Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Jul 17, 2004




On returning to the station Sandy and Brad, unsurprisingly, had little energy to focus on sexual activities, so they completed their duties for the day. At first they checked with the relief coastguard but all was quiet so the blonde left to finish his domestic chores before preparing their evening meal. Brad received instruction from the relief, who finished at six p.m., on the methods of communication should the need arise but he was largely relying on Sandy's expertise in that area as he had no intention of letting the blonde go anywhere until his father had arrived in the morning.

Brad took a route to the bedroom avoiding Sandy who was now at work in the kitchen. Picking up what he now considered appropriate for the teen, he hurried to the kitchen where after significant persuasion Sandy slipped on the salmon pink swimbriefs although until the relief had left, he was allowed to wear a long white basketball singlet which covered the briefs. Brad received sarcastic comments from the blonde which he followed by suggesting a relevant number be stitched to the vest or the statement that he loved his brother scrawled on its back.

As Brad left for the sitting room all Sandy could muster as a repost was that at least his number mentioned was not an exaggeration but he would not admit that the statement about his brother was true.

As Sandy placed food on the table, he was expecting domestic or servitude comments from Brad but the college boy did not even turn his head as the blonde completed the task. In fact Brad was staring at a wall photograph and, also, as he was gaping Sandy moved to stand by him- but even a sensual smoothing on, then under the shiny red shorts, failed to stir his companion. After few minutes, Brad pointed at a ginger-haired teen in the photograph who, dressed in baseball kit, was leaning into Sandy. With what was a significant lump in his throat, Brad asked the name of the teen. Normally, for a moment of humour, Sandy would have proffered his own name but as Brad was deadly serious and showing beads of perspiration on his brow, the blonde just mentioned that it was Dan, his best mate. It took a few moments for the meal to begin and essentially the change in Brad could hardly have been greater for although he ate heartily- sex creates an awesome appetite- and he complimented the teen on the meal, that was essentially the sum of their conversation.

Brad collected the dishes and went to the kitchen glancing at the photograph as he left; interested in the change in the college boy's demeanour, Sandy strolled outside and sat at the end of the jetty letting his feet embrace the cool water. It was his intention to ask about Brad's interest in the photo, once he had finished in the kitchen for he knew he would bring out the drinks that always followed a meal.

Twenty minutes later, the relief departed leaving Sandy and Brad alone at the station-a few moments after the guy's car sped down the road, the college boy, now dressed in yellow swimbriefs, carried two drinks over to where the blonde sat. Following instructions Sandy moved to the stepped part of the jetty- Brad sat on the top step and after Sandy happily removed his pink garment snuggled into Brad by sitting on a lower step. After taking a long gulp from his cup, Brad wound his arms around the blonde's neck before sliding his hands under the singlet to stroke Sandy's nipples. Then, leaning forward to rest his chin Sandy's shoulder, he slowly pulled up the singlet to expose the blonde's rock hard cock. Readying- and now willing- for another sex session Sandy was surprised when Brad quietly announced that he needed to have a mainly serious talk.

Brad asked the blonde to remain quiet until he had finished for there was much for him to say. He began explaining that his father had been giving extra lessons at Bud's school- stating that they were coastguard related- but that in the course of events he light-heartedly mentioned keeping boys naked until they were thirteen and jokingly stating that any boys who wanted to try were more than welcome to let him know and he would see what he could do for them. He was amazed when separately four suitable boys asked if they could serve him. Bud was not only the first to see him but was dad's first choice. Anyhow, then his father devised a plan in which he paid the original replacement coastguard money to feign illness so that he could take his place but he knew that Bud had an older brother who might be interested as well.

Brad had been chosen to keep the brother occupied whilst Bud was taken in hand. So the ploy was set up but now there were three problems.

Firstly, he no longer wanted to dupe Sandy- not because in normal circumstances it would not have worked and that everybody would have had a good time- but that he had taken to the blonde and he was no longer going to fool him. Secondly, there was a problem with Dan- he promised that he had absolutely no idea that Gingernuts lived hear (at this point Sandy guffawed loudly) but they had met last summer and it had been attraction at first sight for both of them -- and now there was no way he was going to lose him again- even though he truly did appreciated blonde boys. If Sandy felt hurt he would understand and back off from Dan but he added that his final reason might compensate. - in his father's dealings with his brother, there was no way he could get Bud to co-operate other than in the enjoyment of seeing him being naked -- even when Bud was erect, and he understood this to be very frequent, his brother would not play ball. The reason for this was Bud's insistence on giving himself to only one person. That person was his elder brother but his father had added that the brother had seemed uninterested in his younger brother or so it appeared to the boy.

Finally, Brad added that the opportunity for Sandy's conquest of his brother was now there so all he had to do was take it with open arms -- but that if he could forgive him (please) -- and Sandy noted that Brad openly pleaded -- could he help him find Dan.

Brad endured a few moments of silence as Sandy composed himself- he was unsurprised by most of the college boy's conversation but the passage referring to his brother had nearly made him climax.

