Samurai Inc

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Aug 11, 2005


Samurai Inc. 29 By David M/t, oral, anal, bondage

Author's Notes: This story is fiction. All characters with the exception of Taj Tyler are not real. The situations depicted never happened. Taj Tyler's appearance in this story does not imply he is gay. This story is in Danny's POV.

Samurai Inc. 29

Taj Tyler stood in the middle of the great room as I sized him up. He was about five foot two, brown hair, blue eyes, and had fair skin. He certainly was adorable. As I had been in Los Angeles the day before, I had been called by Mac and he asked me if I was available. I said yes.

"Steven Tyler was sent to me because he is looking for you guys. Seems there is a stalker chasing his kid and he wants the kid moved to a very safe place while the cops chase down the stalker. You up for the job?" Mac asked. Of course I was up for the job! I like a lot of the rock bands out there and Areosmith certainly fell into my top five list. The arrangements were made for me to meet them and smuggle the kid out of there and home to the mountain. That had been carried off perfectly and now here he was, standing in the middle of our living room.

"Grab your stuff and bring it with you," I told him. "I'll assign you to one of our guest rooms. Too bad the rest of the team isn't here right now." Everybody including Hejiro had gone to Peckertown for a week of rest and relaxation. There were some new places to check out back there and the team was to be part of the evaluation process the Jorgensen's had started to ensure that all new places would work out fine. Good people, the Jorgensen's.

"Here's your room," I said, stopping before a door. I dropped my bag by the door and led him inside. Taj smiled as he looked around.

"This is nice," he commented. "Much better than some of the places I've seen when I've gone on the road with Dad."

"Good, I'm glad you like it already. We put a lot of time and effort into making sure all of our guests got the best in comforts. You can either leave your bag on the bed and unpack later, or do it now before the grand tour," I said. He certainly didn't waste time thinking about it. "I'll take the tour, please."

"Good choice," I grinned. "Now then sir, right this way." Taj followed me through the house as I gave him the tour. He looked just like the average teen, nothing about him suggested he had a famous Dad in any way. I had the thought he preferred the plain look instead of what most teens liked these days. I have nothing against a piercing or two, but have you ever tried to kiss a kid who had a stud through his tongue? Kind of turns me off.

"This is cool," Taj's voice said, bringing me back to reality. We had just stepped into the games room (not that one!) and he spotted the pool table and the other stuff. He went to look at some of the pinball machines lined up along the back wall. David loves the older pinball machines and so do I. The large jukebox in the corner was loaded with some of our favorite cd's and was usually jumping when we were all home. Taj grinned when he spotted a few of his Dad's cd's in there.

"One last stop," I said, waving to him. I walked him out to the enclosed swimming pool area and gardens. He stood there and blinked. I think he was overcome by the sight.

"This is too awesome," he said.

"Shiro and David did most of the work in here," I said. "Personally, this is my favorite area. It's so relaxing to come out here and sit among the plants." Taj was looking into the pool and he pointed to something. "What's that down there?" I walked over to where he was and leaned over. The next thing I knew was being surrounded by water and my mind was going what the fuck? Then I realized what had happened. The little turkey had suckered me.

"Oh ha ha!" I said sarcastically when I surfaced. Taj was laughing his ass off as I climbed out of the pool, soaking wet. Lucky for me I had left watch, wallet, pager, and cell phone in the living room. I pulled my USP 9mm and shook the water out of it as his eyes grew big.

"You guys carry guns?" he asked. I nodded as I pulled the holster off my belt. I was glad I chose nylon.

"Yes we do," I said. "We do everything we can to protect our clients in any way we can, and that includes carrying weapons. David and I are ex navy Seals and our training includes weapons."

"Navy Seals?" Taj blinked. "You guys are cool!" I smiled at that. "Thanks. Reason I enlisted was because I wanted to get out of my small town and do something constructive with my life. The military is a good place for those who want to make something of themselves. The military can and will train you in just about anything. Serving your country, learning a trade, and getting paid for it. Good deal all around." Taj nodded. "Sounds like a good deal." I stripped off my clothes except for my boxers, which made Taj smile. It was a pair that had a cigar smoking Seal with a MP-5 in his flippers.

"Couldn't pass them up," I said. "Got a good deal on them."

"Whatever floats your boat," Taj cracked. I liked this kid.

