for him. He didn't reply immediately but when he did, I felt my heart flutter. So, my very first date as a woman. And probably going to lose my feminine virginity. With a man named Steve. What a world.

I had a few hours to kill when I got home from Dr. Bains' office. I decided that if I was going to do this, I was going to do it right. I tossed my purse onto the sofa haphazardly and went to my bedroom. I took off my turtleneck and slouch socks and tossed them into the hamper. I hung my maroon trousers on the hanger and put it in my set of four (black, khaki, maroon and pink). My light pink panties and bra went into the hamper. I took my light pink robe from the back of the door and went to the bathroom and to take a shower. Before stepping into the tub, I took a few minutes to douche my hole. I had no ambitions to `top,' as I'm now a woman. Besides, my penis doesn't get erect enough to even try, thankfully.

After showering i toweled my body dry, and rubbed my body with lotion. I was careful to keep my hair dry so that I didn't have redo that job. My pixie cut is a little longer and I think my hair looks perfect with this length. After that put my robe back on. I padded my way to my closet and chose my outfit for tonight's date. I shivered with the excitement of going on a date as a woman. I was dying to know what it was going to be like, what Steve was like and, hopefully, what sex was like.

I took down my new cream cable knit turtleneck sweater dress for tonight. From my sock drawer (yes, I have a large drawer stuffed with socks), I pulled out a matching pair of cream cable knit knee socks. I was going to wear my brown Mary Janes for my shoes. I also took out my sexy underwear that Laura helped me shop for: a lacy black bra and panty set. They're actually really comfortable. Tucking my penis in was much more comfortable now without my testicles in the way. I slipped my panties on, enjoying the smooth silk on my legs as I pulled them up. I hooked my bra and turned it around and slipped my arms through the loops. I took a few seconds to make sure my breasts were seated properly in the cups.

Finally I pulled my turtleneck sweater dress on, slowly as is my habit when I wear a turtleneck, especially a turtleneck sweater. I shivered with delight as the soft wool slid down my face and body and as my head came through the tall thick woollen ribbed collar. I stood in front of full length mirror mounted on the wall next to my dresser. I smoothed the cable knit sweater dress over my body and took a minute to experiment whether I should pull the sleeves back a bit or not. I decided not. Then, my favorite part of wearing turtlenecks, I folded the soft thick collar. I looked so sexy, I thought. I mean, I would do me. The hem of my turtleneck sweater dress came down just above the halfway point of my thights. Classy enough but also a little sensual.

I sat down on my bed and pulled my knee socks on, rolling them up my smooth legs. Slipping on my brown Mary Janes, I stood back in front of the mirror taking in my turtleneck sweater dress, socks and shoes as a whole. I felt so feminine, demure and confident. Just a few more things. From my bathroom hutch I took out my jewelry box and took out a pair of silver hoop earring and snapped them in. Then a silver ring with a zirconium ring and slid it on my right finger. I decided against a pendent for tonight. After I get my wardrobe completed, my next step is to get nicer jewelry. Maybe, though I have my envious eyes on fabulous and fabulously expensive turtleneck sweaters from SuperTanya and The Knitting Krem. After putting on my jewelry I ran my brush though my hair and then took my makeup box from the shelf and a lighted mirror and sat down at my kitchen table to do my makeup. After my makeup was done, I selected a nail polish that was a close match to my lipstick, a nice dark garnet. I wish I could grow my nails out but I'm just so clumsy already with clippers and I have to keep my nails short to make it easier to wear latex gloves at work.

By the time I was finished, it was already time to go. I was feeling giddy with excitement and my butterflies were goigj crazy in my stomach. I went back to my close and took out my dressy winter coat, a light gray overcoat. Even though March is a chilly month, I decided it would be more alluring to wearing my coat open and I left my mittens and hat home. Just in case, I took my bottle of lube from my drawer and dropped it in my purse. I put my hand on the door knob of my apartment and took a deep breath. "Come on Samantha, you got this."

I drove to Old North and parked on the street just about a block from the coffee shop that Steve had suggested. It was a good thing we were meeting a little early because this area of Columbus gets pretty busy on Fridays and Saturdays. Just a few months ago I would have been absolutely petrified to wear an outfit like this outside of my apartment but now I'm walking down a fairly busy sidewalk confidently and feeling powerful.