The blonde explained that he had realised very early that there was a plan generating events but now Brad had filled in the finer points. Sandy was aware of the collusion at The Lodge and after that he had surmised a great deal. However, he was quite happy to play along with it all and, yes, he did feel for Brad too, but the revelation regarding Bud means that his brother just has to be number one. Brad's liaison with Gingernuts- spoken slowly and with a good deal of humour- had been a surprise but he added that he did recall that Dan was signifcantly more open when he had returned from last year's sports camp.

Unknown to Sandy, Brad was grinning whilst the blonde finally added that Gingernuts and he had been firming up their skills for the last four years and that if he intended to take over that duty then if Dan was treated badly then Brad would regret the day he was born.

Brad turned his head to kiss Sandy who relished the contact. It was unnecessary to add further comments to their conversation so Sandy nestled into Brad as they finished their cold drinks. Before Brad stood ,however, he promised Sandy that he should have no worries regarding his intended relationship with Dan- there was no way he would never hurt him for, if Dan was in agreement, they would, as far as he knew, always be together. The passion with which he had mentioned his best friend had on every occasion made him realise that Brad's intentions were genuine but as he sat encompassed by the college boy's strong arms it was very reassuring to hear it spoken.

Brad stood. He asked Sandy if he could contact Dan as a matter of urgency but the blonde knew that, at present, Gingernuts would be at practice- so he suggested that he telephone in the morning- unless Brad felt he would have nothing to do before and in bed. Grinning at first as Sandy smirked back, Brad asked if he could at least now swim with the dolphins as they were returning to the harbour. Before returning with the cups, Brad told Sandy to remove the singlet but replace the swimbriefs- Sandy did this happily feeling now content in Brad's company and more than willing to follow his orders.

During an early part of the swim Sandy lost his swimbriefs to Brad's insistence that blonde's are better off naked and Sandy remained naked for the rest of the evening. Prior to bed they sat entwined at the end of the jetty, enjoying a nightcap, as the naked blonde also pointed out Bud's dolphin. In fading late evening twilight a happy and naked Sandy checked at the station for any reports then after setting the emergency night bell he made his way to the bedroom. Here a now expectant Brad ushered the blonde into bed and ensuring that Sandy lay with legs wide apart the blonde received a most welcome forceful fuck. As he climaxed Brad murmured a now recognisable name whilst focusing at a framed photograph of two teens in white baseball gear he had positioned over the bed.

Sandy woke early and snuggled up to Brad for another thirty minutes although the college boy was awake for most of this time- with conversation restricted to single words it was all Sandy could do to prevent an early morning climax. However willing he would have been to surrender more of his cum, he intended saving several emissions during the day for his brother.

Over breakfast there was time for discussion which centred mainly on Brad's fervent wish that Sandy finish eating so he could telephone Dan -- with the blonde perpetuating the idea that as he was a growing boy he needed several extra pieces of toast- but finally having enjoyed Brad's increasing restlessness, he relented and rang his friend.

Unfortunately, Dan was delivering the papers so Sandy left a message with his mother to ensure he remained at home for the morning. The idea of motoring down to see Dan appealed to Brad and so after sending Sandy to put on some clothes, he washed the breakfast dishes before meeting a normally dressed blonde in the station building.

With only ten minutes before his father and Bud arrived, Brad dressed in white basketball kit being very happy at the prospects for the morning.

As the ranger's car drew near Sandy was both excited and perturbed concerning his impending opportunity with Bud for, over breakfast, Brad remembered to tell him that his brother was not party to any of the previously explained plan; so, Bud was unaware being watched, unaware that Sandy really admired his brother's erection, unaware that his brother wanted him and, of course, totally unaware that Sandy knew that Bud was only interested in him.

Ranger Nash stopped the car and once the occupants climbed out he asked Sandy if there had been any problems overnight. Satisfied at the reply he ordered Bud to take his own belongings to his bedroom then finally welcomed his eldest son who quickly informed him that he was out for the morning. Brad drove way and his father told Sandy to tell the relief cadet to come to the station when he arrived-then Ranger Nash walked to his work place.

Sandy unsure of why Bud was taking so long in the house ambled to the jetty steps and as he leant on the wooden rail he heard the crunching of gravel. He turned to see Bud hurry towards him bereft of the cut-offs and whities in which he had arrived but wearing a bright pink swimbrief which Sandy knew Brad must have left on his brother's bed. Sandy dropped to sit on the jetty steps with Bud quickly joining him ensuring that the effort with which he closed in on his elder brother led to Bud being pulled firmly into his brother's arms. With the boy pressed into his hard chest, he was happy to hear from Bud's lips that he had really been missed- the resultant kiss to his brother's forehead caused Bud to become tearful but a few words aimed at reassuring his brother of his intentions towards him caused Bud to request a proper kiss which Sandy found only the sweeter as his brother's attempt was somewhat hurried. Then, Bud climbed onto Sandy's lap and he was kept firmly clasped against the teen's body as the morning progressed.

Next: Chapter 4

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