It was coming up on six in the evening and Taj had been out by the pool for most of the day since he got here. I was wishing Jesus was here with me. The 12 year old I had met and fell for during the mission to Brazil had come home with us and had settled in very well. Loki, David's new boy had been excited about coming to the United States as well and took to life here just as quickly as Jesus had. They had plenty of help from the other guys and Hejiro started them in on the martial arts training he had Neil and Sacha doing. All four were learning fast and picking it up better than David and Hejiro hoped. All I can say is that life had definitely gotten much better for them and they were happy. I was happy to share my life and my bed with Jesus. The boy had improved greatly since coming here. I looked up as Taj stood up and stretched. I felt hungry and asked him what he wanted for dinner. He grinned at me.

"Sure you got plenty in the refrigerator?" he asked me. I raised my hands up. "Don't say it!"

"Say what?" Taj asked. "I am a growing kid." I sighed and shook his head as he laughed out loud.

"Is that all you ever think of?" I growled. "Sex and food? God, you kids." He grinned even wider. "Yes. A fully loaded pastrami on rye while stroking my hard six inches. Can't beat that." I shook my head as he rolled on the floor laughing his ass off. I headed to the kitchen and went through the refrigerator. Just enough for dinner and breakfast in the morning.

"We need to go shopping in the morning," I said. "Shouldn't take long." If only had I known that a simple shopping trip would turn into a huge shootout and more I'd have stayed home.

We sat in the TV room and watched "Armageddon" with Bruce Willis on the big screen after dinner. Taj sang the lyrics to his Dad's sound track and he sounded pretty good. He sounded almost like his Dad.

"There's a recording studio I forgot to show you," I said during a slow moment in the film. "I'll show it to you later."

"Cool," he said. "I can carry a decent tune and I do okay on a guitar." I did show him the recording studio and he was impressed with it including the pictures of the singers we've had up here in the past.

"I like Billy Gilman," he said, pointing to his picture. "Powersound is way cool too. I'd love to meet those guys."

"That could be arranged," I said. "Perhaps I could fly you down there sometime." Taj nodded. "Always wanted to check out that town."

"Just a wild guess but I'd say you are gay," I said. He turned to face me. "Does that bother you?"

"No," I said, shaking my head. "I'm gay myself." Taj grinned. "That's cool. Dad has a few friends who are gay. Nicest people you ever want to meet. But for someone like me, getting into a relationship is a hard thing."

"Because you are a celebrity in a way of speaking. The world's media is always focused on you," I stated. Taj sighed. "Isn't that a fact. Seems every time I turn around there's a camera pointed at me. So irritating, you know?" I nodded. Just about every celebrity we've protected has complained about the media and the paparazzi following them. Nothing new there.

"I can believe it. We encounter the same trouble when we are escorting someone," I sighed. "Makes our job harder that it should be." We went into the huge living room area and I looked up at the clock. "Getting late. Want to turn in for the night?" He nodded. "Sure." He followed me up after I went around making sure everything was secure for the night. Taj stopped at his door and said goodnight. I could feel something from him, a wanting to be in someone's arms tonight. I wasn't in the habit of jumping into someone's bed very fast and tonight I wasn't really in the mood.

"You know where my room is if you need anything," I said. Taj nodded. "Thanks. See you in the morning." I watched him turn around and head into his room for the night. I headed into mine and hoped tomorrow would be a good day.

After breakfast and a workout for both of us, we headed into town. Taj was relieved that the girls he saw weren't trying to chase him.

"I guess Dad's efforts at trying to keep my life normal is working," he said as we walked into Brand's superstore. It was called a superstore for the simple reason was that it literally had everything you needed to get, from cheese strings to golf balls. Golf balls in a food store. Go figure. I got a cart and consulted my list.

"Just start at one end of the store and go to the other," Taj advised. "That's what Dad does." Sounded like a good idea so I did it. We started in the produce section, getting the usual greens and fruits. We try to eat healthy as much as we can when we aren't on the road. After the produce section, we moved on to the next department, picking up what we needed. One of the baggers showed up with an empty cart and took the full one up front and put it aside. The manager didn't blink at the size of our order anymore, knowing full well who we were and what we did. Taj looked up at me in surprise.

"They must know you guys fairly well around here," he commented. I grinned. "Yup. When we are at home and not working for a client, we go to school here and quite often participate in a number of activities here in town. Once in a while we perform a valuable service removing the criminal element from the good folks." Taj nodded. "That's very cool." As I reached for a needed item in the spices section, I had the funny feeling that something was about to happen. I straightened up and casually walked out of the aisle and looked around. A guy in a long trench coat and a watch cap had walked in. That set off the alarms in my head. If you see someone in a long overcoat walk into a place, you know he's about to pull a crime job with a shotgun. The man wandered into the produce section and he looked around like he was assessing the situation. The produce manager, an old man named Bert, walked up to him.