I walked into Emmett's, a really nice Old World style coffee shop. It wasn't particularly busy and it was easy to spot Steve sitting in a booth by the far brick wall. My heart sank as I approached him. I had spent a good amount of time getting ready and looking as cute as I could for him, and he was sitting there wearing a brown hoody, jeans and a backwards Browns truck cap. Swallowing my pride a little and determined to at least make an appearance, I continued to his table. "Hi, Steve?"

Steve looked up from his phone and smiled as he stood up and shook my hand. I had to make sure I didn't shake like a man. "Oh, hi, Sam. You look even better than in your picture! Here, led me take your coat."

"Thank you," I said as I shrugged off my coat and let him take it off me and he set it on the bench next to him as he sat back down. We ordered coffees and spent the next hour or so talking about each other. Steve was very polite and we were able to keep our conversation going without too many awkward pauses. It was clear he was want to talk more about my transition but danced around it by asking about work and how cool he thought it was that I'm trans. I learned that Steve was an electrician, was bisexual and had been in a relationship with another man named Brian for a while before they broke up. I got the feeling that Steve might be a little less bisexual than he wanted to admit as it seemed most of his relationships had been with men. But he kept telling how pretty I looked and how much he liked my dress and that was triggering a little bit of of warmth and desire.

I decided that I needed to be the one to be forward because I thought Steve was going to beat around the bush all night and make things weird. "Steve, can we go somewhere more private perhaps?"

Steve's eyes opened and nodded, probably trying to keep himself from jumping out of the booth and ravaging me right then and there. "You want to come to my place? It's pretty close, just down Frankfort. I mean, if you want."

"Okay, let's go." Inside my butterflies exploded. Holy crap, this is happening. It's okay Samantha, you can do this. If anything doesn't feel right, just remember what Yvonne said: a swift kick to the balls and no looking back. Oh you are an idiot.

The walk to Steve's apartment was indeed not long, just a few minutes. It was a neat neighborhood and Steve lived in an old Victorian that had been converted into studio apartments. We walked up the stairs and he opened his door. To be honest, I was not expecting much. By the way Steve dressed, I was expecting a mess.

Well, it wasn't a mess, Steve kept his studio quite neat actually. We walked by the bathroom and then through his bedroom to the small kitchenette and living room. It was simply furnished but it was tidy and it was pretty clear Steve liked his video games with huge TV that dominated the living space and the number of gaming consoles hooked up to it. There was a sofa against the wall and an armchair adjacent. Steve led me through his studio and motioned for me to put my overcoat and purse on the armchair.

We sat on the sofa together in an awkward silence for a few seconds. The anticipation of what was going to happen was thick between us, but I didn't know what to do. Steve looked at me and then the next thing I knew we had our lips locked on each other. Kissing a man for the first time was a wild experience for me. The soft hair of his mustache ticked my lip and I smiled from the sensation. The masculine aura of him was overpowering me and I shook with the excitement of kissing him. I felt my turtleneck collar so intensely around my neck that I moaned with lust and eroticism. There was a wild primal drive coming from deep within me that demanded Steve, demanded his body.

I felt myself out of my body but feeling every square inch of my self. The sensations of his touch was electric to me and I suddenly found myself rolling on top of him, my knee balancing me on the sofa and I swung my body over Steve, letting my turtleneck dress ride up my hips as I straddled his crotch. I set myself down on his hard shaft and shivered with excitement and ecstasy as I felt his cock through is jeans and my panties. I put my hands on his his shoulders and pressed my hips down on him. I wasn't acting with any deliberation, it was primal, carnal desire for a man.

I ground my hips onto him and gasped at the pleasure I was feeling creeping through my body. I looked up and felt my turtleneck collar stretch across my throat, furthering my sexual high! I was breath heavily, moaning loudly and rolling my head so to feel my turtleneck collar as much as I could. As I humped Steve's hard cock, I reached down into my panties and freed my penis, and my body tensed and shook from the excitement and the heightened sensitivity of my little trans clit. The soft wool of my turtleneck sweater dress was caressing me, and I could even feel the soft fabric of my knee socks being slouched a bit and soothing over my calves sensuously.

Steve was panting and groaning as I rubbed my clit over his rock hard cock. Watching his face contort with the plasure I was giving him elevated my whole experience. I felt a strange connection to this man I barely knew. I loved everything about this: the physical sensations of my clit rubbing on him, the fetish eroticism of my turtleneck and my socks and the power of my femininity, my womanhood pleasuring a man!