"Can I help you find your item?" he asked pleasantly. The man pushed him back as he brought up his shotgun, Bert immediately shifted, going for the avocado display and going down to the floor. The man fired, pulverizing the oranges into instant orange juice. I pulled my USP 9mm and told the guy to drop the shotgun. He opened fire on me and missed. Taj immediately dropped onto the floor. That set off mass panic inside the store. The produce section immediately cleared out fast. The man moved backwards as I stepped back into the safety of the shelves of creamed corn. He fired once more and the boxes of Captain Crunch disappeared and crunch berries showered me. Never did like the Captain.

"Taj, once I get around the corner, get into one of the check stands and say in it," I told him. He nodded and I moved around the shelf to see where he'd gone. He wasn't there. I went down the produce section and peeked around the backside of the shelf to see him casually strolling along. I saw a group of frightened women ahead of him. He was reloading his shotgun.

"Specials on bad guys, aisle four!" I yelled. He whipped around and I pulled back just as he fired, wasting the display of Elvis dishes. Looks like Elvis won't be getting his money from here. I brought up my USP and put the sights into the center of his mass and fired. He went down, the bullet hitting him right in the middle of his chest, knocking him down. I came around the corner keeping my gun trained on him and looked up to see the women had moved when I distracted him. That took my eyes off him and when I looked back, he was sitting up and bringing his shotgun up. Oh shit. I dived into the next aisle just as he fired, removing Mr. Clean from the end display. I like Mr. Clean. The dude is handsome in his own unique way. One thing became clear to me as I hustled down the aisle. He was wearing body armor. This would complicate things. I hate complicated things.

I watched the guy in the overhead mirror as he walked into the next aisle, screaming something about being a soldier of the new world order and that he was a messenger, sent to remove the unworthy. Okay, can we all say loony? He had to be stopped, and I was the one to do it. I looked to my left and saw Taj using the phone. Good, he was getting me backup. I peeked into the next aisle and saw that it was clear. I looked into the overhead mirrors and noticed he had disappeared. So not good. I moved to the next one and saw him doing a taste test on bottles of flavored ice tea, dropping the bottle on the floor if he didn't like it. Bad shopping manners. I moved into a shooter's position as he raised his shotgun. I fired first, putting a bullet into the left shoulder. He grabbed it and screamed out in pain.

"You unworthy!" he shouted. "You shall die first, infidel!" I really wish the bad guys would come up with something much more original. Their lines are so fucking old by now that most of them are drawing Medicare.

Before I gave him a chance to recover, I fired again. The fucker was ready and moved in the nick of time, avoiding my shot. Well fuck me. I'll have to try harder. He brought up his shotgun as he moved back, making me dive to the floor to avoid getting shot. He removed a row of those energy drinks, creating a neat rainfall of the stuff.

"Clean up on aisle ten!" he crowed. Bastard stole my line. I rolled backwards as he fired again and missed me by scant inches taking out half the end display of Oreo cookies. Not my favorite veg out in front of the TV food! Now this was fucking war! I rose up a little and fired twice, hitting asshole in the left shoulder again. Three for three. That really set him off. He raced after me as I hid in one of the check stands. He fired wildly, removing items around the check stands and decaffeinated a few of the computers. I popped up from number three.

"Price check on shotgun shells on number three!" I yelled, getting his attention. I dropped back down as he charged, shooting his shotgun wildly once more. He was using his right hand and supporting the shotgun with his left. He seemed to be handling the pain well. That told me either he was pumped up on something or somebody had trained him. After getting a look at his big eyes, I took the first option. He stopped at number two and slid in through the customer lane. He jumped as I popped up behind him in six. He turned and glared at me. I smiled and then tilted my head like I had heard a noise from somewhere.

"I hear bells," I commented. I had seen Penny the seafood manager and Taj slowly come up waving frying pans. I knew what was going to happen next.

"I hear nothing," he snarled, "except your dying screams." Both Penny and Taj timed their swings, the frying pans impaction the bad guy's head on each side right at the exact moment. His eyes crossed up and he went down to the floor. Taj leaned over the counter at one and smiled. "You do now!" I leaned back against the manager's podium feeling tired.

Mugs and his deputies were still grinning as they loaded asshole into the waiting ambulance. One of the deputies was sent after the ambulance. Mugs followed me to the cold beer case as I helped myself to one. I told him my view of things while someone else interviewed Taj.