"Oh fuck this is good," groaned Steve. "Oh man, fuckin' suck it!"

My moment of truth, I thought through the haze of sex. I swung my leg over Steve and kneeled on the sofa next to him as he scrambled and clumsily unbuttoned his jeans and shoved them and his striped boxers down his thighs, exposing his long hard cock dancing in the air begging for me to take it into my mouth. I looked at his cock with fascination. It's thick head was glistening with Steve's precum and the veins of the shaft pulsed with sexual engery. I leaned over and moaned as the soft wool of my turtleneck collar caressed my jaw as I took his gorgeous shaft into my mouth and wrapped my garnet lips around it.

The taste was surprising to me, it was just there. The slightly salty taste of his precum tickled my tongue as I started to blow him. There was an overpowering wave of femininity and feminine power washing over me as I bobbed my head up and down Steve's stiff shaft. The feeling of my turtleneck was making me shiver with excitement as I took him deeper and deeper into my mouth. I had been watching gay pornography to see how men liked it and I tried my best to mimic what made men writhe in sexual pleasure. As I sucked on his cock I reached between his legs and felt his hairy balls in my hand and I nearly fall off my plateau. Oh, the masculinity was so sexy!

"Oh God, that feels so fucking good," groaned Steve. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna fuck you so good!"

I involuntarily jerked from the excitement and anticipation from the idea of being taken by Steve. "I want that," I murmured huskily. "I want you to fuck me."

We kissed savagely, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths and Steve reached up and started to massage my breasts over my turtleneck sweater dress. I shuddered from his touch, it was a little rough but erotic at the same time.

We broke off our kiss and we instinctively took our positions. I put my hands of the backrest of the sofa, slipped my panties down and opened my knees to let him enter me, pushing my hole out to him, inviting Steve to take me. I took a deep breath and breathed, "Fuck me, Steve."

The next sensation I felt was Steve's tongue pressing into my hole and I was so primal that I moaned low and long as he massaged me. It was taking me over and I grabbed my turtleneck collar as I was shaking from the overall sensation of being so feminine in my sex. I felt Steve's hand massage and squeeze my ass and then reach between my legs and start to massage my penis. It is so sensitive now and I involuntarily arched my back from the sensation. "Ohhhh, fuck me baby, fuck me," I moaned from deep inside of me. I was climbing higher than my plateau, it was so incredible!

I couldn't see what Steve was doing but I saw his brown hoody and sweatshirt be tossed on the sofa next to me. I heard the crinkle of his condom package opening and then the pop of a plastic top. I then felt his finger press lube into me and I shook with the anticipation!

IOh yeah,' groaned Steve as he pressed the head of his penis against me. He took his time pushing his penis into me. Bit by bit the fullness I craved was getting more and more until he was finally in. Steve leaned over me and pressed his body onto me. My arms were akimbo in front of me, with the cuffs of the sleeves of my cream cable knit turtleneck sweater dress slipped back on my wrists, a very feminine turtleneck woman about to be dominated by his masculine lover.

Steve reached his hand under my sweater dress and pulled my breast from my bra and massaged my breast as he began to thrust in and out of me. He continued to massage my penis with his other hand as his excitement grew. He was going faster now, I could feel the full length of his penis move inside of me, it was like it was on fire! My body was shaking uncontrollably and primal sounds of sexual glory erupted from deep witchin me!

"Oh yeah baby, oh Steve fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me in my turtleneck!"

Masculine sexual grunts and groans filled my ear and felt Steve's body press harder against me as he drove himself in and out, deeper into me. The sensation and sound of his hairy balls sleapping against me drove me even deeper into a sexual unearthly experience!

"Fuck me, fuck me hard, oh yeah, oh yeah, don't stop, don't stop," I moaned. "Oh yeah, kiss my turtleneck baby, just like that...Oh wow, oh, don't stop, don't stop..." Feeling his strong cock ramming me, filling me and the way my turtleneck collar and my sweatered body caressed and wrapped in the soft wool was pure ecstasy!

Our sex was a wild frenzy now, and the slapping sound of Steve ramming me was enthralling! Oh, being fucked like this in my turtleneck sweater dress and socks was too much now, it was too much! But I never wanted him to stop pounding me, it felt so good to be fucked! I was climbing higher and higher!

Steve started to grunt louder and his pounding suddenly became frenzied and he straighted his back and he gave a final thrust into me and he moaned and shook as he came inside of me, lightly pushing his vibrating cock just a little deeper to maximize his pleasure.