"I thought we got rid of these nutcases after the Miko Hughes business," I said. Mugs sighed. "A new bunch took over the property that we cleared out after you guys went to South America. They have been causing trouble ever since. I'll choke this guy's neck to get every last detail I can."

"Let me know if you need help clearing them out. I'll call in some friends of ours to help," I said. "I'm sure they would relish the chance to kick ass." Mugs and I grinned, both of us knowing full well who I was referring to. It had been some time since I'd played with the Teams and always looked for every chance to do so.

"Come on kid," I sighed. "We gotta go."

"Go where?" Taj asked. I held up the list. "We still need stuff at the house," I said, making a face. People laughed as we walked out.

Back at the house after getting what was needed at another supermarket, we relaxed after getting everything put away.

"That was fun," Taj commented. "Let's see, Dear Dad, having a wonderful time. Played shoot 'em up at the local grocery store today." I looked over at him. "Don't think your Dad would love that."

"Hey, it was totally unexpected. Dude is responsible for his own actions, totally knew what he was doing," Taj said. I could not argue with that. It was true. The same thing could be said for all the bad guys I've decaffeinated during my time with the Teams. I know Dave would say the same.

"So what do we do now?" Taj asked.

"Rest and recuperate, starting with a good soak in the Jacuzzi," I said, getting up off the couch.

"Sounds good to me," Taj said as he followed me out to the indoor pool. I pointed to the bathhouse on the right of the pool, surrounded by leafy ferns and small bushes. "You can change into a pair of Speedos in there. Should be one in your size."

"Nah," he said, "I'll go natural." I turned around in surprise as he said that, watching him shed his clothes. He smiled as the expression on my face changed as I inspected him. Taj stood about five foot three, slim body, and a four-inch soft penis surrounded by brown colored pubic hair cut short and neatly trimmed.

"Like what you see?" he smiled.

"Yes, including your hair," I said. Taj grinned. "Thanks. A friend of mine turned me onto it when I first started growing them. He said if I kept the hair short and neatly trimmed I could use a condom without getting the hairs trapped in it. He was right."

"Something I learned a long time ago," I said, remembering Donnie, the drill instructor's son where I had taken basic training right out of high school. He was a sweet kid and he taught me so much. I wondered if he would still remember me. One of these days I have to look him up.

"You coming in?" Taj's voice broke into my thoughts. I looked over at the Jacuzzi in time to see him slide into it. I didn't hesitate to climb out of my own clothes as Taj wolf whistled. I grabbed a cold soda for him and a cold beer for me and joined him in it. We sat there for a time soaking up the hot water and feeling good. I hummed a moment or two as I wiggled my shoulders. Taj moved behind me and I felt his hands on my shoulders, starting to massage them.

"Feels good," I sighed.

"Good," Taj said. He kept working my shoulders for a few minutes as I sighed in pleasure.

"Is there a better place to do this?" Taj asked a moment later. I slid out of the Jacuzzi and he followed me over to the small shed. I opened it and a moment later had the massage table set up.

"Get on it," Taj said, and for the next half hour I enjoyed a great massage. He really knew how to do it right. I enjoyed every minute of it. When I slid off the table and turned to him, I saw something in his eyes.

"Would... you make love to me?" he asked. I took him by the hand and led him into the house up to my room.

I looked down at his sleeping face. He looked so relaxed, a faint smile on his lips. I thought back to the lovemaking we did last night. He had been a joy to please. I took the time to explore his body, giving him pleasure like he'd never felt before. He was gay, but the only pleasure he'd known was his hands. He told me he'd lie on his bed and touch himself for hours, working himself up to a good jack off. So I did just that, and added a few more things to the list of his firsts. His first kiss sent him over the moon. It didn't take long for him to get the hang of kissing. His lips were soft and the right size for kissing. My hands wandered over his slender body as I taught him French kissing. He was a fast learner. I skillfully played his erogenous zones just right, teaching him about erotic touch. I taught him the best way to touch, caress, and fondle the cock and balls. He nearly went out of his mind. I showed him the joy of cocksucking, tasting his boyhood deep in my mouth. He discovered the joys of orgasms. I tasted his essence, sucking it out of his balls, through his cock, and into my mouth. The he surrendered himself to me, my cock going deep inside of him, showing him how sweet lovemaking is, was, and should be. He writhed, moaned, thrashed, whimpered, and enjoyed his first time having a cock deep inside of me. Once he rested, he returned the favor to me.

Taj demonstrated how well he learned the techniques that I taught him. His mouth on my manly nipples was hot. Feeling his tongue move across my nipples excited me. Feeling his hands and fingers explore my body turned me on. Feeling his mouth engulf my cock was bliss. His tongue exploring my gate nearly made me cum. I moaned with pleasure as his young cock sank into a man for the first time. His intercourse technique would get better over time, but having his young cock inside of me for the first time thrilled me. There is nothing more exciting than having a boy sink his young cock into me for his very first time. I sincerely hoped he would remember this day well into his golden years. Finally he lay down beside me, the glow from his face brightening the room. I knew without a doubt he was happy. We would talk in the morning.

We did, and I added more to his knowledge of the joys of male love by showing him the book The Joys of Gay Sex. Unfortunately it is now long out of print and the only way to find it is to see if anyone has old copies for sale through or a similar website. He was fascinated by the descriptions and the artistic drawings. We read it together over the span of the day and I answered many of his questions, even about bdsm. I took him down to the playroom and let him look around. He was fascinated by some of the things but a little nervous by others.

"That's okay," I said, "it's not for everyone. Some people set limits as to how far they want to go, and others want to experience it all." For his first experience in bondage, I put wrist and ankle cuffs on him with a short chain between his ankle cuffs and used a double snap to hold his hands in front of him. I slipped a black leather collar around his necks and led him around the house on a black leather leash for a few hours. He got comfortable with that and then I took him back down to the playroom and set him up on an adjustable "I" frame, his hands spread out over his head and his feet spread out on the floor. I set the movable beam to make him stick his ass out a little, allowing me to lubricate and stretch him out for a fucking. He moaned out loud as I inserted my cock into his newly fucked ass and rode him to a great orgasm, me inside his ass and Taj into the bowl in front of his contained cock. We switched places and Taj rode my ass again, really enjoying it. He even put the leather cuffs on me and led me around the house for the rest of the day. Of course I took him to my bed that night and we enjoyed some more male loving. I know he learned the difference between sex in the playroom and making love in the bedroom. I know I had when I was a thirteen-year-old catamite to my twenty something neighbor down the street. Maybe someday I'll tell that tale.

Taj stayed a full week with me. We did hang out by the pool a lot, getting tanned and doing a lot of swimming. Most nights we were either in my bed or his bed making love to each other. One night I played master and took him through the playroom and he enjoyed the experience. I had a good time putting him through some of the mild scenes in the room. For Taj it was a very positive experience. I wanted it to be so I had planned on doing some of the mild scenes on him and it worked out very well, the only sore spot was that one of the vibrators chose to up and die on me in the middle of a climax he was experiencing. I changed the batteries and started the scene all over again and he really enjoyed a second orgasm, this one a lot stronger that the first one. Naturally the scene included me riding his ass. That he enjoyed more than the other stuff.

The last night he was with me we stayed in my room, making love to each other slow and easy, taking the time to really enjoy the pleasure. He was lying on top of my torso, his torso against mine as he rocked back and forth, our cocks trapped between each other. His eyes were closed and he was moaning in passion. I felt him shiver knowing he just went. That thought made me cum too. He backed off and lay next to me, running his fingers through the puddles of sperm on my tummy, mixing his boy sperm with my man sperm. After a few minutes I got up and took him b the hand and led him to the tub in my private bath. We got into it after having drawn the bath and slowly washed each other tenderly like lovers do. We sat there for a bit discussing a number of things until the water got cold. Then it was back to bed and sleep. What ever it was that was troubling him I hope got settled. Taj is only twelve and really to young to worry about things that are going on in the world and particularly his world. He didn't come out and actually say it, but I think he was dreading his Dad's reaction to his being gay. I told him if he really loves you he'll accept you for who and what you are. That seemed to settle his fears for the moment. He decided to let things happen as they will and deal with what comes. I told him that was a very mature decision. Hearing that from me seemed to have settled something in his mind and he relaxed.