It was the final move that made the orgasm incredible. `Oh yeah, I'm cumming,' I moaned, my body squirming from the explosion that zapped its way through my entire being. Waves of orgasmic energy slammed through my body and I made sounds that I had no idea I was capable of making, I had lost total control of myself. My body thrashed as the waves of pleasure pounded me and radiated to the tips of my fingers all the way to my socked toes. It wouldn't stop, I didn't want it to stop!! "Don't stop, don't stop," I groaned as my orgasm overtook me. I grabbed savagely at my turtleneck collar, urging my orgasm to keep going. I needed more! I had to have more!

But Steve was spent and he slid out of me and swung himself down, landing hard on the sofa. He was completely nude and was sprawled out next to me trying to catch his breath. The only sound in the studio now was our heavy breathing with the occasional gasp for more air.

I couldn't move. I let myself fall into the back of that sofa, my head buried into my arms, and taking deep breaths, trying p prolong the waves of pleasure as long as I could. I didn't want it to end. I was fully aware of everything my body felt. I reached down with my hand and massaged my breast, it felt so wonderful, so natural to live in the postsex afterglow and give myself a bit of self-pleasure. I completely felt the comfort and snugness of my cream turtleneck collar. I felt the sleeves of my turtleneck dress pulled back on my wrists. I felt the warmth of my sexual ecstasy continue to radiate through my body. I felt the quivering off my legs and how my socked feet were still in my brown Mary Janes.

Steve was sitting next to me, leaning back on his hands. He was catching his breath and I was sated looking at him: the small mole on his cheek, his slightly bent nose, the way mustache curled up slighly in the corners, his chest hair and leg hair, which I found surprisingly sexy.

"That was amazing,' he murmured after a moment. `Oh fuck man, that was amazing!"

I felt a pang of something not nice that broke the reverie and obsene pleasure of my post-orgasm glow. `Man?' I didn't know what to say to that so I stayed quiet. I was a little fcoflicted actually. The sex was amazing and I had a primal, carnal desire for more! I wanted Steve so badly, physically. I wanted to run my fingers through his body hair and I wanted to have his body touch mine more than anything in that moment. But the connection that I had felt with him was, well let's just say that if hadn't made me feel like a woman just a moment ago I would have stormed out of his studio.

"It was, it was really nice," I allowed myself to say. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he blew my mind, rocked my world, orgasmed me into next week afther that careless `man' comment.

Even though I was ready for round two straight away, the disadvantage of sex with men became rather apparent: Steve needed time to recharge. We ended up ordering a pizza in and watched a little TV. Apparently I must have positively drained Steve and, after winding down my intense desire for sex waned. I was anxious about it, but I decided to sleep over with him. It was mostly out of curiosity of what it would be like to sleep with a man. It was a little exciting and I felt comfortable enough with him to do it. I was really tired too, the sex took it out of me as well. But to tell the truth, if Steve had been able to get himself up, I would have jumped on his dick and taken another ride to O-town!

I don't sleep naked. Even when it's hot I still prefer to sleep in a turtleneck, shorts and slouch socks. But I was not going to share my fetish with a man I barely knew. Sure I'll have sex with him and sleep with him, but to say, "Hey by the way, I have to wear turtlenecks to have an orgasm." I'm saving that one for The One, if I'm so fortunate to meet The One like Laura, Juanita and Yvonne had.

Steve and I went to his bed alcove. I slipped my turtleneck dress over my head and folded it on his dresser along with my knee socks. I unhooked my bra and let my small breasts go free and placed my bra and panties on top of my socks and dress. I crawled into bed with Steve who was equally naked. He greeted me in bed with a kiss. The kiss became more intense and our tongues worked themselves into our mouths and our kiss became more passionate. I felt Steve's body press against my breasts and I shivered as my arousal started to kick in. I pressed myself into Steve further as his arm came around my body to pull me in. I felt his erect penis rubbing against my own small semí-hard one.

Our passion was more hurried than before, we both wanted each other now, immediately! Steve broke our kiss and leaned down to kiss my breasts and nipples. I gasped from the sensation, I was starting to climb my rollercoaster. "Mmmm, keep doing that," I moaned. "Ohhh, yes..."

"I want to fuck you again," whispered Steve, almost plaintively.