We flew out of Logan's mountain in the Cessna at nine the next morning, heading for Los Angeles. I planned on leaving him with his Dad and the LA cops and then sneaking back into the closed set disguised as a set construction guy. I had the feeling the stalker would show up there. I had learned long ago never to ignore my instincts. I kept the plan to myself not telling Taj about it. I had a couple of ideas as to who the stalker might be but didn't want to reveal my suspicions to Taj. We landed at Van Nuys airport around eleven late morning and was met by a limo. I studied the driver and didn't get anything funny from him. We piled in and it was off to the CBS studios where the band was. Some kind of recording session for a TV special to be aired later in the year. The limo pulled into the studio parking next to the sound stage where the band was. While Taj was enjoying a reunion with his Dad I took the opportunity to look around. No matter how good security claims they are, they always screw up someplace. The AV (area of vulnerability) was at a side door where a guard was supposed to be checking picture id's of everyone coming in. He was simply waving them through. This was going to be easier than I thought. After talking to Steven Tyler, I shook his hand and went off in the limo. I had the driver let me out at another sound stage nearby and he rolled on. Now it was time to put my plan into effect. I quickly acquired (stole the stuff actually) a tool belt, hardhat, an id that identified me as a temporary, and a pair of wrap around Gargoyle shooting glasses. Now it was time to get to work. I knew I could pull this off, having done my share of construction before. I sauntered in through the door and got waved through (asshole got an F for failing to do his job properly from me) and disappeared inside the place. From my spot I could see everything and everybody with the help of a small pair of binoculars. Then I spotted my suspect leaning against the far wall intently staring at Taj. Oh yes, he definitely was the one. I headed down to ground floor, carrying a length of rope, head down slightly so nobody would think twice about asking me who I was, and kept my fingers crossed. I saw Taj walk off towards the restrooms, the tango suddenly moving with him. I watched from behind a stack of pallets as the tango looked around before slipping inside the restrooms. I dropped the rope, tool belt, and the hardhat and jogged into the bathrooms. I stopped by the door and pulled my USP and nudged the door open. The tango had Taj pressed up against the wall, trying to turn him around facing the wall while trying to yank his pants down. I slipped up behind him and pressed the USP 9mm against his left temple.

"Hi. If you don't let go you will die in five seconds," I whispered into the man's ear as I pulled the hammer back. If you don't think the sound of a weapon's action being slowly engaged isn't that loud, I suggest you go into a room by yourself, hold the gun of choice up to your ear (empty of course. Do you really think I'm fucking stupid to try it loaded??), and slowly work the action of pull the hammer back. Real fucking loud, hey? Apparently tango thought so and he let go of Taj instantly. Taj drew a breath and let out one hell of a yell that hurt my ears and Mr. Tango's ears as well. I winced and kept gun and my attention on the tango. Tango stuck his fingers in his ears as Taj ran out yelling his head off. Talk about getting attention, the bathroom filled up with security and LAPD in seconds.

"Hi guys, this here is Mr. Tango, the dude who has been chasing Taj Tyler. Mr. Tango, say hello to the nice cops," I said cheerfully as Taj and Steven Tyler made an appearance in the bathroom.

"Danny!" Taj yelled. "I thought you left!"

"And miss a golden opportunity to hear your Dad work the vocal scales in his unique way? Not a chance," I said as the crowd laughed. "Oh Mr. Tango, this here is Steven Tyler. He's Taj's Daddy. I do believe he wants to say something to you." I backed off keeping tango in my sights as two cops removed handcuffs from their belts. Steven smiled nicely. "Sure I'd like to say something." He grabbed tango by the ponytail and rammed his face into the wall a few times. "That completes the conversation." The cops cuffed the dude and dragged him off. The studio heads showed up along with the head of security and I expressed a few choice words about the officer at the door. Said officer was speedily escorted out the nearest gate and relieved of his job. Tango taken out, Taj protected, and security fixed. Mission accomplished.

In the penthouse suite of the Hollywood Marriot, I enjoyed my first cold one of the day as Steven came back from the bedroom where Taj was.

"He's asleep. Been a long day for him. Stressful one too. I just can't say it enough, thanks so much for coming back," Steven said.

"Just a feeling I had," I said. "I trust my feelings when they are trying to say something to me." Steven nodded. "Glad you listened to that little voice." I nodded. "So am I." Steven reached for a Budweiser as I finished off a bottle of Corona. I reached into the wet bar refrigerator and came up with Heineken this time. I grinned.

"Ever had this on tap an hour old out of the cold tank at the brewery in Holland?" I asked Steven. "Talk about going down so fine and smooth." Steven chuckled. "Could say the same for Bud." We sat there for a few minutes before Steven spoke up. "Taj seems different. What happened out there?" I looked up. "I think that should be between you and him. I can't betray his confidence." Steven nodded. "I'll talk to him first chance I get. You'll hang around for a few days, can you?"

"Sure. Like I told Taj earlier, Can't pass up an opportunity to hear you work those vocal ranges in your unique manner," I grinned. Steven laughed out loud. "Dude, you're too cool."

"I try," I smiled. He shook his head as he headed off to his own bedroom for the night. I sat there for a bit longer as I worked on the bottle I had in my hand. I hoped I had been a positive influence on Taj. Only time would tell and I hoped that he would have a strong relationship with his Dad, something I never had with my folks. I sighed and headed off to bed myself.

I sat at the counter the next morning, sipping fresh coffee as Steven stumbled into the kitchen, followed by Taj. I decided now was a good time for me to leave them alone for a bit so I headed back into the bedroom I had and shaved, showered, and dressed for the day. I cracked the door and I could hear their voices in the kitchen but not what they were saying so I closed the door and turned to the ops laptop Shiro had assigned me and started writing and after action report. I finished that when my cell rang. The display read Lt. Roadey.

"Bad guys disposal service," I said. Laughter came back at me. "LAPD, we cuff 'em and stuff 'em."

"Hey Don, what's the word on Mr. Happy?" I asked.

"Mr. Happy is what I am this morning. You bagged a major due yesterday. We crashed his place with a warrant this morning two hours ago. This dude was hired to pinch the kid and cart him off to Mexico to be packaged for the slave market in South America," Roadey said. That chilled me to the marrow. "Did he say who the buyers were?"

"Somebody nasty that goes by the name Weston," Roadey said. "No other details and he didn't elaborate." Anderson, Benjy, the Jorgensons, and one master in England were about to get emails from me with pictures attached.

"Oh shit," I said.

"Not in my coffee boy," came the quick response. I snorted. "Fine. Any evidence in his place?"

"A ton of it. Dude kept very detailed records in his laptop, including some very not so legal pictures as well. He'll turn very grey in the slam," Roadey said.

"Thanks pal. Owe ya," I said.

"Fuck you very much," he said and hung up. I leaned back, my mind working on this new wrinkle. I retrieved my digital I had the foresight to have with me yesterday to photographed the nasty boy and downloaded the pics into my laptop and sent out the emails promptly. I was sure I'd hear from Anderson and the kindly old gent master Bert very soon. I was suddenly aware of a lack of noise in the place and pulled my USP 9mm and went looking. I found Steven and Taj in the kitchen staring deep into their respective coffee cups.

"They need to be empty in order to read your future," I said. "I can't read coffee grinds and Harry Potter isn't available at the moment." Steven cracked up at that. "You're quick on the quips."

"Dave Logan was a good teacher. He's a natural at it," I said.

"Goblet of Fire comes out November 18th," Taj said. I smiled. "I know. Can't wait to see it." Steven nodded and sighed. I took that to be a sign of some sort.

"Dad and I just had a conversation," Taj said quietly. I nodded. "I see."

"I think it went well," Steven said. Taj smiled. "I agree." Now I had to smile. "A lot of what I said I based on my own personal experience. I can't predict what's going to happen in your futures, but I do hope that both of you can find the time and space to talk about issues that are on your respective plates." Steven turned to me and shook my hand as Taj stood up and walked around to my side of the table and hugged me tight.

"Time waits for nobody. We gotta get," Steven said.

In the middle of the show disaster struck. Steven was having trouble with his throat. I watched concerned as Taj and the band's manager looked on as the doctor tried to find out what was going on. Steven was writing notes to Taj and I saw one that said Taj was to go on in his place.

"I know the songs," Taj said as the doctor led Steven away. The guys nodded and helped Taj get set up with the electronics he needed as he changed shirts, pulling on a short sleeved button up. He left the top two undone. He went out there as Areosmith was introduced. He did the first two with no problem. Steven reappeared next to me.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Had a bunch of junk sitting in the middle of my throat," Steven said. "They got it out." I nodded as I turned back to the stage. Taj stepped forward and the crowd paid attention. He signaled the band to wait a moment.

"Hi. Hope all of you are having a good time tonight," he started. "This next song my Dad wrote for a movie and when I heard it for the first time it got to me in a way that I never thought a song could. One of the lines goes don't want to close my eyes, cause I don't want to miss a thing. Well, that line hit home to me last night as my Dad and I had a conversation about us being father and son. I think being Steven Tyler's son is pretty cool, but it goes way beyond that. I enjoy the strong relationship we have together and it means so much to me. To borrow Dad's line, I don't want to close my eyes, cause I don't want to miss a thing that happens between us. This song is for my Dad," Taj said. I saw Steven's eyes mist over, and some of the people were wiping their eyes as well. Taj put a lot of emotion into the song and just before it ended, Steven broke and headed out to the stage. Taj turned to see him coming and both of them grabbed each other in a powerful hug. There was total silence as the backlights faded, leaving father and son in just the spotlight. Then someone started to clap and before long the theatre was exploding with the sound of applause and cheers. I think Taj made a real impact that night with what he said about his Dad and sharing his emotions in the song. Some one years later asked Taj what the best moment of his life was and he would tell them about this night. I don't think there could have been a better tribute to a Dad.