I reached down, searching and felt his hard, throbbing cock. It felt so good in my hand, feeling his masculine power and the pleasure I could give him. "I want you," I whispered, my breath shaky, and my desire for him screaming.

Steve rolled over and reached into his nightstand for lube. It seemed to me in brief second clarity that he much have bottle stashed all over the studio. What a naughty boy! I took the bottle from him and llberally lathered his cock before reaching behind me to prepare myself for him. "Lay on your back," I sad.

Steve did so and I slid over him and sat over his phaillic statue. I reached behind me to guide him into me. Feeling the pressure of the head of his oock onto my hole sent shivers down my spine. I lowered myself down and moaned and breathed with each bit that he penetrated me. The fullness felt so incredible, so right to be with a man and pleasure him, which gave me pleasure. Steve moaned as I allowed him into me, giving myself to him again. He reached arounnd and massaged my little penis as I lowered further onto him. I moaned from the pleasure and delight, the femininity of how I'm having sex!

I put my hands on Steve's muscular hairy legs as he fully entered me. I stayed there for a minute, enjoying the fullness and the sensations of running my fingers over his masculine body hair. I started to slowly pump his cock, breathing deeply from the sensations. He was so deep inside of me, it felt so good! "Ohhhh, I like this;" I breathed.

"Oh fuck yeah," gasped Steve. "Go harder!"

I leaned myself back, laying on Steve's body, trying to melt into him. I pumped my hips, driving his cock in and out of me. I moaned loudly as I fucked Steve, It felt so powerful controlling our sex now, driving my pleasure with him. I was plateauing already, it was such as rush of radiating pleasure. Steve was nibbling on me ear and biting and sucking hard on my neck. I gasped and kept thrusting my hips, squeezing him, trying to draw his cum into me. His cum was my sole focus now, I want him to cum so hard inside of me! I reached out blindly and grabbed his hand from my hip and forced it onto my breast. Steve got the hint and massaged my boobs as I continued to fuck him.

"Oh fuck me Steve, fuck me," I moaned. I was on my plateau and I just couldn't go over the top. I reached up to my neck, I needed my turtleneck so bad. The sex felt so good but I was just so close, so close and I couldn't reach my peak. "Don't cum yet, don't stop!" I fucked Steve harder, the bed was slamming into the wall behind us, my little penis swinging with my hips as took his whole pulsating shaft into me, filling me with his manhood!

Steve groaned and gasped and he suddenly grabbed my hips and held me down. He held me there as he moaned and he came inside of me. I felt his body shake as his orgasm raced through him and I knew he had a nice long orgasm for a man. Even though I couldn't reach my own climax, I felt an incredible rush of pleasure knowing that I made him cum. I relaxed my body and lay on top of Steve, holding my breasts and breathing deep. "Oh, wow," I murmured. Well, this confirms it, I'm straight, I'm a heterosexual woman.

Steve's penis slipped out of me uncerimoniously and he pushed me over to my side so that he could roll out from under me. "Fuck, you are good," he said, he voice wheezy from the exertion. "You sure you never did it with a dude before?"

I shook my head. "Never, just women."

"Man, its hard to think of were a guy before. I bet you were hot then too."

"Thanks," I said, not knowing how to reply to that. Steve was just talented in ruining the moment, wasn't he? Sometimes its better to not say anything at all. "Do you have a tissue? I think I'm starting to leak."

"Yeah, you should go to the bathroom, that's better. You can take a shower if you want to. There's clean towels in the vanity."

How gentlemanly, I thought. It's a good thing you're a good fuck Steve, because you're treating me like a man otherwise. I got out of bed and followed his advice and took a quick rinsing shower to clean myself of lube and other bits of cum on my leg. By the time I got back the bed, Steve was fast asleep.

I woke up early. I'm not necessarily an early riser but I wanted to leave. It's horrible, but I didn't really want to hang out with Steve or have more sex with him. It was an amazing experience and I just wanted to go home and process it all.

I rolled quietly out of bed and slipped my panties on and then my bra. I then pulled my cream turtleneck sweater dress on, enjoying the sensation of the wool over my body and my turtleneck collar caressing my throat. Balancing myself against the dress, i pulled my cream cable knit knee socks on and then picked up my brown Mary Jane shoes. I tip-toed my way to the chair in the living area where my coat and purse was. I then slipped out the door, closing it as carefully and quietly as I could. I slipped my feet into my shoes, fastened the buckles and put my coat on as I walked out the door of the house.

Next: Chapter 5

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