I decided this would be a good time for me to slip away and leave them together, but fate had other plans. The band's manager informed Steven he was needed in San Francisco for a benefit. Steven was very unhappy about it. He discussed it with the band and the decision was made to go and do it. I noticed Steven and Taj talking in the kitchen later that night about something. Steven approached me.

"Taj and I came up with a plan," he said.

"And that is..." I said.

"You stay with Taj tonight and tomorrow night. Then the both of us goes home to Boston and I clear my calendar of everything for a while," Steven said. I smiled. "Works for me."

Steven left late morning and Taj closed the door behind him. The plan had been rearranged once more when Mac called me out of the blue. Turned out he was leaving for a week and offered me his bungalow. Naturally I jumped on it. Steven got the number to my cell before he left and Taj and I checked out an hour later. The next forty-eight hours was ours. Taj got completely undressed once we had settled in and went out to the backyard and settled onto a lounger with a cold soda and his ipod. I got into the Jacuzzi with a beer and a cigar (a Don Tomas Maduro) and relaxed. I glanced over at Taj every now and then, gazing at his bare backside, my fantasies going wild. I knew tonight in bed would be fun for the both of us. I leaned back and sighed.

I was right. Taj was insatiable in bed. He worked me over, taking the time to give me a lot of pleasure. It felt good to have a boy nuzzle at my nipples while stroking my cock with his hand. Before I knew it he was sitting on my cock. I could feel it sliding up into his ass. All I could do was moan in pleasure as my big cock opened his ass up and accept it deep inside of him. He settled down on top of me once he'd taken me deep inside. He started moving up and down on me, my cock moving in and out of me at each bounce. I could feel something happening deep inside of me and I knew I was about to cum deep inside of Taj. I moaned out loud as I did cum. I felt my load rush through my cock and deep into his tight ass.

"Oh yes... feels so good," I moaned.

"This feels so good," Taj whispered softly as I finished my orgasm. "Wish I could keep you there forever." He slipped off me and lay next to me as I wiped him clean. I took him into my arms and hugged him close as I began to pleasure his body. He writhed underneath me as I sucked his nipples. He moaned out loud as I tweaked his nipples. Taj sighed as his hard six inches slid deep into me.

"Going to make love to you," he sighed. I felt his cock moving in and out of me. I can tell you for sure he felt good deep inside of me. I wanted him to enjoy his pleasure. He did, releasing deep inside of me. We relaxed and eventually went to sleep.

The next day we made love anywhere the mood struck us. Sometimes it was slow and lazy, sometimes very intense. But we enjoyed it and had a good time doing it. Somehow I knew that Steven knew about us. I hoped he wasn't mad. I didn't want the man angry with me. Taj assured me that wouldn't be a problem.

"Just be cool and you'll be just fine," he said. I took his advice and just relax. He helped by sucking my cock and balls and getting me to shoot off a few times more, in my mouth and in my ass. I did everything I could to please him.

"That was nice," he said a while later as we lay in bed, looking up through the skylight into the night sky full of stars.

"I enjoyed it," I said. Taj looked up through the skylight into the night sky. "I hope I get lucky and find the right boyfriend someday."

"Don't be in a hurry to," I said. Take your time and the right guy will find you." Taj grinned. "I will." I turned to him and started caressing his body once more as he sighed in pleasure.

Taj and his Dad left Thursday morning. I sat in the living room of Mac's bungalow and thought about my life. I counted myself pretty lucky to have it good. I just wished there was something we could do to help other gay kids but Peckertown was doing a much better job than anything we've ever found. I stood up and packed my own bags and headed for the airport. Time for me to head home. As I headed up into the blue morning sky, I wished Taj and his Dad well. I was sure they would encounter a few bumps in the road during their life's journey and I hoped they would make it over each one just fine. My thoughts turned to my own boy Jesus. Suddenly I couldn't wait to get back home.

************************************************************************ Next time: Dylan and Cole Sprouse from "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" guest stars.

Next: Chapter 32

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